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Caroline's Christmas Viking

Page 2

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “How much did my aunt’s estate pay you? And how long do I get to keep you?” The Viking cocked his head and stared. “Well?” Folding her arms across her chest, Caroline tapped her toe against the carpet.

  He shook his head, as if to clear it. “How long you get me?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. How many hours? One, two?” He gave her that strange look again. “Sheesh. This would be a whole lot easier if they sent a guy who could speak English.”

  “Sorry. I bad English.” He nodded. “I must play fast. Understand?”

  “So it’s one hour?” She pointed to her watch.

  The Viking glanced at the time and nodded. “Yes. Play one hour.”

  “Then I guess we’d better get down to business. I need to jump in the shower first. And I insist on you using a condom, no matter how clean you are, got that?” Without waiting for an answer, Caroline snagged his arm, pulled him through the doorway then pushed the door shut. “I’m sorry about the mess, um…and the smell, but my dog got into the chocolate and,” she gestured with her hand, “this is the result.” She shrugged and sighed.

  At that moment the big mutt, head hung low and limbs shaking, braved a tentative path into the living room. “This is Thursday, the wretched hound responsible for all of this.” Caroline laughed.

  The Viking held out a hand and Thursday sniffed it. After sniffing the stranger’s crotch and butt, the dog seemed satisfied. With nary a growl, he planted himself next to the Viking’s long leg.

  “Thor’s Day,” Erik the Blond said, petting the dog. Lapping up the attention, Thursday lavishly swiped his tongue across the Viking’s thigh. A similar gesture to what Caroline had in mind, actually. “Good Viking name.” Erik’s grin stole her breath away and sent her hormones into a frenzy of sexual longing.

  “Yes.” Caroline returned the smile and just stood there ogling the eye candy for a long moment. “Uh…anyway…my bedroom’s in worse shape than the living room, so we can’t do it in there. I have an extra room with a futon, so we can use that instead.” She looked up at the Viking, who was scanning the disaster her living room had become.

  “Thor’s Day?” He pointed to the mess. Caroline closed her eyes and nodded. When she opened them again, the Viking was waving a chastising finger at her dog. “Very not nice, Thor’s Day.” The dog dropped on his back, baring his belly in submission, again mirroring an action at the forefront of Caroline’s thoughts.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before,” she said, licking her lips nervously. “Have sex with a paid male escort, I mean. In fact…” she felt her cheeks burn, “to be quite honest, I’m sort of rusty. I haven’t had sex in more than a year since Herbert left me for one of his adolescent college students. And I’m not really experienced in anything, um…advanced. He wasn’t open to anything very imaginative in the bedroom. Pretty much straight missionary-style sex, if you know what I mean.” Caroline gestured with one hand flat on top of the other.

  Erik gaped at her. “Sex?”

  Caroline’s shoulder hiked in a shrug and she nodded. “Naturally I wouldn’t be telling you all this personal stuff about my sex life if you weren’t a professional,” she offered. “I just thought it might help if you knew the whole situation before we get to the sex part.”

  He straightened, elevating one eyebrow and clapping a hand to his chest as he frowned. “You want me sex?”

  Caroline gulped. He looked so fierce, so imposing when he frowned, and his size and deliberate manner were intimidating. But sexy as hell. “Sure, why not? I mean, as long as you made the trip and got all costumed up for it. May as well, right?”

  “Sex!” The Viking grinned and nodded. He was all white teeth and wolfish charm. “I understand.” He scooped Caroline up into his arms as if she weighed no more than the Viking charm at her breast. Then he kissed her, plundering her mouth with his tongue. Lord, the man knew how to kiss! They must teach them all sorts of special carnal techniques at male escort school.

  Once the kiss broke he strode across the room, sidestepping the putrid little piles of dog barf as he cradled her in his arms. Caroline pointed to the spare room. “In there,” she said, surprised at how husky her voice had become. “I’ll get the futon ready and jump in the shower.” He grinned down at her and then kissed her again.

  “Erik, you have to put me down,” she said after the kiss. “It’s okay if I call you Erik, isn’t it? I mean, your real name doesn’t matter since this is supposed to be my Christmas fantasy, right? Anyway, it’s better if I just think of you as Erik the Blond because…well, after all, I’ll never see you again after today.” He just grinned again, without making a move to put her down. “Down, Erik.” She pointed to the floor. “Me down.”

