Secret Baby, Public Affair

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Secret Baby, Public Affair Page 9

by Yvonne Lindsay

  Home. His home perhaps, Blair thought, looking back at the size of the palazzo as he helped her into the car.

  “No, that’s fine. It’ll be lovely, I’m sure.”

  Draco slid into the driver’s seat, his strong, capable hands settling on the steering wheel. It occurred to Blair that this was the first time she’d seen him drive.

  “You don’t drive when you’re in New Zealand. Why is that?”

  “Parking in and around the city is at such a premium, I prefer not to be bothered with such things when I’m there on business. Generally, I keep a car there for my own use, but for pleasure, I prefer to use my motorbike when I’m in Auckland.”

  “You ride a bike?”

  Blair was surprised. Draco had always struck her as so smooth and urbane. Imagining him in black leathers, astride a powerful bike, did strange things to her equilibrium.

  “Sure. My friends, Brent and Adam, and I each have the same model Moto Guzzi. When we’re all in town together we try to make a few road trips, get away from it all. This time it didn’t happen, but there’s always the next.”

  By Brent and Adam, Blair knew he meant multimillionaire entrepreneur Brent Colby and Adam Palmer. Both men featured frequently in the papers, both in the business section and the social reports. And judging by the media storm about Brent Colby and heiress Amira Forsythe, just before she and Draco had left Auckland, that popularity wasn’t about to die down terribly soon.

  “How did you three meet? You were all at the memorial service, weren’t you? Did you go to school at Ashurst?” she asked.

  “Yes. My parents felt it was important that both my older brother and I experienced education in another country. He went to Australia, I went to New Zealand.”

  “Your brother?”

  “Yes, Lorenzo. He died ten years ago. A stupid accident. One of those totally avoidable things. He was waterskiing with friends off the Amalfi Coast. Unfortunately, the driver of the other boat had been drinking and thought it humorous to play ‘chicken’ with the boat towing Lorenzo. His neck was broken in the impact. He died immediately.”

  Tears filled Blair’s eyes. “Oh, Draco, I’m so sorry. That must have been awful for your family.”

  He turned to face her, lifting a hand to gently wipe away the tears that spilled over her lashes and down her cheeks.

  “It was terrible, but we’ve learned that life must go on. And now we have a new life to look forward to, our baby. My parents—you have no idea what this will mean to them.”

  “You haven’t told them yet?”

  Blair knew Draco’s mother and father lived in a more modern home on the Sandrelli land, and she half-expected Draco to introduce her to them today.

  “No, when I saw them last night I didn’t feel the time was right. My father was tired and my mother distracted by his health. I will let them know soon, though. Now, shall we begin our adventure for today?”

  Blair nodded her agreement and he shifted the car into gear, the wheels spitting up a little gravel as they drove out the massive gated entrance to the palazzo grounds.

  She was amazed at the diversity of the land here, and the way it was used. As they passed each different business unit she was reminded of the charm bracelet Draco had given her this morning. Each charm truly was representative of the expanse of the Sandrelli family’s endeavors. She began to feel a new respect for him and for the responsibility that sat so well on his shoulders.

  Draco felt the familiar swell of pride as he showed Blair over the land that was as much a part of him as the blood running in his veins. It was always a pleasure to see the property through another’s eyes, but this time it was even more important that Blair fully understand what it meant to be a Sandrelli. What it would mean to their son or daughter.

  They were about halfway back toward the palazzo when Draco pulled off the road and drew the car up a private road leading through a massive olive grove.

  “Would you like to stop for some lunch?” he asked, and was surprised to catch her stifling a yawn.

  “Oh,” she laughed, embarrassed, if the flush on her cheeks was anything to go by. “Yes, that would be lovely.”

  Draco took a right turn down a barely visible lane and drew the car to a halt under the trees.

  “Cristiano packed a lunch for us when I told him we’d be out for the day. Just give me a minute and I will have it ready for you.”

