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Sinergy Page 10

by Iris Bolling

  He held her head against his shoulder, slowly moving his body in rhythm with hers. How he wished he was inside of her. Her juices coating him as she glided over him, was hot. He felt her body begin to tighten.

  “Xavier,” she moaned.

  “Come for me, Nicole, come for me,” he moaned into her curls.

  “I’m coming,” she breathed. “I’m...” Her body exploded.

  He laid her back, dipped down and allowed his tongue to dive into the free flowing juices. He licked and sucked until her body jerked again, and again and again. He spread her thighs, holding her to his lips, until every drop of her had been consumed.

  The alarm sounded again. Neither could speak nor move. Xavier was the first to recover. He stood, looked down at her passion filled face. “Sinergy,” he said as he pulled his pants up.

  They exploded in laughter. He held his hand out to pull her up, then he lifted her from the breakfast bar. “It’s already out of control.” He adjusted her blouse, then straightened her skirt, rubbing her curves as he moved down her thighs. He picked her panties up off the floor, sniffed them, then placed them in his pocket. He ran his fingers through her now unruly curls. “I’ll wash up and catch a taxi to the airport.”

  “No, I’ll go with you.”

  “I’ll miss my plane if I sit in the back of a car with you.” He walked around the corner to the half bath.

  “I’ll have a car brought around,” she called out to him. She placed the call, then put the phone back on the receiver. On wobbly legs, she walked over to the balcony to get his jacket and pad. On the table she saw several sketches. She picked them up glancing through the discarded sheets. They were drawings of the buildings around her apartment. The building in the center wasn’t one she recognized. He came out of the bathroom as she walked back into the great room. “The car will be downstairs when you get there.” She looked up at him with the drawings in her hand. “These are good. Did you draw these?”

  He retrieved his sketchpad and suit jacket, and then took a quick glance at the drawings. “Yes, those can be thrown away, they’re not good,” he said as he put his jacket on and placed the pad in his knapsack. Putting the knapsack on his shoulder he turned back and pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry if I offended you earlier. I don’t know where this journey is going to lead, but I know I don’t want any questions between us along the way.” He gently kissed her on the lips. “I’ll call you as soon as I land.” He hurried to the elevator and pushed the button. She walked over towards him.


  “Don’t,” he said without looking back. “If you touch me right now I won’t make that plane.”

  “Would that be so bad?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he said as the elevator doors opened. He stepped in, then turned to her. “I may never leave. Sinergy.”

  Nicole laughed as the doors closed, and just like that, he was gone. Her home suddenly felt empty. In the hour that they had been together, he had filled her home with joy and excitement. “Sinergy, sensuous energy,” she thought, then shook her head. “Sinful sensuous energy.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around her body and walked down the hallway to her bedroom.

  Chapter 7


  Manhattan, New York

  “Good morning Nikki.” Vernon’s voice came through the phone. There was no question she loved her brother. However, him calling her this time of morning could only mean he was about to ruin the tranquility of her morning.

  “Hello, Vernon. How is everyone?”

  “The family is fine. I’m keeping Taylor here with me for a while.”

  “How does Connie, oh I’m sorry, Constance feel about that?”

  “She’s here as well, for now.”

  “What happened on the video shoot?”

  “Connie claims it was nothing. Taylor is withdrawn, not saying much to anyone.”

  “Jayda withdrew when she went through that ordeal in Washington. See if Ashley can get Taylor to talk to her.”

  “I’ll get to the bottom of it before Taylor goes back on the road.” He cleared his throat. “I received a call from an attorney representing Trish Hargrove. They want a meeting to discuss a settlement.”

  Nicole sighed, turned her chair to face the window. “Vernon, I did hit her.”

  “A good solid hit, from what I’m told.”

  “She deserved it.” Nicole stood as she spoke. “Vernon, before it was Pop and Mom who were affected. They had a say in settling. I’m not sure I want to give Trish a dime.”

