A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 25

by Nancy Hopper

  “Oh, my.” She gasped.

  “Uh, huh.” He agreed.

  She blushed again, and he chuckled deep in his chest.

  “It’s eight-thirty. I’d better take care of my last minute things, or I’ll be sorry. Then I’ll say goodbye to Mother and we’ll go, all right?”

  Caitlin nodded, too mortally embarrassed to look at him.

  His fingers closed gently over her jaw and turned her face relentlessly until she was looking up into his very serious eyes. Then, he kissed her until her knees were like jelly and her body was throbbing with aching desire. Then he released her, and went upstairs.

  Caitlin waited in her room for David. She found herself pacing and clasping her hands. “Jesus.” She said earnestly. “Oh, Jesus.” Tears sprang to her eyes when she thought of all that David had said.

  All she had done was confess Jesus, and it had unlocked the door to David’s heart. All her dreams were coming true. David did love her! He’d just been waiting for her, being careful because of Skyler and because she hadn’t accepted Jesus.

  “David is my servant.” She felt the words form in her heart. “He is Mine, and no woman will have him who will not serve Me. This is his choice and his commitment to Me.”

  Caitlin went to her knees. “Yes, Lord. I understand.” she whispered. “I will serve you. I love David. I don’t want to blow this.”

  “I love you, Caitlin.” She felt the love surround her immediately. “Listen to David. He’ll take care of you. He will help you stay on the path.”

  Caitlin smiled. “Thank you for bringing David to me, Jesus. Thank you.”

  While Caitlin was busy communing with the Lord, David was saying goodbye to his mother. She seemed uncommonly happy and peaceful.

  “So, you’re very fond of Cait, Mother?” he asked with a teasing smile.

  “I am, David. She’s a lovely girl.” Grace confirmed. “I always knew that you couldn’t possibly resist her. I am so glad you’ve used your head and proposed. ”

  David raised his eyebrows and grinned. “I’d be a fool to try to hide it from you.” He admitted. “You always know the truth.”


  He grinned at her. “She is very special to me.”

  “Well, I will be taking good care of her while you’re away, David. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  “I won’t. I think that James won’t be any problem to her, and I know that Skyler can’t get in here. I did tell James to beef up security. I’ll make sure he clearly understands that it’s vitally important that he do so. Now, you take care of yourself, and enjoy Cait’s company. I’ll call you soon.”

  When David and Caitlin came down the stairs and out the front door, they found James there waiting with the car. He helped David put his bags in the boot and opened the rear door for them. He never once looked up.

  David and Caitlin snuggled into the back seat, and David immediately picked up her hand. “Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

  She smiled up at him. “How could I resist?” she asked. “A chance to be with you for another hour?”

  He gave her a teasing look, and shook his head. “Cut that out, now. I have to have the will to get on the plane.”

  David did not put up the view screen between the front and back seats for two reasons. One, because he would then be totally alone with Caitlin, and he wanted no talk of impropriety. One could do just about anything one pleased in complete secrecy in the back of a limo when the screens were in place. Second, he wanted James to see and understand clearly the intimacy that was evident in their relationship. He wanted him to understand, and it was better to not have to say a word.

  James didn’t fail to see the adoration in her eyes, or the passion in David’s. He didn’t need anyone to tell him that one wayward move on his part would probably cost him his job.

  When they got to the airfield, David took Caitlin’s hand. They walked out to the plane in silence. Both of their hearts were heavy now that the time had come to say goodbye.

  David turned and put his hands on her shoulders. “I’ll miss you. Please pray.” He asked quietly. His eyes searched hers.

  Caitlin swallowed sudden tears and nodded. She smiled. “I will. I love you, David.”

  He closed his eyes as though trying to deal with pain. “I love you, Cait.” He replied. “Take care. I’ll be in touch.” He said.

  Caitlin nodded and smiled. She willed the tears not to spill, but she wasn’t too successful.

