Wild Child

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by Needa Warrant

  Jo was really my only friend too. I had tired of friends that used me to get to my brother. Jack was Beach View’s main drug dealer, among other things. Why my brother had to sell drugs I never understood - my dad spoiled him rotten. Jack had fast cars, a few motorcycles, and boats.

  Jack called himself the rose between two thorns; the thorns being our older sister, Shelly, & I. I loved my sister but she was ten years older than me and was trying to break into designing clothes at the moment. She also collected husbands. I didn’t want that for me - when I found ‘the one’ it would be forever.

  My daddy always said I’d get a knight in shining armor, but I was giving up. All the boys I knew were assholes. They either wanted to get to me so they could something from Jack or they wanted in my pants. I learned that lesson quickly. So, sex had sucked for me; I didn’t think it was great and I definitely didn't see any fireworks, that was for sure. I was smart about having sex. I wouldn't chance getting pregnant. Thank you very much, mother, for getting me on the pill.

  I used to wonder what made that woman tick. My mother was smarter then she got credit for. She called me her wild child because I was nothing like my siblings. I was the different child. The one who did the unexpected and had a temper that drove my family crazy. She knew I wanted to spread my wings and my dad would hold me back. I had planned to become a veterinarian but now the money for school was gone. Or so my father claimed. I just wanted to move out and be my own person. I didn't want to answer to anyone. I was mad as hell at my dad and everyone knew it. How my mother still puts up with him all these years amazes me. The things I dreamed about wouldn't be found in Beach View. I hated that damn town! I didn't like anyone beside Jo and my family. Plus the town didn't seem to like me either. That was fine with me because I was leaving anyway.

  I loved being at Sea Woods because there were hardly any people who lived there and I could be at peace. The water and woods were just what I craved. I wanted to be free, safe, and able to be myself. I would be moving there soon enough.

  Now that I was of legal age, I owned my grandparent’s farm. They’d chosen me to inherit it because I spent so much time with them. It was rented out which covered the taxes - the rest went into a bank account for me.

  I would be calling their lawyer soon. My dad wanted to get his hands on that farm badly but my mother was in agreement with me. I think it was one of the few things we did agree on. She told me to never sell it and to keep it in the family.

  Hunter and Elena were a couple who I'd known for years and were like family to me. They had always kept me away from their friends' wild parties. This was the first time they ever asked me to help and I was sort of excited. Maybe I would have a good time today, even if it was only helping with the food. I would do anything to avoid going back home.

  I laughed to myself; my parents thought Elena was such a nice lady. How didn't they see the biker bitch she was? Either my parents knew damn well or they pretended they didn't know. With my family who could tell? They had paid her and Hunter to baby sit me and my brother and I took riding lessons from her.

  We used to spend weeks at the Lodge when they traveled and Thorn and Jack were best friends for years. Thorn was Hunter’s son and Elena was like a mother to him. I was the tag along little sister.

  Thorn was good to me, though. I think he knew I had a crush on him. When I wanted to learn about guns and hunt, it was Thorn who taught me. He also made me learn how to gut deer and clean ducks.

  Thanks to Thorn I was a better shot than many of the hunters who came to the Lodge to hunt. The only thing Thorn hadn’t taught me yet was tracking people and animals. I really loved guns. I wasn't into hunting animals anymore but loved to target shoot anytime I could.

  Hunter was almost like a father to me. He was pretty even tempered and always listened to me when I talked. He never bullshitted me as my dad did, sometimes I wished in many ways he was my father.

  I was hoping Jo would come out to the Lodge today. I had to tell her that I doubted I would be going to college with her next year. I think my dad’s business investments were not bringing in the money they usually did. But that could change any day with him. Or he could be lying to keep me home, who knew?

  Jo's father, the uptight Dr. Parker, would flip if he knew my parents weren’t the fine, upstanding citizens most people thought they were. I think that was why he was so pleased Jo and I were best friends; he was a real social climber, unlike my father.

  My dad was a crook, plain and simple. He’d clawed his way up from nothing and owned bars and all types of businesses all over New Jersey now. My family was large and we had lawyers, state police, and local cops in our pockets. Blood was thicker than water - that was our creed. It had been drummed into our heads from as far back as I could remember.

