A Walk In The Wilderness

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A Walk In The Wilderness Page 27

by Nancy Hopper

  And she was eager herself, to be quite honest. The thought of having David take her became more and more exciting as the day drew near. She had dreams about it. She felt her body reacting even more to him as time went by.

  The seamstress was making Caitlin undergarments to fit with the dress, and she made her a lovely nightgown of white silk, as well. It was very daring and revealing. It brought roses into Cait's cheeks when Madeline insisted she try it on. The seamstress laughed aloud and covered her mouth when she saw Cait in it.

  "Madeline, don't. It's not nice." Cait objected.

  "Oh, it is in fact, very nice. Darling, you're incredible. I was only just envisioning the look on Mr. Majors’ face when he sees you in this. He's going to like it very much."

  Caitlin rolled her eyes, and went to change.

  David was more and more himself. At last, the day came when he cornered Caitlin about the shooting.

  “Tell me what became of Skyler and Connie.” he insisted.

  “That’s not a pretty story.” she shuddered.

  “Get it over with, then. You only have to tell me once.” he urged.

  She shivered. “Skyler broke up with Connie. She went nuts, and shot him. He told her that we were engaged, and she figured it had upset him enough that he’d dumped her. She blamed us. So she went after Skyler, then shot you. Then she put the gun in her own mouth. Neither one survived, though he hung on for a few days.”

  David closed his eyes and sighed. “Poor fools.” he mumbled.

  That’s all that was ever said about the incident.

  At long last, the day of the wedding came. David wore his white tux with considerable elegance. There was a ruby rose for his lapel and a matching cummerbund and tie. Everything else was white.

  He greeted his guests along with his mother, who looked very elegant in a ruby velvet dress. They had invited some of his mother and father's closest friends, and some of his own. Mostly, they were associates from his ministry and business life. It did trouble David that Caitlin hadn't wanted to invite anyone other than her uncle. He wondered that such a lovely young girl would have no close friends at all. But he knew that her life had not been without upheaval, so he let his worries go.

  Grace had hired a string quartet to play, and one of David's friends played the grand piano. When the parson came down the stairs with Caitlin on his arm, it was almost more than David could manage. She was incredible. Lovely, wonderful.

  Her dress revealed her soft, creamy chest and her sleeves were almost detached from the garment. Long and straight, they were very elegant. The bodice was fitted and the skirt was fitted to the hips; then went full in a tapered sweep. She had a sweet circlet in her hair with white roses and a long, net veil.

  David was enchanted. He stared at her and couldn't seem to take his eyes away. When she finally reached his side, he took her hand in his and with a secretive smile, he drew her close. The parson had to smile as he looked down upon these two. They were a very happy couple.

  The vows were difficult for both of them to get through without allowing their emotions to take over. They were both ready to giggle, then found that the words they’d been longing to say came so hard over the lumps in their throats.

  David's friend, Douglas, played a song that David had written for Caitlin. It was so beautiful that David nearly broke down and Caitlin had to wipe tears from her cheeks. Finally, it was over and David lifted her veil to look into her eyes and kiss her tenderly.

  After the wedding, there was a party. Caitlin met all of David's closest friends and relatives, and they ate a banquet fit for kings. By midnight, the last of their guests were gone, and Grace retired.

  David smiled at Caitlin and took her hands.

  "Lady. At last." He whispered. "Shall we?"

  Caitlin blushed and nodded. David swung her up into his arms and carried her up the stairs, showing his dimples at her shyness. But he said nothing. He put her down outside her room.

  "Why don't you get ready and then open the doors between our rooms?" he suggested softly.

  "All right." She agreed hesitantly.

  David tipped his head and raised an eyebrow. "You will unlock the door, won't you?" he asked with a teasing chuckle.

  She blushed, and laughed against his chest. "Of course." She assured him. "I'm just surprised. I thought you'd want us to sleep in your room."