  “All right. We have options. If we don’t settle out of court, you are going to be tried for assault and battery. You will probably be found guilty.”

  “Probably? You think you could win this?”

  “Of course I can. The question is, do you want this to go to trial. If she wants a few thousand, I say pay her and be done with it.”

  “Vernon.” She shook her head.

  “Hear me out. Trish is about money. That’s all she has ever been about. You have a business and a reputation to uphold. She damaged your reputation causing financial damage to your business. If you are up for it, I say go with Ashley’s suggestion. Sue Trish for defamation of character. Ask for punitive damages equaling what you would have earned if the project succeeded.”

  “You’re talking billions of dollars, Vernon.”

  “And? Didn’t you just lose an integral partner in this deal due to comments Trish Hargrove made in public?”


  “Then she is subject to compensating you because of that loss.”

  “I don’t want money from Trish. I just want all of this to stop. At some point, it has to stop.”

  “Nikki, it’s time for Trish to pay. She has been getting away with this crap for too long.”

  Nicole nodded her head. “Let’s meet with them. See what they have to say.” Nicole hung up the phone, then pushed the intercom for Alicia.

  Alicia knocked on the door and walked in. “Yes, Ms. Brooks.”

  “Don’t yes Ms. Brooks me. I’m still not speaking to you.”

  “Okay, see if I ever put a man in your apartment again to get you mind blowing sex.”

  Nicole grinned. “We did not have,” she hesitated, “intercourse. We did some really heavy grinding and whew, I don’t know what you call what he did with his tongue.”

  “Girl, please. That is just too much info.”

  Nicole laughed then fell back into her chair. “I can only imagine what a full blown love making session with Xavier would be like.” She closed her eyes and drifted back to yesterday for a moment. Opening her eyes, she sat up. “Okay, I’ll have to fly to Richmond this afternoon. We are meeting with Trish Hargrove and her attorney.”

  “They are going to try to settle out of court again?”

  “Probably, but I’m not sure I’m going to settle.”

  “You shouldn’t. However,” Alicia exhaled. “If you go to court, the reason for the recent conflict between you two is going to come out. You will also eventually have to declare your sexual preference publicly. Are you ready to do that?”

  “What I do behind closed doors is my business. I don’t have anything to be ashamed of and neither do you.”

  “You know that and I know that. But, I have to say the world is a different place since I came out.”

  Nicole looked at her concerned. “Has something happened?”

  “No, and I wouldn’t tell you if it did.”

  “I can’t understand for the life of me why anyone would care about two people loving each other. There is enough hatred going on in this world. We should celebrate when a person finds true love.”

  “Have you met my mother, Shirley Ann? Mum hmm, you should tell her that.”

  Richmond, Virginia

  Rumor Has It

  The feud between billionaires Nicole Brooks and Trish Hargrove, is heating up. Rumor has it, the oh so fine architect from Virginia, Xavier Davenport, flew to New York to spend the day. As
you can see in the pic below, he is standing outside Nicole’s Palace. You got it, the home of Nicole Brooks. It seems the building isn’t the only thing Nicole’s name is on.

  Trish wanted to throw the computer out the window. Her plans were slowly slipping away. She grabbed the glass of wine she had poured, then walked over to the window of her condo. “I can’t believe he went to New York to see her.” She was steaming. What was it about men when it came to her? Stepping away from the window, she looked in one of the many mirrors she had throughout her house. Reflected back, was a tall, slim woman, with curves in all the right places. “I’m taller than she is.” She turned to the side. “I got the bam, bam going on with the booty, the perky breasts.” She tilted her head. “The body is happening.” She sat the glass on the table under the mirror, fanned her hair out with her hands, then stepped back with her hands on her hips and smiled. “I am fine.” Her telephone buzzed.

  She took a deep breath when she saw the number. “Hello, Mother.”

  “Trish, did you see this post on the internet?”

  “I saw it.”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  “I’m working on it Mother.” She rolled her eyes as she sat back down on her chaise lounge. “Mr. Michaels and I have a meeting with Nicole Brooks this afternoon.”

