Braxton the Charmer

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Braxton the Charmer Page 12

by Blue Saffire

  Heather’s hair being so short only enhances how gorgeous she is. However, somehow, she has long wavy locks of hair pulled into a messy bun on top of her head. The look still leaves her face open and yields to her features, including that sexy long neck.

  I’m too stunned for words. The transformation is magnificent to say the least. If I didn’t know her eyes so well, I would have to take several double takes. Still, I give her another once over. Needing to insure myself of what I’m seeing. I nearly groan, when I take in the spiked heels on her feet.

  Shit, I thought she looked taller.

  Her long brown limbs look like they belong wrapped around my waist. However, my brain is having trouble reconciling the fact that those are the feet and legs that always wear heavy black boots or a pair of Vans.

  I lift my eyes back to hers, before I burst through my pants. Heather has a shy smile on her lips, it’s cute and sexy at the same time. It’s a reminder that this is still Heather.

  “Cat got your tongue,” she says nervously. “Is it that bad?”

  My brain kick starts and I close the distance between us. Her heels bring her a bit closer to being eye level with me, but I still need to look down at her. I lift my finger to trace her hairline, then along her cheek and jaw.

  “I’ve never seen a woman more beautiful in my life,” I reply. I blow out a breath. “It has to be a sin to hide such beauty.”

  Heather lowers her lashes, ducking away from my eyes. I drop my hand to my side. I don’t want to do anything that will send her running back into her room to change.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask to lighten the mood.

  “Yeah, I could eat,” she nods.

  I place my hand on the small of her back. I try to ignore the instant zip of electricity I feel when I touch her. My hand molds to her, just like it belongs there.

  “More Whiskey and steak it is,” I chuckle.

  “Sounds like a party to me,” Heather looks up at me.

  With everything I am, I want to dip my head and take her lips. To see her go from the tears she had earlier to this,—a smiling, happy, ravishing woman,—shifts something inside me. My sense of possession over Heather kicks up a thousand notches.

  I wink at her. “It will be.”

  Heather bites her lip and I can see a thousand different things running through her head. I hold my breath, waiting for her to settle on one, while we make our way out of the suite. In my head, I’m screaming for her not to turn and run from me.

  I release the breath, when her lips turn up into a wicked smile, tossing me back in time. I remember that smile from when we were little. It’s the one that would take over her face just before we did something that got us both in trouble.

  “Time for your first birthday wish. We can be anyone you want to be. Recording executives, looking for new talent, party promoters from out of town, checking out the scene, high rollers, looking to spend some cash…you name it.

  “The choice is yours, Braxton Black. Make a wish, who are we going to be tonight?” Heather says, as we climb into the elevator. She rubs her hands together like a little villain.

  I think on her words, looking her over. What the hell, I think to myself. It’s my birthday and she said make a wish. I move into crowd her space, placing my hands on her hips.

  Watching her chest rise and fall,—her eyes dilate with lust,—I know I’m not the only one feeling this. Her glossy lips part, but I restrain myself from kissing her. I plan to take my time with Heather, I will savor this night.

  Placing my forehead to hers, I inhale and the scent of apples fills my nostrils. Once again, I’m thrown back in time, a time when Heather was happy and carefree. When we were always together, fussing one minute and best friends the next.

  I flex my fingers against her soft curves. Back then, I didn’t realize I would be so drawn to her. I never knew she would feel like she was made for me and my touch, but I’ve known for what feels like forever that she’s a part of me.

  “We’re going to be us. Braxton and Heather, B and H,” I breathe. “No overthinking, no excuses for why we can’t or shouldn’t, we’re going to be what we feel. Don’t think, Heather, just be, just be mine. It’s what we both want. Tonight, we’ll just be who we are.”

  I wait for her to protest, but she doesn’t. She just nods, lifting her arms to wrap around my neck. We still don’t kiss, but we don’t break the connection either.

  We just stand breathing each other in. I slide my hands around her waist, gently pulling her into me. It’s not nearly close enough, but it will do for now.

