Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance

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Fake It_A Fake Marriage Baby Romance Page 24

by Mia Ford

  I was getting ahead of myself. I didn’t even know if Isabelle wanted that from me though she seemed happy with me. I kicked off my shorts and dropped them to the floor, sliding under the light quilt to try to get comfortable.

  I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes again, the sun was shining through the window. I looked around, grabbing my phone to see that it was past nine. I listened for noise in the house and laughter carried up the stairs as I stretched.

  I stood and pulled on my shorts before hitting the bathroom to freshen up. When I walked downstairs, Melanie and Isabelle were drinking coffee and Kendra was drinking orange juice. “Morning,” I greeted them as Isabelle gave me a beautiful smile.

  “Good morning, Mason. Want some coffee?” Melanie asked as I nodded and looked around for Frank. “He went for a walk. Always does in the morning. I think we’ll have time for a nice breakfast before you go.” I saw the way she looked at Kendra before pouring me some coffee and asking if I took cream or sugar.

  “Black is great,” I assured her, lifting the cup to smell cinnamon. That’s where it started. I smiled as I thought about the way we met and the look on Isabelle’s face. I sipped the coffee and let it slide down my throat, knowing that cinnamon coffee would always remind me of this time in my life.

  Frank came home, and we got ready to leave. Kendra drove with Frank and Melanie and I took Isabelle in the mustang. It was good for them to have time with her and Isabelle told me that we could take their seat for the ride to the airport unless they wanted to come along to say goodbye. We’d arranged a place to meet for breakfast and the two of us went to the hotel to pack and check me out as she looked around the room. Isabelle smiled as she looked at me, blushing as I packed some pants into the luggage. “I wish I could have spent some more time here,” she told me as I nodded.

  “We’ll travel. We’ll have times like this again.” I assured her as Isabelle looked at me.

  “Kendra.” I shook my head.

  “She isn’t an inconvenience, Isabelle. She’s a great kid that I look forward to spending time with. We can travel together and find some time for us when she’s asleep. Parents have been doing that for years, haven’t they?” I smiled, and she stared at me with wide eyes.

  “I love that you care for her like this. If you hadn’t been at that beach, she might have been swept out to sea. I might not have been able to save her.” Tears filled Isabelle’s eyes, and I pulled her close.

  “You’re her mom. You would have done anything you needed to in another situation. I just happened to be the one yesterday.” I pulled her close as she sucked in her breath and hugged me back. “You are a great mom.”

  Isabelle composed herself, walking into the bathroom to make sure that I had everything I needed. I suspected that she was taking a moment and allowed it as I checked around the room. We left, and I turned in the key, signing the last of the papers as Isabelle joined me in walking to the car.

  We kissed as I opened her door, lingering for a moment before she pulled away and slid inside. I drove to the small cafe on the water, seeing everyone else sitting at a large table outside. I grinned as we joined them, looking around at Isabelle’s family that welcomed me so easily. We ordered coffee and something for Kendra to drink, looking over the menu to decide what we wanted to eat.

  The breakfast was leisurely as we talked about my family and the upcoming holidays. Melanie asked if I was going to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family and I nodded. Melanie said that the girls normally came to visit as much as they could and I smiled. “Maybe you can find some time, if it works with your plans.”

  “I’ll work something out. It’s just a short flight.”

  We went to a nearby beach just to get our ocean fix and Kendra wandered along the sand, allowing a few feet between her and the water. Granted, we weren’t here to swim, but she seemed a little scared as she stared at the waves. Isabelle watched her, and I saw her eyes filling with tears again. I reached out for her hand and squeezed it before walking over to Kendra.

  “Hey, there. How are you doing?” I asked her as she looked at me with big blue eyes. “Scared?”

  “What if another wave takes me out there?” She asked as she looked back at the water.

  “Have you taken swimming lessons?” I asked her as she shook her head.

  “I’ve been in a pool but I usually stay in the shallow end,” she admitted as I glanced over at Isabelle.

