And Hell Followed With It: Life and Death in a Kansas Tornado

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And Hell Followed With It: Life and Death in a Kansas Tornado Page 34

by Bonar Menninger

  Guthrie & Sons market, 216

  Gutierrez, Dominic, 215–17, 224, 294

  Gutierrez, Rosemary, 216


  Hale, Tessa, 217–18, 223–24, 235–37

  Harrison, William Henry, 59–60

  Hart, J. B., 265

  Hathaway, David “Dave”

  assignment to Burnett’s Mound, 88

  biographical info, 29–30

  under the bridge, 107–8

  on Burnett’s Mound, 90, 91–93

  on Gage Boulevard, 96–97, 102–3

  recovery and new life, 288

  as tornado survivor, 124–26, 247

  Hatke, Mary, 31, 170, 174, 178–79, 293–94

  Hatke, Roy, 170, 174, 178–79, 293–94

  Hays, Kansas, 15

  Hernandez, Phillip, 233

  Heumann Dental Laboratory, 197, 198

  highway overpass safety myth, 299–300

  Hillebert, Irma, 37, 136–37, 149, 163

  Hillebert, Roy, 149

  Holden, Edward S., 50

  Holliday, Cyrus K., 69, 70

  HomeSafe Tornado Detector, 158

  Hood, Marc, 88, 92, 124–25

  horses, Nicely’s, 10, 283

  House, Johnny, 94

  Hudkins, Dan, 94, 265

  Huffman, Harold, 106–7, 110, 128–29

  Huffman, Joanna, 35, 106–7, 110, 128–29

  Huffman, Tami, 34–35, 106–7, 110, 128–29

  Huffman, Teri

  biographical info, 34–35

  effect of tornado, 289–90

  and tornado, 106–7, 110, 128–29

  tornado warning and tornado, 264–65

  human nature, 17–18. See also tornadoes: mesmerizing nature of

  Hummer, Dana, 246

  Hurricane Alma, 5

  hurricanes, 41

  Husky, Ferlin, 276

  Hutton, Bill, 139–41, 147–49, 159–60, 166, 247–48

  Hutton, Chris, 139–41, 147–49, 159–60, 166, 247–48

  Hutton, Craig, 139–41, 147–49, 159–60, 166, 247–48


  Idlet, Charles, 228–29, 241

  Idlet, Velma, 218–19, 228–29, 241

  Idlet, Wanda, 84, 218–19, 228–29, 241, 302

  Illinois, 51–52

  Indian Removal Act (1830), 60, 69

  industry in Topeka, 4

  infrasound, 157–58

  Internal Revenue Service, 290–91

  Iowa, 48

  Irish, Clarence, 100, 123


  Jackson, Norma, 217–18, 223–24, 235–37, 301

  Jackson, Paul, 217

  Jackson, Paul Frederick, 217–18, 223–24, 301

  Jackson, Pete, 183–84, 189–90, 193, 201–5

  Jackson, Shane, 205

  Jackson, Trish, 205

  Jayhawkers, 66

  Job’s Daughters (singing group), 25, 26

  Johnson, Bob, 171, 173–74, 178

  Johnson, Darrell, 221–22, 234–35

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 272

  Johnson, Pauline, 171, 173–74, 178

  Jones, Linda, 227

  Jones, Robert, 81

  Jorgensen, Jerry, 166

  Junction City, Kansas, 33


  Kansa nation, 58


  EF-5s in, 48, 78–79, 259, 295

  and Native Americans, 57–62, 67, 68–69

  settlement of, 64–66

  statehood, 66

  See also specific cities and towns

  Kansas Avenue, Topeka, 184–85, 187

  Kansas City, Missouri, public works department volunteers, 270–71

  Kansas Neurological Institute (KNI), 142

  Kansas State Health Laboratories, 264

  Key, William H., 273–75

  Knoffloch, Mary, 62

  K-TOP AM radio, 19–20

  Kurtis, Bill, 22–23, 91, 117–18, 257–58, 286–87

  Kurtis, Helen, 287


  Laird, Carol, 227, 240–41

  Laird, David, 194–95

  Laird, Edna Mae, 227

  Lake Sherwood Estates, 89

  Lamley, Carl, 166

  Landon, Alfred M., 71

  Lattimore, J. L., 259–63

  law library, Washburn University, 146, 150, 163

  Lebo, Kansas, 15

  Lee, Gareford, 262

  Legend of Burnett’s Mound, 57, 58–60, 75, 302–4 63

  Lindley, Richard Allen, 156

  Lollar, Albert, 111–12, 129–30

  Lollar, Darlene, 111–12, 129–30

  looters, 128, 237, 244, 246, 252–53

  Louisiana, 51

  Luksa, Mark, 127

  Lux, Tom, 108

  Lyle, Tim, 186–87, 189, 193–94, 207–8, 297

  Lyons, Edward J., 261


  MacVicar Chapel, Washburn University, 136–37, 149, 160, 163–64. See also Snyder, Robert and Jackie