  David wiped them away with a tender look, and held her against him in a tight hug. He kissed her with a desperation that ignited her heart. Then, he got on the jet.

  James opened the door for her, and she gave him a sad smile.

  “Thank you, James.” She said. She climbed into the car, and watched the jet move out to the runway.


  David called home upon his arrival in Dublin. He was tired, but sounded cheerful enough.

  “Skyler’s in fine form.” He told Caitlin wearily. “His lady love is out of jail and she beat him up.”

  “What?” Caitlin asked incredulously.

  “She beat the hell out of him with a chain. She blamed him for getting her landed in jail, again. Things are not good.”

  “David, where is the poor child?” Caitlin asked.

  “I don’t know. I understand that he is still very, very ill. But I’m careful not to ask Skyler any questions. He doesn’t welcome any interaction with me. I think he knows you’re staying at my house, and he seems to deeply resent it. His attitude of generosity was certainly fleeting.”

  “Why? What did he say?” Caitlin asked fearfully.

  “Nothing. But he’s not stupid. It’s just the looks he gives. I almost feel as though he smells your cologne on me when he comes near. It’s strange. He gets this wild look in his eye. But darling, don’t worry. He can’t reach you there, and there is nothing he can do to me. So, relax. Just pray, please. I can bear it all as long as I know you’re safe. Is it going all right?”

  “Yes. Wonderful.” Caitlin replied immediately. “I’ve been swimming and went riding, and it’s been lovely.”

  “Good.” David said with satisfaction. “And what about Jesus?”

  “Jesus is becoming very real.” She assured him.

  He chuckled. “Most excellent. Well, darling, I’d better catch some rest. You keep up the exercise and the food intake, or I’ll spank you when I get home. Tell Mother I love her and that I’ll call again when I can.”

  “All right, David.”

  “Cait, I love you.” He said softly.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “I love you, David. I miss you terribly.”

  He sighed. “Tell me about it. I’m going to have to have you traveling with me after this tour if I’m going to stay sane. Now, give me a kiss through the phone, to hold me over.”

  “All right, David.” She laughed.

  “Goodnight, then.” He said with regret.

  “Goodnight, darling.” She said.

  She hung up the phone quickly and blushed furiously. He’d called her by that endearment, and she had been longing to say it to him. Still, it was embarrassing. But she was glad she’d done it!

  Actually, the word had hit David like a hard ball in the chest. It somehow seemed a very serious thing for Cait to say. He knew he’d said it to her, and so it should seem natural for her to say it to him. But it had been a shock. A wonderful shock! He’d never realized that a single word could have such incredible impact.

  He dropped his head against the back of his chair, and laughed. A gladness filled him. She really, truly did love him. He could picture her with her hands on her very red cheeks, wondering how she’d had the courage to utter such a passionate word of endearment to him. And actually, that was exactly what she was doing at the moment.

  Tears came to David’s eyes as the truth began to sink in. She truly loved him. “Oh, Cait.” He sighed. “How am I supposed to go on now?” he asked with a sigh. He wanted no
thing more than to go home and settle it all immediately. But he shook his head, knowing that he could do no such thing. He had to put his own desires behind, and stay on his course.

  Connie showed up at the theatre that night, and the atmosphere became ugly and charged. The woman was like a maniac, and Skyler could do nothing to manage her. She screamed at some length about women on the road, and interfering fools.

  David ignored her, and quietly went about his business. When Will arrived, David let him know how unruly she’d been. He didn’t like the woman’s presence, at all.

  “You boys both know better than to mess with women while you're on tour. Next time, you’d both be smart to make sure the babes stay home.” he growled.

  David sighed, his patience worn quite thin. “Don’t.” he suggested coldly.

  “Then handle it yourself, David.” Will sneered. “I’m sick of this soap opera you two participate in. I’m a manager, not a referee; and not a counselor.”

  David watched him walk away with something less than satisfaction.

  He took it for three days, but it began telling on his nerves. Finally, he took Skyler aside.

