C.O.T.V.H. (Book 2): Judgment

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C.O.T.V.H. (Book 2): Judgment Page 24

by Palmer, Dustin J.

  “My God, Jake. What happened?”

  “It’s that goddamn Turner,” Cort said angrily. “He left the kids alone.”

  It was at that very moment that Jake remembered his guns. Walking back to where he’d dropped them he picked them up and showed each them to his dad, explaining what had happened. John looked the guns over for several minutes and tried firing them. Again, the guns just clicked. "Jake has anyone been near your guns?"

  He thought back for a few seconds remembering the unlocked case he’d found that morning. Then he remembered something else, both Turners had been in his room. They'd had access to his weapons. "Yeah! Both Buck and Mr. Turner were in my room last night!"

  John’s face turned red and his brow creased. His left eye twitched. He was mad. Madder than Jake had ever seen him. He charged over to Turner and thrust the barrel of the shotgun into his chest. "Did you mess with Jake's guns Wes?"

  "What are you talking about John?" he said, slapping the gun away.

  "Someone pulled the firing pins in both his guns. Was it you? Or was it your son?"

  "Get the hell out of here John! You think I'd do something like that?"

  "Not long ago I wouldn’t have, but now . . . damn it Wes! Why would you leave these kids alone like that?!"

  Turner started to say something but John held up his hand silencing him. He got within an inch of his face. "Only two people were in that room or had access to it other than Jake or myself. You and Buck. You do the math."

  "Screw you Bishop. I can't help it if your kid is too dumb to take care of his own weapons. The damn things probably just jammed. Or maybe, maybe it was Billy’s girl! I heard she spent a little special time with your boy last night! Maybe if your kid spent more time keeping his fly up and taking care of his weapons this wouldn’t have happened!"

  John lifted the pistol from his belt in one smooth motion, pointed it at Turner and pulled the trigger. It clicked.

  Both Turners flinched." Are you nuts!?” Wes Turner yelled.

  John pulled the trigger again then opened the chamber and spun it dropping all six rounds into his left palm. He tossed them one by one at Turner's chest. "Because we were once friends I'm giving you three minutes to get out of here. If you're not gone in that time I'm going to kill you."

  "What!’ Turner exclaimed. “John why? We've been friends for years!"

  "That's why I'm giving you a chance. You put my son in danger. You put them all in danger just to fill your ego. You don't leave a bunch of inexperienced teenagers in the middle of a hunt! You got Donnie killed and you got Whisper and Diana hurt! And after all the times Terry saved your skin,” he shook his head in disgust. “So I'm doing this for Donnie. For Billy and Sandra, God bless their souls. They’ve already buried one son now they have to bury another one. Pop was right about you. He always said you were no good. But I always defended you. No more Wes. Whatever friendship we had died with Donnie."

  "Come on John," Turner pleaded. It was the first time Jake could ever remember seeing real emotion on the man’s face.

  “You’re done Bloody Wes,” Jake said angrily. “If Dad doesn’t kill you, you know Talon will. Run, Wes. Run now.”

  “Shut up you little runt!”

  "You now have two minutes left," John said, pulling out his own pistol. “And I guaran-damn-tee you this one shoots just fine. Plenty of vampires can attest to that.”

  “Two minutes my ass!” Cort called out cocking The Cleaner. “I’m doing this piece of shit right now. I warned you Turner! Goddamn it I warned you!”

  “Stay out of this Pop!” John yelled in a voice that instantly silenced him.

  Wes looked John in the eye and nodded. "If that's how it's gonna be then." He grabbed Buck by his arm and almost running, left.

  John crouched down to his knees and put his head in his hands shaking. “You should have killed him son,” Cort said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “That son of a bitch has only ever caused one thing. Pain.”

  “Not now Pop.” John said holstering his pistol.

  Jake walked over and kneeling down put his arm around his dad’s massive shoulders. “I’m sorry Dad.”

