Just One Touch (Oh Tequila Series Book 3)

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Just One Touch (Oh Tequila Series Book 3) Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  I entered the house and found Xavier was already home, and by the looks on Corbin’s and Isaac’s faces, I would say that he’d already told them about today.

  “We need to talk,” I said, looking directly at my brother. I wanted to see if he was gonna attempt to lie to me too.

  “I messaged you and told you that we needed to talk,” he said with a shrug. “I wanted to give you forewarning of the asshole before you had a run in with him yourself. I knew she wasn’t going to.”

  “What do you mean? She wasn’t gonna tell me?”

  “She didn’t ask me to lie,” Corbin seemed suddenly sympathetic, “but she did ask me to keep the topic hushed unless you asked.”


  “I told her that I didn’t hide shit from my brother.” It was true, we didn’t. The idea that she wanted to hide this only made it all seem worse. If there was nothing there, no old feelings or wants, then why keep him being here quiet?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Have you talked to him?” Palmer asked as she sat down at the table across from me. Shaking my head, I picked up the orange slices I just peeled and placed them on the tray in front of Ethan. “He just needs to cool down, I’m sure.”

  I didn’t look up at her. I couldn’t, because she had been right from the start. I should have told Clayton, but I didn’t want to interrupt the bubble we were in. Everything had been perfect, and bringing up Mark would just uproot all of that. Yet here we were exactly where I didn’t want to be. Only now it was worse because he was angry at me instead.

  “I’ve called him so many times that I’ve lost count. His mailbox is full just from the messages I’ve left him.”

  We both grew quiet, only the sound of Ethan saying “num” every time he took a bite filling the space.

  “He’ll call,” Palmer said confidently. “Like I said, he just—”

  “Needs time,” I repeated her earlier words.

  Again we fell silent, before Palmer stood and offered my shoulder a gentle squeeze, before leaving me and Ethan alone.

  The sound of someone knocking on my door caused a knee jerk reaction. I was up out of the chair so fast it fell backward to the ground and I practically tripped over it in the process. I didn’t even take the time to look when I jerked open the door.

  Coming face to face with Morgan and Blake had not been what I expected, nor the fact that Mark was standing directly behind them, either.

  “Hi.” Morgan was the first to speak as she offered a nervous wave. Blake said nothing, just looked over her shoulder at the man behind her and wrinkled her nose up in irritation.

  Just then Palmer came flying past me, pushed her way in between Blake and Morgan, and her hand flew out to connect with Mark’s cheek. She was like a whirlwind of anger. “What the fuck are you doing here? Why now, you piece of shit?” She pushed against his chest. “She has taken care of him every day since he was born. She’s sacrificed and gone without just so he could have what he needs. All of this has been done in your absence. While you were out there partying, getting laid, and living your life, she was here. They don’t need you, so why are you even here?”

  Now Blake and Morgan were staring at Palmer and Mark, standing in front of me almost like some type of shield or protection duty. I wanted to laugh, but this entire thing had gotten out of control.

  Mark looked over Palmer, directly at me when he replied. “Because I regret walking away.” And my heart sank. “I never should have.”

  Hanging my head, I tried to control my erratic heartbeat, but it only seemed to speed up with each passing second.

  “Mommy,” Ethan wailed out in an irritated tone and I turned around to find him halfway out of his booster seat.

  I moved quickly, and I guess by my reaction they all grew curious, and before I knew it every one of them was standing in my apartment, staring at me as I held Ethan in my arms. I wanted to hide him from Mark, shelter him from the guy who walked away, because in my heart I truly believed he didn’t deserve to see him. He said he didn’t want him, those were his exact words.

  “You cannot just show up after more than two years and decide you made a mistake.” I could feel myself losing control. “He deserved more than that, and now here you are thinking that you’re entitled to spend time with him. Like you deserve a second chance. Until you wake up one morning and decide that it’s all too much? That you can’t handle the dedication it takes, because he’s cramping your style, interfering with the booze and the girls?”

  Hot tears ran over my cheeks and I did nothing to stop them.

  “What amazes me is that you’re tied to him by blood, yet you turned your back on him so easily. Then some random guy, one with a heart bigger than any other man I’ve ever known, accepts him without pause. He treats him as if he’s his own son, he loves him and spoils him, now here you are ready to take all that away. Haven’t you taken enough away from him already?”

  “That guy isn’t gonna stick around forever either, Emelie,” Mark snarled. “He’s just playing house.”

  “I suggest you shut your mouth right there.” I was shocked to see Blake turn on him so quickly. “That guy you’re referring to is one of my best friends, and I can guarantee you one thing. He is a hell of a lot more than you’ll ever be.”

  Mark had a stare down with her and I almost wished he’d fire back. The thought of seeing Elijah put Mark in his place after squaring off with his girlfriend gave me a rush I shouldn’t have.

  Someone that didn’t know Mark may have felt sorry for him. They may have believed his line about making a mistake or regretting his decision to sign over his son, but I knew better. He was not the kind of man who felt guilt over anything. He took and took and never once gave back. He was a selfish prick and I wouldn’t ever allow my son to reap those hazards.

