Highlander's Charm

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Highlander's Charm Page 6

by Joanne Wadsworth

  Tears misted her eyes. “I’m sorry. Lila had to go.”



  “Tell me, Margaret. We’re bound in a way I cannae explain. I need her. Which way?”

  “T-Tobermory, then she intended to swim across the sound to Ardnamurchan. ’Tis where Jean Cunningham traveled to.” Tears trickled freely down her cheeks. “She didnae wish for you to worry, but you must let her go. Her journey cannae wait.”

  “She’s mine to protect.” From the damned sea no less. On his life, he’d find her, no matter her wish to leave him. Hell, Ardnamurchan. He’d never allow her to travel to the enemy’s land.

  * * * *

  Lila pushed on, swimming at a good pace as the hours trickled by. Seagulls circling overhead squawked, and a playful seal pup darted around. The waters teemed with life, but with each stroke she took, her heart sank deeper. Leaving Calum shouldn’t be this hard, and this bond they had shouldn’t hold this much power over her.

  She swam past the odd village nestled close to the water’s edge, but took extra care and kept her distance as fishermen cast their nets from their skiffs.

  Soon the high tide moved with the setting of the sun, the current flowing swifter into shore. Her chilled muscles ached, and wearily, she rode a cresting wave into a darkened, secluded cove. The perfect spot to rest for the night.

  She trudged out then hands on her knees, dragged in a deep breath. Moonlight flickered over the rocky beach and shimmered across the treetops. The wind blasted through and she rubbed her arms with numb fingers.

  At the edge of the beach where it met the forest, a stream gurgled into the sea. She lumbered toward it, lowered herself to her knees and shakily scooped water. She drank and the cold rush of liquid hit her empty belly and sent shudders raking through her. She swayed and grappled for the stream’s edge.

  Too late. A rock loomed and she hit it hard.

  She clutched her head as black spots danced before her eyes.

  * * * *

  Calum urged his black destrier faster along the narrow forest path edging the cliffs. Below, the sea roared and crashed against the jagged rock wall. Lila was out there in that dark squall when she should be tucked safely in his bed. How had he allowed her to escape? And how had not one of the fishermen he’d stopped to speak to thus far, not seen any sign of her?

  White-hot terror suddenly cut through him, their connection gaining in strength. Something had happened to her, and he’d felt the razor sharp blow to the depths of his soul.

  Fisting his horse’s reins, he burst out of the forest and plunged down the hillside toward an isolated bay. At the mouth of a stream, the incoming tide washed over something.

  Hell. ’Twas Lila.

  Face down, her unmistakable silky black hair floated around her.

  He slammed his knees into his steed, jumped a fallen tree across his path and raced.

  No one would take Lila from him.

  Never again.

  * * * *

  Lila’s head shattered with pain, and her back throbbed as if someone beat on it.

  Thunder pounded in her ears, and her name echoed all around.

  Why was Nanna yelling at her? And why was her voice so deep?

  She tried to call back, managed a croaky, “Stop.”

  “Breathe, damn it.” Muscled arms wrapped around her and flattened her against a hot, hard chest. Definitely not Nanna.

  She forced her eyes open and the haze cleared. A golden gaze, filled with fear and relief drilled into hers. “Calum?”

  “I have to keep you safe from the sea.” He smothered her in his warmth.

  “You do?” That sounded right, only where was Nanna? “I’m so c-cold.”

  “I’ll start a fire and have you warm afore too long.”

  “Nanna’s l-left the windows open.” She nuzzled his neck and the heat of his skin scorched her frozen nose. Oh, he smelled delicious, that fresh scent of his one she wanted to roll around in. “What am I doing here?”

  “You escaped me, and it’ll no’ happen again.” He cradled her in his arms as he carried her and whistled. A horse whinnied and he grabbed the animal’s reins as it appeared out of the gloomy dark.

  “You’re going to be in so much trouble.” She jabbed his chest. “Nanna doesn’t allow horses in the house.”

  “Your grandmother isnae here.” He mumbled something she missed then said more clearly, “There’s a cave right alongside this cliff.”

