Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC

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Adien: The Sons Of The Apocalypse MC Page 14

by Unknown

  Silent man returns with a glass of water. I take it gratefully. I go to put it to my lips and second guess myself. What if they pot something in it?

  Silent man chuckles takes the glass back and takes a big drink. “See?” he says and hands it back.

  I watch him for a moment then drink greedily. When the glass was drained I put it down beside me. “Thank you..” I start but silent man is gone. The door closing behind him.

  Siting back against the wall I place my hand protectively over my rounded tummy. I start to drift off then the door opens with a bang.

  My eyes shoot wide. I look at the door in shock. Trevor’s here. Standing right here. Right in front of me. Fear rise’s with in me. I fight it back.

  “Tessa” he sing songs. I swallow hard. “I’ve been looking for you.” he sings.

  I stay silent. Hoping he would go away. I look at the door willing silent man to come back. Trevor lunges for me. I open my mouth to scream. Before I can make a peep his hand is pressed against it.

  My body trembles as he settles on top of me. I watch his eyes widen then crinkle with anger. He looks down a my belly with hate in his eyes.

  “You let that filthy bastard touch you.” he snaps at me.

  I just look up at him with gloating eyes. Yeah and I loved every minute of it. I’m mentally gloating.

  His face flushes in anger as if he could read my thoughts. He grabs my hair and smacks my head against the wall.

  “Just because you let him fuck you doesn’t mean I’m not going to get mine. Its just going to hurt more.” he growls in my ear.

  He grinds his erection against me. I try to squirm away. He was having none of that. He grabs another fistful of hair and pulls my head back hard. Not releasing his hold.

  The hand he had pressed against my mouth. He pulls back and slaps me hard. My head would have turned hard if it could have.

  He draws back it slaps me again. My mouth fills with blood and my lip stings. Gathering all the blood in my mouth I spit it in his face.

  I watch a a glob of saliva mixed with blood lands right between his eyes. I start laughing and cant stop.

  “Fucking bitch.” he snarls at me. Then hauls off and punches me in the face. Black spots dance in front of my eyes.

  My eye starts to swell. He punches me again. I feel blood welling up and dripping down my face. I think he may have split open my eyebrow.

  Head wounds. Got to love them. They bleed a lot and freely. More black spots. I cant stop laughing though. Really its still right there dripping down his nose.

  “I’ll give you something to laugh about. You stupid whore.” he yells in my face.

  I tug my head forward hard. Pulling some of my hair out and bite his lip hard. More blood fills my mouth this time his. He pulls back spewing curse’s as I spit his blood out at him all the while laughing.

  I must look like a crazy person. Blood pouring all over my face as I laugh. I picture Harley Quinn in that moment and my laughter comes harder.

  He releases my hair and grips my sweater with both hand and rips it down the middle. I look down at my tank top as he grabs it with both hands.

  Pulling my arm back I punch him in the face. Monumentally stunned he sits back on his heels.

  He reaches behind him and pulls out a large knife. The realization I may not survive this runs through my mind. I will not let him do this to me. If I’m going to die I’m going to die fighting.

  He reaches for me and I reach for the glass that was still sitting next to me. I smash it on the ground cutting up my hand in the process. Picking up a large piece I drive it into his shoulder.

  I was aiming for his chest but he moved. He screams in pain. I pull my self up to a standing position. I start to inch towards the door.

  Trevor’s hand shoots out grabbing my arm. He drags the knife down my arm cutting through the sleeve of my ruined sweater. I scream as he cuts from shoulder to wrist. Blood starts pouring down my hand.

  With mt other hand I grab his hair. Raising my knee I smack his face off it. He bounces off my knee and falls back onto his back. I run for the door as he grabs my ankle.

  I fall forward the momentum to much. Twisting at the last second I hit the floor back first hard. The thud resonates through my body and I grunt in pain.

  Trevor jumps on my prone body. I lift a knee hitting him in the balls. The momentum form his body landing full force on my knee.

  He screams in pain and falls on his side. Rolling over I get to my knees and try to crawl from the room.

