Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC

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Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC Page 6

by Unknown

  “Tessa” I hear Ella whisper my name. So gently. So quietly. Almost like she knows that this moment could kill me.

  My tongue is thick and heavy. My feet shuffle a crossed the floor on there own. I don’t look up. I cant look at them.

  I know if I do I’ll run and I cant do that. I need this. So I just nod my head and sit down. I make sure to sit away from them.

  I see there feet. I know were there at. I also know that Ella would have made sure that it was only the three of us in this room.

  No one speaks. I know there waiting for me. Time to grab it by the balls and start from the beginning. The first life altering moment that lead me here. Lead me to my own undoing. Looking back I wish I never met him more now then ever before.

  “His name was Trevor...” I hear Adien hiss out a breath. He says nothing. So I continue “I met him at a party. We went to the same school. I was new with only one friend at the time. I thought Trevor would be a friend as well. I didn’t see him any other way at first” I give a small bitter laugh as our first meeting came to mind.

  “I was just dancing when he bumped into me. Tripping over his own feet. Now looking back I realize it was a lie from the beginning. Him bumping into me was planned. Anyway he bumped into me almost sending me to the floor. I just saved my beer. Thanking god it was a bottled beer. I refused the cupped shit. I wasn’t stupid I knew it could be drugged. I made sure to pop the top myself.”

  Deep breath. “I now realize how stupid I really was though. He was funny and sweet. He constantly asked me out on dates. I had never been on one. I never had a boyfriend or any of that shit.”

  “All the jocks trying to get into my pants deterred me from that. But we became friends and I let my self believe he was a good guy. So I said what the hell why not. And finally gave in. We started dating. Everything seemed perfect.”

  “He was sweet, attentive and loving. I had a hard time making friends. All the boys ever wanted from me was sex. And the girls hated me because of that.”

  Sighing I continue. “But this time I had made a few girlfriends. They were also single. so I didn’t think his behavior as odd. With nothing to compare it to. How could I?”

  “He started calling me more and more. Asking what I was doing. Who I was with. Then he started showing up at all the places I went to. It got to the point I started telling him I was home and then went out with the girls just to get some girl time.”

  “This went on for a for a while. Until he showed up at my house when I wasn’t home. He called me. I didn’t want to answer the phone. I was having fun with the girls. So I didn’t that was my first mistake.”

  “He waited for me to come home. He was so mad he grabbed my arm and started to shake me. Yelling in my face. I was so shocked I didn't stop him. when he finished he said he was so sorry and hugged me.”

  “He old me he would never do that again. He said he loved me. That he was so worried about me. So he couldn’t help him self.”

  “I believed him. The stupid naive fool I was. It wasn’t the last time he did it though. It progressed to shoves. Then the jealousy got out of control and he was smacking me. He would yell at me because I wanted some other guy. Then he was sorry. He would say he loved me and he couldn’t help him self. All because he loved me so much.” I pause and give out a bitter laugh.

  “The stupid girl I was thought it was okay. That he loved me. It was normal. But I knew deep down it wasn’t okay. That it wasn’t normal. The day things took a real turn for the worse was the day I was the mall getting a gift for my mother. Some guy started talking to me. Asking me what he should get his girl for there 1 year anniversary. I made a joke and we laughed.”

  “I didn’t see Trevor until it was to late. I felt his hand wrap around my arm. Then he was dragging me out of the mall. I though for sure he was going to dislocate my shoulder..”

  I take a deep breath and raise my eyes to meet with Ella’s “I’m so sorry Ella. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything. It wasn’t the first time. It was just the worst. I feel my eyes well up with tears before dropping them back to the floor.

  “He dragged my to his buddy’s house ranting about me wanting other guys right in front of his friend. He ripped my cloths off. I thought he was going to rape me right there. instead he beat me while his friend watched.”

  “He pulled out a knife and said he was going to make sure I knew I was his. I was unable to stop him as he carved up my back. His friend finally helped me. He swears he was in shock. He said he sorry and I believed him.”