  Mark looked around at the four woman who stared at him, each of us feeling repulsed by his presence. Then he turned around and walked away without another word. I had never felt more relieved.

  “That guy is,” Blake paused as she looked over at Ethan, “a bad, bad guy. A monster that we need to squish like a bug.” I knew that was the furthest thing from what she really wanted to call him, but was thinking of Ethan instead.

  “Well, I guess Clayton’s worries are far from the reality of the situation.” Morgan crossed her arms over her chest. “He couldn’t be more wrong.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your guy has somehow convinced himself that you’ve got these unresolved feelings for the bad guy, which is why you chose to not tell him about your run-in with monster man.” I stared at Morgan with my mouth hanging open in confusion. “We tried telling him he was being a tool, but when he started drinking one shot after the other last night, it was pointless to argue.”

  “So instead, we came over to sort it out for ourselves,” Blake interjected. “Hate to see my pal all kinds of sad, ya know.” I nodded, because frankly the idea that Clayton could think I would want Mark over him, or anyone over him for that matter, broke my heart. After the guy he’d been, the devotion he’d shown when he owed me and Ethan absolutely nothing, the idea of him hurting was too much.

  “Sometimes guys handle jealousy for shit,” Morgan added, and I looked down because I could feel myself falling apart.

  “Palmer.” I turned and looked at her.

  “Need me to watch the little man?"


  She held out her hands and took him from me without hesitating. “We need to go wash the sticky off you, boy.” As she passed me, she gave me a reassuring hug.

  “Let’s go fix the heart of the guy you love.” Blake put her arm over my shoulders and together the three of us left. It took me until we were halfway to the house to notice that I still wore my pajama pants and a ratty t-shirt. At this point though it seemed pointless to worry about my appearance because it just mimicked the way I felt inside.

  Chapter Thirty

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  “You just planning on pouting around here all day?” I lifted my head and found Corbin standing in the doorway of my room. “Don’t you think you need to talk to her or, hell I don’t know, maybe take a shower?”

  “Close the door.” I placed my arm back over my eyes to shield the sunlight. It hurt, everything hurt. Apparently I got so drunk last night, the guys had convinced me I knew how to breakdance. Let me just clarify that I do not, in fact, know how to breakdance.

  “It’s been more than forty-eight hours, Clayton.” My brother didn’t seem to get the message. “She’s called a million times and texted.”

  “Do you have a point?”

  “Yeah, you need to listen to the fucking messages and read the damn texts.” I found myself rolling my eyes much like Palmer and Emelie often did in reference to one another. Which of course only seemed to inflict another round of an entirely different type of ache inside of me.

  “Close the door, asshole,” I mumbled as I rolled to my side and pulled the pillow over my head. “She needs to figure out on her own what or who she wants. It’s not my choice.”

  “I want you.” I remained still, convincing myself that at this point I had to be hearing shit that wasn’t being said. “There’s never been a second of doubt in my mind.”

  Slowly, I pushed back the pillow, and after blinking a time or two, Emelie came into view. Her hair was a fucking mess, like it hadn’t been brushed, half of it falling out of the ponytail she’d obviously once had. She wore the pajama pants I’d seen her wear so many times before, blue with little yellow stars all over them.

  “How could you even for a second think that I would want him? That what I feel for you could ever be erased by anyone?” I stared at her, seeing her throat bob as she swallowed hard.

  “I love you, Clay, so much that at times I feel like if I lost you, I would lose myself in the process.” She took a step toward me and I watched my brother out of the corner of my eye pull the door shut, leaving the two of us alone. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about him being here, but I guess in a way I thought if I ignored it long enough the entire thing would disappear. I wanted it to just go away. It was never because I felt unsettled or unsure.”

  Emelie moved around the side of the bed and crawled up next to me, sitting back onto her legs that were tucked beneath her.

  “Do you know that you were the first person besides Palmer that ever made me feel like being imperfect was okay?”

  “You are perfect,” I said, remaining perfectly still though I really wanted to reach out and pull her body to mine. She closed her eyes for a moment as if to accept that I felt this way, because I know she battled with her insecurities daily.

  “The only reason I pushed you away so much in the beginning is because I knew having you in my life would change everything. I knew that not falling for you would be impossible. From the first moment you held Ethan and showed him more attention than his own father had, I understood just how special you were.”

  Tears pooled in Emelie’s eyes, making it harder for me to hold back.

  “You are the only man I want, Clayton.” Her voice cracked with emotion. “I love you so deeply and so strongly that it’s crippling. I don’t wanna lose you.”

  I couldn’t hold back any longer, as I lifted my upper body off the bed and wrapped my arms around her.

  “I just wanna fix this,” she cried into the crease of my neck and I held her tighter. “I should have told you, and I’m sorry.”

  “Shh.” I tried to calm her, but she only cried harder.

  “I understand why you were upset, but you have to know that it never was about second-guessing my choices. I need you.” Emelie fisted my shirt in her hands.

  “You have me.” Assuring her was all I could do.