  Trevor’s hand is back in my hair pulling my head back. He pulls so hard I’m upright on my knees. His chest to my back.

  The knife appears in my vision just as all hell broke loose. Gun fire was coming from every where. Trevor’s hand shakes slightly.

  I start laughing again. I may be as good as dead but so is he by the sounds of it. “Guess were both done huh?” I goad him.

  “Fucking whore.” he shouts in my ear giving a hard tug on my hair. I hiss in pain. Slowly raising my arms I wrap them around the back of his neck fingers interlocking.

  I pull hard while throwing as much of my weight as I can behind me. The curve in my spine combined with the push pull Trevor goes over my head literately.

  There’s a struggle in front of me some where but my focus needs to stay here. I don’t care if this is the end. That mother fucker was going with me.

  He lands on his back with a thud. But hes not down long. Hes tackling me to my back before I can stand. I hit hard.

  Screaming in pain and anger I headbutt him in the face. The knife was back in his hands. He was going to stab me with it. I fight with everything in me.

  We were rolling all over the floor grunting and screaming in pain. I bite, elbowed. Slapped. Punched and kneed the shit out of him.

  All the while trying to protect my belly as he punched my face and chest. I lost my breath faltering for a moment.

  He was already celebrating his victory. He lifted the knife an I grabbed his wrist turning the knife using our combined momentum I forced into his chest. I scream a war cry as it pierced his skin.

  The fight drains out of me as I watch the life leave his eyes. The blood loss was to much after all the fighting. The adrenaline left me and darkness pulled me under.

  Chapter 32


  Trevor had almost an hour head start on us. All the things I may walk into runs through my mind. Is she dead? Are they hurting her? Raping her?

  “cut that shit right fucking now.” Jesse’s shouts at me over the roar of our bikes.

  I look over at him and nod. Hes right there’s no time for that shit.

  Hold on baby were almost there. We were only three minutes away but it felt like hours.

  Parking down the street. We walk the rest of the way to the garage. Each step fills me with dread. My feet feel like there full of lead.

  “There’s no real way to sneak in here. I bough this place with that in mind. We need to in the front doors.” Kevin says.

  “There’s only a office in there. The bathroom has no door. If anything they would put your old lady in the office. Jeff has been texting me. Keeping me up to date on whats going on in there.” He finishes.

  He grabs my arm “There was a incident with Tom. He tried to rape your old lady. She broke his neck.” his hold tightens.

  He looks me in the eye. “Your one lucky son of a bitch.” he pats me on the back. Then looks a everyone else “Alright lets go.” Pulling our guns we make our way to the door. Kevin sends a quick text and the door opens.

  A tall silent man stands there holding the door open. He steps a side. Pulling his own gun he turns on his comrades and shoots the closest in the head. He slumps forward in his chair.

  All hell brakes loose. Guns are firing, bullets are everywhere. Hitting the wall next to my head with a thunk, thunk, thunk. I hear screaming. Tessa. Tessa’s screaming. Standing I run. Bullets fly by my face. That doesn’t slow me down.

  Jace tackles me when
I reach the door way. Trevor and Tessa were fighting. Tessa was fighting for her life.

  I try to get to her but Jace holds me down. “Adien. Adien fucking stop. You will get her killed for sure if you go in there man. You have to wait it out.”

  she starts laughing in his face. Blood pouring down her face and down her arm.

  “Guess were both done huh?” she goads him.

  “Fucking whore.” he shouts giving a hard tug to her hair. she hiss’s in pain. Her arms wrap around the back of his neck fingers interlocking.

  I watch as Trevor goes flying over her head literately.

  He lands on his back with a thud. But hes not down long. Hes tackles her on to her back.

  She’s screaming in pain then she headbutts him in the face. He’s trying to stab her.

  They were rolling all over the floor grunting and screaming in pain. she’s biting, elbowing. Slapping. beating the shit out of him.

  He punch’s her in the face and chest. Then she falters for a moment.

  Tessa lets out a scream and they both slump to the floor. Both of them are unmoving. My heart stops.

  Jace climbs off of me and stand there staring.