  “You mean our cave?” Her muddled thoughts were slowly clearing. “The one you saw in your vision?”

  “Aye, it must be. Our future has been foretold.” He pressed his lips to hers, sending another blast of heat through her. She itched to get closer, to seek the ultimate contact. He was so hot, only he broke the kiss as he walked with her into the trees.

  Brush scraped against her shoulders as he looped his horse’s reins to a low branch. He strode along a narrow ledge of rock, and the sea’s cold spray pelted into her. She burrowed, her cheek mashed against his damp shirt. “H-hurry.”

  “Almost there.” He strode into the cave. “We’ll remain close to the entrance so the smoke from the fire can escape.”

  “A fire sounds good.” The gritty walls held a slight odor, but the wind was gone. She longed for more warmth.

  “I need to collect some wood.” Carefully, he set her down beside the wall, unraveled his plaid and wrapped her in it. Hunkered down, he tipped her chin toward him and looked into her eyes. “You appear more lucid. Dinnae move. I’ll be as quick as I can.”

  “You said fire, so I’m staying.” She curled onto her side, his tartan wrapped tight. “Could you grab me some hot chocolate too, please. That’d really help warm me up.”

  “Mayhap I spoke too soon. Rest.” He kissed her, his lips so gentle on hers. Then he disappeared into the dark.

  She yawned. Rest sounded wonderful.

  * * * *

  Hoping to catch a small creature, Calum set a snare then collected twigs and a couple of logs. He snatched his bag, spare plaid, and the sack of clothes Margaret had packed for Lila from his horse. Margaret’s words returned to him. Lila was headed to Ardnamurchan. His woman had spoken of his enemy’s land when he’d first rescued her from Duart Bay, though why her grandmother had intended to travel there, he couldn’t fathom.

  At the cave, he knelt and rested his cheek near Lila’s lips. Her breath fluttered across his skin and relief poured through him. If he’d been any later in finding her, he’d have lost her.

  Quickly, he dug a small pit in the sandy dirt. He pulled the stringy bark off a log, struck flint with his dirk, and coaxed the sparks to life. He built the fire into a crackling blaze with the twigs and wood.

  “Mmm, Calum.” She wriggled and stretched.

  “Aye, I’m here.” He spread his spare plaid closer to the heat of the flames, scooped her up and laid her in front of him. With his body curved around hers, he tried to share as much of his own heat as he could.

  “That’s good. Sooo good.”

  “You should have remained at Duart.” He tucked a lock of her black hair behind her ear then wiped grit from her cheeks and chin.

  “Sorry, what? Did you get the hot chocolate?”

  “You’re teasing me?” Aye, she was, going by the mischievous tilt to her lips. “What is this hot chocolate you speak of?”

  “You have to try it. You take chocolate powder and stir it into frothy milk then toss a big gooey marshmallow on top. Delicious. The waitress at my local coffee shop makes the best ones.” She pushed her hands from the confines of his tartan and wiggled her fingers before the flames. “After I fell into the stream I thought Nanna was here, or I was back home, or something. Remind me to never drink icy water on an empty stomach again.”

  “What I’ll do is never allow you to swim in the loch again.”

  She squirmed around. “I couldn’t stay at Duart, not when I have to get to Ardnamurchan.”

  “Margaret told me wh
ere you’d gone. Why do you believe your grandmother left for MacIan’s territory?”

  “If I told you, you’d get angry, and right when I want to show you some appreciation for saving my life.” Her silver eyes lit. “Want to know how?”

  “By showing me your heart shaped mole?” Nay, he shouldn’t encourage her. She needed to rest.

  “I missed you, Calum.” She leaned in and kissed him. “After I swam away, I felt as if I’d left part of me behind. Each mile dragged.”

  “You willnae leave me again.” He brushed his lips across hers, wanting desperately to imbibe further and drink in her sweet taste. An urge to show her exactly how much he’d missed her burned through him. Aye, this was their cave, the one where he would—damn it, she was still weak and needed to conserve her strength.