  He smiled, and shook his head. "I have pictured and dreamed about coming into your room and being with you there so many times that I simply can't conceive of doing anything else. Perhaps tomorrow, you can join me. But tonight, I'm coming in to you." He said with sureness and purpose.

  Caitlin blushed, and nodded. She went into her room and smiled at him before she closed the door. Then she hung her dress up on its hanger, showered quickly and shaved her legs again, and put on some lovely perfume. At last, she put on the white gown and brushed out her hair. Then she went to the double doors and reached for the handle.

  Just short of it, she stopped. Her heart was pounding. David was going to come in here and take possession of her! Suddenly, it frightened her. It was bound to be painful. Her life would never be the same. She could become pregnant. She would belong to him.

  "You already do." She reminded herself. "It's far too late to have these silly fears. Just do it." She steeled herself and unlocked the bolt. Then she walked to the windows and waited. Her bridegroom came through the door without delay. He was wearing a robe and nothing else. He looked at her standing by the windows and closed his eyes for a second. Her loveliness was incredible. Desire rushed through his veins as the moonlight allowed him to see her body through the silk. She was lovely. He stood there watching her for a time, and then he saw the fear in her eyes.

  He went to her and held her against his shoulder, smoothing her hair. "Don't be afraid. Darling, please." He soothed her. "Everything is going to be fine. I promise you. Come on."

  She let him lead her to the bed, and she got in. Then, he took off the robe and joined her. She could not watch. She just could not. She closed her eyes and waited. His warm arms drew her close and wrapped her against him. He kissed her cheek, her eyes.

  "I love you, Caitlin. Relax, please. I won't hurt you. I promise." He said against her ear.

  She looked up into his eyes and her heart melted. He was so patient and kind. He kissed her and she kissed back, wanting him to know that she loved him. She was just so afraid.

  He chuckled in her ear and began to kiss her neck, her throat. "Caitlin. I won't come to you until you beg me to. I'm not going to just take you." He whispered.

  "David, I don't know that I can ask you to." She objected. "I ... I've never done this."

  "I know that." He growled. “But wherever we go, or don’t go – we do this together.” He told her.

  He kissed her softly, and before he was finished, the blood was pounding in her ears. He touched and tasted every part of her systematically, except for the places that were private. He forced himself to be patient; he didn't want her to be frightened of him.

  He took his time, lighting fires and letting them slowly build and burn into a torch of desire. And the private places were beginning to cry out for his touch, his mouth. His possession.

  He began to oblige her desires, and Caitlin gasped. She did not object when he unbuttoned the gown and exposed her body to the moonlight.

  "Caitie. I love you so." He whispered, kissing her and pulling her into his arms again. Then he began his attack.

  Caitlin closed her eyes, and caught her breath. A shudder of desire coursed through her body as he began to convince her that she did, indeed want a lover. He caused her to need it. It did not take her long to know that she was going to have to beg.

  "David." She gasped.

  "Hmm." He asked, waiting patiently.

  "Please." She begged.


  "Please stop tormenting me."

  "What would you have me do, then?" he asked with a chuckle.

  "Make love t
o me. Please. Hurry." She begged.

  David laughed in her ear. He was very obliging.

  Caitlin awoke in the morning to find herself alone. She heard the shower running and knew that David was still close by. And so, she let her eyes slip shut again. The next thing she knew, David was leaning over her, kissing her neck.

  She turned and met his eager kisses. His hands lifted her and turned her in the bed until she was facing him, and then he joined her. It wasn't but moments until she knew that he intended to take her all the way to paradise again.

  She laughed. “David,” she objected.

  “Hmm.” he mumbled.

  “Don’t you think we should wait?”

  “For what?” he challenged. “There’s nothing as important as this, today.” he assured her.

  She sighed and let her eyes slip shut as he convinced her that all he said was true.

  When it was over, she lay there with her face against his warm, hard chest, marveling at it.