  I rush to my feet and look at the blood pooling around there body’s. So much blood. Fuck! I run ove to them and hit my knees right next to there body’s.

  Reaching out I push Trevor off of Tessa. The knife sticking out of his chest. My heart finally starts beating. I reach over and move the hair out of her face. Her slow breathing brushes my hand and I let out the breath I had been holding.

  Jesse and Jace are on her other side. Trying to stop the bleeding. Placing my hands on both of her cheeks I lean forward and press my nose to hers. Willing her eyes to open. Nothing.

  “Boss we need to move.” Jace’s voice grabs my attention. Not taking my eyes from Tessa I nod. Putting my hands under her body I scoop her up and hold her to my chest like I would hold a baby.

  “Oh baby. My poor Tessa. Please baby hold on for me please.” I beg her.

  “Doctors already at a secure location. We need to move now boss” Jesse appears at my elbow phone in hand.

  Walking into the room everyone looks at us. There’s eyes stay glued to Tessa. Such sadness id reflected out of them.

  “I’m sorry Adien. I had no idea. I swear man.” Kevin also looked sad.

  Ii nod at him. I just want my Tessa. I don’t give a shit about anything else right now.

  Walking out into the light my heart brakes when I take in all the damage done to her.

  I wait as Jesse pulls her car around. Brandon drove it down he will be riding my bike back. I didn’t want to be away from her.

  I look at her rounded tummy. Our babies were in there. I slip into the passenger seat of the car. I couldn’t let her go.

  The drive was short. It felt like miles and miles. Sweeping her up to the safe house Kevin had here I rush her to the guest room. The doctor was right behind me.

  The blood flow had stopped on our way here. I wasn’t sure that was a good thing. Did she loose to much? So much that she couldn’t bleed anymore?

  I was forced back by the doctor. I walked to the other side of the bed and laid down next to her. I couldn’t take my eyes from her face. Her beautiful sweet face. My Tessa.

  “She has a deep incision from shoulder to wrist that needs stitches, the cut on her head will also need stitches, a possible concussion, and various bruises. No broken bones and the baby is fine. Oh babies are fine. Guessing by the heart beats there are two.” the doctor finishes.

  “She will need lots of rest, plenty of fluids. Pamper her.” he says before packing up. “Here these are for the pain. One every four to six hours as needed.” he puts a bottle in my hand.

  “When will she wake?” I ask.

  “When she’s ready and not a moment sooner.” he reply’s then walks out of the room.

  Running my fingers down her face I stare lovingly down at her face. Not stopping I slowly move my hand down her chest. Cupping her belly I rub gentle soothing circles on her baby bump.

  Jesse walks in “Boss?” there was a tremble in his voice.

  “Shes fine, the babies are fine.” I say

  “I’ll go inform the rest.” He says leaving quietly.

  I place my head next to hers on the pillow and close my eyes. Sleep came swiftly for the first time in over three weeks.

  Chapter 33


  I hurt everywhere. I thought when you died the pain went away. What a crook of shit. Groaning I open my eyes. The bright light pierces them.

  I hiss and promptly close them again. So fucking bright. This being dead shit is starting to suck.

  “a hand is rubbing my tummy. “Tessa” a voice whispers. Baby” it says again. Sounding suspiciously like Adien.

  “Please baby. you’ve been a sleep for two days. Please Tessa open your eyes.” Adiens voice whispers.

  What a dream. Or is this heaven? I’m not sure. I missed his voice. Tears gather in my eyes, i’ll never have that again.

  This is it no more Adien, no more Ella, no more babies. I gasp at the last thought and my hands reach for my belly.

  Pain shoots up and down one arm. The other was pulling something with it. I slowly crack my eyes and look at the hand attached to a iv.

  Then I look at the other arm. The one on fire. Its covered in bandages. From my wrist to my shoulder. My left eye was hard to open. It hurt. I hurt.

  Then there was Adien leaning over me. Such a beautiful site. Looking into his beautiful brown eyes. I melt a little.

  I love him so fucking much. But hes not mine. He never was. My eyes burn as tears fill them. I open my mouth to ask him to leave but no words escape my parched throat.