  mammatus clouds, 135

  Manhattan, Kansas, 34

  maps, xvi, 104, 134, 168, 182, 214, 242

  Marmet, Paul, 29, 95–96, 116–117, 133, 290–91

  Marmet, Peg Griebat, 28–29, 95–96, 116–117, 133, 290–91

  Martin, Carol, 25–26, 142–43, 248–50, 297

  Martin, Cleve and Hazel, 25–26, 143, 249–50

  Martin, John and Elaine, 137–38, 151, 164–65

  Marvin, Edward “Ted,” 269–70

  Maude Bishop Elementary School, 252

  Maxon, Pete, 171, 174–75, 179, 294–95

  McCall, Connie Lee, 72

  McCoy, Rev. Isaac, 62

  McDiffett, Norma, 143, 161

  McDiffett, Pat, 143, 161

  McDiffett, Patti, 143, 161, 249

  McKinney, Dorothy, 124

  Means, Johnny, 206

  Meinholdt, Jean, 31, 34

  Meinholdt, John

  biographical info, 34

  on Burnett’s Mound, 37, 87, 88, 90, 92

  commendation from the mayor, 288

  VEST assignment, 34

  watching the tornado, 110

  Menninger Foundation, 246–47, 273

  Mennonites, 184–85, 255, 266–67

  Meredith, James H., 4–5

  mesocyclone, 46

  Miller, Robert C., 52–56

  Milton, Oliver Jacob, 262

  Mississippi, 47, 51

  Missouri, 48, 51–52

  Mize, Ted, 73–74, 265–66

  Monthly Weather Review, 279

  Morgan Hall, Washburn University, 139, 148–49

  Moriarty, Father, 211


  Natchez, Mississippi, 47

  National Guard, 245, 291

  National Reserve Life Insurance building, 196

  National Weather Service, 48–51, 299–300. See also U.S. Weather Bureau

  Native Americans, 57–62, 67, 68–69

  Nauman, Jill, 198–99, 212–13, 298–99

  Nebraska, 48

  New Richmond, Kansas, 51

  Nicely, Angie, 9, 11–12, 40, 41

  Nicely, Glenn

  driving home, 7, 8–9

  employment, 1–3

  finding father’s gun collection, 264

  horses of, 10, 12

  rebuilding, 283–84

  and tornado, 11–12, 39, 41

  Nicely, Hazel, 11–12, 260

  Nicely, Inge, 8–11, 39–41, 276, 284

  Noack, Connie Lee McCall, 72, 127, 244–45, 264, 288–89

  Noack, Tom

  biographical info, 71–72

  and Burnett’s Mound reservoir, 73

  inviting survivors to his home, 244–45

  and looters, 128, 244

  on Red Cross and Salvation Army, 275–76

  shutting down gas mains, 127–28

  tornado and damage, 109–10, 127


  Oakland district, 16, 221–41

  Odell, Paul, 32

  Ohio, 50–51

  Oklahoma, 48, 78

India, 119

  Olson, Linda, 118–20

  Olson, Ron, 118–20, 131, 252–53, 264, 291

  Olson, Tawnia, 118–20

  Osburn, Lester, 38


  “Paint It Black” (Rolling Stones), 26

  Parsons Sun, 281

  Perkins, Dave, 38, 215, 230–31

  Pla-Land bowling alley, 183–84, 189–90, 201–2

  ponies, 99–101, 123

  Poole, Jill. See Nauman, Jill

  Potawatomis tribe

  and Abram Burnett, 60–62, 63–64, 66–67

  overview, 59

  refusing to leave Kansas, 69

  Trail of Death, 60–61