  “Trevor attacked him saying I wanted him and he wanted me. I have no idea were all my training went. Were the real me seemed to have disappeared to. Leaving behind this worthless hid. This worthless shell. That took her place. I was a pussy..”

  “No Tessa” Ella whispered.

  “I was!” I say firmly “It didn’t stop there Ella you know this!” I scream.

  “I was afraid to tell anyone and I payed for it everyday. He made sure I did. The cuts weren’t very big. I hide them under my sports bra’s. There are about ten of them. One for every guy I came in contact with.”

  “I learned quick to keep a distance between me and all guys. To not even make eye contact. Yet he still beat me. He only carved me up in certain moments to make sure I understood there importance.”

  “And oh how I did. He cut me deep. Real deep. He had to stitch me up himself so no one knew.” a bitter laugh escapes me.

  “Then that night. The one that changed it all. The night he attacked me. I never thought he would attack me. At least not like this. I mean I was on my way home one night from a friends house. When he grabbed me and started dragging me into the woods.”

  “I would have fought back. I really would have. I don’t know why after all this time I would have. This time felt different. He had a knife pressed to my throat. He grabbed my hair and trough me to the ground.”

  “I hit the ground hard. Hitting my head on a rock. Before I could react he was on me. The knife once again against my throat. I watched helplessly as he ripped my shirt down the middle and started to rub his hands on my breast.”

  “I felt him harden as he rubbed against me. He was moaning. I felt so sick. He lifted my skirt and ripped my underwear off. I though this is it. I’m gonna lose my virginity to this vile person”

  I pause and take a deep breath as more tears fell “I guess he didn’t think about having to undo his pants. Once he removed the knife. I was on him. I punched him in the face stunning him. he had, had to lean back to take his pants off. so I raised my leg and kicked him in the chest. Not wasting any time I jumped up and ran. I ran all the way home”

  Breathing hard I look at Ella who had tears in her eyes “I didn’t tall anyone not my mom. Not the cops. The first thing I did was take a shower. I turned the water all the way up. As hot as I could burning my skin as I scrubbed my self raw. I felt so dirty. So violated. I used cover up to conceal my bruise’s. I didn’t see him after that. I still haven’t. But hes been leaving notes pictures and...”

  I sob “He took my underwear. If that wasn’t enough for him. He used them...he used to jack off. He left pictures of his cock with my used under wear. Hes here hunting me. Stalking me. Harassing me.” I sob again “He says I’m his!”I scream as I my hands cover my head.

  “FUCK....LIKE FUCKING HELL YOU ARE!” Adien yells. I see his feet before his knees hit the floor in front of me. I feel his hand grab my chin before he gently forces me to face him.

  I watch his eyes search my face “your mine you understand me? Tessa your MINE and I protect whats mine babe.” more sobs escape me at his words. I feel his arms go around me and he pulls me into his embrace rocking me gently on his lap.

  I feel my eyes getting heavy and before I’m completely out I hear he say “watch her with your life because if anything happens to her while I’m gone it will be your life got me?”

  “Yes boss” I hear a response. Then Adiens voice “it’s okay babe I’ve got you.
You just rest ill be back soon.” and then nothing.

  Chapter 12


  My mind is full of rage as I place Tessa in my bed. Giving her one last look I turn and exit the room. Closing the door softly behind me. When I all I really wanted to do is slam it.

  Grabbing Brandon by the arm “Get someone watching her. I want some one at this door. At the window out side. No one and I mean fucking no one but you, Ella and I are aloud in this room got it” I demanded.

  Brandon nods his head and pulls out his phone and starts barking orders into it. I charge down the stairs grabbing my own phone “meet me at the club” is all I say before slamming the door to the house.

  Climbing onto my bike I rev the engine and squeal my tires as I peel out of the driveway. I need everyone on this I want the bastard found then I’m going to slowly kill him.

  “Whats up” I hear then look up to see Jesse and Brandon walking into the room. I’ve been sitting here in the basement lost in my thoughts. The hell I picture Tessa going through while waiting for them to show up.

