Boxed Set: The Billionaire’s Desire Complete Collection (Books 1-3 and Bonus Books 1 and 2) (Submitting to the Billionaire)

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Boxed Set: The Billionaire’s Desire Complete Collection (Books 1-3 and Bonus Books 1 and 2) (Submitting to the Billionaire) Page 2

by Blake, Ashley

  He obviously worked in the building. Who was this man?

  He reached out to move my hair out of my eye and his fingers entwined in my hair, grabbing a fistful, and gently but forcefully pulled my head back. He leaned in to kiss me, his soft lips crushing mine. Our tongues eagerly sought each other out, wanting and needing. He slowly pulled away searching my eyes. His fingers slowly caressed my face and moved down my collar bone, down my arm to my hand that was sitting on my thigh. Oh, the way he touches me. My breathing quickened as I started to melt under his touch. Both hands then started a slow trail up my thighs and under my skirt and caressed my legs in a circular motion and came back down my thighs. They slowly went back up my thighs and under my skirt again only this time they went a little higher and I felt my hips inch forward to give him better access. I’m not stopping him, this feels too good. I felt his fingers caress my soft opening. Was that appreciation I saw when he felt I didn’t have on any panties? I felt like I was in a trance. I was letting him do whatever he wanted.

  With both hands on my thighs he leaned in close to me and whispered in my ear with that deep masculine voice. He was all man. “Sarah, you’re so fucking sexy.”

  I looked at him, wanting to grab him and pull him to me. He gave me a sexy smirk and cupped his hands around my ass cheeks. I lifted up slightly so that he could get a good feel and he gave my cheeks a squeeze before sliding his fingers around to my moist opening. I felt the fingers of his left hand graze my clit as his right hand moved up my stomach to my breasts and started caressing my nipple in small circles through my shirt. My gasp was audible as waves of pleasure washed over me. My nails dug into the soft fabric of the couch as soft moans escaped my lips. At that moment I didn’t care that I didn’t know who this man was. All I cared about was how good this felt and that he knew how to touch me. I spread my legs a little wider to give him better access. His fingers glided over my clit again and then he started rubbing it faster while he leaned in to kiss my neck. I planted my hands on his shoulders and threw my head back exposing the delicate skin to his unyielding lips.

  “Lie down on the couch.”

  I did what he said without hesitation. Before I knew it he was on the couch, spreading my legs, hands under my ass. I saw his head dip between my legs and I felt his warm tongue lick between the folds my most sensitive place. I raked my hands through his hair and moaned uncontrollably. Then I felt his tongue probe inside my tender opening. I was writhing with pleasure as he reached up to pinch my nipple through my blouse. I felt his tongue glide up to my clit repeatedly assaulting it. I could feel my orgasm building and I was helpless to stop it.

  He let out a soft hum against my nub and the vibrations permeated through me and were the catalyst for my body’s reckless abandon. My fingers dug into his head as I let out a loud cry and started to shake. After a few seconds I finally stopped shuddering and fell limp against the couch. After a few seconds I tried to pull him toward me because I desperately needed to be filled. He gently pulled back.

  “Soon.” It was a promise I hoped he would keep.

  From my purse, my cell phone alarm startled me and I was suddenly aware of how exposed I was. Shame began to wash over me as the realization of what had just happened hit me. What was wrong with me? I had let him do this again. He sat up looking at me with those smoldering eyes as I fumbled around trying to muster up some decorum as I straightened my clothes and my hair.

  “Um, I have to get back to work. My lunch hour is over.” My voice was small and slightly shaky. I stood up and slung my purse over my shoulder. I could barely look him in the eye as I walked toward the door. What now? I had no idea what I should say. And he was no help. He just sat there looking at me with a satisfied smirk on his face and let me walk right out of the room.

  I was mortified and went straight to the restroom to freshen up. Part of me wanted to go crawl and hide but the other part of me enjoyed my encounters with the handsome stranger. I got lost in what had just happened as I thought about his hands on me, his tongue and his probing fingers. I snapped out of my reverie when I saw what time it was and headed back to my desk. I was a bit paranoid that everyone on my floor would know what I had done because I was a little bit late going back to my desk, but no one seemed to pay attention to me as I walked down the hall. I threw myself into work to keep my lustful thoughts at bay, at least for a little while.

  A few minutes later Ms. Statham came by to give me a new assignment. It required me to be out of the office for the next two days and work over at the mid-town office rather than the downtown office. I felt a sense of relief because I wouldn’t have to worry about running into the gorgeous stranger for a couple of days. As quickly as the relief hit me, it vanished and I felt a pit in my stomach. The train. I would probably see him on the train. I decided to change my train schedule to an even earlier train so as not to risk running into him. I stayed at work for another couple of hours and then I headed home.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning I took a different train to the mid-town office. I was the only intern chosen to work on the assignment at the mid-town office so I hoped that meant that they saw something special in me. I planned to work my butt off. I pushed all thoughts of the gorgeous stranger out of my mind and focused on work. But during my breaks I found myself imagining his hands on me again. He knew just how to touch me, hold me, squeeze me, and I wondered when I would feel his hands on me again. I was getting lost in my thoughts when an admin gave me a huge file folder to work on. I had to prepare spreadsheets and a report giving analysis of one of the company’s biggest investments. I think they wanted to see not only if understood what they did, but also if I could explain it to other people. I was so excited. This was the most hands on assignment I’d had so far. I really liked that this company was very hands on with the interns. I was getting a chance to see what it would be like to have this position as a salaried employee. I didn’t have to do any grunt work and I liked that.