  “Ahhh, yes, down.” Erik set Caroline on her feet then gently pushed her to the floor, straddling her.

  Caroline gasped as her hand flew against his chest. “No! I meant…” She groaned and then Erik’s mouth opened over hers in ravenous demand. His taste was so appetizing it scattered her senses. “Wait!” she said as soon as they came up for air. It was getting awfully hard to think because those professional kisses of his had such a drugging effect. “Me dirty. Understand?”

  “Dirty sex?” Erik jiggled his eyebrows playfully.

  Desire radiated deep in her belly as she imagined all sorts of deliciously naughty scenarios. “No! Oh for chrissakes, Erik. I feel like we’re playing me Tarzan you Jane. How am I supposed to make you understand?”

  “Not understand.” Erik glowered. “You not Tarzan. Me not Jane. I be Erik. You be who name?”

  She touched her breast. “I be…I mean, I am Caroline McNulty. Didn’t they include that information in your work order…or whatever the escort service calls it?” Erik gave her a blank look and her gaze slipped from his face to his chest where she glimpsed one flat, crinkled nipple. She wanted to lick it. Nibble it. And she wanted him to do the same to her. A growl threatened to escape as her mouth went dry, imagining his tongue flicking hard across her nipple…and his teeth tugging until she begged for mercy. Then her gaze slipped further south to the Viking’s mighty nether regions, and she wondered if his cock was as bold and impressive as the rest of him.

  That’s when his generous erection pressed against her. If she’d known a Viking song of joy, she would have belted it out just then.

  Oh for chrissakes! What had happened to her? She used to be a nice, normal, proper woman who never even gave so much as a passing thought to strange men’s cocks or exploring their broad, massive chests with her tongue outside of her favorite masturbation fantasies. She’d been a chaste and suitable wife who’d never allowed herself to lust after other men during the whole eighteen years she and the unfaithful ratfink had been married.

  That was then.

  Now her need for him obliterated everything else. Her clothes scratched against her hot skin, her breasts felt heavy and tight, her clit throbbed and she was unabashedly lusting after a paid escort with a colossal cock.

  “Caroline,” he said with that gorgeous smile. “Good name. I like.”

  “Great. Now let me up.”

  “Up?” She nodded. “Dirty sex up?”

  Caroline dissolved into laughter. “Erik, I have absolutely no clue what you mean, but, frankly, it sounds good and I have a feeling I’d probably like it.” She scooted out from under him and rose to her feet as images of raw, sweaty vertical sex danced in her mind. Reclining on his side, Erik levered himself up on one elbow and propped his head on his fist. He gazed at her as if she were a hot fudge sundae and even if he was trained to do that, it still made her feel like a Viking queen. After opening the futon, she stood in the doorway and held up a finger. “I’ll be right back.” She walked out of the room and then popped her head back in and smiled. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I phone?” Erik said, pointing to the telephone on a small table.

  “You need to make a call?” He nodded. “Sure, go right ahead.”

  It was insane, this overwhe
lming need she had to feel the Viking fill her pussy. Her desire for hot, rigid Viking flesh had escalated from a smoldering burn to an aching, aggressive heat. It was murder to walk away from him at that moment, but after the rotten day she’d had, she felt dirty and grimy. Besides, she certainly couldn’t have him peel off her clothes to find sturdy white cotton underwear. No, if Auntie Helga went to the trouble to send her a sexy, bought-and-paid-for Viking stud, then Caroline wanted everything about her hour with the guy to be perfect. That meant she had to be clean and wearing… What? Jeez, she didn’t even own anything sexy anymore.

  Except for that silly outfit Herbert bought her when he started going through his midlife crisis. Other than prancing back into the room buck naked—and she just didn’t have the guts for that—that was her only choice. She may as well wear the inane getup. At least it was sexy…she hoped. Anyway, what difference did it make? After all, she was never going to see the Viking again.

  She dug the outfit out of the deepest recess of her closet and headed for the shower.


  Caroline took a deep breath before returning to her spare room. As soon as he saw her, Erik’s eyes popped.