  “Skyler, I have tried not to interfere. But something has got to be done with Connie. She’s such a distraction that I don’t know what to do anymore. Can’t you send her home?”

  Skyler sneered. “I don’t want to send her home. Live with it.”

  David sighed tiredly. “I shouldn’t have to.” He argued. “But I will have her removed if that’s the way you insist that things be. I just thought you’d rather try to handle it yourself.”

  “You can’t have her removed.” Skyler boasted challengingly.

  “Watch and see.” David answered evenly.

  “Leave her alone.”

  “I’m not going to do anything to her. But I will see that she goes. By the way, since things can’t get any worse, I’ll tell you now. I’m marrying Caitlin as soon as I get home from Ireland.” He walked away before the reaction hit.

  The entire situation blew up that night.

  David was reading in his dressing room before the show, when he heard a ruckus through the wall. It came from the adjacent wall, where Skyler's dressing room would be. He lifted his head, and listened more closely.

  Connie was in there, screaming at Skyler. She was obviously totally out of control. He shut his eyes and groaned. The woman was a menace! As the fight escalated, David became alarmed. Something was terribly wrong.

  David called his manager, Will Ness and was relieved to catch him. “Will, there’s trouble over here. I think you’d better call Skyler’s manager and perhaps even come.” He warned tiredly. “Connie’s here and gone nuts. She’s been screaming over there for some time. It’s escalating. She’s out of it completely.”

  “David, I won’t have any part in Skyler's troubles. Either leave it alone, or call the police. Which should it be?”

  “The police. My God, Will. A gun just went off.” David said with alarm.

  “Stay put. I’ll call. Don’t you go over there! That female is insane!” Will directed.

  “I can’t just sit here, Will.” David objected.

  “You can’t take the risk.” Will snapped. “I mean it, David. You don’t move a muscle.”

  Will could hear a ruckus in the background. A wild woman’s shouts shrieked into Will's ear. “And you! This is for protecting that slut!” Connie’s voice could be heard.

  There was a loud retort; and then silence.

  When the phone rang, Caitlin raised her eyebrows. It was very late. “Hello?” she answered uncertainly.

  “Hello. Is this Mrs. Majors?” a male voice asked.

  “No. No, I am sorry. She has retired for the night. May I be of assistance?”

  “To whom am I speaking?” the man asked.

  “This is Miss Kilpatrick, her companion.” Caitlin responded firmly.

  “It is important that she be awakened.” The man answered. “It concerns her son.”

  Caitlin’s blood ran cold. “David?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Yes. Could you get her for me, please?”

  “Can’t you tell me? Who are you?” Caitlin asked desperately.

  “I am David’s manager. My name is Will Ness. Miss, it is extremely important that you get Mrs. Majors on the line, immediately.”

  Caitlin was quiet for a moment, fear and uncertainty battling inside her. “All right. Just a moment.” She agreed. Her heart pounded as she went across the hall to Grace’s room and knocked on the door.

  “What is it?” Grace asked groggily.

  Caitlin opened the door a crack. “Grace, David’s manager Will is on the line. He insisted that I wake you and get you to the phone immediately. I am so sorry.”

  “Will is calling now? All right, Caitlin. Thank you, dear.”

  “Shall I stay?” she asked worriedly.

  “If you wish, dear. Come in.” Grace answered comfortingly.

  She went in, and Grace turned on the lamp beside her bed. She looked sleepy and a bit disheveled, in her flannel gown. Caitlin sat down in the arm chair near the bed.

  As Grace picked up the phone, fear gripped Caitlin’s throat. Something was terribly, terribly wrong. She could feel it.

  “Hello, Will. This is Grace. What is it?”

  Caitlin watched as the serene smile fell from Grace’s face and a pinched terror came into her eyes.

  “No.” she denied stubbornly. “That can’t be.”

  Fear coursed through Caitlin as she waited.