  “Anything I can do to help?” Blair asked, swiveling her long legs out of the car and standing.

  She slowly stretched out her back and lifted her arms above her head. Instantly a shock of desire pummeled through him like a bolt of electricity. Even with the new fullness her body now began to display, she sent every particle in his body into overdrive. She went still as she realized he was watching her.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “No. Nothing is wrong. You look beautiful today. The setting suits you.”

  “Flatterer,” she said, smiling, then and came across to him, taking the rubber-backed rug from his hands and shaking it out onto the ground in the sunshine.

  “It’s the truth,” Draco replied. “I do not waste my time on lies.”

  “Yeah,” Blair said, softly. “I had noticed that about you.”

  A tight smile pulled at his lips. What else had she noticed about him, he wondered.

  He lifted the cooler from the trunk of the convertible and put it beside the rug. Blair was already sitting cross-legged on the blanket and had eagerly lifted the lid off the cooler and started to put the plates of food and containers of drink onto the rug, using the lid as a small table. Draco grabbed the small loaves of fresh bread Cristiano had baked early this morning and dropped down next to her.

  They began to eat, Draco making the most of the setting to explain a little about the olive oil process in Tuscany. Blair had missed the harvest, which had taken place late autumn, the cooler valleys in the region demanding the harvest occur earlier than in other parts of the Mediterranean, and she was fascinated by his description. But before long she was yawning once more.

  “I’m sorry, Blair, I didn’t mean to exhaust you on your first day back here.”

  “It’s not that. I’ve really enjoyed everything you’ve shown me today. Perhaps it is just a little jet lag still.”

  “So sleep.”

  “Here?” Blair waved her hand.

  “Why not? We won’t be disturbed. The sun is warm. Lie back and relax.”

  “I can’t,” she protested. “I don’t sleep during the day. It’s just so…”

  “Decadent?” he asked, smiling. Yes, he’d bet she never let up during the day. But if she was going to do the best thing by his baby she would learn to slow down. “So be decadent for a change. Lie down and relax.”

  Blair did as he suggested.

  “I bet I won’t sleep.”

  “We will see. Just listen to the land. Let the sun caress your skin. And relax. Simple, really.”

  He watched as her eyelids fluttered closed and smiled again as he saw the tension in her body, as if she was coiled, ready to spring to the next activity. Eventually though, her breathing began to deepen, the muscles in her body slacken. He gave a small nod as she finally slept.

  Draco stretched out beside her, taking care not to touch her, but instead watched her. Lying on her back as she was, it was easier to see the subtle changes the pregnancy had wrought on her body so far. The ever-so-slight fullness of her breasts, the tiny rounding of her lower belly, the new roundness to her cheeks which had always been so angular.

  He liked the changes, liked what they did for her. Made her appear less untouchable. And just like that, he ached to touch her. To see her naked. To rediscover the intimacy they had shared. And, by the time Blair woke forty minutes later he knew exactly how their afternoon would progress.


  As her eyes opened and she became aware of their surroundings, he leaned over and slanted his mouth across her. A teasing touch, but one that had the power to
immediately wring a tiny moan of want from her. Her eyes darkened even more, until her pupils almost consumed the rich chocolate of her irises. A sigh drew past her lips and he breathed it in.

  He bent his head to her again, this time taking his time to make love to her lips with his own, drawing her lower lip between his, sucking gently on the tender skin, stroking along its fullness with his tongue.

  A shudder ran through him as Blair traced her tongue against his upper lip, in a mirror of what he was doing to her. He let go of her lip and deepened their kiss, hungry for more of her. He positioned himself over her body, holding himself up and away, but feeling her heat imprint through the layer of his clothing and against his skin.

  Blair ran her hands up the cords of his arms and he reveled in her touch, in her enthusiasm as her lips met his again and again, as their tongues dueled and tangled together. This thing between them he could understand. It was as elemental and as vital as the energy of the land beneath them.