  “How about some lessons when we get back? There are some great indoor pools and the teachers will make it fun to learn.” Kendra looked at me and narrowed her eyes.

  “Will there be other kids there that don’t know how to swim?” I smiled and nodded.

  “I’ll bet you make some friends there and you’ll be comfortable in the water. It helps in places like this, but I’ll keep you safe.” I met her eyes and smiled.

  “I’d like that.” We walked a bit closer to the water and the other three joined us as Kendra asked Isabelle about swimming lessons. She agreed and promised Kendra that she’d look into is as soon as we were back and gave me a long look.

  Once the goodbyes were said, and we were on the plane, Isabelle watched as Kendra relaxed in the same seat with her books and games. I could see that she was tired and Isabelle smiled as she followed my gaze. “I didn’t even think of lessons. She has been in a pool several times but it didn’t occur to me that she didn’t truly swim. I guess I thought it was because she was little. I don’t know. Maybe I should have been that mom that did it when she was a baby.”

  “Slow down. That isn’t necessary. We’ll figure this out and she’ll be confident in no time. It won’t always help her but a little confidence goes a long way.” I looked into her face as she relaxed and looked at Kendra again, who was falling asleep. Isabelle looked back at me and then Kendra before she kissed me softly. I wanted to ask how it was going to be when we got back to Seattle but I lost myself in her lips instead.

  We landed just after the sun set and all three of us watched it from the plane. Kendra packed her bag as we descended and Isabelle looked around to make sure that she had everything.

  We left, and I grinned when I saw the car waiting for us. I’d called for it, asking for a seat for Kendra and Isabelle looked at me. “What did you do?”

  “I thought that we could go home together.” We walked to the town car and got Kendra buckled up before heading to their apartment. I knew that we worked the following day and prepared myself to go home alone. I sat beside Isabelle and watched her as she looked at the scenery with a thoughtful smile.

  When the car pulled up to the complex, Isabelle looked at me. “Want to come in?”

  “Yeah?” I asked as I looked at Kendra. She nodded and reached her hand out to take mine.

  “I’ll drive us to work tomorrow, if that’s okay.”

  “Perfect.” We left the car and got our bags, taking them into the apartment. I managed to find something in the suitcase that would work for tomorrow and Isabelle took care of it for me as Kendra ate a quick dinner of grille cheese. After that, she took a quick bath and Isabelle tucked her into bed. It had been a long weekend, and we were all tired. We checked on her one more time before Isabelle led me to her room where we undressed for sleep and crawled into bed.



  I closed my eyes after we made love, feeling safe in his arms. I was worried about Kendra finding me this way for the first time in her life but we both listened for her. I closed her door as well as mine for some privacy and we were quiet. It wasn’t the same as the hotel but we were together and that was what mattered.

  Kendra cared for him as well. I smiled and rested against his chest as I tried to ignore the fact that it was after midnight. We had to get up early, and I felt him slide his hand up my bare back. “We are going to be so tired tomorrow.”

  “I think I’ll go in with a smile on my face,” Mason told me as I laughed. I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes we
arily as I pushed aside the worry of Kendra finding us and suddenly resenting Mason for taking me away from her.

  The alarm seemed to go off five minutes after we fell asleep and I asked Mason if he wanted to shower first. He looked at me suggestively and I shook my head as I promised to make some coffee. He sighed, and I pulled on a robe as I walked to the kitchen, checking Kendra’s door to hear that she was quiet in there. She was probably still sleeping. I continued to make the coffee and smiled as I heard the water in the bathroom.

  The last six years that I spent alone were worth it but I was enjoying this thing with Mason. He made me feel beautiful and safe and I stared through the window of my small apartment as the coffee started brewing.

  I glanced at the clock and noted that I should get Kendra up. I stretched and tightened my robe, feeling the ache between my legs as I walked to her bedroom. I opened the door and walked in, leaning down to kiss her soft hair. “Hey, baby girl. It’s time to get ready for school.”