  Family was everything but I wasn’t as close to my parents as I used to be. They drank too much for my taste but that was their choice. I knew I caused them stress and they loved to remind me of that. However I wondered why Jack wasn't the cause of their gray hairs too. I really needed a break from my family.

  Last summer I had taken a dare and ridden Sugar, just like Lady Godiva, that famous woman who had ridden naked in protest of unfair taxes. I had rode naked right through the center of Beach View. I must have been drunk… or high. I didn't remember. It was a dare and I never turned a dare down! My then, waist length hair hid most of me. I learned riding naked is very uncomfortable! My mother demanded my hair be cut, but it was growing back and almost half way down my back if I pulled the damn curls straight.

  I had my mother’s blond hair and high cheek bones, but the rest of me was Irish. I had a bad temper which I blame on both the Irish and Russian blood.

  I hadn’t taken crap in school and had been in the office many, many times. Quite a few times for fighting and, sometimes, for stunts I pulled. My dad would laugh about it but my mother would look at me and say I should be more like Shelly or Jo. Another reason she called me her wild child. Maybe that had been a mistake because the damn name stuck. If you tell somebody they’re wild often enough they become that way.

  I was sure my dad would flip when he found out what I was planning. Oh well, he should have left my college money alone. Now I was determined to save the money for college myself. I didn’t plan to depend on anyone. I saw my mother stuck with a man who cheated and did whatever he wanted to do. I understood why she drank but I didn’t want their habits; getting out of that house was the best thing for me. I loved my family but I wanted to be free of them for awhile.

  I hoped Jo would understand. We’d taken a year off before planning on going to college so we could have some fun. I was still waiting for my graduation present which was supposed to be a truck. My present was long overdue too. They weren't letting me pick it out, saying it would be a surprise. I was sure I wouldn't like it, judging by my brother’s smirks.

  I brought Sugar to the barn Hunter had built for Elena’s favorite horses. The stallions were further out back, so I could let Sugar in with the mares since he was gelded. My boy had no balls, poor horse; but I loved him anyway. I pulled my ripped t shirt off and tossed it aside.

  As I was taking my saddle off, there was that biker again. He whistled to get my attention. Damn it, my tube top was down to my waist and my boobs were showing. I ignored him and went about my business.

  I used the homemade soap Elena made for the barn. It hung off a nail from a rope and Hunter loved his soap on a rope jokes. I washed up and headed for the kitchen, desperate for a drink. Nobody was inside as I poured a glass of sweet tea. I drank it, looking out the window again. He was still there, talking to a big guy with shoulder length black hair. I stopped to study him. Yup! Same guy, same snarl, and same wild hair.

  Damn, he was hot! He kind of reminded me of a Viking from a romance novel. He was tall, Nordic looking, with light brown hair and golden streaks flowing through it. He had a rugged, lean body and his black t-shirt and jeans fit him to perfection. Although his MC colors covere
d most of his upper body I could see he was fit, not an ounce of fat on him. He was wide at the shoulders and his thick, tattooed arms were bulging with muscle.

  He didn't look any friendlier than he had before, though. If he stayed out of my way I would gladly stay out of his. Or, maybe I’d demand he give me a ride on that bike of his... If I could get up the nerve.

  I loved to ride but nobody would let me get a motorcycle; That was something I’d buy for myself if my plans worked out.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 3 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  V couldn't believe it when the chick gave him the finger and took off back into the woods. Nobody got away with flipping him off, let alone a fucking girl. On second thought, she had the very delicious curves of a woman. He shook his head slowly, grinned, and went on his way.

  Who was that little bitch? Maybe he would ask around when he got to the Lodge. The party was going strong when he pulled in - music was booming and crowds of bikers and their women were milling around drinking, smoking joints, and partying.

  Fuck, he hated the road into the Lodge because it always kicked up dust on his baby. As soon as he got off his bike he grabbed a rag from the bag on the sissy bar and wiped her down.

  Nailz was talking to Hunter, spotted him, and came over. "Bro, one day you're gonna wipe the paint off that bitch."

  V frowned. "Some chick on a white horse who looked like an angel but behaved like a devil, came out of the woods and almost made me go fucking down."

  Nailz laughed, "Yeah, sure, bro. You drinking already?" Nailz then turned to Hunter. "Hey, Hunter! V's telling me you have fallen angels riding horses in your woods. I think he’s going crazy, man."

