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A Walk In The Wilderness

Page 24

by Nancy Hopper

  “David!” Grace seethed from the doorway. Her hand was on her throat, and her eyes were bigger than saucers.

  “What, Mother? Are you going to stand there and watch?” he challenged with fire in his eyes.

  “David!” she gasped again, in outrage.

  Caitlin lay under David’s warm weight and wished. Oh, how she wished that Grace would close the door and that David would … could … just carry the thing on to its natural end. She sighed, and closed her eyes.

  David couldn’t go on with it. He laughed so hard that when he rolled away from Caitlin, he had to wipe away tears. Caitlin sat up, and put her hand over her mouth to hide her smile. She bowed her head so that she wouldn’t have to look at Grace.

  “I’ve always wanted to do that to you, Mother.” David admitted between gasps of laughter.

  “What, David?” Grace asked, breathing a bit easier.

  “Shock you. You deserve it, you know, for all of your scheming to get me to fall into temptation with this intoxicating vixen.”

  Grace looked at Caitlin with greater shock in her eyes. “Well, David. Really, I … I can’t understand you. How can you behave so rudely toward Caitlin? You’ve always been her champion. I know that you’re fond of her, so … how can you behave so badly?” she gasped.

  David was still laughing. “Yes, I’ve been her champion for a long time. I’ll continue to be, so relax.” he said softly.

  Grace looked at Caitlin, who was laughing despite her deepest wish not to.

  “Then, you must apologize to the lady. You know that you have no right to talk with such liberty about her. And in my presence, too. David!” she objected heatedly.

  “I can’t be sorry, mother. Cait knows it. Now, you listen to me. Caitlin and I have reached an agreement, and unless you want me to dishonor the family name, you’d better learn how to behave yourself, too. There is to be no more leather. No more suggestions, no more cleavage and no more temptation until I come home from Ireland. Is that understood?”

  Grace still didn’t know what to think.

  “If you two won’t behave as ladies should, I’m afraid I can’t be responsible for my actions.” he advised them sweetly.

  Grace looked at Caitlin. Cait smiled at Grace with a blush, shyly. “I did promise David that I’d be very modest from now on.” she admitted.

  Grace looked at her son. There was something different about Caitlin. She wasn’t upset by any of this. “David, tell me what’s going on.” she asked softly.

  David smiled, more kindly. “Mother, you win. I’ll marry the girl of your choice; but you’re going to have to be ready in a month’s time. I’ll give you one day when I come home from Ireland, and then you’d better have a parson here with a license. Because I’m not waiting any longer than that, to get this woman in my bed.” he threatened smoothly.

  Grace’s eyes bulged more than ever. She looked at Caitlin to see her reaction. Cait was laughing, embarrassed, but pleased despite herself.

  “David! You finally proposed.” she sighed in relief. “Praise God, I thought you’d never get around to it. And you fiend, you’ll get your reward for frightening me so!”

  David did not look repentant. “You had it coming.” he insisted.

  He looked at Caitlin with a teasing smile. “You’d better get off my bed and get ready for a walk, or I might change my mind.”

  She got up in a hurry, and went to her own room without delay.

  David came for her in a few moments. She smiled as they went outside.

  “Would you rather walk, or ride?” he asked lightly.

  “If we walk, we can hold hands.” she hinted softly. “Besides, you came home to rest.”

  David gave her a chastising look, and turned her to face him with firm hands. “You see, now. That’s where you’re wrong. I came home to be with you.” He corrected quietly.

  She blushed, and smiled.

  He laughed, and took her hand. “It's going to be a long four weeks in Ireland.” he predicted. “Thank God, it's the last four weeks without you. I'm so glad that you love me too, Caitie. I don't know what I'd have done, if I'd discovered I was wrong about it.” he admitted.

  “I was so terrified, yesterday.” she agreed. “I knew you were going to find out how I felt about you; then suddenly, I thought, 'so be it'. I was willing to let you know, and just take my chances. Still, I can't imagine how terrible it would have been, if you hadn't loved me, too.”