  “That’s my girl. Do you have any pictures of you and Xavier together?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Fight fire with fire, Trish. Girl, haven’t I taught you anything? Post those pictures. Better yet, get pictures of Nicole with that girl of hers, whatever her name is. Whoever is behind the Rumor Has It blog will post them.” She huffed. “I don’t know what you did to lose Xavier, but you better get him back or find a replacement or do the unthinkable, get a job. Your father is serious. Come January you are on your own. That little trust fund will hold you for a while, if you live within your means. What fun is that?”

  “He doesn’t like the way I do things.” She sighed. “Mother, I don’t know what to do here. Xavier is slipping away.”

  “He’s doing more than slipping. Men like Xavier do not up and visit a woman in New York for the fun of it. He is definitely interested in her. You’re going to have to find a way to keep them from getting closer.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “Well, what’s your end game? Do you want Xavier to be your husband or do you want a healthy bank account?”

  “Both,” Trish replied to the ridiculous question.

  “Okay, there’s not much you can do with Nicole, other than line your purse. The Brooks’ are always a good financial resource. As for Xavier, you were with the man for months, what is his trigger? What is the one thing he cannot tolerate in a woman? Work it from that angle. Whatever you do, don’t delay. Nip this now or you can kiss Xavier goodbye.”

  Trish finished the conversation with her mother then walked into her bedroom. From the closet, she pulled down boxes filled with photos from high school and college. There had to be pictures of Nicole and Alicia in there somewhere. Her cell phone rang again. Thinking it was her mother, she answered without looking.

  "Yes, Mother."

  "This isn't your mother, Ms. Hargrove. I'm the person who holds the key to your bank vault."

  "Excuse you," she screeched.

  "I see you've made a habit of lining your pockets with dribbles of coins from your confrontations with Nicole Brooks."

  "How dare you?"

  "I dare that and much more, however I don't have time for childish games. You have a meeting with your attorney this afternoon. Vernon Brooks will shut him down. If you are interested in beating the Brooks’ and lining your pockets, call this number after your meeting."

  The call ended. Trish looked at the number, then disregarded it. She didn't have time to play phone games, she had to win Xavier back. First she had to find just the right picture, then she had to find the identity of that blogger. By the time she was finished, Xavier was going to wish he had never heard of Nicole Brooks.

  * * *

  The offices of Tillman and Michaels were located in a plush building, located in the far West End of Richmond. Vernon and Nicole walked through the glass and chrome doors, stopping once they reached the receptionist’s desk. The words spelling out the firm’s name, Tillman and Michaels, were lodged in large chrome lettering on a wood panel wall behind her desk. Pictures of the two partners were like book ends next to the name.

  The receptionist, a non-descriptive blonde, greeted them. “Tillman and Michaels. How may I help you?”

  “We have an appointment with Aaron Michaels.”

  “Your name?” the receptionist asked.

  “Vernon Brooks.”

  “Have a seat, Mr. Brooks. I will let Mr. Michaels know you are here.”

  Vernon and Nicole took seats in the burgundy chairs aligned in a semicircle to the right of the receptionist’s desk. Vernon reached for a magazine, crossed his legs and sat back. Nicole noticed he was as nonchalant as ever. In a way that was comforting, because it appeared this was just a social call and he didn’t have a care in the world. She on the other hand was nervous. It wasn’t a judgment on Vernon’s ability to handle the situation. No, this was about her indecision on how to handle this situation. The statement Alicia made was still reverberating in her mind. If we don’t settle, a court case will ensue. That could drag her family, friends and possibly Xavier into a courtroom battle. That she wasn’t sure she was ready for.

  “Here, with me, you can look nervous,” Vernon, said as he continued to flip pages in the magazine. “However, once we are in their presence, do not show any sign of doubt or indecision.”

  The statement surprised her because she did not think Vernon was paying any attention to her. She should have known better. This brother missed nothing. “What makes you think I’m nervous?”