  I was working on preparing my spreadsheets when a first year associate in the financing group stopped by my cubicle.

  “Hi, I’m Stacy. Sarah, right?” Stacy had been assigned to check my work and help me if needed.

  “Right, hi.”

  “So how is everything going? Do you have any questions about anything?”

  “Not yet. I think I’m OK so far.”

  “Just to let you know, the spreadsheets and report you’re preparing are going to be shown to Mr. Hunter. So make sure you triple check all of your numbers.”

  I really appreciated her telling me this. “Mr. Hunter, as in the CEO of the company?

  “Yes, apparently he wants to wrap up the internship program early this year. The other two interns were sent to two of our other offices and given special assignments as well. This is only my first year so I remember how grueling the internship program was. I can tell that you have an incredible work ethic which is one of the many qualities they are looking for. I love this job and if they hire you I think you will love it too. Good luck and let me know if you need any help.”

  “Thanks Stacy, I appreciate it.”

  Mr. Hunter was going to see this and he wanted to end the program early this year! Suddenly I was nervous. I wanted this job more than anything so I poured myself into the project. I worked until 11:00 pm and I was exhausted. By the time I got home I just collapsed on my bed and went to sleep.

  I arrived early the next day and jumped right into working on my project. I had to turn in a rough draft to Stacy by 11:00 a.m., and I was done by 9:30 a.m. I went to her office and she checked over my numbers and analysis.

  “Sarah, I am really impressed with your work. Hang here for a sec while I go show this to my supervisor.”

  She had a beautiful office and she was just a first year associate! I wanted this so badly I could taste it. I looked around at her pictures as I sat and waited and imagined, just for a minute, that this was my office. I was going to have the same thing but better. I could feel it. Stacy c
ame back with her boss’s boss, Jim Parker, who was a partner, and he asked me if I would present my findings and analysis at the partner’s meeting the next day at the downtown office.

  “Did you say partner’s meeting?” I was a bit nervous and confused.

  “I did. We have been really impressed with your work these past few weeks and I think you hit the nail on the head with your findings. It takes most people weeks to figure out what you were able to figure out in less than two days. Your supervisor will be notified and she will attend with you.”

  “I would be happy to sir.”

  “Oh, sir is not necessary. Just Jim is fine.”

  “OK, Jim. I would be happy to attend the meeting.” I loved how laid back and yet buttoned up this company was. Partners made millions of dollars a year and he wanted me to call him by his first name. I loved it.

  When I got back to my cubicle I had to restrain myself because I wanted to jump up and down and scream. I was going to present in front of the partners! There was no way I was going to screw this up. As I sat at my desk my mind wandered to the gorgeous stranger again. I was so busy the past several hours that I didn’t have time to think about him very much. I was actually happy about that because it showed me that I was able to focus when necessary and nothing was going to keep me from getting this position. I decided that, until this big meeting was over, whenever he would pop into my mind I would just push him out. My ultimate goal was to be hired at the end of the internship so I had to stay focused.

  When I got home that night I practiced my presentation in front of the mirror eight times. I felt good about it by the time I went to bed. I went to bed early so that I would be well rested and alert the next day.

  The next morning I felt really good about my presentation. I’d gotten up early, I wore a new suit and didn’t have a hair out of place. I wanted to look like a picture perfect professional in front of the partners. I wanted them to see that I fit with the look of the company. I took the early train again and I wasn’t even thinking about the gorgeous stranger when I walked up the stairs to the second level and I stopped dead in my tracks. What was he doing here? This isn’t the time that he takes the train! I felt weak in the knees just looking at him. I was suddenly acutely aware that I looked silly standing at the top of the landing just staring at him. He just sat there with a sexy smirk on his face. I instantly felt embarrassed about our previous two encounters and looked down at the ground. Not today. Today is too important. I have a huge meeting to think about. I glanced up at him and he was watching me with amused interest as I stood there like an idiot. I quickly snapped out of it and sat down. I pulled out my report to go over it again. Please, please leave me alone today. I don’t think I have the strength to resist you and I have to do well at this meeting.

  The entire ride I expected him to come over to me so I was focusing half of my attention on my report and was half on guard in case he approached me. Thankfully, when we got to our stop he walked past me without saying a word. I was relieved at first, and then annoyance set in. What an arrogant jerk! Maybe he felt he got what he wanted and now he was done with me. I couldn’t get all worked up about that right then. I would give him a piece of my mind when I saw him the next morning on the train. Until then I had to put him out of my mind and focus on my big meeting that morning.

