Highlander's Charm

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Highlander's Charm Page 13

by Joanne Wadsworth

  Out the window, thunder boomed and blackened clouds rolled in. A mist rose from below, and from one second to the next, surrounded her. She scrambled to the end of the bed, but only a black void appeared below. The wind swirled and a dark force sent her sprawling into the murky abyss.

  Terrified, she screamed.

  Then slammed into a wall of water.

  She kicked and fought the churning current, her lungs burning for air.

  * * * *

  Pacing the castle’s battlements, Calum clasped his charm. Three days had passed since the fortuneteller had left and he’d seen the woman’s image in a vision. She haunted him, as if a ghost from his past. Why couldn’t he remember her?

  At least Colin was due to return on the morrow from Tobermory. He’d seek his counsel.

  The moon’s glow cast a silvery hue over the stillness of the loch, with not even the slightest breeze to draw a ripple.

  The earth shook and he gripped the thick stone crenellation. Thrice this day the ground had moved so.

  Starlight flashed off the water in a blazing display.

  Hell. He had to get down to the loch. Now.

  Everything within him demanded it.

  Sprinting, he took the stone steps four at a time and raced out the entrance. At the water’s edge, he shucked his boots then searched again for the lights. More concentrated now, they churned within a swirling vortex. He dove in and swam into the heart of it.

  It sucked him down, an unearthly force he’d never fight.

  Chapter 11

  With a tight grasp on her charm, Lila fought the icy water as a blaze of lights shimmered all around. It was as if the stars themselves had escaped the sky. Beautiful, yet deadly. She had to get—

  An arm clamped around her waist.

  She jerked around and stared into the most piercing golden eyes. Calum firmed his hold on her and pushed them upward through the murky depths, and in a flurry of bubbles, they broke the surface.

  She gulped in great drafts of air. “I-is it really you? Or have I died and gone to heaven?”

  “Who are you? Why have I been longing for your arrival?” He cupped the back of her head and drew her closer. His dark hair floated around his neck as he treaded water for them both.

  “I came as soon as I could.” Her Highlander was real, his body solid, his flesh warm and his hold tight. She clutched his shirtfront as the lights around them blinked out. “Don’t you remember me?”

  “I’ve seen a vision, and three days past, a fortuneteller spoke of you.”

  “I’m Lila.” She’d returned to the same time she’d first arrived. “I’ll help you remember, but this water’s cold. Do you mind taking me inside?”

  “Aye, I must warm you up.” He kicked them toward the shore, swept her into his arms and carried her out. Water sluiced from their bodies, and she shoved her coin into her pocket as Calum’s gaze roamed her body. “What are these clothes you wear?”

  “Jeans, and they’ll be tough to get off now they’re wet.”

  “I’m sure I’ll manage, ah—” He shook his head. “My apologies. I didnae mean to be so forward.”

  She stroked his cheek. “Take me inside, and you can be as forward as you like.”

  He hurried, bounding up the winding stairs and into his chamber. He shut his door then motioned toward his trunk where a tartan was folded on top. “Use what you’d like. Wrap yourself up.”

  “From memory, you’re very good at warming me up all on your own.” Nothing would heat her blood faster than his touch, and she longed for it, to the depths of her soul.

  “I dinnae—” He grasped the edge of the table and closed his eyes. “A vision.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  He moaned as if in pain. “You have a beautiful heart shaped mole on your belly.”

  “What else do you see?”

  With his eyes still closed, he murmured, “You lie afore me in a darkened cave. Your beautiful hair is spread like black silk over my tartan, and your body is entwined with mine. No part of us remains apart.”

  “Keep watching.” She stroked his back as he did.

  “We’re speaking vows and—” He slowly straightened and turned around. Desire blazed in his eyes. “You’re my wife?”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere.” She tugged her cotton t-shirt free then tossed it onto the polished floor where it hit with a resounding slap. “Now, show me exactly how we fit together.”