  I tilt my head, holding my breath, as I lean in to press my lips to hers. Just then, the elevator dings. We don’t jump a part, but we don’t complete the connection either.

  I know deep inside, once I have my first taste of Heather, I’m not going to want to stop. Knowing this, I turn and lead her out of the elevator. Trust me, I’ll have that kiss before the night is over.

  Chapter 18

  B And H


  “Come on, try this,” Brax holds the shrimp appetizer up to my lips. I frown, we both know I’m fickle about seafood. “Just try it.”

  That sexy smile of his has me surrendering, before I can put up a real protest. Besides, with the alcohol that’s buzzing through my system. I’m game for more than my usual. I wrap my lips around the offered barbeque shrimp that he’s been going nuts over for the last two minutes.

  The flavor bursts in my mouth, causing me to close my eyes and moan. It’s juicy and full of flavor, with a hint of grill and smoke to it. Okay, maybe he wasn’t exaggerating.

  “Fucking amazing, right? I told you,” he says, but I notice the husky note to his voice.

  I open my eyes and see Braxton’s golden orbs are fixed on my lips. My mind shifts to our near kiss in the elevator. I’d been a little relieved. Yet, disappointed that we’d been interrupted, before our lips made the connection.

  My eyes fall to his full lips. I wonder if they taste like the sweet barbeque sauce from the shrimp or creamy and peppery like the Whiskey we’ve been drinking. I blink a few times, when his hand lifts towards my face again.

  I’m stunned when his thumb makes a slow caress over the corner of my mouth. I’m even more thrown, when he brings that same thumb back to his plump lips, sucking it into his mouth. I can’t pull my eyes away.

  As much as I want to tell myself it’s wrong for us to be anything more than friends, tonight, I can’t deny the attraction I have for him. My heart pounds in my chest, while I watch his finger pop free from his sensuous mouth. I cross my legs under the table, which involuntarily shifts me closer to him.

  “I think you just made it taste a whole lot better,” Brax says through a crooked grin.

  His heated gaze sweeps over me, before settling on my lips. I feel my face heat, my lashes lower and I dip my head to hide my embarrassment. Braxton pinches my chin, lifting my head.

  Suddenly, I wish we hadn’t chosen this booth to sit in, but a table instead. We’re too close, and that connection I’ve been feeling all night has me leaning into him. I can also feel the anxiety in my belly trying to tug me back to safety.

  “Braxton,” I begin to say.

  “Relax Heather, it’s me. I already know what you’re thinking,” he leans in anyhow. My eyes flutter close, but it’s just a kiss to the tip of my nose.

  My cheeks grow warmer. The gesture tugs at my heart. My eyes open again slowly, his golden eyes meeting mine.

  “Thank you,” I say softly.

  “It’s my job to show you what forever and a day looks like with me,” he replies. “I’ll cherish you always.”

  I bite my lip feeling like a silly school girl, remembering that Brax has always been a smooth talker, even when we were younger. I don’t get to reply, as our main course arrives, along with another round of Whiskey. I shift, unfolding my legs, reaching for the glass and throwing back the alcohol.

  I catch our waiter eyeing me and give him a smug look. I’v
e had a few drinks so far. I’m sure he’s thinking I’ll face plant when I stand.

  “Dude, she can handle it. I’ll be under the table before her,” Braxton chuckles, noticing the same look. “Just keep them coming.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the waiter nods. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “We’re good for now,” Braxton nods, cutting into his steak. “But you can keep the drinks flowing.”

  “Sure, thing,” the waiter nods.

  I sit watching Braxton for a moment, just taking him in. I can see he’s enjoying his birthday. He hasn’t stopped smiling since we left the hotel. This feels right. I’m in more of a teasing mood than usual, so I decide to taunt Brax.

  “You know, when I get up to go to the bathroom, I’m really going to tell them to come sing happy birthday to you,” I tease, picking up my knife and fork.