  “That mole on my belly”—she melted against him—“I want you to see it. Can you help me take this wetsuit off? I want to feel more of the fire’s heat on my skin.”

  “I—I set the snare.”

  “Then I’d say it caught me.” Her sweet mouth lifted and he traced her plump lower lip.

  No more. He had to get out of here. He shot to his feet and dived out of the cave.

  “Hey, where are you going? That’s not the kind of snare I meant, mister.”

  “I’ll return with food,” he called back. “If you wish to change, there’s clothing in the sack Margaret packed for you.”

  Her sigh followed him into the dark as he marched on. From his pocket, he seized his charm and smoothed over the inscription.

  Perhaps he should wish for more visions, so he’d be forewarned if Lila ever attempted to leave him again.

  A soft snap dinged from the direction of his snare. He tramped across to it, removed the rabbit, took it down to the water’s edge and skinned and cleaned it. Determined to have his questions answered, he returned to the cave.

  Lila sat cross-legged before the fire, her wetsuit discarded near their bags. His plaid was still wrapped around her but her golden shoulders and bare back were exposed where it looped down. She wore naught underneath as his vision had shown. Then she glanced at him and smiled. “Nice catch.”

  “You didnae change.” He chose some sturdy sticks and fashioned a spit for the rabbit.

  “Would you hold me?”

  “Nay.” The longing in her voice almost turned him from his task. He had cold oatcakes in his bag, but she needed warm food in her belly. He jammed the rabbit into place and set it to cook over the fire.

  “Please, Calum. I don’t care for this distance you’re now putting between us.”

  “You began with the distance when you left me.” He removed his sword-belt, propped it within arm’s reach against the damp wall then dropped down beside her. “Tell me about Ardnamurchan.”

  “That would be the piece of land across the sound, and holding me requires the involvement of your arms.”

  “Answer my question.” Giving in, he lifted her up, set her in front and nestled her back against his chest, ensuring the tartan was wrapped tight around her. Gently, he smoothed out her drying hair. The strands shimmered midnight-blue in the firelight and slid like silk through his fingers.

  “It feels so right being here with you, like this moment was meant to be.” She twisted around and faced him, her gaze hot on his. “Except it causes a complication.”

  “There is no complication. We belong together.” He nuzzled her neck, blowing warm air across her flesh. Hell, what was he doing?

  “This thing between us is moving too fast, only I can’t deny it exists. Life is too short, and I don’t want another day to go by without experiencing what you’ve seen.”

  “I saw only your upper body. ’Twas likely naught.”

  “Or it was something.” She kissed him, long and slowly. “I’ve never shown anyone my upper body before. I want you to be my first.” She rubbed against him, her beaded nipples poking his chest through the tartan. He itched for the ultimate contact with her, and his cock strained to get closer. It would stab through his leather trews if he didn’t do something about it.

  Chapter 5

  Heat and energy pulsed through Lila when not long ago she’d been exhausted and chilled to the bone. She’d waited a lifetime for this moment. Calum had saved her twice from the sea, and though he was from the enemy clan, his heart was pure. She desperately wanted to join with him.

  “Calum, show me everything you saw in your vision.”

  “Aye, everything.” He released the plaid still covering her. The soft wool slid over her bare skin and pooled at her hips. With painstaking slowness, he grazed a finger from between her breasts to her belly, his sensual touch starting a pulse point fluttering in her below.

  “I really like how you touch me.”

  “I like it more.” He skimmed his hands over her waist and pressed his lips to her belly. He kissed her, right over her heart shaped mole. “Beautiful, and just as I saw it.”

  “How about you show me your star shaped birthmark?” She tickled down his side and around to his right cheek. “It was about here, wasn’t it?”

  “Aye, though I intend a long loving of your body first.” He laid her back on his plaid, eased her breasts together and licked one nipple. The lazy stroke of his tongue sent a bolt of pleasure to her core.

  “I never want to forget this night.”