  “Are you”—his devouring gaze lowered to her chest—“certain?”

  “Touch me, Calum. I want you to remember everything as I have.”

  He embraced her breasts and nuzzled between them, his mouth moving hot and swiftly over her flesh. “I recall making love to you in a hidden loch. Your breasts are so beautiful. So full.”

  “Yet still a little cold.”

  “Sorry, my love.” He drew her nipple deep into his mouth and sucked, hard.

  “Mmm, much better. You are so good at that.”

  “We crossed the sound but sunk the skiff,” he murmured. “There was a battle and you disappeared within the waves. I remember. You wished yourself away from me.” He lowered to his knees, planted his hands on her waist and trailed his lips down. He kissed her, right there where their child lay. “Where have you been?”

  “A medical facility in the future, where there are healers.” She pushed her fingers deep into his thick hair and held onto him. “It took me three days before my memories returned, but once they did, I had everything. I came as soon as I could.”

  “I dinnae understand. Were you no’ well?” He fiddled with the domes on her jeans until he snapped each one open.

  “I’m just fine, and you’re going to be a daddy.”

  “What?” He stopped and stared at her.

  “That’s exactly what I said when I first heard. It was the shock I needed for my memories to surge.” She guided his hands to her waistband. “You’re getting distracted. Jeans off now.”

  He peeled them down her legs and off. “I need to love you, as I did on our wedding night.” His voice was a purr as he licked the skin along her inner thighs. “Say, aye.”

  “Yes, and I like your kind of loving. I will always wish for it.” She pressed her hips toward him and a thrill chased through her. He stroked her flesh with his tongue and she clung to him, her pulse soaring. “And here’s to wishes being granted.”

  “I love you, Lila.” With the most intimate of kisses, he built her orgasm to a pinnacle until she clung to the most perilous edge. “Give in to me.”

  “No. I want you inside me.”

  “Aye, where we are one and none may tear us apart.” He carried her to his bed, lowered her onto the brown fur covering and shucked his clothes. His cock, so thick and full, bobbed against his belly. “You’re no’ leaving me again.”

  Since she’d arrived before her first unsuccessful attempt at swimming the sound, she’d remain. She wouldn’t repeat the past, not when it had all gone so terribly wrong.

  “My father returns from Edinburgh in a few weeks. We’ll figure out a way for me to see Nanna and meet him then.” Mesmerized, she caressed his sculpted chest and his honed muscles rippled under her touch. She skated along the enticing path of his glorious abs then lower still, until she sank her fingers through his dark curls and cupped his balls. “Here I’ll remain.”

  “Aye, together.” His golden eyes smoldered as he traced one lone finger around her nipple. “If I must, I’ll enter into talks with John MacIan.”

  He dipped his head and kissed her, his tongue sweeping over hers in a hot, languorous caress. Her body clenched so tight she almost came from his kiss alone. “You are going to make the perfect husband.”

  “Aye, my charm, until the end of time.” He gripped her knees, spread her legs and thrust inside her with one powerful stroke.

  The impact of their fast joining had her fighting to hold onto her control. She’d been bound to him throughout the centuries, and she’d never leave him again.r />
  “Look at where we’re joined.” With slow deliberation, he pulled out then pushed back in, the exquisite length of him scorching every nerve along her channel. “I love you, Lila. From the depths of my soul, all I have is yours.”

  He plunged into the very heart of her, and giving into her body’s demands, she exploded with an array of spectacular colors erupting behind her closed eyelids. She soared, wrestling to draw breath as she came over and over. He was so deep, his roar of satisfaction echoing in her ears, and a more precious moment she’d never known.

  They were joined in the most elemental of ways, she and her Highlander from another time.

  * * * *

  “Wake up, Lila.” Calum caressed her bare back until she moaned and rolled toward him. They’d been abed for two days, but he’d slipped away at dawn to request Brother John meet them in the great hall at midday. For a small fee, he’d obtained a special license from the clergyman and they were set to wed. He just had to rouse his bride.