  David stopped walking, and just looked at her for a moment. Staring up into his eyes, she saw feelings that made her heart lurch. He looked down at her with ragged desire. He pulled her into his arms, and kissed her. Caitlin’s knees buckled and she went limp in his arms as he tasted her, and took her. He went on, and on.

  She was undone. There had never been a kiss like this. Never. No one. She was helpless in his arms. Her body was wishing he’d just drop her in the field, and make her all his. She loved David. She wanted him, so much. She was dying for him.

  Finally, he stopped, and looked down at her with uncertainty and a bit of humor. “Oh, boy.” He said in a husky voice.

  In answer, Caitlin lifted a hand to his cheek. Her palm cupped his face and her fingers stroked his skin gently. “David.” She whispered with a shy smile. “Give me more.”

  David closed his eyes and chuckled. “Oh, God.” he said expressively. “Caitlin, I wouldn’t dare. I have more to give you right now than I could ever justify. Have mercy on me, dear.” He said quietly. “Long ago, I gave my entire life to Jesus. I’m not my own man.” He gave her a genuine, sad smile.

  “I have to be very careful. People watch what I do, and the press jumps on every little thing. It’s not that I care so much what they say about me, but I care what they say about Him. And so I can’t just do what I want to.”

  He put an arm around her shoulders, and hazarded a question that he wasn’t sure how she’d answer. “Caitlin, while I’m away, will you pray for me?”

  “Of course. If you think it will help you.”

  David’s eyes darkened, and he took her hands. “Thank you. Cait, just talk to Jesus, will you? I know it will be instrumental for me.”

  “All right, then I’ll give it my very best.” She promised. She could see from his expression that her answer had pleased him a great deal.

  “Then I have one more favor to ask you.” He said, stopping and turning her to face him. “Will you let me pray for you before I go?”

  She nodded shyly, but eagerly.

  He closed his eyes and held her hands while he prayed silently and waited for the Holy Spirit. He wanted to do no part of this in his own power. He felt peace settle on him, and he smiled.

  “Father. Thank you for bringing Caitlin into my life. Thank you for all that you’ve done, bringing her safely here where she can remain hidden and be an encouragement to Mother.”

  “Lord, I ask you to keep her safe and hidden here in my absence. I ask your angels to keep watch over her in the days ahead. Continue to keep her safe in Your hands, Father, out of harm’s way. She is altogether precious, Lord.”

  “I asked you, Lord, for her soul. You saved her. Now I ask you to reveal yourself to her. Reveal Jesus to her heart. Become a living friend to her. Reveal your presence, and your glory to her.”

  “Complete the work that you have already begun in her life, Lord. Cause her to be open and sensitive to your voice and your touch. Bless her, Lord. Bless her life, and draw her to yourself.”

  “Give her direction, help her begin to see and understand your plan for her life. Give her revelation and let her prayers always come before your throne, and into your heart.”

  “Cover her in the Blood of the Lamb, Lord. Bless her and cleanse her. You have redeemed her to yourself. Help her understand all that this means. Touch her, Lord. I ask you to touch her heart.”

  Caitlin suddenly felt very odd. There was a light-headed feeling, yet a heaviness or weight upon her. A lethargy, yet an excitement. An intoxicating sense of fullnes
s and peace.

  “There it is. Thank you, Lord. Wrap her in yourself. Permeate, saturate her with your presence, and do not lift it, I pray. Thank you.”

  Caitlin swayed and David gently enveloped her in his arms.

  “Oh.” She said in reaction. The feelings intensified when David held her close to him. She felt deep love. Peace. Acceptance. Happiness.

  “What are you feeling, Caitlin?” David asked her gently.

  She laughed, feeling almost hysterical with excitement. “I don’t know.” She admitted breathlessly. “I feel … everything.”

  He chuckled with her. “Do you like it?” he asked softly.

  “Oh, yes.” she admitted immediately. “It feels wonderful.”

  “What you are feeling is just a taste, Caitlin. You can have Him all the time, if you want Him. All you have to do is make a decision that you want Him this way all the time in your heart. And, in your consciousness, as well.”

