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Wildflowers Page 22

by Debbie Howells

  ‘They said they’d love you to come. So would I. So will you?’

  I can feel a Cheshire cat smile plastering itself across my face. ‘Yes!’

  I wander back into the church in a daze.

  ‘Shit, Honey – I don’t have an outfit… What will I do?’

  ‘Don’t swear,’ she says. ‘You’re in a church. Wear the dress you wore to the dinner. It’s perfect – honestly, I can’t believe you wangled an invite. I’m so jealous.’

  ‘I didn’t wangle anything…’ I say indignantly. ‘It was all Lulubelle’s doing – but I’m so excited, I can’t wait!’


  It’s one of those restless nights where I awake every hour in a cold sweat at the thought of sleeping through my alarm clock. Tossing and turning, at three o’clock I give up and get out of bed, deciding if I’m not going to sleep, I might as well go to work.

  As if in a dream, I twist together Maria’s bouquet. Sweetly fragrant roses in cerise pink and rusty orange are mixed with all these other wonderful things – little bits of red hydrangea, odd sprigs of lavender and rosemary with wild trails of honeysuckle and fern which give it an ethereal air. There are weeds carefully picked from the roadside, berries from the hedges. Just in case, I add a hazel twig. And when I hold it up and look at it, something funny happens. I don’t feel neurotic or anxious, nor am I fretting whether I’ve got it exactly right – I just know, deep inside me, it’s perfect for her.

  I make a further seven – yes, seven, for each of the bridesmaids, filled with the same inexplicable sense of calm. Each one is different, each one made of herbs, berries and leaves, edged with little pieces of bracken. They’re proper woodland posies – Honey will be horrified – but that’s irrelevant because I know Maria will love them.

  I’m halfway through the buttonholes when Honey and Skye arrive, followed minutes later by the floristry students, who are slightly shocked at what I’ve done and then we load up the van again and head for Roselin Castle.

  No-one talks, we just work. And when we’ve finished swathing the teepee with ivy and scattering the tables with leaves and roses, I tiptoe away to take Maria her bouquet.

  Hidden away up a twisting stone staircase, I find her room and knock.

  ‘Hello? Maria? It’s Frankie – with your flowers…’ In case she’s forgotten who I am.

  The door creaks open and there she is, looking more like a little girl than ever in this massive room.

  ‘Your bouquets,’ I tell her, then watch.

  When you design a wedding bouquet, you’re working with the stuff of dreams. And today, though I’m almost a hundred per cent certain I’ve got this right – there’s still the tiniest of doubts – until I see Maria’s eyes widen and her mouth open with astonishment, then as I lift it out of the box, her entire face lights up.

  ‘Oh Frankie…’ she breathes. ‘Bring it over to the dress…’

  I do as she says, holding it up against her dress, which up close is extraordinary.

  ‘It’s perfect,’ I say, which is usually what the bride says – but it is. ‘D’you think?’

  ‘I just knew you’d get it,’ she says, touching the spikes of rosemary and breathing in the scent of the roses. ‘It’s just gorgeous. Thank you so, so much…’

  ‘Thank you,’ I say, because with the bride happy, my job is done.

  After a quick detour via the church to make sure that the flowers haven’t died, been stolen or eaten by rabbits, we all head back to the shop.

  ‘Guys. You have all been fabulous,’ I tell them. ‘This truly wouldn’t have happened without you.’

  ‘It doesn’t feel real,’ says Honey. ‘I mean, I can’t believe what we’ve done the last two days but what I really can’t believe is, we’ve finished… I feel like I need to be doing something… Please, Frankie. Give me something to do!’

  ‘Buckets?’ I say hopefully. ‘It’s adrenaline, Honey. Probably a bit like when you finish with a particularly trying court case – all of a sudden it’s over and you can’t believe it. I usually go for a run.’

  ‘I’ll try it,’ she says, looking dazed.

  ‘Thank you so much.’ I dish out some cash to the college students. ‘I shall write glowing reports about you all. You’ll be fine florists.’

  As they wander off, Honey glares at me. ‘You’re not supposed to pay them.’

  Behind her back Skye raises her eyebrows at me.