  Standing up I start to pace. “Its Tessa..” I start but Jesse cuts me off “What? Is she okay?” I hear the panicking in his voice.

  Turning to him I grab him by the throat. “Shes mine do you understand?” I say through my teeth. He nods and I release him. “I only see her as a sister. The sister I never had. I swear Adien” Jesse says quietly.

  “I know” I reply “There’s someone after her.” then I tell them everything. I watch there eyes darken in anger “Lets hunt boys and when we find our pray we send him to meet his maker.” I say sounding calm. Which is way off base as to what I really feel.


  Rolling over I shove my face into the pillow and inhale hmm. It smells so good. Just like Adien. My eyes pop open and I look around were the hell am I?

  Getting up I make my way to the door. Slowly opening it I pop my head out. And see a guy. I look closer. Its one of Adiens guys. I relax a little.

  Then everything comes flooding back in. I told him. I told Adien everything. Closing the door I walk back to his bed and try to processes everything that’s happened. The one thing that stuck was him saying I was his.

  My lips turn up into a smile. He wants me. And believe it or not I want him to.

  I feel a sappy grin form on my face. I feel like an infatuated school girl.

  He said I was his. It was on repeat in my head. Little butterfly’s pop up in my belly.

  Closing my eyes I inhale his sent again. I was so lost in myself I didn’t hear the door open. I felt the bed dip and my eyes flew open feeling a little bit of panic shoot through me.

  When my eyes settled on a pair of amazing deep brown eyes. That were at that very moment devouring the sight of me!

  I feel blood rush to my face. As I blush fucking blush like a little girl ugh.

  “Sleep well beautiful?” he asks in his deep husky voice. I feel the shivers of excitement run down my spine “mm hmm.” I hum out while closing my eyes trying to hide everything I feel. Like the excitement that his presence brings me.

  I feel fingers slide over my eye brow down the side of my face. Before his hand cups my chin. His hands felt so good. It took all my will power to hold in a moan. I squeeze my closed eyes tighter.

  Than I felt his breath on my face “open those eyes babe” Adien whispers.

  How could I deny him anything with those endearments. So I slowly raise my lashes and focus my eyes on him. His lips are almost touching mine. I flick my eyes to his and lock them there.

  I suck in a breath and that’s all the encouragement Adien needed. He swoops the rest of the way in and press's his lips. Those firm but so soft genital lips to mine.

  When I didn’t pull back. He combed his fingers into my hair. Grabbing it into a fist he holds me in place.

  When he starts moving them against mine. The dam broke. I kissed him back with a fever that went higher when his tongue swept slowly a crossed mine. Gasping I let him in and our tongues stroke against each other.

  Adien pulled back first pressing his forehead to mine. We’re both breathing really hard.

  I was so lost in that kiss I didn’t realize we had moved. Adien had pinned me under him. My legs on either side of his hips. His hard cock pressed against my core. our chest’s pressed together. He had one hand still wrapped in my hair and the other holding my hip.

  “babe...” Adien starts but gets interrupted by a knock at the door. Letting out a big sigh he pecks my lips and rolls off me. Quickly landing on his feet he heads to the door. As he reached out for the door nob he looks at me over his shoulder.

  Giving me a sad smile before opening the door and stepping out making sure to close it quietly behind him.

  With trembling hands I touch my now shaking fingers to my lips. A smile flutters a crossed my lips. I feel the tingles his kisses left behind on my now bruised lips. I let out a sigh of happiness before slumping back on the bed and falling back to sleep.

  My dreams or should I say nightmares were about Adien and I. I was standing in front of a mirror my eyes filled with tears as I pressed my hand to my stomach “why did he do this to me I thought... I thought he loved me.” I whisper to my reflection.

  I feel the misery. The heart break its so strong. I feel like I’m living this very moment in real life “what am I going to do?” it hurt so much it felt like my heart was being ripped from my body.

  “I was going to tell him I was then... then I walked in on....” I felt my self scream in heartbreak in my dreams it felt so real I woke up screaming. The pain in my chest. So much heart ache I thought I might die from it.