  “It would be quickest and easiest if you will charter a plane. There will be two of us. Please call when you have it arranged. We will be packed and ready.”

  She was silent for a moment, and Caitlin saw her struggling to hold back tears. “Thank you, Will. Good-bye.”

  Grace put the phone back on its cradle and then sat there numbly, looking at nothing. Slowly, she raised her eyes and turned them to stare at Caitlin.

  “Grace, what is it?” Caitlin had to ask. She was dying inside.

  “David. David is in hospital.” She said faintly. “We’ll go immediately, Caitlin.”

  Caitlin felt shock filter to her toes. “No! What happened?” she gasped.

  “He was shot. He is in critical condition.” Grace answered in a dull voice. “We have to go as soon as possible. They feel that he may not live.”

  Caitlin felt a hot sickness flood her body. “No. No, it can’t be.” She heard herself speak. “No!”

  Grace sat up in the bed, and fixed her eyes on the girl. “Caitlin, get a hold on yourself. We must remain calm and get to David. Pack a few things and we will go as soon as Will has arranged transportation for us. Move, now! Keep busy, it will help you. I will call James and ask him to have the car waiting.”

  Caitlin got up and left Grace, in a daze. It was incomprehensible. Her mind simply could not accept it. She went to her room and pulled out a small vinyl bag with wheels that could hold a good four day supply of clothes. She couldn’t seem to think. She couldn’t function.

  At last, she wheeled her case out into the hall and knocked again on Grace’s door. “Is there anything I can do to help you?” she asked.

  “No, dear.” Grace answered, opening the door. “I am ready now. If you can get the bags down the stairs to James, I’ll wait here for Will’s call.”

  Caitlin nodded and made her way down the stairs with the baggage. She was frightened and heartsick. She felt helpless. James met her silently at the door and grimly took the two bags to stash in the boot.

  Grace came out, packed and ready to leave, immediately. “There will be a plane waiting at the Wendlings’ private field, James. We must hurry.”

  James nodded, and opened the door for them. Within an hour, the two women were in a plane, on their way to Ireland.

  A tall, good-looking man met them at the airfield when they landed in Dublin. Caitlin had no trouble recognizing Will. He had straight, brown hair in a business cut, and he wore a suit. His hazel eyes
flickered in acknowledgment when Grace hurriedly introduced Caitlin to him. He paid as little attention to her as possible. He hurried them to a limo, and hustled them inside.

  “Will, what happened?” Grace asked in a tortured voice when they were finally underway.

  “It was Skyler Vaughn’s girlfriend. She came in with a gun, and she and Skyler quarreled violently. David heard the commotion from his room next door and called me. While we were on the phone, she burst into David’s room and screamed at him. She shot him.”

  Grace and Caitlin were having a very difficult time controlling their emotions as Will described the incident.

  ”I called emergency when David wouldn’t talk to me, and got over there as fast as I could. I was just in time to hop into the medic van and ride with them to the hospital.”

  “How bad is this, Will?” Grace asked gravely.

  Will sighed and pressed his lips together. “It is very serious. The bullet entered his chest above the heart. He bled very quickly and it was difficult for them to control the bleeding until they could get him into surgery. But, they were able to remove the bullet, and finally got the bleeding stopped. They had to do some pretty significant transfusions. They had to do a great deal of delicate repair to a major artery. Now we can only hope, and pray.”

  Caitlin had her face hidden in her hands. This was all because of her! All of it! She simply couldn’t bear it. She felt so sick and sad inside that she couldn't cope with it. It was as bad if not worse than it had been when she'd learned that her parents had been killed.

  “What possible reason could this woman have for wanting to hurt David?” Grace asked incredulously.

  Will shook his head and sighed. “She did say something about paying David back for protecting a woman.” he said significantly. “I couldn’t understand it at all. But I’m fairly sure I heard her right. I did give my statement to the police, and they have the woman who did this, in custody.”

  Caitlin moaned into her hands and began to cry in despair.


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