  And as soon as she saw him, her eyes popped.

  “Caroline!” He leapt to his feet, completely naked except for the round shield positioned in front of his Viking family jewels. “You be Mrs. Julenissen.” And then he grinned.

  “I don’t know who she is, God help her, but I’m supposed to be Mrs. Santa Claus.” She patted the white fur-trimmed red velvet panties and matching push-up bra.

  “Claus.” He nodded. “Yes, is same.”

  “I’m sorry,” she shrugged, “it’s the only semi-provocative outfit I own.”

  “No be sorry.” In a low, sexy rumble, he said, “You be so beauty. Much sexy.” His smile was different now. Hungry. Expectant. So fucking hot that it made Caroline’s toes curl, which wasn’t evident because of the matching fur-trimmed stiletto-heeled boots she teetered on—the ones with the turned-up elfin toes with the jingle bells attached at the ends.

  She didn’t even want to think about the single silver bells positioned at each nipple or the jingly cluster sewn over her butt.

  Until Erik flicked the bells at her breasts.

  One jingle and her nipples puckered. Caroline moaned and his grin turned almost feral.

  Erik snapped one bell. “Have happy sex.” His grin was slow and suggestive, wicked. “Then we go play.” He advanced on her until his legs were on either side of hers, his shield pushed snug against her belly and one big hand cupping her ass. He seemed fascinated by the full curviness of her behind, kneading and stroking her ass as her pussy trickled in response to his touch.

  “Whatever you say. You’re the expert. Or should I say sexpert.” She laughed and then let her head drop back and looked up at him. He was so tall, at least six-six. She felt like a sprite next to him. There was nothing more delicious for a plus-sized woman than to feel positively diminutive next to a brawny man. “Just how big are you, anyway?”

  “Big.” He tossed his shield aside and ground his cock against her.

  If both of his hands weren’t in plain sight, she would have sworn it was his fist. She swallowed hard, enjoying the firm pressure at her belly. It was obvious this escort service employed only the cream of the crop—the ones with fantasy-sized cocks.

  Caroline backed up a bit and looked down. She got an eyeful of hot male flesh, fully aroused and gorgeous. “Oh my great sainted aunt! You’re enormous!” Anticipation leaving her weak at the knees, she clutched his chest. The other hand curled over his biceps. Before she knew what she was doing, her hands traveled down his back and grabbed his ass. Those buns of his were of truly mythical quality.

  Auntie Helga may have been ninety-five, but she clearly knew how to pick a stud. A smile tickled at Caroline’s lips when she pictured the old woman scrutinizing a stack of photos and selecting the perfect Viking.

  “I want be sex with you now.” Erik looked stern and mighty as he nudged Caroline toward the futon. “Hit you inside with cock hard.” He nudged harder. “Make you melt under my flaming eyes.”

  Just listening to him had Caroline practically ready to come. When the back of her knees hit the edge of the futon, he gave her a shove. He straddled her then tugged the cups of her fur-trimmed bra down, exposing her breasts. The look in his eyes and the raw groan rumbling deep in his chest delighted Caroline to no end.

  “Plenty.” Erik squeezed her generous breasts. “Big beauty. Much loving you breasts.” He slipped his hands beneath her, unhooked her bra and snatched it from her chest, tossing it aside with a jingle. Caroline felt hot, flushed and completely exposed under his unwavering stare. Erik lowered his head and nipped playfully at one taut nipple, curling his tongue around the sensitive tip and then sucking it into his mouth as he massaged her other breast. He teased and nibbled and licked and tugged until she was sure she’d go out of her mind.

  “Oh, Erik, that feels so good. You just can’t imagine—”

  “Off,” he said, yanking at her panties, the ones with the bells that were digging into the top of her ass now. “I fuck Caroline now.” His gaze was intent, taunting, sexy.

  Each word of broken English he uttered and every movement he made set her clit aquiver. Raising her butt from the futon, Caroline tugged the panties down until Erik grabbed them, yanking them to her ankles. And then, dear God, he lowered his head to her pussy and drew in a deep breath through his nostrils.

  “So much nice. Pretty black,” he said, stroking her pussy curls. A moan of pleasure reverberated in the back of her throat. In all the years they’d been married, Herbert had never placed his face in the vicinity of her crotch.

