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Sinergy Page 2

by Iris Bolling

  “I pay you a lot of money to find vulnerabilities.”

  “Yes, sir, and each time, with the exception of Pendleton, we have come through for you. This Brooks family is close knit. It will not be easy to penetrate any of their businesses.”

  Isaac stood, looked out his twenty-sixth floor office window fuming. He built his empire for one purpose, to destroy the so called “good name” of Avery Brooks. If he had to tear down every closet in Brooks’ estate to find what he needed, that’s what he would do.

  “Start with the daughter.” He turned back to the table. “Don’t disappoint me. You will not like the consequences.”

  Chapter 1


  Richmond, Virginia

  The Carrington Hotel in downtown Richmond was elegance personified. It had the old-fashioned style of the fifties with the grand staircases and the red carpet entrance. Upon entering the building, Nicole had to admit she could feel the excitement that accompanied the event. The attendees, however, were a little much for her. Most of them were women who believed themselves to be above others. People need to understand, money cannot buy you class or dignity. Those she recognized at the event, were wealthy with money, but had no heart. They could care less about why the charity event was raising money. For them, it was a chance at grabbing a husband or possibly a fling while their husbands were out of town. Wait, wasn’t she there for the same reason? The thought crossed her mind as she walked through the doors of the grand ballroom searching for Alicia. No, I’m not here to find a man. I’m just here to relieve myself of a little guilt, that’s all. Am I being judgmental of these women?

  “Nikki Brooks! What on earth are you doing here?”

  “Hello, Patrice.” Nicole turned, grateful to be pulled from her thoughts. “It’s wonderful to see you.” She hugged the woman she had not seen since high school. “I’m here to support Alicia. She’s one of the sisters sponsoring this event.”

  “Alicia is here, too? It will be great to see her. How have you been? I thought you were in New York.”

  Nicole nodded her head, smiling as she remembered how Patrice always jumped from one topic to another without a segue of any kind. “I am working in New York in the Real Estate division of Brooks International.”

  “You actually work. Hmmm, I would give anything to have your parents kind of money. I would sit back and let my money work for me. Not you. You always worked hard. I like that about you. You always wanted to have your own.” She took a sip from her wine glass. “Speaking of which, how is that fine twin brother of yours?”

  They weren’t speaking of Nick, she thought. “Nicolas is fine. He started his own agency here in Virginia.”

  “He did? Where?”

  Nicole smiled, knowing Nick would kill her if she gave Patrice his actual location. “Close to home.” Changing the subject, “Where did you get that drink?”

  “Over there to the right. Hey, if you’re bidding tonight, the table with the bachelors’ profiles is next to the bar.”

  “Thanks.” Nicole smiled. “I’ll just take a drink for now.” She escaped, making her way to the bar. “Chardonnay,” she ordered from the bartender. Nicole scanned the room. A crowd of women were standing at a table that displayed photos, with a short bio and the bachelors’ planned weekend beside each. The more she looked around, it became clear that only women were present. The only men around were the bartenders.

  “You don’t seem to fit in with the crowd that’s here tonight. Are you sure you are in the right place?” The bartender smiled as he placed her drink on the bar.

  “Why do you say that?” Nicole asked as she pulled a twenty from her purse.

  “You came in alone, not with a pack. You are in business attire, rather than the ‘on the prowl dress’, or lack thereof. And I have yet to see you at the table trying to determine which of the men upstairs will be your next husband.”

  She put the twenty in the glass. “I’m here to support a friend tonight. Thank you for the drink.” She walked away.

  The bartender stared, shook his head and smiled. “One in a million,” he said as he watched the woman in the black suit stroll away. Picking up the tray of drinks to carry upstairs to the men, he heard a burst of laughter from the group of women at the table. He grinned. “Those brothers don’t know what they have gotten themselves into.”

  A bell sounded indicating the beginning of the event. Women pushed past Nicole, attempting to get front row seats. She stood back and waited until the crowd was through the double doors, then she followed behind. Once inside the room she noticed there was a stage, with an extended runway. Chairs were aligned on both sides which would give participants the most advantageous view of the men.