  How could such things be? How could he so fill her soul, and take possession of her? It was a great miracle, one she was sure she’d never grow tired of.

  Grace was a happy woman. She had David at home indefinitely, and she had Caitlin as a daughter-in-law. Based upon David’s obvious hunger for his bride, she had no doubt that she would soon be a grandmother. The thought brought a smile to her lips.

  It was true. Not many weeks went by before Caitlin became ill. She’d never felt such a strange malaise in all her life.

  “What is it?” David asked, leaning over the bed. He studied her pale face and smiled quizzically.

  “I just don’t feel right.” she admitted. “I don’t know what it might be.”

  David grinned. “Don’t you?” he teased. “I can hope that my wish is coming true.”

  “What wish?” she asked warily.

  He chuckled. “A wish for stretch marks and sleepless nights, love.”

  She blushed. “Do you think?” she asked doubtfully.

  “Indeed, I do. Lord knows, I’ve tried hard enough.” he teased.

  She blushed again.

  It soon became evident that David was quite right. Caitlin was with child, and David was immensely pleased with himself. Grace knew it almost as soon as David did. Caitlin even looked different.

  Cait was a bit frightened, but she was glad as well. To have David’s child would be a great joy. It was all just a bit overwhelming at times. But her life was easy, and she soon became more pampered than anyone had a right to be.

  “I’ll get spoiled,” she warned, but David and Grace would only laugh at that.

  One morning as David and Caitlin walked in the gardens, Grace called to them, and waved. David’s brow furrowed with concern, and they hurried back to the house.

  “It’s the phone, darling.” Grace huffed. “New York!”

  David’s eyebrows flew up. “Really?” he exclaimed. He went in and picked up the phone hurriedly. Grace and Caitlin waited and watched silently. They couldn’t tell much from David’s end of the conversation. At last, he came out to the porch with a quizzical smile on his face.

  “Well?” Grace prodded urgently.

  “There’s good news, and not so good news.” he hedged.

  “What’s the good news?”

  “I’ve just landed a very lucrative tour.”

  “And the other?” Grace prodded, staunchly.

  David looked regretfully at each of them. “I’ll be on the North American continent for the next five months.” he said quietly.

  Grace gasped and put a hand on her throat. “David! That’s a long time! Is that wise? You’d perhaps better see Dr. Gerard about it.”

  “I already have. He’s given me his blessing.” David admitted.

  “You have! Well. What about Caitlin, and the baby?”

  David smiled. “It will come, never fear.” he assured his mother.

  “Yes, but will you be here?” she asked pointedly.

  “Yes. I will, indeed. Either I’ll be here, or you two will be with me.” he assured them. “I won’t miss it, believe me.”

  “What’s it entail? Where will you go?”

  “It starts in Toronto. From there, we dip across the border a number of times, until we hit Vancouver, BC and Seattle. Then I’ll go south through Los Angeles, and east across the southern United States to Tampa Bay. Then, north through Washington D.C. and back to New York.”

  “What if Caitlin should need you?” she retorted, nearly hostile.

  David chuckled. “Mother.” he chided.

  Caitlin put a gentle hand on Grace’s arm. “This is what David wants to do. It is important to him. And it’s important to his career. Grace, we must put David’s career above our own wishes. Can you think what such a tour could mean for him?”

  Grace’s eyes lost the panicked look. “Yes. Yes, of course. You are right.” she agreed quietly. “If you can stand it, I guess I can, as well.” she determined.

  David hugged them both soundly. “Thank you.” he said gently.

  “When do you leave?” Cait asked quietly.

  David gave her a grateful look, with a touch of sorrow. “Next week. They want to do a complete promotional work-up, with photos, television appearances, live performances, wardrobe. The works.” He smiled. “However, I’d be honored if you ladies would accompany me. I’ll be in New York for at least two months. I’d much rather be with you there, than alone.”

  Caitlin chuckled. “Will you have any time for us, David?”