  Powell, Lorene, 237

  Prairie Vista, 96, 124

  prayer, power of, 152–53, 229, 241, 292

  prediction models

  Finley’s, 49–50

  for flooding, 77

  Garrett’s work on, 77–80

  military, 52–56

  overview, 51

  radiosonde, 16–17, 23–24

  Severe Local Storms Forecast Center, 15–16, 24, 56, 78

  premonitions, 31, 35, 36, 223–24

  public awareness, 82–85. See also tornado preparedness; tornado warning systems


  Quantrill, Bill, 66


  radar set, WSR-3, 32

  radiosonde, 16–17, 23–24

  Rainey, Barbara, 263, 298

  Rainey, Joyce, 264

  Ramirez, Joe, 190

  rear-flank downdraft, 46, 243

  Red Cross, 275–76

  Reichelderfer, Francis W., 52, 56

  Rice Hall, Washburn University, 160, 165

  Richardson, Gaylord, 238

  Riddle, Perry, 112–14

  Roacha, Phyllis, 233

  Robbins, Bonnie, 238

  Robbins, Connie, 238

  Robbins, Olen, 225, 237–38, 301

  Robbins, Randy, 238

  Rooney & Rooney law firm, 27

  ROTC building, Washburn University, 147–48

  Rubber Soul (Beatles), 26

  Russell, Jim, 108

  Rutherford, Ed, 90–91


  Salvation Army, 275–76

  Samaras, Tim, 155–56

  Santa Fe Railroad

  General Office Building, 185–87, 189, 193–94

  shops, 4, 224–25, 237

  Saylor, Lester, 298

  Scheibe, Glen, 144, 161

  Scheibe, Johnny, 144, 161, 255–56

  Scheibe, Kert, 292

  Schmidt, Catherine, 300

  Schmidt, Delmar, 167

  Sellen, Patty, 249–50

  Severe Local Storms Forecast Center, Kansas City, 15–16, 24, 56, 78

  severe weather warnings, 21, 56, 282

  Sharon Springs, Kansas, 15

  Shawnee County Civil Defense headquarters, 246

  Shideler, Phil, 79, 80, 83

  Shuck, Guy, 295

  Shuck, Jean, 295

  sightseers, 275

  Sims, Kitty, 227

  Sklenicka, George, 261

  smell of/from tornadoes

  battery acid and gasoline, 165

  Fernstrom on, 162

  gas leakage, 127, 202, 205

  in skin of survivors, 285

  Smith, Joe, 184–85, 190–91, 205–6, 266–67

  Snyder, Robert and Jackie, 136, 138–39, 149

  Sommers, Catherine, 196–97, 209–11

  Southerland, Steve, 97

  southwest corner myth, 278–81

  Southwestern Bell

  building and employees, 188, 194, 251, 296–97

  repair services, 272

  Spanish explorers, 58

  spotter networks, 52, 78, 88, 92–93, 257

  Staggs, Donald, 32–33

  Stallard, Al, 97–98

  Stallings, Robert, 281–82

  Stars and Stripes (military newspaper), 269

  state capitol building and grounds, 195

  Steele, Terry, 190–91, 205–6, 250–51

  Stein, Tony, 169–70, 172–73, 176–77, 294

  Steuri, Grace, 120, 131–32

  Steuri, John, 120, 131–32

  St. Francis Hospital, 246

  Stoffer Science Hall, Washburn University, 138, 151, 164–65. See also Martin, John and Elaine