  “You’re fidgeting and biting your lower lip. Again, with me, that’s okay. With them we show no fear.” He looked up to see Aaron Michaels walking towards them. “It’s game time.”

  “Vernon.” Aaron Michaels extended his hand. The man certainly looked the part of a successful attorney, dressed in the power color navy blue, single breasted, Italian made suit, crisp white shirt, navy and white striped tie. His light blonde hair was cut short and piercing blue eyes, glaring as if he could read everything about you with one look.

  “Aaron.” Vernon shook his hand. “My sister Nicole Brooks.”

  Aaron shook her hand. “Ms. Brooks. It’s unfortunate we have to meet under these circumstances.”

  “Mr. Michaels.” Nicole shook his hand.

  He cupped her hand and held it. “Let’s see if we can put this incident behind us in a way that is beneficial to all.”

  “Time will tell.” Vernon did not give Nicole a chance to reply. He pulled her hand from Aaron’s sending a clear message; this is not a friendly visit. Knowing his sister, she would probably reply, ‘I’m certain we can settle this.’ The simple response would give the opponent insight to their willingness to settle. The last thing Vernon wanted Michaels to think was that they were going to settle anything.

  They followed him to the conference room to find Trish Hargrove already seated along with the other partner, Chase Tillman, at the table.

  “Well, two for the price of one. How very fortunate for you Trish.” Vernon nodded his head as he took a seat. Michaels pulled out the chair for Nicole.

  “You’re paying for them,” Trish smirked. “Why not have the best your money can buy?”

  “Presumptuous of you, isn’t it?” Vernon replied as he crossed his legs.

  Nicole did as Vernon asked and remained expressionless as the conversation continued.

  “Mr. Brooks, for the time being we will ask you to refrain from speaking with our client. If you would, please address your comments to us.”

  “I’m always game for intelligent conversation, Mr. Tillman. You requested our presence. How may we assist you?”

  “I believe it’s more of w
hat we can do for you Ms. Brooks.” Aaron smiled towards Nicole.

  “I’m going to ask you to refrain from speaking to my client and direct all comments and/or questions to me.”

  “Vernon,” Aaron cautioned, “let’s keep this cordial. I understand Trish and Nicole have been friends since high school. We would like for them to leave here with that friendship in tact.”

  “Cut the crap, Aaron. They are not friends, never have been and never will be. Do not refer to my client by her first name. Her name is Ms. Brooks to you and anyone associated with your firm. What do you have?”

  “Very well, Mr. Brooks.” Tillman smirked as he pushed a button on the remote control sitting in the center of the conference table. A video appeared on the large screen monitor mounted on the wall at the far end of the room. “This was retrieved from the cell phone of one of the witnesses to Ms. Brooks assaulting our client. In fact, it’s one of many videos and still shots recovered that night.” He pushed play and the video clip played. Afterwards, he pushed the stop button and turned to Vernon.

  Vernon was smiling as he turned to Nicole. “I am so proud of you. You got that right jab from Mother, didn’t you?”

  Nicole was doing all she could not to laugh at her brother, but he just would not stop. “Do you remember when she did that exact thing to Mrs. Hargrove? It’s like a part two. Knock the shit out of a Hargrove - the sequel.” He made a motion in the air similar to the title of a movie running across the screen.

  There was no holding it back. Nicole had to laugh.

  “Did it feel good? It felt good to me just watching it.”

  Nicole nodded her head at him. “Yes, it did.”

  He smiled at his sister, she was playing right into his hands. “Then it was worth it.” A frown appeared as he turned back to Tillman, whom he did not like one bit. “We stipulate to the assault on Ms. Hargrove. What do you have?”

  “We have twelve months in jail, and a fine.”

  “It’s a misdemeanor, and her first offense. They let her out on her own recognizance. That’s how seriously the police took the situation.” He uncrossed his legs and sat up. “Here's what I propose. While I’m doing this case pro bono-”


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