  Kendra opened her eyes and blinked at me as she stretched. “I’m tired but I want to go to school and tell my friends all about the weekend.” She looked behind me and then back at me. “Is Mason here?”

  “Yes. He’s getting ready for work. I am going to take a shower so I need you to get yourself ready. Okay?” I asked as she nodded. “Do you want some juice? I’ll make toast after my shower.”

  Kendra nodded, and I went to pour her some orange juice, telling her not to spill it as I left her room. Mason was standing in the bathroom, messing with his hair as I watched for a long moment. Mason glanced at me, asking if Kendra was up as I nodded. “I am going to take a shower and make her some toast after. She eats fast.”

  “Take a shower and I’ll make her toast when I am dressed. Enjoy the peace.” Mason told me as I raised an eyebrow at him. He stepped into my room to get dressed and I looked at the door. “Shower, Isabelle.”

  I walked into the bathroom and turned on the hot water before reluctantly closing the door. I wanted Mason in here with me but that would have to wait for another time. I stripped and stepped under the water, wetting my hair as I closed my eyes. I washed my hair and body, enjoying the soap and warmth of the water before conditioning my hair. I rinsed everything and wrapped a towel around my hair before drying off. I listened for a moment as the house fell silent, hearing Mason and Kendra in the kitchen. I glanced at the window and saw that it was bright outside, drying my hair quickly before I brushed it out. I put some product in it to help control it and then did just a little makeup before pulling on a burgundy wrap dress and black heels.

  I walked into the kitchen, seeing Kendra dressed and eating as she talked about school with Mason. He laughed, and I smiled as I paused in the hallway. I had always wanted this for Kendra and it fell into my lap. I never wanted to try this with any other man before and now I had someone that I was in love with.

  Wait. Was I in love with him?

  We left the house once everyone was ready and Kendra got into the back of the car and buckled in. I handed Mason my keys and slid into the passenger seat as I smiled. He got into the drivers side and I sipped my coffee as he asked where we were going. We both directed him to school, and I hopped out to give Kendra a hug and kiss. “Have a great day.”

  “Can we make dinner for Mason?” She asked as I smiled.


  I walked into the door to make sure she got settled and then headed back to the car as Mason watched me. “Are you good from here?” I asked as I looked at him.

  “Yeah. I’ve got it.” Mason started the engine and pulled out to the road, turning right towards the freeway. “How old is this car?”

  “It was my Granma’s car. I got it once she couldn’t drive and I love it. I hate the idea of losing her.” I pouted as he chuckled, pretending to glare at him. “Don’t.”

  “I am not saying a word.” Mason merged onto the freeway and I sat back, taking in the sights from the passenger seat. We parked in the garage and I looked around nervously for a moment. “It’s going to be fine.”

  Driving to work together became a habit on the nights that Mason spent with me. Sometimes it was my car and others his, but we had a nice routine. I think Kendra preferred the mornings when he took her to school but he didn’t spend every night with me.

  I wanted him to do that, though.

  The office was tough for me. Arriving together started some gossip, but Mason had a way of acting like he didn’t care. He kept on doing what he always did and I focused on my job. I saw how Hannah went to his office to talk to him a few times after giving me searching glances and just kept reading. I looked over the rules and dating my boss wasn’t the best idea but I put my faith in Mason that he would take care of me if something happened here. It was scary knowing that I was taking a chance being with Mason but I couldn’t help myself.

  Kendra wanted to spend a lot of time with him as well. He took us out to dinner often and we started Kendra in swimming lessons at the nearby indoor pool. I brought my tablet along sometimes to work while she swam, but I watched her more than I read. Kendra was gaining confidence, and I smiled as she progressed in her lessons.

  The day that I met Mason’s uncle was one of the worst ones of my life. He came in for lunch and introduced himself to me before heading in to talk to Mason. He was a nice man, and I frowned as he closed the door. I knew that Mason was going to tell him about us but it still took two weeks.