  Brax looks at me with horror in his eyes, a piece of steak filling his cheek. He has always hated being sung to in restaurants on his birthday. Sometimes the guys get waiters to sing for him even when it’s not, just to piss him off.

  I try to keep a straight face, but fail. I burst into laughter, covering my mouth with the back of my palm. Brax narrows his eyes at me. He chews the food in his mouth and swallows, placing his fork and knife down.

  “I’ll pour bleach on all your shit while you sleep,” he says with a straight face, causing me to laugh harder.

  “Remember when we did that to Noah?” I laugh out. “Aunt Cass wanted to kill us.”

  “Yeah, she did,” Brax says, as his eyes sparkle. A warm smile takes over his lips. “You still call her Aunt Cass.”

  I shrug. “Yeah, it’s all I know,” I admit.

  I take my first bite and moan. When I look at Braxton, he’s giving me a hungry stare, but I don’t think the look is for the steak on his plate. I watch as his jaw ticks. It’s as if he’s trying to restrain himself. He forces his eyes away, looking down at his plate.

  We eat for a few minutes in silence. The intensity in his eyes has me contemplating so many things. I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into. I just may be in over my head.

  Brax deserves someone that can give themselves to him. I’m not that person. At some point, this is going to go too far and I’ll hurt him.

  I don’t know what I was thinking. This was a terrible idea. There’s our age gap, my lack of experience with a real relationship, and the fact that we know each other so well.

  “We should go dancing,” Brax murmurs.

  “Huh?” I look up from my racing thoughts.

  “We should go dancing. I remember when you didn’t go to your prom. When we were on the Ferris wheel, I asked you what you’d miss most about not going. You said you would miss the dancing. You just wanted to dance,” Brax replies.

  My heart tugs in my chest. I can’t believe he remembers that. Just proving me right that we know each other better than anyone else.

  “Sure, if that’s what you want to do,” I nod, holding back the emotions swirling around inside me.

  His eyes search my face. “Was it just the dancing or was it the dancing with the crowd at the party?” he asks, with this pensive look in his eyes.

  I think about it for a moment. “Just the dancing,” I reply with a small smile. “I wanted to dress up and dance the night away.”

  A smile curls his lips. His eyes traveling over me again. His eyes feel like a caress. I can feel my breathing increase against my own will.

  “Then, I have my next wish,” he says smoothly.

  I lift a brow. “Oh, really now. What would that be?”

  “You’ll see,” he replies.

  I chuckle, shaking my head. We start to reminisce, as we finish our meal. My belly’s good and full by the time we finish the main course. I couldn’t eat another bite.

  “We’ll have two slices of the chocolate, chocolate mousse cake to go and the check,” Braxton tells our waiter, as he appears.

  “This is my treat,” I say reaching for my purse.

  Braxton snorts. “I wish my girl would pay for dinner,” he says, snatching my purse out of my reach. “You’ve been around the family long enough to know better than that shit. Not happening, H.”

  “It’s your birthday,” I pout. “Come on, B.”

  “Nope, so stop pouting before I give you something worth pouting for,” he says, the heat returning to his eyes, as he licks his bottom lip.

  I squirm in my seat, when I feel how damp my panties are, my cheeks heat. Instead of feeling embarrassed, I’m a little more turned on. I’m astonished and a little confused, but I keep it all to myself. I wipe my face clean of all expression, not wanting to give anything away. Our dessert and check arrives just in time to keep me from saying or doing something silly. Relief fills me to be getting out of these close quarters.

  “That was amazing,” I pat my stomach, as we walk the strip.

  Braxton wraps his free arm around my waist, while holding our dessert with the other. I’m a little surprised, when I notice we’re walking back to our hotel. I was sure we would party some more.

  “It was,” Brax murmurs, kissing the side of my temple.

  The press of his lips sends butterflies floating in my belly. I look up at him, hoping for that kiss that hasn’t had the right timing tonight. I’ve had enough to drink to silence most of my doubts to a low hum. My desires are louder than anything else. Desires so loud, I can’t even question them clearly.