  “What time is it?” She dislodged the white bed sheet as she lifted her arms and stretched. Do you have to return to your men?”

  “Soon. For now, ’tis time to speak our vows.” He traced around her belly’s heart shaped mole where their bairn grew.

  “We’ve already spoken those, and in the most unique way.” Grinning, she shoved him onto his back, climbed over top and straddled his hips. “Although I’m up for that again if you are.”

  “Our next vows will be spoken afore the clan.” He edged up onto his elbows and licked the peaking tips of her breasts bobbing so close to his mouth. “Will you do me the great honor of marrying me? I wish to keep my charm for all time.”

  “I’m getting an actual proposal?” She rubbed against his cock pressing eagerly against her warm entrance. “Then the answer’s yes. I wish for a lifetime with you.”

  “Good. I wouldnae have accepted any other answer.” He cupped the back of her head and drew her mouth back to his.

  Aye, she was his woman. His charm.

  He’d keep her safe, always and forever.

  Chapter 12

  As soon as Calum left their cave, Lila snuck out and hurried along the narrow ledge. She searched the forest, then with all clear, jumped from the end to the soft sand, and barefoot, raced toward the loch.

  A month ago, they’d spoken their vows before Brother John and their entire clan, and since, Colin had barely allowed her out of his sight.

  “Lila, wait.” Calum shot out from the trees and chased her, his white shirttails flying.

  “I want to take a swim. I miss the sea.” She snatched the fluttering ribbons of her cream gown and tried to unfasten the stays as she ran. “You can’t keep me from the loch forever.”

  “Got you.” He swung her into his arms.

  “No. You are too fast for your own good.” She slapped his chest. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “I can tell you exactly what you should do.” He strode along the water’s edge. “We’ll swim later, but together. Will that suffice?”

  “I can swim without your supervision.”

  “The water’s chilly.” The waves rolled in, splashing her skirts and darkening the hems of his leather pants. Farther along the beach, a fire blazed within a small pit at the edge of the dunes as a final blaze of red seared the sunset sky. The rays lit Calum’s golden eyes, turning them a smoldering hue as he set her down on the tartan spread before the fire. He eased in behind her, rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “This is a beautiful spot.” She tucked her skirts under her legs and embraced his warmth as the crashing waves rolled in.

  They’d made so many new memories this past month. Calum had even taken her to the meadow of wildflowers. He was her destiny, and always would be.

  It had been hard knowing Nanna was so close, that she was unable to see her, but here she’d remained. At least Calum had ensured the letter she’d written her had been received. His man had even waited for a response, and she kept her grandmother’s note close, right in her pocket along with her charm.

  “What has that worried look on your face?” With one arm wrapped around her, he caressed her belly, holding her and their child close.

  “Nanna, John and Janet are arriving in another two days. I’m getting nervous.”

  “You’ve already met your father.”

  “Yes, but you and I are the only ones with memories from the time I traveled. I returned to the same moment I first had, and I’ve never been anywhere now but with you.”

  Since Margaret and Colin hadn’t remembered her, she’d detailed everything in her letter to Nanna, telling her exactly what had happened. Nanna’s answering letter had confirmed that she too hadn’t recalled Lila’s first journey through time. No memories. Not one of their reunion at Mingary.

  Still, Nanna had reassured her she’d pave the way with her father, ensuring he knew her marriage to Calum was her choice. Nanna had written she held hope that another marriage between a MacLean and a MacIan might tip the scales toward finally cementing closer ties between their two clans. Instead of inflaming the feud, Lila might just be the one to calm it.

  “John agreed to enter into talks with me. ’Tis a good start.” Calum slid her hair to the side and nuzzled her neck. “I’ve received word too that Janet longs to see Margaret and her grandchildren. We’ll begin working on a resolution, with or without the king’s decree. While your MacIan kin are at Duart, I give you my word no harm shall come to them.” He eased back, taking her with him to lie flat on the sand. “Do you trust me?”