  I hoped that he was okay with it. Mason had a great job here and a future and I couldn’t be the reason that he lost it all. I bit my lip and tried to look at my computer as I felt someone stop by the desk. I glanced up to see Hannah, and she smiled at me. “His uncle is awesome. I think that you’ll love him.”

  “Will he be okay with this?” I asked softly as I shifted in my chair.

  “I was worried about the two of you in the beginning. I knew that you had a daughter and wasn’t sure if there was room for that in Mason’s life. I saw him go through the break up and he wasn’t good at first. I could see that you were hurt as well and the attraction between you two could have been a train wreck.” She smiled and I let out the breath that I was holding. “It isn’t. You guys are good together and so far, this is working.” Hannah looked at the closed door and frowned. “I am almost certain that he will think the same. He loves Mason like a son.”

  “I hope so,” I said softly as we both stared at the door. Some people seemed jealous and petty over this relationship between Mason and I but Hannah was supportive. I had gotten to know her well, and we were getting to be friends.

  Time dragged for me as I watched the door, wondering what the hell was going on in there.



  I watched as Ken sat down in the seat across the desk, making himself comfortable. “So, why did you call me here? I suspect that it was more than just lunch.”

  “Yes. It is,” I said as I looked towards the window. I thought back to the years that Ken had supported me in pursuing a career in publishing. He’d seen my sacrifices over the years and I smiled. “I am dating someone, Uncle Ken,”

  The surprise registered on his face as he grinned. Ken knew better than most how I felt after my brother’s betrayal. “That’s great, Mason. When do I get to meet her? Is she meeting us for lunch?”

  “That can be arranged easily. You’ve already met her today,” I told him as he frowned thoughtfully. He gave me a sharp look and then looked at my door.

  “The new assistant?” His voice was soft as he raised an eyebrow at me. “Mason, we have rules here for a reason.”

  “Rules that I’ve never considered breaking. Hell, Ken, I’ve fired assistants for breaking them. I know the rules just fine,” I told him as he gazed back at me. “We fought this, thought not for long. I met her by accident before I knew that she worked here and something just… sparked.” I trailed off as I remembered the first time I saw Isabelle’s eyes. Even now, it sparks electricity through me.

  “I can
tell by that face. I’ve never seen it over a woman, including your ex. Isabelle, was it?” He asked gently as I nodded. “Is it a problem that you work together so far? It hasn’t been that long… a few months?” Surprise registered on his face as I nodded again.

  “I met her the first day before we were here together. I was already interested.” I reminded him as Ken ran a hand through his hair. “We are an excellent team. She’s fast and thorough and we’ve already gotten a few projects done together.”

  “She’s a pretty girl, Mason. I’ll give you that.” Ken told me as he leaned back. “Tell me about her.”

  “She has a six-year-old daughter. She’s alone and had her parents help. I met them last weekend,” I told him as Ken shook his head.

  “Jesus, Mason.”

  “It worked out for me to go to the same area to see Colby. I never made it to his place and spent the weekend with her family.” Ken dropped his face into his hands. “I sound crazy. I know that but this feels right. I’ll bring her to lunch and you can meet her.”

  “Does the staff know?” He asked, and I paused before I told him that I thought so. I didn’t talk to many people then to greet them and say good night. This place was a job to me and not a place to make friends. I had plenty of those to hang out with after work though it had been a while.

  “We don’t display it. I have heard talk though.” I admitted as he let out a sigh.

  “It’s already known that you’re my nephew. I don’t want people to think that you get to live life differently due to that fact.” His voice was stern, and I looked at him for a moment.

  “I have worked here since college, Ken. I have worked hard and not gotten involved with anyone here. In fact, I’ve made an example of people sacrificing their work for it.” I saw him nod and give me a long look. “This is bigger than this place. I can’t explain it.”

  “It was like that with your aunt. You don’t have to.” Ken shook his head. “The kid? Is that going to be a problem?”


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