  The door flew open and Adien came running in gun drawn looking around the room before settling in on me. I watch his face go from controlled coldness to panic as he ran over to me.

  I felt his hands touch my checks. Whipping them I realized. I was crying and he was whipping my tears “what happened babe?” he said with such concern in his voice.

  Shaking my head “just a dream” I sob out. he starts making comforting sounds “Shh its okay babe I’m here.” he whisper in my ear as he rubs my back. Burrowing my face into his chest I let his comforting presence cover me like a blanket.

  My body start to relax. I hear shuffling sounds. Lifting my head I look at the door and notice a few of Adiens guys slowly backing out of the room.

  Adien turns his head to see the guys at the door “get out” he said. They nod there head’s and retreat quickly closing the door quietly behind them.

  I shove my face back back into his chest while he pets my hair. All the while whispering “its okay babe go to sleep. I’ve got you no ones gonna hurt you. I wont let them.” closing my eyes I cuddle even closer to him.

  “Please don’t leave me” I beg “I’ll be right here when you wake up. promise” he reply’s and with that I drift off into a dreamless sleep.


  My men have been searching for anything we can get on this Trevor. But I need his last name. Walking into my room I watch Tess burrow her face in my pillows with a smile on her face.

  I make my way over to her. My intentions were to ask her his last name. But it got heated up quickly before I knew it I had her pinned under me. If I didn’t stop now I wouldn’t be able to.

  With regret I lean my forehead against hers I want her to know I want her to be mine “babe....” knocking. Someone is knocking on my door. Shit. Giving her a peck on the lips I roll away from her and head for the door.

  Who ever decided to interrupt us better have a good fucking reason or I wont be responsible for the nap he will be taking curtsy of my fist to his face.

  Stepping out the door I turn to face Jesse. Who has a huge smile on his face. Hes fucking lucky Tessa likes him so much. I might have had to wipe that smile off his face.

  “What” I all but growl “You got a call boss.” is all he says before walking away.

  Storming to my office I reach the phone “what” I force out trying to sound
like I’m not ready to shoot someone.

  “We’ve got a problem boss, Its Drake we found his body behind the gym” Jace barks out.

  “FUCK! I'm on my way keep the lid on this shit. No one and I mean no one gets near this got me” I demand with barley leashed anger.

  “Yes boss” Jace reply’s sounding just as pissed

  Slamming my phone down I storm to my bike and tear out of there.

  Getting to the gym I head right to the back coming face to face with Jace. “Were is he” I say curtly.

  My fuse is running short right now. With out replying he walks over to the dumpster and I follow. There propped against the side is Drake head lolled to the side. A whole in the back of his head.

  Crouching down I take it all in. The bruised knuckles, split lip, the scratches, broken nose and the bruises marring his face and arms.

  “That’s not all” Jace said. Drawing my attention to him. He lift’s Drake’s shirt. exposing his chest. A chest covered in bruises.

  My fist clench and unclench as I look at Drake. “Call everyone I want them here now!” I shout.

  “Yes boss. What of the men guarding Tessa?” “Leave them we'll brief them later” he nods curtly and steps away to make the call.

  Pulling out my phone I call Brandon “Get to the gym now. Bring the clean up kit..” I pause “The one reserved for members” before hitting the end button. First things first getting my fallen brother taken care of. He doesn’t belong out here in the garbage.

  Chapter 13


  Looking around the table I take in everyone’s grim faces. Drake was a brother and now hes gone. “Drake was on watch last night at the garage...” I start “It looks like Kevin and the Aces made a move on our shipment last night and killed Drake in the progress.”

  Muttering started “What the fuck are we waiting for lets go kill the piece of shit.” John yelled. Turning my head I look into Johns eyes giving him the full weight of my stare before saying “Are you fucking stupid. We don’t just go in all guns blazing. We need to think this shit through. Retaliation needs to be smart” taking my eyes off him I stare down all my men making eye contact with every single one.


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