  Caroline’s hips rose from the surface abruptly when Erik parted her pussy lips and jammed two thick fingers inside, pressing, pushing and playing within the sensitive hollow. His gaze never left her face as he finger-fucked her. She could only imagine what he saw there because, Lord knows, she was beyond being coy at this point. Shivers rhythmically pulsed down her spine, exploding in her drenched pussy. The heated friction he created sent her already heightened senses soaring. Their gazes locked, a cry escaped her lips as her cunt hungrily clenched his thrusting fingers.

  Erik’s warm smile and growling sounds of enjoyment as he pleasured her boosted Caroline’s joy quotient to a new level. It was when he withdrew his fingers and sucked them, taking her taste, her wetness into his mouth and then uttering a growl of pleasure when he said, “Caroline be sweet, juicy woman. So good taste,” that Caroline’s body stiffened and then quaked with the most intense orgasm she could remember.

  Lost in the sensuality of the moment and charming cadence of his admiring words, she was only vaguely aware when Erik opened a condom packet with his teeth and sat back on his heels to roll it on. Her pussy was still quaking with aftershocks when he lifted her hips, nudging the thick head of his cock into her folds with a soft, insistent pressure. And then, with the vitality of a mighty Viking, he drove his cock into her, hard and swift.

  Caroline sucked in a startled breath as her body adjusted to the vigorous invasion. “Oh! Erik…” She grabbed him, feeling the muscles in his strong back flex with each thrust as amazing sensations coursed through her body. He more than filled her as the stretch of her inner muscles adjusted to his length and thickness. She pumped her hips, arriving at a delicious rhythm and taking him deeper, until her cunt tightened around him and they both groaned.

  Her hand stroked his abs then moved down to cup his sac. She fondled his balls, his inner thighs, raking her fingers from his groin to his ass and back again before resting over the blond thatch of curls haloing his cock.

  “Ahh…yes. Good,” Erik grunted. “Caroline make excellent sex.”

  Caroline relished the feel of her Viking’s idyllic masculine body, something she’d never had the pleasure to encounter before. God knows that Herbert’s soft, flabby physique couldn’t begin to compare. Erik was hard and fi
rm in all the right places and supple where it counted. And then there was the man’s phenomenal technique! She’d be amazed if Erik hadn’t been at the head of his sex classes.

  “It’s easy,” she answered with a throaty resonance, giving his balls another squeeze. She paused to catch her breath after his cock hammered again. “I guess when you have sex with a skilled professional, the response just comes naturally.”

  With a deep, wicked thrust, Erik’s cock hit her G-spot, just like he had a map. Caroline shrieked with pleasure as he took aim and drove into her again, meeting his mark a second time. And then he swirled the tip of his cock at the nucleus of the spot until she found herself caught up in a lingering moan of rapture. Until that moment, Caroline figured they’d simply neglected to equip her with one of those spots when she was created. Of course, that’s before she’d encountered a man who lettered in sex.

  Yes, she could die in his capable arms right this very minute and be happy, knowing that she’d been treated to the ultimate in bliss. She never imagined sex could be like this. Never dreamed feeling this way was possible.

  Skimming his hands up Caroline’s hips, past her waist and over her ribs, Erik lingered at her breasts, squeezing and playing with them as he rammed into her. Caroline rose to his erotic touch, sighing, moaning and succumbing to the sweet feeling of a man’s strong but gentle hands loving her as his cock claimed her cunt. He slowed his rhythm long enough to fold his body over hers until his lips were a mere breath away.

  “You beauty make my heart melt, Caroline,” he whispered just before capturing her mouth in a lusty kiss. Erik’s words and gestures seemed so heartfelt, so sincere, they nearly brought tears to her eyes. His tongue mimicked the movements of his cock as he drove into her deeper, harder, angling his body for maximum friction and pleasure. The exquisite penetration triggered a surge of emotion from deep within her. It was getting terribly hard to remember that Erik was only a paid escort, superbly trained in the art of satisfying a woman—that he didn’t really mean any of what he said. But she didn’t want to think about that. Not now during one of the most perfect, glorious moments of her life.


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