  Brax just places another kiss on my nose. I feel cherished and annoyed at the same time. Then it hits me, I’m waiting on my first kiss. A real kiss, and I’m waiting to have it with Braxton.

  For the first time, I feel like a woman and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m not afraid to be looked at, but I only want his eyes on me. I feel like I should be ashamed that my body is coming to life for Braxton, but I’m not. I relish the current passing between us. It feels right, although, very scary. Just not the scary that screams of danger.

  I focus back on the street, allowing him to guide me. My mind swims with my boozed up thoughts. I’m not drunk, I’m tipsy. Just on the right side of toasted.

  Anticipation warms my belly, as we step into the elevator in our hotel. Only to be crushed, when three other couples drunkenly enter the car, just before the doors close. Braxton pulls my back into his front, wrapping both of his arms possessively and protectively around me.

  One of the girls stumbles in our direction, causing me to step back further into Braxton. He tightens his hold, when I flatten against him. His breath fans my neck, as my curves press into him.

  Instantly, I can feel his arousal against my ass. I surprise myself, when instead of moving away, I press closer. Wanting to feel his heat, needing to reassure myself of my comfort with his closeness,—so intimate with my body.

  “You’re killing me,” he groans into my ear. I move to step forward, but he tugs me back. “I didn’t say I wanted you to move.”

  He nips my ear, sending a shiver through me. I close my eyes and try to remind myself that Braxton is now a grown man. These feelings I have for him, I can have them. It’s healthy to desire a man at my age.

  Yeah, a man your age, my mind hisses at me.

  I’m grateful when we reach our floor. Braxton shields my body with his pressed to my back, as we shove through the drunken group. I notice they haven’t pressed a floor. I don’t think a single one of them is sober enough to know where they’re going.

  I giggle to myself, shaking my head. I’ve probably consumed twice what they have and I’m still proper on my feet. Braxton has had just as much and he’s stepping light as a feather.

  We push into our room, Braxton still holding me tightly to him. He walks us over to the bar, only then releasing me, as he puts away our dessert and pours us another drink. I ignore the glass he places before me, while I watch him toss his back.

  “Are we going back out to hit the clubs or do you want to hit the blackjack tables?” I chime.

  “Neither,” he says, rounding the
bar. He heads for the remote on the coffee table in the common area. “We’re going to stay here and dance.”

  Music fills the room and I feel my heart swell. Truth be told, Braxton is the best dancer out of his brothers. I think it’s because he likes to show off. Another reason this means so much to me, when he asked if I want to just dance or dance with a crowd, he was thinking of me.

  Braxton is willing to do so much for me. I frown at my own thoughts. This is just one night, I shouldn’t be analyzing it so much. When we leave here, we leave to go back to who the world knows us as.

  “Get out of your head,” Braxton breathes in my ear, from behind. “Remember this song? You used to love it.”

  “I used to play this on repeat for hours,” I reply.

  Touch it, by Busta Rhymes, fills the room. I laugh, when Brax starts to rock his body behind me. I let my thoughts go, throwing my hands in the air, losing myself to the music. I feel like I’m back in my old room again. Letting it all go, while dancing by myself. I throw my head back, allowing the music and alcohol to course through me. Braxton keeps up with no problem. Something takes over me. I back into Brax and start to rock my hips against him.

  He cages me in, with his arms on the sides of me. His hips in sync with mine. I tilt my head to look up at him, a breath whooshes from my lips. The way he’s watching my hips and the heated look in his eyes, makes my heart pound in my chest.

  I bite my lip. I can see something caged inside Brax. The question is, do I want to unlock that? Am I ready to unlock the fire I see behind those golden eyes.

  The song changes and I smile as the remix version of, My Chick Bad, by Ludacris, Diamond, Eva, and Trina booms through the room. It’s another of my favs. At this point, the room is supercharged with energy crackling all around us.

  He places his palm on my belly, tugging me back into him. The way his body rocks and rolls into mine has me panting and sweating. Brax dips his face, letting his breath fan my lips. He’s driving me insane. All this teasing has me aching with need.


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