  We stayed like that for I don’t even know how long, until I pulled her further onto the bed and held her in my arms. She still had not yet looked at me, only remained tucked in close to me, like letting me go meant we’d go back to the way things were over the last couple of days. It was almost like a fear in her, one that made her desperate to keep me close.

  “Did you know that after I graduated, I’d always intended on going back to Morehead? It was a given because my family’s there.” I soothingly rubbed her back as she finally looked up at me. “But now I know that wherever you are is where I wanna be. Because you and Ethan are my family now.”

  She shook her head.

  “I want you to follow through with those dreams.” When I attempted to argue she placed her finger to my lips to stop me. “Yes…” I pressed my forehead to hers. “…with only one request.”

  “What’s that?” I said, her finger still pushed against my lips.

  “Can we come with you?”

  My heart felt like it leaped, slammed against my chest cavity. “There is no way in hell I’d ever go anywhere without either of you.”


  I sat on a lounge chair in the backyard of Morgan’s parents’ home. All the guys were sitting around laughing, and in the mix was Ethan. He was perched on Clayton’s lap, watching Morgan’s brother Toby as he wheeled himself around in his chair. I knew what he was thinking; he wanted a ride.

  Toby was equally enthralled by Ethan as he watched him play with the monster trucks he held in his hand, smashing them together over and over in a destructive manner, with sound effects too.

  We’d all gathered to celebrate Toby’s birthday, and watching the way the guys were with him amazed me. Seeing them outside of moments like this would make you think they were nothing but an immature group of idiots. I mean, that’s what I thought in the beginning. I was wrong, so wrong. They were loyal and caring, the way they treated Toby like he was one of the guys. Ethan too; they were both part of their crew.

  I also noticed the way Corbin continued to look over at our little group near the back patio. I knew already the only reason he was looking was because of Palmer. He’d raise his voice on occasion or laugh a little louder than the rest, just to gain a reaction out of her. The problem was it wasn’t working, he wasn’t getting anything from her, not even a glance. I almost felt sorry for the guy.

  There was something going on with them, or something had gone on with them, I wasn’t sure. I’ll admit though, I was more than curious.

  “Corbin sure is working for your attention,” I said as I nudged Palmer’s shoulder.

  “Leave it alone, Em.” She continued to stare ahead, and it was driving me crazy. That was until I noticed that directly in front of her were the sliding doors that led inside. In that slider was the perfect reflection that gave her the option of watching Corbin without him even knowing.

  “You are so busted,” I laughed and her face reddened. “You need to throw that boy a bone.”

  “No,” she barked. “Don’t you know if you feed strays they never go away?”

  This only made me laugh even harder. "From the looks of it, you’ve already fed him. That man looks like he’s starving for more.”

  “You are ridiculous.”

  “And you are a terrible actress,” I added, gaining another glare from her.

  There was a definite story there, and I’d made up my mind that I was going to push her to the point of breaking.

  ***Sneak Peek***

  Just One Kiss

  Oh, Tequila Series #4

  Corbin’s Story

  I lifted my hand and scratched at the irritating itch near my nose, only I couldn’t manage to get to it. There was something in the way.

  I started to open my eyes and could hear birds chirping someplace off in the distance while I tried to focus on my surroundings. I found myself perched on a chair, on the porch of our fraternity. The bad part was I was wearing nothing but a lacey pink thong, and there were two women standing near the road looking up at me with disgust on their face. Two older women, around the age of my mother. What was even worse was that in one hand I held a cucumber and the other a bottle of lube. Oh, and did I mention they were
glued to my palms? As in fucking super ass glued!

  “Sorry.” I held up the hand with the cucumber and then quickly lowered it again. They scurried off looking back at me a few times like I was a raging lunatic who was about to run after them and tackle them to the ground.

  An empty bottle of tequila lay on the ground near the chair.

  Deep chuckling came from some place behind me and I looked back just in time to catch Jay hiding behind one of the curtains with his phone facing outward toward me.

  “Are you seriously taping this shit?”

  “You assholes taped me swinging my dick around like some tassel, and that wasn’t enough. You live streamed it so everyone could watch. That has followed me around ever since and I still get tagged in random dick pics. Hashtag dicksaswinging will be a forever thing in my life, thanks to you pricks. So to answer your question, I am not just taping this, I’m live streaming it. I got it all.”

  He laughed so hard he had tears.

  “I got you trying to scratch your ass, but the cucumber kept getting in the way. The best part was when you started groaning. It looked like you were really enjoying that.”

  “I’m gonna—”

  “You’re gonna what?”

  He was right. I wasn’t gonna do shit but come up with something to pay him back. As if I had something this epic. I mean come on, even I could admit this was pretty damn genius.

  The asshole didn’t stop there, he actually taped me entering the house and you guessed it, no one offered to help me open or even close the door. He taped me, from behind, as I climbed the stairs. Everyone who was awake had one hell of a laugh.

  I really needed to stop falling into these traps. This was the second time I’d woken up on the front porch. The first time was with Clayton and we were both naked. This shit was fucked.


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