  “I’m certain I will. And when I’m gone, there is plenty you two can do together. There are a million things to see in New York.”

  “I’m sure that’s true. What do you think, my dear?” Grace asked uncertainly.

  Caitlin smiled. “I think we should go for a time, at least. We can come home whenever we wish.”

  “That’s true enough. I agree. Let’s do it.” Grace concurred happily.

  David gave a sigh of relief. “Great! I’m afraid I have some calls to make. I’ll see you two later.” he said over his shoulder, as he headed for his office.

  Grace and Caitlin exchanged a sad look. They were quite correct in supposing that they wouldn’t have much of David’s attention, for many months to come.

  Almost before they could blink, they were in New York. They found limo service waiting at the airport, and a fabulous penthouse suite overlooking Battery Park that had been leased for David. The limo took them directly there, and the driver gave them the keys.

  David unlocked the doors to the twenty-second floor suite, and they stood looking in, suitably impressed. The carpets were lush white, smooth and soft as velvet. The furniture was all suede, in a lovely but most unusual gray with brown undertones. The tables were brushed steel and glass. The lamps were clear acrylic, and very modern. The curtains were a large print in oatmeal and turquoise silk, and there were fine pieces of teal glassware and art sculpture. Turquoise velveteen pillows brightened up the furniture.

  The kitchen was immense: big enough for three to work in at once. There were three bedrooms, all with en suite baths and walk-in closets.

  One was occupied by a man servant, named Jacob, who dressed in tails and waited on them hand and foot. He also was a superb chef, and made them all glad of his presence with the evening meal.

  The master suite was a wonderful study in white velvet, simplistic but sumptuous. The bed looked out a bank of windows that spanned a curved wall covered in glass tiles, and gave one a breathtaking panorama of the waterfront, the bay, Ellis Island and Liberty Island, where the lady stood gleaming in the sun. The walls were a restful taupe, and dark woods on the furnishings kept the suite feeling rich, rather than sterile with all the white. There was a magnificent secretary desk that allowed David to use his computer when needed.

  The en suite bath was all tumbled marble in a warm, beige tone. The floor and towel rack were heated, and they had hotel-style service on bedding, towels and laundry daily. There was a Jacuzzi for two set into the ce
nter of the floor, below skylights.

  David’s new manager for the United States arrived for an initial meeting with David, the day after their arrival. He was a very congenial and low key man of about forty, named Robert Hammond. They all liked him immediately. He had very full, sandy blonde hair and a wide smile that showed slightly crowded teeth, and hazel eyes that sparkled.

  As he briefed David regarding his itinerary, disappointment filled the ladies’ hearts. There would be precious little seen of David in the coming months, even before the tour began. But, they both knew that was to be expected.

  David found time to go with them sightseeing from time to time, and often Robert accompanied them, too. Those times were the happiest for Caitlin and Grace, but they also went alone whenever necessary. In a matter of weeks, they knew Manhattan well, and had found a plethora of wonderful restaurants and places to find entertainment.

  Sometimes, Cait went with David to live performances, taping sessions, fittings and interviews with journalists, magazine writers and television personalities. She was very proud of David, who was finding favor at every turn, and was very skilled in his interaction with the many people he met daily. He presented himself as a warm, friendly English gentleman of integrity and yet, he was humble.

  David was real, and that’s what people loved best about him. He found that Americans were more open, and they loved it that David would answer their questions in ways that revealed his heart to them.

  Anticipation and excitement began to build for the tour. As the time drew near, pressure became intense upon David to complete the album he’d begun taping in England. Caitlin spent some time with him at the studios, but they were long, grueling days for David, and there was little for her to do there. She took her knitting with her.

  Caitlin was also having a fair amount of nausea, which made it difficult for her to do much. And so, as her pregnancy advanced, she spent more time at the apartment, and less with David.

  All too soon, the time came to say goodbye. David’s opening night in Toronto was the following day, and Caitlin and Grace were headed home.


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