  Nicole walked to the back of the room where several round tables with chairs were strategically placed. As she strode toward the tables, there was a nervous fluttering in her stomach. Her hand went to her stomach, she rubbed it in a subconscious attempt to soothe her nerves. A small frown breached her forehead. She looked around wondering why she was nervous. When she glanced up, the answer appeared. On the balcony looking down at her, was a man with the deepest, brown eyes, and the most sensuous smile she had ever seen. All she could do at that moment was stare back and smile. The man’s eyes were magnetic. She couldn’t pull her eyes away, she was spellbound.

  “Nikki, I’ve been looking all over for you. Why are you back here? Come up front with me.” Alicia grabbed her by the arm. Nicole turned to her friend as she dragged her off. When she looked back, the man was gone. She blinked. Maybe he was just a figment of her imagination. No one could be that fine. Yet he seemed so real.

  Alicia was dressed in a skin tight red dress that screamed come get me. If Nicole did not know better, she would have sworn her friend was trying to pick up a man. As they reached the row of their seats, Nicole looked once more towards the balcony, wondering again if the man was a part of her imagination. Then she heard the annoying voice of the one and only Trish Hargrove.

  “Nicole Brooks. What in the hell are you doing at an event like this?”

  Nicole turned, and found herself looking directly into the eyes of the woman who’d made her high school life a living hell. Trish was one of the cruelest people she had ever met During high school, Nicole was diagnosed with dyslexia, a reading disorder. Once diagnosed, her parents spared no expense to get her the help she needed. Nicole never allowed her disability to stop her from pursuing what she wanted out of life. However, during high school Trish had made her life a living hell, telling anyone would listen that she was a dummy and could not read. To Trish’s dismay, Nicole’s self-esteem was only momentarily halted by her cruelness. Nicole went on to graduate from high school, college and law school with honors. Of course, Trish assumed and took every opportunity to tell others that Nicole’s degrees were purchased by her parents.

  With Trish’s good looks and money, Nicole had no idea why she had it in for her or why Trish would be at an event like this. “Well, I be damned. It’s Batman and his side kick Robin.” Trish said to the group of women with her. “In case you two did not know, this is a male auction, as in men. If I remember correctly neither of you go that way.” Trish snickered.

  Alicia stepped between Nicole and Trish. “Trish, I may have on a dress, but I will beat your ass down if you don’t get out of our faces.”

  “Now, now, ladies, this is not the place to hash out old high school rivalries.” Patrice said as she stood between the two and scanned nervously around the room. “Nicole, why don’t you and Alicia sit with me? Trish, why don’t you and your friends take your seats down at the other end? The view will be better there anyway.” She smiled. Trish began to say something. “I said,” Patrice snarled through her teeth, “take a seat.” Trish walked off with her friends. Patrice turned to Nicole and smiled. “Don’t pay her any attention and she will fade away.”

  Alicia and Nicole looked at each other, both wondering what in the hell just happened. Patrice had never been one to stan
d up to Trish. During school, when Trish said jump, Patrice did not bother to ask how high. She just kept jumping until Trish told her to stop. But never once did Patrice ever say a cross word to or about Nicole. That seemed to be where Patrice and Trish were at odds.

  "Did I miss something?" Nicole whispered to Alicia.

  "Looks like we both did."

  Everyone took their seats as the auction began. The commentator introduced herself and then gave the bidding rules.

  “Bids must be made with the wave of your pad, which is numbered and under your seats along with a brochure of the available bachelors. Raising your pad indicates acceptance of the bid at hand. If your bid is granted, you must proceed to the cashier out front to make payment. At the end of the evening, you will have the opportunity to have dinner and a one-on-one with your date to finalize the plans for the weekend. One final rule, ladies. What happens at the auction stays at the auction! Are we ready to find a possible love connection or at the very least, a man for weekend?” The room exploded with excitement as the music began.