  “Here Baby, small sips.” he places a straw to my lips. I suck small greedy sips. I didn’t ever want to stop. It felt fucking amazing.

  My lip smarted and still I didn’t stop. “Both you and the babies are okay.”

  “Trevor?” I ask on a gasp. Taking deep breaths. I forgot to breath as I sucked down all that orange juice.

  “Dead. You killed him Tessa. Him and Tom.” he says in a dark voice.

  “Tom?” I ask. “Yeah. The other guy in the office.” he says. His eyes have darkened in a scary way.

  “Oh. Four. So Four was Tom. And Adam was that his real name?” I ask him.

  “Yeah. You did good baby. You shouldn’t have had to take care of yourself like that. This never should have happened.” his voice breaks a little at the end.

  Just thinking about what brought us to this point crushes me. My heart breaks a little more. I have to sit back and watch him, with her all the time. I don’t think I can.

  “Baby?” he asks gently. Cupping my face in his hands.

  “Please, please stop calling me that. I’m not your baby anymore.” I say on a sob. Batting his hands away from my face.

  “Just stop please. Don’t touch me. Please go away.” I scream at him. My heart hurts I cant do this. I cant look at him.

  “Tessa please. Please look at me.” he begs. His begging hurts to. I don’t want him to beg but I don’t want o be around him.

  I give a small gentle shake of the head. I cant do much more then that. My head hurts so bad.

  “The day you walked into the office. She stripped and climbed onto my lap. I shocked. I was getting ready to push her off when you came in.” the pleading for me to believe him drips from his voice.

  “I believe you. But I don’t know if I can look past you fucking her.” I say harshly. Lashing out in my hurt and anger.

  He winces and puts his head down. “Would you be able to forgive me if I did that?” I ask him. I already knew the answer. It was no.

  “Your fucking mine. No mother fucker will touch you. I will always want just you Tessa. Your my old lady. I was going to ask you to marry me after graduation.” So many emotions pass through his voice.

  I look at him. The idea of the rest of my life without him stretches before me. I cant live w
ithout him by choice. The very same future stretches out with the question was, is he faithful? Neither. I don’t want to live either one.

  The only way to have what I want requires me to forgive him. Can I? Ii study him closely. Running over my options. Weighing him like Anubis ways you heart in the after life.

  I grab his face in my hands forcing him to look at me. “I love you.” I tell him.

  His face lights up. His hands are now on my face. Cupping it so gently. “Baby I Love you. Always.”

  “Always and forever” I ask. He kisses my lips do sweetly, so gently, so lovingly. “Of course Baby. Always and forever.”

  Chapter 34


  we spent a week at the safe house with Kevin, silent man aka Jeff, Jesse and Jace. I’ve talked to Ella on the phone everyday. She threatened to come to us.

  “Ready to go home baby?” Adien comes into the room planting a kiss on my lips. “mm hmm” I reply against his lips.

  He grabs my hand leading me down the stairs. Being all protective. It was cute.

  “Adien. Got a minute?” Kevin stops our escape. Adien looks down at me in question. “Go. I’ll go get a banana.” I say giving him a light shove in Kevin’s direction,

  “If you were hungry baby you should have said something. Come on I’ll make you something to eat.” he reaches for my hand again.

  I swat it away. “I’m fine go talk to Kevin. I really want that banana and your stopping me from getting it.” I tell him with a serious voice.

  Its not easy to keep a straight face when he straightens and drags Kevin from the room in his rush to appease me.

  I’m devouring my second banana when Adien walks in looking anything but happy. He gives me a small smile.

  “Ready baby?” his voice is low and sweet. I nod my head. “everything okay?” I ask.

  “No” he growls quietly. “i need you to stay away from John. If he’s at the club when we get there go to my office.” his voice is lethal.

  I nod my head and watch his shoulder’s relax some. “What about Ella?” I ask in concern.

  “Brandon’s with her.” he reply’s

  I nod and say my goodbyes to Kevin and Silent man. I like that name better. And I tell him so. He just laughs and waves me off.


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