  She drew a deep breath. What she was feeling was phenomenal! It wouldn’t be hard to lead a Christian life, if she could feel this way all of the time. Something warned her that it wouldn’t be all of the time, but it was that way now, and she wanted more.

  “I will, David.” She answered quietly.

  David closed his eyes and said a prayer of grateful thanks. “That is wonderful.” he said quietly. “Fill her with your Holy Spirit, Lord. Thank you.”

  Caitlin felt an incredible, indescribable joy fill her. There was power coursing through her being like nothing she had ever experienced before. It was raw power, with love and joy. She caught her breath and gasped as it took hold of her and suffused her. It was somehow fierce in its intensity.

  David put his hand lightly on the crown of her head and then she was simply spinning. Her head was reeling. The ecstasy of what she felt was too deep, too rich to conceive of. It was simply incredible. It was like a well-spring of life.

  She didn’t even feel herself falling, but David was ready. He laid her down gently in the meadow grass as the power swept over and through her. He sat beside her praying vigilantly as the Holy Spirit did His work inside her heart.

  Some time later, Caitlin looked up at David and touched his arm. He opened his eyes and smiled down at her. “Hullo, look at this.” He teased. “She’s back.”

  “David, what happened? Am I all right?”

  “You are, indeed. And believe me, Caitlin. Your prayers are effective; and I want you to pray every day. Pray for me, pray for yourself, pray for Mum, and even pray for James and Skyler, will you?” he asked with a grin. “Caitlin, thank you. Now, I’ll rest much easier when I leave here.”

  “David, why did I fall down?” she asked in bewilderment.

  “Well, my theory is that you filled up so full that you couldn’t contain it all. One finds it difficult to stand in the presence of the Lord at times. Don’t worry about it, Caitlin. Fall down, stand up, it’s all the same. You got what you needed from God. Don’t be afraid of anything that happens when His presence is with you; you’re going to be fine. Let me help you up, now.”

  He got her to a standing position and though she was a bit wobbly, she was able to ambulate fairly well with David’s arm for support. The strong arm, however, was absolutely necessary.

  As they began to walk, a whispering voice made itself heard in David’s heart: “Who is this coming up out of the wilderness leaning on the arm of her beloved?” it asked.

  David drew a sharp breath as the scripture from Song of Solomon reverberated through his being. The Holy Spirit touched him heavily at that moment, and he swayed like a tree in the wind.

  “David? Are you all right?” Caitlin asked worriedly. A slim, warm hand settled in the center of his chest. David felt it burn its way through his body until it seared his heart and seized it firmly in its clasp. Yet it was all in the spirit realm, because her hand was just resting on his chest lightly, in concern.

  He rolled his eyes and closed them again. He knew without a shadow of a doubt that he’d just been signed, sealed and delivered. God approved of his proposal to Caitlin. He’d known it was the right thing, but now he had a confirmation that wouldn’t end. He just laughed breathlessly.

  “David!” Caitlin gasped.

  “It’s all right.” He managed. “Don’t worry about anything, Caitlin. Just learn how to pray faithfully, love. We're already linked in the spirit. You’ll help me immeasurably, if you do.”

  “I will, David. I believe you.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Come here.” He ordered in a husky voice. Caitlin blushed at the glimmer of fire in his eyes, and obeyed. He put his arms around her and pulled her close against his chest. “I love you, Caitlin.” He said.

  She looked up at him. Tears filled her eyes and rolled down her cheeks without notice. Hearing him say those words just ripped her heart wide open. No one had said those words to her since her mother and father had died. And, she suddenly realized, she’d been waiting so long to hear David say them.

  “I hope that’s all right with you, because you can’t make me stop. I’ll never forget the night we met. I was attracted to you the moment I saw you. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw you walking toward Skyler with that sweet smile on your face. I though he was the luckiest dog in the world. And when Connie showed up, something rose up in me that I’d never felt before. I felt rage, and protectiveness. A refusal to let anything or anybody touch you. I was amazed. You’re beautiful. Wonderful. Lovely.”

  He sighed. “I fought it for a long time; yet I kept finding reasons to be near you, ways to have a chance to look at you. Just to be around you.”