  ‘Well I have. They deserved it and it wouldn’t have felt right, otherwise. Anyway, can I leave you two to finish up here? Only I, my friends, have a wedding to go to…’

  How very strange this is, walking away from the shop and leaving them to just get on with it, but actually, I’m rather liking it. The first thing I do is make a pot of strong coffee, because already my lack of sleep is catching up with me.

  It’s even stranger later, when Lulubelle comes to collect me, very rock-princessy in a shimmering silver dress and high heeled boots, with hair and makeup that shouts instantly of Bella Mac.

  ‘Decided against going incognito I see… I’m so glad! You look incredible!’ I tell her.

  ‘Thanks – so do you! You ready?’

  ‘Certainly am…’

  But as I sit in the front of her car, I’m still buzzing.

  ‘I saw Maria earlier,’ I tell her. ‘I don’t think she slept a wink last night.’ Then I remember Lulubelle is still getting used to the idea. ‘Sorry. I keep forgetting.’

  ‘No,’ she says firmly. ‘Actually, it’s okay. Really. I’ve talked to Mummy about it and she says she’s fine with it. She’s only just told me but she’s met someone too, which I’m really pleased about. And I can’t blame Maria – she and Daddy got together after the divorce came through so it’s not like she was the cause of it. I suppose in a way I’ve been selfish.’

  ‘How so?’ I frown. Lulubelle couldn’t be selfish if she tried.

  ‘Well, no child likes their parents splitting up. I really hated it – but they’ve both moved on and so I must too. And yes, it still feels funny, but I’m trying.’

  ‘Good for you.’ I’m full of admiration. ‘But you haven’t told me - how’s Cosmo?’

  ‘He’s been fine. Since that day I was really worried he’s been completely normal.’ A warmth comes into her voice. ‘We haven’t been back to the hospital. There didn’t seem any point. I’m crossing my fingers that this time really is it. That he’s beaten it. Wouldn’t that be amazing? For him to get better the same year as I patch things up with Daddy?’

  ‘It would,’ I agree. ‘And if anyone deserves it, you and Cosmo do. Hey, look at all these cars…’

  We’ve arrived. The road outside the church is packed with dozens of cars, from vintage jags to aston martins, but as it’s only narrow, the traffic is building up in either direction.

  ‘I’m going to pull in here,’ says Lulubelle, reversing up a bank. ‘We’ll have to walk.’

  We set off down the lane, as more guests pass us by. Then as we get to the footpath through the woods, a police car pulls up and the window winds down and a voice calls out.


  I lean down. ‘Good afternoon, officer… Oh, hello! It’s you!’

  Alex grins across from the driver’s seat. ‘You’re not going to this shindig, are you?’

  ‘No, I’m just going for a country walk in my posh frock,’ I tell him. ‘Of course I am! There isn’t any trouble, is there – you know, like vengeful exes?’

  ‘Not so far. Better move – have a good time!’

  I lift a hand as he drives off. He was really friendly. Just like at the beginning - and a teeny part of me wishes he was coming too...

  Navigating through the woods in high heels is a new challenge for me, though Lulubelle does it like an old hand, but then I guess rock-princesses do lots of gallivanting in heels. Ahead of us and behind are scores of glamorous looking guests. It’s like a cross between a rock festival and Vogue magazine and the dress code is clearly anything goes, from
hippy to Couture. My excitement is building. I feel like I’m on a film set.

  When the path opens out into the little churchyard, there’s a throng gathered outside – and then I realise, no way will we all fit inside. But as we get closer, I see someone’s set up a screen and giant speakers since this morning, and there are soft cushions spread all over the grass for everyone to sit on.

  As we get to the door, Lulubelle’s greeted by so many old friends who are thrilled to see her, and then we’re ushered inside to the front where we squeeze into a pew.

  ‘Frankie! It looks incredible in here,’ Lulubelle looks around at the flowers.

  ‘Thanks.’ I feel a glow of pride because it’s just the effect I wanted, with the sense that part of the woods has somehow crept in with the wedding guests. It’s exactly how I wanted it.

  Then the glamorous looking woman in front of us turns round.