  “No Jake, I’m sorry. I never should have left you alone with him. I was just too blinded by our history.”

  That day was the longest of Jake’s life. Along with Donnie and Lt. Perry the Coalition/VET, alliance lost twenty-two more hunters including Mike Holloway and most of his team. But in the end, it was a very one-sided victory. Forty-two Makers were killed and one hundred and seventy prisoners were freed. John was hailed as a hero. He'd led his group in counter assaulting over twenty-five vampires that were about to wipe out what was left of Perry's group. He claimed eighteen kills that day. No one in history had killed so many vampires, not to mention Makers, on one hunt.

  Three days later the group celebrated Donnie's life and scattered his ashes over the large pond on the Williams’ property, where he’d often swam and fished at as a child.

  The next day Billy, Sandra, and Amber were moving to Hometown, Georgia. They were done with the Hunter lifestyle. Jake himself had contacted Nathan, who was more than happy to help them find a new home. They would be safer there than anywhere else. The Watchers would make sure of that.

  Jake was heartbroken to see his friends leave, to see the girl he loved in so much terrible pain. The Williams family had welcomed him with open arms, made him part of their family. Watching them go was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do.

  Their training had officially ended after the hunt. Sergeant Major Castle, Drill Sergeant Ortega, Sergeant Lucas, Lt. Smart, even Col. Judge and Secretary Hernandez had shaken hands with Jake, Diana, Whisper, and Chris, congratulating them on their accomplishments and giving their condolences for their loss.

  The last night before their big move, Jake lay awake in his bunk staring at the ceiling as he'd done a thousand times before. Together with his dad and grandpa they’d spent the entire day helping the Williams pack.

  Rolling on his side, he stared at Donnie’s empty bunk. The room seemed so empty without Donnie's bright personality laughing and telling jokes. He looked over at Buck’s and felt another pang of sadness. What were you thinking Buck?

  Now he and Chris were all that were left and Chris was being his usual quiet self. Talon had already taken Diana and Whisper back to their home in Oklahoma where they could recover.

  Diana was a real mess. She hadn’t been seriously injured, but emotionally she hadn't been the same since her encounter with Livilla. Before she’d left, she’d hugged Jake tightly her body shaking in sobs. Jake knew her fear, her sadness better than anyone did. Julia Livilla, I will find you and kill you! If it’s that last thing I ever do, I will turn you to ash. For Donnie. For Diana . . . for Whisper . . . for Amber . . . for my Amber.

  She hadn't said more than two words to him since Donnie's death. He wished he could comfort her, but he didn't even know where to begin. Billy, who was usually so full of laughter, was very quiet and withdrawn. Sandra was a complete wreck, she’d cried almost nonstop since receiving the news. To Jake’s eyes, she already looked ten years older. Billy’s daughter Pam had come for the funeral and fought viciously with Billy. She blamed him for Donnie's death.

  Jake lay thinking of all the good times they'd had together. Donnie had been a good friend; the world was a bleaker place without him. He pondered his last words. “Take care . . .” Take care of what? Of who? Jake thought to himself. Amber? Diana? The team?

  The door to the cabin creaked open. Jake lifted up and in the darkness lit only by the moonlight pouring through the windows, saw the delicate silhouette of Amber coming towards him. She was dressed only a long T-shirt.

  Jake moved over on the tiny bed giving her room, she laid down next to him. He pulled the blankets up over her shoulders and smelled in her sweet perfume. Very gently, he wrapped his arms around her. She began crying quietly, her whole body shaking.

  "Shhh," he said, stroking her soft hair with his hard
-calloused hand. He kissed her ever so gently on the top of her forehead. She buried her face in his chest.

  He held her all night as she cried herself to sleep. When he awoke the next morning, she was already gone. Jake quickly dressed and walked outside. The Williams’ cars were gone. Donnie’s truck was being loaded onto the back of a car trailer by several men in movers clothing.