  Caitlin just looked up at him in wonder and disbelief. “I love you too, David.” She added softly.

  David felt as though he’d been hit by a freight train. To his amazement and embarrassment, tears flooded his eyes. He shut them tightly and waited until he had control again before he looked at her sweet face.

  “I love you.” He answered. He pulled her against his chest and held her tightly. Some things took place in that embrace that acted to cement their words into a new reality. A vow.

  Then, David kissed her again. He could not seem to help or stop himself. He loved her, he wanted her. He felt as though he’d been walking a tightrope for so long that he just could not stay on it anymore.

  He loved her with a fierce, deep love so strong that he couldn’t control it or even fathom it. It was more than his love — it was his love and emotion combined with that of his Lord. It was almost a relief to realize it. God was blessing them.

  But he wasn’t fool enough to think he could just rush on ahead. As much as his senses were clamoring for him to do just that, he knew better. One step at a time, he reminded himself. Not too fast!

  Caitlin was in heaven. Her heart was singing. David loved her!. That was all that mattered to her.

  The atmosphere at the dinner table was exuberant, filled with excitement. Grace didn’t need anyone to tell her that her prayers were all being answered. She could see in David and Caitlin’s very countenance that their relationship was progressing nicely, and just to Grace’s requested specifications.

  David loved the girl madly. It was in his eyes whenever he looked at her. There was a deep, burning ember of desire in his gaze that thrilled Grace. And Caitlin clearly adored David.

  Grace chuckled to herself. It was going to be simply delightful to watch this romance progress. Yet, it was probably a good thing that David was going away for a time, judging from the look in his eyes. Yes, indeed.

  “When are you going to the plane, darling?” she asked her son.

  “Ten tonight.” he answered wearily.

  “Ah. Well, it will be a bit of a night for you, then.” She predicted.

  David managed a smile. “Will you come with me to the airport?” he asked Caitlin hopefully.

  Caitlin felt her heart leap. “Yes, of course.” She agreed immediately.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? It would put you out lat
e at night alone, with James.”

  Caitlin had a look of anxiety pass over her face. “Well; I’ll be with you on the way there, and certainly Grace will be expecting us back home. It will be fine, I’m sure.” She said uncertainly.

  He smiled at her. “I will make certain of it.” He assured.

  “Has James done something?” Grace asked worriedly.

  “No, just makes Cait feel a bit uncomfortable every now and then. He does have an eye for the ladies, Mum.”

  Grace looked extremely displeased to hear it. “I will speak to him.”

  “No, Mum, you don't need to.” David corrected her. “I have taken care of it. Believe me, everything is fine.”

  Grace inclined her head to acknowledge it, and smiled at Caitlin. “I hope that you two enjoy your time together, then. I’m tired and you two have plenty to talk about without me here as well.”

  “David,” she said affectionately, rising and patting his hand. “Do come by to see me before you leave, darling. I’ll say goodbye then.”

  “All right.” David agreed. His mother was behaving very much out of character. But then, he mused, it just may be that she wasn’t so lonely any longer, with Caitlin here to keep her company.

  “Good night, Grace.” Caitlin said sweetly.

  “Good night, darling. Sleep well.” Grace answered.

  David watched her go with curious eyes. “Now what do you suppose has gotten into her?” he asked, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

  “Why?” Caitlin asked curiously.

  “She never does this.” He explained with a chuckle.

  “She’s tried to leave us alone often.” Cait pointed out.

  David gave her a sly, naughty look. “My mother is neither oblivious, nor blind.” He informed her. “She knows I’ve been making love to you, and she’s giving me plenty of opportunities to continue.”

  Caitlin blushed even harder. “David,” she objected. “Don’t put it that way.”

  He smiled. “I can’t even think of it any other way.” He objected. “And anyway, I don’t intend to stop, so you may as well get used to it.”

  He rose and took her hand as she stood from the table, and drew her into his arms. He kissed her hungrily, and when that was too much, he moved his lips to her jaw, her slender neck, and tasted the soft, smooth skin there that was so fragrant and sweet.


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