  ‘Bella! It is you! Thank God you’re here!’

  ‘Auntie Gloria!’

  Auntie Gloria leans over in a waft of perfume and gin, kissing her. ‘I thought it was a joke when I heard it was in a church… I mean, your father of all people… I can’t imagine it’ll last. Incapable of being faithful, isn’t he,’ she adds bluntly. ‘Sees a bit of skirt, can’t help himself.’

  Lulubelle glances at me. ‘Well, I’ve a feeling this time might be different, Auntie.’

  ‘I give them six months,’ she crows, just as a guitar sounds and there’s a cheer from outside the church. ‘Tell you what, dear. We’ll run a book. I’ll catch everyone on the way to the…’

  ‘Sshh, Auntie – it’s starting.’

  Well, I suppose there was never any way Pete McNamara would have organ music at his wedding, not with a band like his, who it seems can turn their hand to anything, even Here Comes the Bride, though they can’t resist jigging it up a beat by the time Maria starts her walk down the aisle.

  As she draws level with Pete, there’s a collective ooh from the congregation and as I catch sight of her, I too am mesmerised – and not just by the bouquet, which though I say it myself, is a triumph.

  Quite simply, Maria’s stunning, but not at all in a showy way. Her long hair falls in loose waves except for the bit pinned messily up, just as she’d shown me. In her gorgeous dress of mermaid colours, she glows – not just her skin and her eyes, but more essentially, from inside, so you get the feeling that celebrity or not, whether Pete has a past or not, this is the real deal.

  So there, by the light of candles and to the sound of guitars, Pete and Maria pledge their troth. Smiling to myself, I spare a brief thought for Josh, who will never see this, but I can’t bring myself to feel too sorry for him. Then remembering Honey’s warning, I shiver. I hope he doesn’t come looking for me.


  Once I shed my paranoia that any minute all the flowers we’ve created are going to shrivel up and die in front of the guests, I start to enjoy myself.

  After the second glass of champagne, a week’s worth of adrenaline is slowly dissipating and suddenly, I’m hit with this disembodied feeling as though I’m floating, even though I’m here in Roselin Castle hobnobbing with all these rich and famous people that Lulubelle keeps introducing me too. Musicians, movie stars, directors… I’m surrounded by them everywhere I look.

  I completely lose track of the time, though it’s dark by the time we’re called to dinner. The path to the teepee is lit by towering torches, just as Maria wanted and as we step inside, it’s magnificent, with candles and ivy and fairylights absolutely everywhere.

  And it was me who dreamed this up. I can’t help but feel quite proud. The surreal feeling continues as I follow Lulubelle to our table, where I’m sitting between two guys from a band that everyone’s heard of. I’m completely spoilt here, with Danny on my left and Micky on my right – and it’s clear, they both know Lulubelle.

  ‘How?’ I’m puzzled.

  ‘Well, it kind of goes back to before Bella here packed it all in. It’s time you came back, baby,’ Micky tells her. ‘It’d be massive – we’re playing Glastonbury – you could like, come out on stage and surprise everyone!’

  ‘Oh wow – you should so do that,’ I tell her excitedly. ‘Just imagine! It would be so cool, Lulubelle…’

  But even though she shakes her head, I see a flicker of something in her eyes.

  ‘So I’m guessing the band tonight might be interesting,’ I say casually.

  Danny and Micky grin at each other. ‘Hope so. Actually, might be really interesting…’

  I have this feeling then, they’re planning something.

  It’s official. I no longer feel like a gatecrasher as in no time, Danny and Micky treat me like another old friend, as does everyone else at our table. I forget Auntie Gloria’s cynicism, I forget that I’m merely the florist, I drink the champagne, eat the gorgeous food and enjoy myself – but every so often, remind myself that I’m not at one of Honey’s dinner parties and must behave, though I have to say, as I look around, most of the guests are steadily getting rat-arsed.

  After the speeches, I look round to find Danny and Micky have disappeared, but not for long. They reappear a short while later on the stage, just as the entire marquee is plunged into darkness. Then as a myriad multicoloured fairy-lights twinkle above us all, the music starts.