  He supported his weight on one arm and with his other hand flicked open the top buttons of her dress, following the path of his fingers with his mouth. The fabric fell away, exposing the sheer white lace bra that cupped her breasts…breasts topped with hardened rosy peaks that begged for his caress. He lined the edge of her bra with his tongue, following the scalloped pattern with his utmost attention, then swooped against the tight bud pressing against the fine lace. He covered her nipple, still encased in material, with the heat and wetness of his mouth, and drew her into him.

  Blair let out a low-pitched scream, her lower body arching to meet his as he grazed his teeth against the sensitive nub, over and over, before doing the same to its twin. Her hands fisted on his shoulders, squeezing tight. He’d bear the marks of her fingernails, he was certain, and the thought brought a smile to his lips.

  Draco continued to unbutton her dress, finally baring her skimpy lace panties to view. He cupped her, pressing his palm against her, discovering her wetness, her heat. She squirmed against him and suddenly he could play with her no longer.

  His plan to make slow, leisurely love to her would have to wait until another time. A time, perhaps, when the very essence of her didn’t drive him crazy with need. He ripped his shirt open sending buttons flying, desperate to feel the texture of her skin against his, then lowered his chest to contact hers. But there was still the barrier of her bra. He gently coaxed her up, sliding the straps of her sundress off her shoulders, and with deft fingers reached behind her to unsnap her bra.

  Tiny goose bumps raised on her skin as he peeled it away.

  “Are you certain you want this?” Draco asked, his voice as coarse as gravel. She could refuse him now, and he’d manage to hold back.

  “I want this. I want…you.”

  Her words were his undoing. Blair knotted her fingers in his hair and dragged his face down to hers, and he groaned into her mouth as their skin touched, as her nipples pressed against his skin, as their warmth commingled and combined to ignite into a need for more.

  Her hands slid down his back, squeezing and kneading his muscles, as if she couldn’t get quite enough of him. Then they were at the waistband of his pants, un-buckling his belt with a dexterity he doubted he was still capable of, and sliding the zipper open, pushing the fabric down over his buttocks.

  He flexed against her then. He could no longer hold himself back. To his eternal frustration, they each still bore a layer preventing him from reaching his goal. Draco drew up onto his knees and eased her panties off her. God, she was so beautiful, dappled with sunlight and shadows. A knot built up in his chest. He hesitated a moment longer, drinking in the sheer joy of her glory, then his desire asserted itself once more. Dispensing with his footwear and clothes took but a second.

  Blair’s legs fell apart as he knelt between them and positioned himself at her entrance.

  “Tell me again that you’re certain.”

  “Draco, please. I want this. I want this so much.”

  “Then I shall give you what you want,” he growled.

  He reached beneath her buttocks, angling her hips to meet his, then slowly—ever so slowly—allowed his length to penetrate her heat. As he did so, his eyes met hers and held them, the intimacy of their look lending a new poignancy to his possession of her body. Her eyes widened as he slid deeper, still taking his time, until he was buried within her.

  Sweat beaded on his upper body as he fought to control the urge to plunder her. But he forced himself to hold back, to make this last as long as humanly possible.

  Blair wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him to her, and rocking her pelvis gently against him. He shook with the effort of staying still, of concentrating on the sensation of her movements, of the clench and release of her inner muscles. Over and over, until he was nearly mindless with passion.

  His hands gripped her hips and he surged back, before sliding home again. He’d never felt this way with another woman. Never experienced this sense of vulnerability or level of need before in his life. Instinct overtook reason, as he set up a rhythm calculated to drive them both to shattering completion.

  His climax ripped through him just as he began to feel her body tighten and bow beneath his, and he gave himself over to the waves of pleasure that pulsed between them. His whole body shook as he lay down beside Blair, pulling her body up and over his so they could remain joined for just that moment longer. She sagged against him, her heart beating furiously against his chest, her breathing as ragged as his own.