  Stormont-Vail Hospital, 165–67, 246–47

  Storm Prediction Center statistics, 48

  Strategic Air Command (SAC), 71

  suction vortices, 42

  Summerville, Ward, 146, 163

  supercell thunderstorms, 44–47, 87, 96


  Tarnower, Doris, 164

  Tarnower, Jean, 138, 139, 149

  Taylor, Fern, 219–20, 226–27, 239–40, 301–2

  Taylor, Harry, 219–20

  Taylor, James B., 273–75

  Taylor, Leon, 141, 146–47, 150, 161–62

  Taylor, Sterling “Chick,” 219–20, 226–27, 239–40

  Tennesseetown, Kansas, 70

  Texas, 47–48

  Thomas Women’s Gymnasium, Washburn University, 147, 160

  Thunderbolt sirens

  Bartley response, 170

  Benge response, 296

  Civil Defense Administration installation of, 80–81

  Decker response, 298

  Esquivel response, 225

  Fernstrom and test-takers’ response, 138

  Garden Park neighborhood response, 227

  Ginter response, 222

  Goodin response, 93–94

  Guthrie response, 217

  Hatke response, 174

  Idlet response, 218–19

  Irish and White response, 100

  Johnson response, 171

  Lollar response, 111

  Lyle response, 297

  Marmet response, 96

  Martin response, 137–38

  McDiffett response, 143

  overview, 81–82, 90–92, 258, 281

  Smith and Estes response, 185

  Snyder response, 138

  Sommers response, 196–97

  Stein response, 172–73

  Steuri response, 120

  Summerville response, 146

  Torrence response, 142

  Ward response, 96

  Warfel response, 144

  Weather Bureau decision to deploy, 90–92, 258, 304


  formation of, 24, 46–47

  and mammatus clouds, 135

  overview, 41, 44

  supercell thunderstorms, 44–45, 87, 96

  and tornadoes, 15–16, 24–25, 33–34, 38, 53–56, 243

  tracking system, 32–33

  warning system, 21

  Tibbets, Paul W., Jr., 71

  Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City, 52–55

  Tom Mix Rambler Ranch, 203

  Topeka, Kansas

  demographics, 4

  maps, xvi, 104, 134, 168, 182, 214, 242

  rebuilding, 270–75, 304–5

  school district alert system, 80

  settlement of, 65–66, 69–71

  storms building, 33–34, 36–37

  tornado route, 15–16, 38, 243–44

  tornado size and velocity, 90, 97–98, 109–10, 120–21, 142, 148

  Topeka Daily Capital, 4–5, 82–83

  Topeka Daily State Journal, 70

  Topeka Transportation Company bus storage warehouse, 192

  Topeka West High School, 28, 278

  tornadic sound, 155–58

  Tornado: A Community Responds to Disaster (Taylor, Zurcher, and Key), 273–75

  Tornado Alley, 48


  destructive abilities, 41–43, 103, 209

  explosion within, 141

  mesmerizing nature of, 90, 105–6, 120–21, 141, 146–47, 175, 189

  retraction into the sky, 243

  sound of, 155–58

  southwest corner myth, 278–81

  and thunderstorms, 15–16, 24–25, 33–34, 3
8, 53–56, 243

  See also devastation; smell of/from tornadoes

  Tornadoes of the United States (Flora), 76, 83

  tornado forecasting. See prediction models

  tornado forecasting, U.S. Weather Bureau ban on, 50–51, 52, 56


  mammatus clouds, 135

  overview, 15–16, 41–48

  rear-flank downdraft, 46, 243

  updraft, 41, 45–46, 47, 155

  weather related to, 23–25

  tornado preparedness

  Garrett’s involvement, 78–85, 139, 258–59, 281

  interstate highway overpass safety myth, 299–300

  opening a window myth, 280

  severe weather warnings, 21, 56, 282

  southwest corner myth, 278–81

  See also tornado warning systems; U.S. Weather Bureau

  tornado warning systems

  HomeSafe Tornado Detector, 158

  infrasound pilot project, 158

  shift-change whistles, 78

  spotter networks, 52, 78, 88, 92–93, 257

  utilizing thunderstorm tracking system, 32–33

  See also Thunderbolt sirens

  tornado watch, 24

  Torrence, Elon, 251

  Torrence, Mary, 142

  Trail of Tears, 60–61

  trees, 13, 194, 277, 304–5


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