  Nicole had to admit, the progression of men was impressive and the event was handled in a very tasteful manner. It was not at all what she expected. The men appeared in an array of different sizes, various complexions and noticeable styles of dress. Black brothers are a fine breed of men. Seeing them this way made her proud to be a sister. The bids started at one thousand dollars, the highest received so far was twenty-five hundred. It was going to take a lot more than that to build the recreation center. Nicole had just opened the brochure when Patrice grabbed her wrist.

  “Oh my, Bobby is up next,” she whispered.

  “Bobby?” Nicole frowned.

  “Yes, Bobby Singleton, from math class.”

  Nicole smiled surprised. “I didn’t know he was in this.”

  Patrice dropped her head and smiled. “Yes he is. What do you think? Should I bid?”

  Alicia looked over at Nicole. “Bobby who?”

  Nicole leaned back. “You remember Bobby who I tutored in math and he tutored me in reading.” She then returned her attention to Patrice. “You two never got together?”

  Patrice shook her head. “Girl, please, you know my parents wouldn’t even let me go to the prom with him. Remember, he used to cut our grass.”

  “Yes, but Patrice you are grown now. You can go out with whomever you want,” Alicia stated.

  “That’s right, if you like the man, go for it.” Nicole smiled.

  Patrice looked down the aisle to where Trish and her friends were sitting and exhaled. “I don’t know. I will become the talk of the society circle if I do.”

  “Why do you care what they think? You have liked Bobby since the tenth grade and apparently things haven’t changed.”

  “Nicole,” Patrice lowered her head, “you don’t live in Tyson’s any more, the rumors and gossip don’t affect you the same way it would me.”

  “You’re right, I don’t,” Nicole replied. “You know over the years I had to develop a thick skin to deal with your so-called society friends. But, honey, you can’t allow them to run your life. This would be a great way to spend time with him if that’s what you want. If nothing else, you will have a weekend with Bobby and you can tell your friends that it was for charity.”

  A smile creased Patrice’s face. “You think so?” Then she frowned again. “But how would Bobby feel if he found out I only bid on him for charity?”

  “Patrice, you are twenty-six years old. If you want to bid on that man then do it. Wait, you do have money, don’t you?” Alicia asked.

  “If you don’t I will cover your bid.” Nicole smiled. She liked the fact that Patrice took Bobby’s feelings into consideration. “If you want Bobby, you go get him.”

  Patrice smiled as Bobby Singleton walked down the runway. According to the commentator, he now owned three industrial lawn care services in the Virginia area and just received the Small Business Man of the Year Award. He was dressed in a pair of black jeans with a silk black mock turtleneck shirt, with muscles that seemed to scream through the shirt.

  “Damn, Bobby almost looks good enough to make me change my preference--almost.” Alicia exclaimed.

  Patrice gave Alicia the sista girl stare. “Bobby is mine,” she declared and threw her paddle into the air at the two thousand dollar bid.

  Alicia and Nicole both laughed. “You get your man girl.”

  “Patrice,” Trish called out. “What are you doing?”

  Alicia looked down the row at Trish letting her know not to interfere as the bid went to three thousand.

  Nicole saw Patrice hesitate at the amount. “I have you covered Patrice,” she encouraged. “If you truly want to go out with Bobby, because you like him, I have you covered.”

  Patrice smiled at her and yelled, “Five thousand dollars.”

  Nicole laughed as Alicia turned and looked down at Patrice. “Damn girl.”

  “I really want him.” Patrice blushed.

  “Five thousand going once, going twice, sold to the lady in green. Go claim your bachelor,” the commentator directed.

  Nicole saw the smile on Bobby’s face when he recognized Patrice. She pulled her checkbook from her purse, wrote a check for five thousand dollars, and gave it to Patrice. “Take my telephone number. Call me and tell me how things turn out.”

  “Thank you, Nicole,” Patrice said as she hugged her. “I’ll pay you back,” she said as she ran off.