  A large moving truck was backed up to the front door. As he watched, they carefully loaded the pool table up into it. How many games did we play on that table? How many times did I kick your ass? He thought with a smile.

  Chris walked out and stood next to him rubbing his eyes under his glasses. “I guess this is it then.”

  “Yeah.” Jake nodded. “I guess so.”

  “You know . . . I never would have gotten through training if it wasn’t for him.”

  “Yeah Chris, me either. He was always there when we needed him." Jake sighed. "Chris, you’re like my brother. If you ever need me, I’ll be there.” He turned and faced his friend.

  “Same here,” Chris said, embracing him in a hug. “Take care of yourself.”

  Jake watched as Ben, Chris and Cat pulled away from the house.

  A near unrecognizable Chef walked slowly up to him, tears in his eyes. In the past two years the man once known as the Viking Ivar, had lost nearly a hundred pounds and gained a substantial amount of muscle. He gripped Jake’s shoulder tightly then signed.

  Goodbye my friend. I will see you again, one day. For now I will return home. My people need my guidance once again. I promise you I will not stop until the Makers responsible will be brought to judgment.

  Jake, who had learned to read sign language from Diana, managed a weak smile. “Take care of yourself, Chef.” He shook the big man’s hand then embraced him in a hug. “I hope you know how much you mean to all of us.”

  With a nod he handed Jake a letter then turned and headed for the barren West Texas landscape. One by one he began stripping off his clothes as his body transformed. He turned and gave one last wave then bounded off.

  Jake slowly opened the letter, inside was a picture of all of them, even Amber and Whisper, taken before they left to see Star Wars Episode I. Behind it was a nicely folded letter. Jake opened it slowly.


  I cannot tell you how sorry I am for you loss. Donnie was a very special young man with a bright personality. It pains me greatly that he has passed. I would like to have said my goodbyes personally, but I have been recalled to Hometown. All I can do is promise that I will do my best to convince my people to join this fight. With my voice and Nathan’s it is my hope that we will gain enough support. Good luck to you my young friend. Until we meet again.

  Best Regards,

  Ian Orwell

  P.S. Always remember, we are each judged by our actions. How we die is determined entirely by how we live. God bless you son.

  Later that morning Jake left with his dad and grandpa with Billy’s once treasured recliner strapped into the bed of the truck. The Williams house sat empty, the moving truck pulled away towing Donnie’s truck behind it. Jake knew, as he looked out of the rear windshield, that he'd never set foot there again.



  The Bishop Residence

  Lubbock, TX

  July 26, 2001 3:47am

  Every light in the house was out save one, a small lamp on Jake’s bedside table. Jake sat on the edge of his bed staring down at the wooden axe handle in his hands. He hadn’t moved in nearly four hours. His heart was broken, filled beyond capacity with anguish and guilt. Warm tears poured down his cheeks but he didn’t utter a single cry.

  Donnie . . . I will make this right my friend. Somehow . . . some way, I will make this right. He sniffed, his fingers running across the smooth wood. His brow creased as a single word took root and refused to leave.

  Jake pulled his pocketknife from his dresser drawer and went to work. It took him the better part of an hour. When he was done he blew the stray wood shavings away and stared at what he had carved into the Tennessee Hickory. JUDGMENT.

  “Get ready you bloodsucking bastards,” he said aloud. “Judgment is coming.”

  Author’s Note:

  Thanks so much for taking the time to read my book. If you enjoyed this or any of my other books please take a minute and leave a review wherever you purchased a copy. If you’re not comfortable leaving a review but would like to leave a comment or maybe ask a question please drop me a line at [email protected]. Or you can visit my blog at dustinpalmerbooks.blogspot.com. If you’d like more information about this or any of my upcoming novels please check out my facebook page, keyword Chronicles of the Vampire Hunters. Thanks again!

  -Dustin J. Palmer


  Chronicles of the Vampire Hunters: Extermination




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