  This is life, he thought, as he smoothed his hand down her back and cupped her buttocks, pulling her tight against his body, as if they could stay like this forever. This is living. Anything else he’d done before today, before this moment, had merely been a rehearsal.

  They dozed together in the sunshine, oblivious to all but the slowing of their breath, the even rhythm of their heartbeats, the languorous warmth enveloping them. But even so, a darkness hovered on the periphery of Draco’s thoughts. It was Blair’s determination to return to New Zealand once the baby was born.

  No matter how perfect their physical union, she had no intention of staying, of creating a family with him. He’d had to threaten her precious restaurant before she would agree to come home with him. The reminder was sobering and took an edge off the pleasure that had saturated his senses.

  Draco stirred, as uncomfortable now with his thoughts as he was with the hard ground beneath his back. He needed some distance from Blair, time to regroup his thoughts, remind himself what they had was lost.

  “Come,” he said softly, stroking her short, black hair with a steady hand. “We should think about heading back.”

  Blair groaned in protest but disentangled her limbs from his and slid off his body in a sensuous glide. She slipped her underwear back on and watched from under her lashes as Draco did the same. Her body hummed with satisfaction but her mind whirled with confusion.

  Where did this leave them? Continuing their affair while he’d been staying in Auckland was one thing, but what had happened today changed things again. When Draco practically forced her here she would never have believed that within twenty-four hours of their arrival they’d be making love. And it had been lovemaking. He’d been so reverent, so tender with her. She knew at any time she could have called a halt to his attention, but she hadn’t wanted to.

  She wanted to make love with him again. The heightened sensitivity of her skin, her breasts—nearly every molecule in her body—had made the entire experience one she ached to repeat.

  She dragged her creased sundress back on and found her head scarf, which had slipped off her hair at some stage during their lovemaking. Only when she was fully clothed could she meet Draco’s eyes.

  He had packed away the cooler and its contents into the back of the car, and now stood, tall and straight and endearingly handsome, looking into the distance. He turned and caught her eye. A small smile briefly twisted his lips, sending a jolt of desire through her again.

  Blair scrambled
to her feet and thrust them into her sandals, then picked up the blanket to give it a shake and fold it back up again. Draco took the blanket from her, his fingers lingering a moment as they grazed hers.

  “We will have to do this again, before it grows too warm.”

  “I’d like that,” Blair answered, holding eye contact. Trying silently to tell Draco that she’d like that and more.

  He’d tucked the tails of his shirt in at the waistband of his black trousers, but the absence of buttons meant closing the edges of the fabric was impossible. Her gaze was drawn to the smooth, golden planes of his chest. Without thinking, her tongue swept her lips.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, we may not get home before dark,” he said, with a note of humor in his voice.

  But beneath the humor there was something else that Blair couldn’t quite put her finger on. It was almost as if he’d created some mental distance between them. She felt the distance widen as he opened the car door for her and gestured for her to get in. Once she was seated he closed the door and walked around to his side of the vehicle.

  Draco barely spoke on the journey home, and as they re-entered the palazzo he made his apologies, saying he had work to attend to. Blair watched him go.


  He hesitated and turned to face her, his face inscrutable.


  “Is something wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong. I will see you at dinner at eight. If you need me for anything before then, you’ll find my office extension on the list next to the phone in your room.”

  Blair nodded, but her mind latched on to his expectation that she’d spend the rest of her time in her room. Banished perhaps?

  She certainly needed to shower and freshen up, but she’d be darned if she was going to spend the next few hours hemmed up in her room, no matter how beautiful it was. There was plenty she could explore before meeting Draco for dinner.

  After Blair had showered and changed, she went back to the ground-floor level of the palazzo and headed in what she hoped would be the direction to the kitchen. If Cristiano was there preparing for their evening meal, she wanted to see if she could lend a hand. And if she couldn’t help, maybe she could learn something that she could take back home with her.


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