  Nicole smiled at Alicia. “Now, that felt good. I must tell Nick he doesn’t have to worry about Patrice anymore.” While the two friends were talking about Patrice, the bidding continued. When Patrice returned to her seat, she was still excited and began talking a mile a minute. Suddenly the fluttering began in the pit of Nicole’s stomach again. She frowned and clutched her stomach, then turned back to look up at the balcony. No one was there.

  “Are you okay, Nicole?” Patrice asked.

  Alicia sat forward to look at her friend. There was a strange expression on her face. “Nikki?”

  Nicole looked up and strutting down the runway was the man from the balcony. She was trying to listen to the commentator, but Patrice and Alicia were in her ear. “Shh, please,” she said as she stared at the man in the suit. The brother was finer than one hundred percent silk. He released the band that was holding his braids in place and removed his suit jacket. His braids fell in unison below his shoulders. The gold shirt was a wondrous sight against his dark skin tone. “Who is he?” was all Nicole could breathe out.

  A small smile crept onto Alicia’s face. Someone had caught Nicole’s attention. She flipped open the brochure to get to his profile.

  “He’s Xavier Davenport and he belongs to Trish,” Patrice answered before Alicia could.

  “What do you mean he belongs to Trish?” Alicia commanded.

  “That’s the only reason she came here, was to bid on X-man.”

  “Well, that doesn’t mean he belongs to her,” Alicia argued. “It only means that’s who she wants, but it doesn’t mean she is going to get him.”

  Nicole did not hear the conversation that was going on between the two women. She was in a trance over the man’s eyes again. It wasn’t his tall slim, well defined frame that captured her attention. It was his exquisite eyes and his thick rich lips that seemed to take her into his custody.

  “Let’s start the bidding, ladies,” the commentator’s voice boomed.

  “Five thousand dollars.” came from Trish as she feigned indifference to the hush that came over the audience.

  “Well, there is a five thousand dollar bid on the table, ladies. Is there anyone that will go six?”

  Never breaking eye connection with the man on stage, Nicole raised her paddle. The commentator smiled. “Well, we have six thousand dollars do I hear seven thousand?”

  Trish stood with her hands on her hips and turned to look down the aisle at Nicole. Her eyes sent daggers towards Nicole, who was literally undaunted by them. “Ten thousand,”
Trish said as if daring Nicole to challenge.

  Nicole smiled slightly at the man holding her captive. Negotiation was never her strong suit. If she saw something and she wanted it, she did whatever it took to get it. She wanted the weekend, wherever it may be, with the man on the stage. She stood. “Fifty-thousand dollars,” she said never taking her eyes from the man on the stage. For a moment, she saw the look of surprise, then a touch of doubt. In the background, she heard the commentator choke out, “Fifty-thousand dollars going once, fifty-thousand going twice, sold to the lady in black.”

  If anyone had dropped a pin, it would have been heard. The hush over the room was just that deafening, as Trish made her way towards Nicole with fire in her eyes.

  “How dare you come in here spending your daddy’s money? The only reason you bid on him was because I did.” Trish turned to look at Xavier, turned back to Nicole and grinned devilishly. “Did you forget, you don’t like men? You prefer women.”

  Nicole was standing in the aisle when she heard Trish’s comments. She looked over the woman’s shoulder, to the stage where Xavier Davenport stood. For the first time in her life, the rumors about her sexual preference embarrassed her. He looked appalled at the scene. Nicole smiled, shrugged her shoulder and turned away again. “I like this one.”

  “What, you think your daddy’s money can buy you a decent reputation? Not only are you a lesbian, you’re a dumb one at that. Can you read yet?” Trish laughed as she looked at her friends, who had joined in.

  Nicole froze. All the times in high school when Trish called her a dummy came crashing back on her. She reached into her purse, pulled out her cell phone and gave them both to Alicia. “Call my brother,” she said calmly as the crowd looked on.

  “Nick?” Alicia questioned as Nicole turned to face Trish.


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