  Chapter 4

  The executive floor was everything I had imagined and more. It was absolutely gorgeous. The walls had deep mahogany trim, there were floor to ceiling glass doors everywhere, and the receptionist desk looked like an executive desk in the middle of an enormous waiting room. The waiting room was lined with plush chairs and there was a coffee and tea station set up in the corner of the room. I’m definitely going to have an office up here one day. The meeting started at 10:00 a.m. and we were 20 minutes early. While my boss and I sat waiting to be called into the meeting, she gave me a few words of encouragement. I could tell that she was proud of me and that meant a lot. We were called to the meeting a few minutes later and when we walked into the room there were already 20 people sitting around a large table. My boss told me that she would introduce me when it was my turn to present. I was nervous and excited about this opportunity. Interns never got this kind of exposure. Two minutes later everyone was there and ready to begin. We were just waiting for Joshua Hunter, the CEO.

  What happened next, felt like an out of body experience. I was glancing over my notes in front of me when I heard that familiar deep, sexy voice ring out.

  “Sorry to keep everyone waiting. Are we ready to begin?”

  My mouth fell open as I looked up to see the gorgeous stranger standing at the head of the table. I quickly composed myself as a million thoughts began to run through mind. The fucking CEO? Really? I felt like I was going to lose it so I looked down at my notes and counted to 10. I had been waiting for this kind of opportunity and I was not going to blow it.

  I gave my presentation near the end of the meeting and it went flawlessly. I was able to answer all questions that were asked of me and I felt really good about it. As I was leaving the room, Joshua glanced at me and Jim Parker stopped me.

  “Wonderful job Sarah.”

  “Thank you Jim, and thank you for this opportunity.”

  I made it back to my desk on wobbly legs since my nerves were all a jumble. The reality of what just happened started to sink in. I was so freaked out by what just happened. The stranger was Joshua Hunter! Owner of the entire company, Joshua Hunter! Billionaire, Joshua Hunter! All kinds of thoughts started running through my head. Could I be fired for what we did? And we did it in the building in the lounge! I was certain it was grounds for termination and I was now scared that I was going to lose my opportunity. I started to panic and then realized that he seduced me. I shouldn’t get in trouble at all. But no matter how many times I told myself that, I was terrified I’d screwed everything up. Why did I let him do those things to me? Because it felt so damn good and I couldn’t remember the last time anyone touched me like that. He was so sexy and mysterious I didn’t want to resist.

  I decided to submerge myself in the next project I was working on. I was so worried after learning who Joshua Hunter was that I lost my appetite and worked straight through lunch. Around 3:30 PM, Ms. Statham came to my desk and said Mr. Hunter wanted to see all three interns in his office.

  I felt sick to my stomach as I rode the elevator up to the executive floor. This was the end. I had messed up. I was probably going to be lectured in front of the other two interns about what not to do. I was mortified and terrified.

  His secretary led me to his office and the other two interns were already there so I took a seat next to them. A couple of minutes later Mr. Hunter came in. He didn’t extend any niceties or pleasantries and got right to the point. He told us that he did not make the final decision as to who the company was going to hire. The partners all voted and decided who would be hired after the internship program each year. He told us that he had decided to end the intern program early this year because one person’s work stood out from day one. He told us that we all did exceptional work. The company was looking for someone whose work was extremely accurate and who could quickly grasp the concepts and principles of the company. He went on to say that unfortunately, they found flaws with two interns work. The other intern did an outstanding job.

  “Congratulations Ms. Vaughn. Welcome to Hunter International.”

  I wanted to cry because all my hard work and been validated. I also felt a sense of relief because all the partners had to vote for me so I knew I didn’t get this job because of what happened between us. The other two interns thanked Mr. Hunter and left his office, closing the door behind them, leaving us alone.

  “So, Joshua Hunter. Why didn’t you tell me who you are?” I gave him a cautious stare. I was pissed but I had to be careful since he was now, in essence, my boss.

  “You never asked me.”

  He was right, but was it really that simple?

  “The train. I
f you have all of this, why do you ride the train? And why don’t you ride with some sort of security?”

  “I don’t want to be given any sort of preferential treatment. I want to experience what the average citizen is experiencing. It is important to me that those who work for me feel as they are working with me. I think it has made for a much more positive and productive work environment. But don’t get me wrong. I do have my little indulgences. And I do ride with security. They sit on the first level. I like to have some privacy on the train.” He winked at me when he said that and I could feel my cheeks getting flushed.

  “You are going to be assigned to work on the executive floor. There is only one other person who was an intern who got hired and came directly to this floor. He’s now a partner and if you work hard, which I know you will, you will have the same career path.”

  “Mr. Hunter?” I had to interrupt him.

  “Joshua, please.”

  “Why did you seduce me? Why me?”


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