  “With my life.” She rubbed her nose against his. “Nanna always said one day I would spread my wings and fly. I only wish to fly with you.”

  “Then allow me to see to that.” He kissed her, long and with sensual seduction.

  Her charm heated in her pocket, and she smiled against his lips.

  Every moment with him now was hers to cherish forever.

  Soar she would, and to the very stars.

  * * * *

  On her tiptoes, Lila tried to shove past Calum’s broad back as they waited on Duart’s sea-gate stone landing two days later. The MacIan’s birlinn had berthed, and John, in a white tunic and leather pants, aided Nanna and Janet out as several of their warriors surrounded them. They were well armed, but no surprises there. Still, this was to be a peaceful visit, one that both Calum and her father had agreed to.

  From beside her, Margaret, in a flurry of teal skirts, squealed and raced toward Janet. The two women cried and jumped in a dizzying circle.

  Nanna, her black hair wisped with gray pinned high atop her head, waved to her, and Josiah bounded out and caught Nanna’s arm to keep her steady on the landing. She looked healthy and happy in a burgundy gown with long lace tapered sleeves.

  “Let me go, Calum.”

  “Aye, love.” He kissed the top of her head then stepped aside. “Go and see your kin.”

  “Nanna!” She ran into her grandmother’s open arms, and tears streaked down their cheeks. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “I’ve been waiting forever to see you, my dear. I couldn’t believe your letter said you’d already traveled through time, but it looks like that’s been for the best. We’re here, and that would never have happened otherwise. You have to tell me everything.”

  “I can’t believe the secrets you kept from me as a child.” She tapped Nanna’s nose. “No more.”

  “Oh dear.” She smiled mischievously. “I promise. No more. Just as well we don’t have to have that conversation again. Come meet your father. It’s past time.” She turned and grasped John’s arm. “John, this is your daughter, Lila.”

  “Aye, I hear we’ve already met.” Eyes twinkling, he lifted her off her feet and swung her about. “I cannae believe I have a daughter. ’Tis a miracle you survived your birth, and most grateful I am for your grandmother’s wish.”

  “Thank you for coming and agreeing to the talks.”

  “This feud must come to an end,
and with you wed to a MacLean, I’ll do all I can to ensure it is so.” He cupped her face. “You have your grandmother’s eyes, and those of a child born under a falling star.”

  “You said that the first time we met.” She wiped her wet cheeks.

  “A time I dinnae remember. Still, we have all the time in the world now. I will know you as I should have all these years.”

  Calum set a hand on her hip from behind and she eased back until she pressed against his chest. “Father, meet the man who has saved my life, and more times than I can count.”

  “It seems you have a penchant for saving lives, Calum. Mine, and now my daughter’s.” John extended his hand and Calum shook it. “I’m aware of what you’ve done from Lila’s missive to my mother. You have my thanks.”

  “I’m glad you accepted my invitation to travel here. These talks are about negotiating peace, and you have my word you’ll leave as you’ve arrived, safe and well.”

  “It’s time to put this feud to rest. I want naught more than to see it come to an end, for my clan’s sake, and my wife’s as well. Janet misses her kin.”

  Nanna pulled her back into a hug and jiggled about. “I can’t believe I’m going to be a great grandmother. I want to hear everything.”

  “Then I’ll start again at the very beginning.” She looped her arm through Nanna’s and led her up the grassy incline toward Duart. Margaret and Janet walked behind them. Calum and John brought up the rear. This would be the end of the feud. She’d ensure it.

  Oh, she had her grandmother back, and her father close.

  Her future had been fully realigned, and the past set to rights.

  No more traveling through time.

  It was time to live.

  Yes, and with the warrior who’d always been hers.

  Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Joanne-Wadsworth/e/B00AVRVIBM/

  Author’s Note

  Restoration work began at the ruins of Mingary Castle in two-thousand and thirteen, and it’s one day hoped the castle will be fully repaired.


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