  The first dance is the song of Pete’s he played at the ball - Star Flight – and there’s a cheer as the bride and groom take to the floor. Suddenly Alex is in my head. I can’t believe how vividly, as the music reminds me of dancing with him. Then as it finishes, they up the tempo and suddenly everyone’s on their feet.

  It’s as well I don’t have anyone to dance with, because I’m fast running out of steam. I’ve had about two hours sleep in as many days and it’s catching up with me. But I don’t want to miss a second of this, especially when after several songs which end to rapturous applause, there’s a break and Danny takes the mike.

  ‘Thank you!’ he shouts, to loud cheers. ‘Thank you…’ and when the noise subsides, continues.

  ‘It’s a special night…’ More raucous cheers. You can’t shut this lot up, it seems. ‘And….’ He’s really winding everyone up. ‘It’s about to get even more so, because I want to tell you a story…’

  At last the cheers quieten. ‘Because, once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a beautiful princess… who lived in a castle and had such a magical life that everyone wanted to be her. Anyway, something happened and the princess disappeared….’

  It elicits huge cries of disappointment from the floor.

  ‘… and then, as if by magic, she was found again…’

  He waits, then holds up a bass guitar.

  ‘This is hers, by the way…’

  Beside me, Lulubelle is rigid. ‘Fuck,’ she mutters, the only time I’ve ever heard her use the word. ‘I’ll fucking kill them…’

  ‘Bella? Bella Mac?’

  If the cheers were loud before, this time they’re deafening and then it starts, a chant, growing louder and louder. ‘Bella, Bella… Bella, Bella…’

  As she stands up, a spotlight finds her and I realise then it’s a set up. It has to be, otherwise how would her old guitar be here, the spotlight ready to be trained on her… and how did they know she’d agree? But then, she’s grown up with all these people. It’s not like performing to strangers and then I realise, she’s doing this for Pete.

  I’m nervous for her, so nervous I’m shaking, but I don’t need to be. As she steps up on the stage, she looks as though she were born to be there. Taking the guitar, she seems to morph into another being, one that belongs in this other world at which I can only wonder.

  Danny and Micky appear either side of her and the music starts up again and when Lulubelle joins in, I’m blown away. The three of them together are just awesome and I can hardly believe that it’s my friend up there.

  Her voice brings a richness that wasn’t there before and though she fumbles, just slightly, she’s incredible.

the end, she smiles and it’s her who starts the next track. And suddenly I’m incredibly humbled. I’m witnessing rock history here – only no-one will ever know, that Bella Mac came back, just once, to play at her father’s wedding.

  At the end of this one, she calls out. ‘I’m out of practice! But thank you! Daddy, Maria – this is for you.’

  Nothing could have prepared me for what follows. Suddenly the band fades from the stage, leaving Lulubelle standing there alone holding Danny’s guitar. Then she starts. It’s the simplest rendition of Over the Rainbow I’ve ever heard. It’s from the heart – sweet and haunting and when I see her eyes, I know she’s also singing for Cosmo. As she finishes I can’t stop the tears streaming down my face as rapturous applause sweeps the room.


  After it’s over, as the wild applause subsides, I watch Lulubelle stand there a moment longer, soaking it all up, then make her way back to our table, as friends grab her arm to reminisce about the good old days.

  Eventually she makes it back though and she’s glowing.

  ‘Lulubelle! You were AWESOME…’ I shriek.

  She sits down, still buzzing.

  ‘You should so do this again,’ I’ve never been so excited in my life. ‘Don’t pretend – you loved it!’

  ‘I did!’ She looks elated. ‘It was amazing to be up there again… But it’s a one off, Frankie. Everyone here knows Bella Mac – and away from here, with Cosmo so ill, I can’t explain but it’s different…’

  I know it’s a decision she made some time ago.

  ‘Maybe one day – just not yet. It isn’t the time.’

  I hope Pete knows that she did it for him. Then I hear his voice nearby and when I look round, he’s standing behind her, holding Maria’s hand.

  ‘Babe… Thank you…’ He envelopes her in the first hug in a long, long time.

  ‘Just returning a favour,’ she tells him, but we all know it’s not as simple as that.


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