  “I’ll ensure it.” He swirled around the tip then sucked her nipple deep into his mouth. She couldn’t halt her hips from pushing against his. He’d awakened her body, and she wanted more. His shirt. It had to go. She gripped the hem and hauled it over his head. His glorious abs and pecs gleamed under the firelight.

  She clutched his broad shoulders then caressed his biceps as he devoured her breasts.

  “I need more, Lila.” He cupped her bottom and brought her tight against him.

  “Then a good start would be to get you completely naked.” She loosened the ties of his pants, shoved the dark leather down his thighs and off. Oh yes. His cock sprang free and brushed his belly. Her stomach tightened in expectation.

  “I want to feel your heart beating against mine.”

  “My heart’s racing a little out of time.” She craved his touch. Her warrior was beyond beautiful, and this bond, which tied them together, was one she hadn’t a hope of dismissing. His body too, every hard and defined inch of him. She wanted, desperately. “Let me touch you.”

  “Later. I’ve waited too long.” He dipped his fingers between them and glided along the inside of her thigh. “Spread your legs, my wee charm.”

  She eased them apart, eager and needy for his touch. “Whatever you do, don’t stop.”

  “Naught will halt me now.” He swept his hand over her entrance, his intimate touch a sweet caress. Then he plunged one finger inside and stroked deep, curling into a spot that had her straining for more. Hands on her hips, he slowly, carefully, moved between her legs and nudged his cock along her slick folds. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, hurry. I’m burning up for your touch.”

  He returned to her mouth and kissed her, diverting her thoughts with each delicious kiss. Then he pushed against the barrier, tore through and plunged inside.

  She held on piercingly tight as he stretched her to exquisite fullness. She wanted to speak, but the way they were joined touched her so deeply, as if their very souls had merged.

  “We’re one, and none shall ever tear us apart.” He stared into her eyes, his gaze restless.

  “This is like nothing I could’ve imagined.” She grasped his butt and wrapped her quivering legs around him. “Show me a night of pleasure.”

  “Aye.” With one hand on her hip, he eased up then slid with tortuous slowness back in.

  “Faster, Calum.” He increased his pace and she couldn’t hold back her moan. Her thoughts were consumed by him as he pounded, hard and deep. Her body rose to meet his, and he took her frantically, as if struggling to contain his own desire. Moving with him, she only wanted this magical moment to neve
r end.

  “Let go, Lila. I’m right here with you.”

  “Only with you.” Every one of his kisses and caresses had her poised on the edge, flooding her with more sensation than she could stand. She let go and soared, her inner muscles tightening as she bucked against him. Pleasure overflowed her body and swept her into a sea of shimmering stars, the most exhilarating experience.

  Filled completely, he spilled his seed deep, his release as violent as hers. Body and soul, her connection to him transcended time. And she came, meeting each of his strokes until she could take no more, until his very scent became embedded into her skin.

  “You’re my charm,” he whispered, his heart drumming against hers as he slumped on top, completely spent. “There is no escaping me now.”

  * * * *

  The meaty aroma of cooked rabbit wafted through the air and stirred Calum from his slumber. He rolled toward the fire, removed the meat from the spit then nudged Lila awake. “Our food is ready. Are you hungry?”

  “Very.” She stretched and eased up, her beautiful breasts on full display and tempting him almost beyond his endurance.

  Nay, he couldn’t allow her to distract him when they needed to speak. She’d waylaid this conversation already. He tore the meat into small slivers then slipped a morsel between her lips. “In the morn, we return to Duart, and you’re no’ to flee from me again.”

  “You’re responsible for an entire clan, and that’s where you need to be. Nanna needs me. I have to continue on.”

  “Your grandmother left of her own accord and is likely well. MacIan could attack at any moment, and I cannae have you wandering right into the heart of the battle.” He stroked the back of her head. “You must remain safe, until the threat has passed.”

  “There’s no threat to me, not since I’m a Cunningham.” She pressed her hand against his chest, right over his heart. “I’ve crossed centuries to find her. She’s all I have, and she expects me to follow her.”

  “You’re all I have, and she wouldnae wish you to risk your life. When you left, it near wrenched my soul in two.”


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