  Hunter responded with gruff humor. "Oh, he must've seen Kima. She likes to ride through the trails around here. Her parents call her their wild child."

  Hunter paused for a moment the humor disappearing. "Kinda sad story there, actually. Her parents are well off with no interest in their girl. There’s times those Regan’s get so drunk they can’t take care of her. We've seen her bruised up lately, guess she's sticking up for her mom again. She’s pretty much raised herself or been here with us. We used to babysit Kima and her older brother, Jack. The Regan’s would drop them off for weeks at a time and paid well. This is like a second home to them. Elena loves those kids like her own; my old lady has taken Kima her under her wing. She isn't much liked in the Beach for the antics she pulls. She's probably riding in the woods on her way here. Elena asked her to help out with the food today.

  Hunter looked down at his boots then scuffed the dirt. "We kinda look on her as a daughter. Unfortunately, her dad has got too much power over in Beach View and I can't fuck with 'em because I get business from him too."

  That had to be hard for Hunter to admit because he could be a mean motherfucker when called for. He was older, and a Nam vet. He lived his life in the woods hunting or on the water fishing. He was a hunting and fishing guide, he loved his job. He was a damn good tracker too. If a person was lost, the cops came to Hunter for help. It was a good IN with the local and county law.

  V was still wiping down his bike as he listened to every word. Fuck, he hated to think of anyone beating up on that girl, except this Kima didn't look like a girl. She was all woman, far as he could tell.

  V dropped the rag down and turned to Hunter. "How old is she?"

  "Over eighteen. Still too young for you, Veiko."

  V just smiled and picked up the rag and resumed cleaning his bike. After he was finished he went to get a beer with Nailz. They spotted a bench and sat down. V opened his beer and took a long swallow then looked toward the woods.

  Nailz looked at him and laughed. "V, you want this Wild Child? I'm sure we can find her for you."

  V gave Nailz a hard look. "I ain't looking for trouble - got enough women with issues."

  Nailz just grinned. "Bad night with Roxy, bro? I told you that slut's nasty. She’s just looking to suck your cock to be your old lady."

  V took another swallow of his beer, "It was handled and she won't be asking to suck my cock again. Let Flop have her. She wants power, let her take him on. He’s just her style."

  Neither brother cared for Flop, their chapter President, because the club was more of a game to him. He had women on tap, did the club’s drugs, and left the grunt work to everyone else. He was a joke and both Nailz and V knew he was going to have to go, sooner or later. Presidents who only wanted to party were not looking out for the best interests of their clubs and needed to be voted out.

  Something caught V’s attention, and he turned, shocked to see his 'angel' riding behind the house. She was here. Fuck! Nailz saw her too. "Is that the angel, Bro?"

  "Yep." V snarled. "There she is. Just what the hell I need. I bet she’ll be coming over here to yell at me for almost killing her."

  Veiko stood and pulled his wild hair back into a pony tail. He was looking around for that girl.

  Nailz was a big mountain of a man with piercing gray eyes and long black hair. He sometimes grew a beard, but today he was clean shaven. He looked dangerous and intimidating and, if you were a sane man, you thought twice before fucking with him. He didn't trust anyone easily either.

  Those that were close to him knew he had a big heart and a good sense of humor. Women were hugely attracted to him because of his size, stature, and good looks. He’d developed quite a reputation for 'nailing them', thus his club name, Nailz. Like V, he wasn't interested in getting an old lady. He didn't want one and he never got attached, he mainly used them for sex and blowjobs.

  V didn't consider himself to be a pretty boy. He had an aura of strength and power that women were attracted to. He was a good looking guy and knew it; never had a problem getting chicks.

  He was taller than most bros, a bit shorter than Nailz, and he was pretty sure his cock was bigger. A laugh escaped him as he thought about that one. Nailz was always concerned about his looks and a bit vain. He, however, could care less about how he looked. His life was the club and his brothers.

  He was a mean motherfucker and that was all that mattered to him. Looks were overstated anyway. He had a hard, brown eyed stare that could turn black which when directed at his brothers and could stop grown men in their tracks.

  V looked at the Lodge. Outside of the dirt roads, liking what he saw. Hunter had a good thing going on here. He had cabins he rented out in the summer for fisherman and a nice sandy beach for the beach lovers. In the fall he had a great business with hunters who came for the wild ducks and deer. He also had a decent marina, where he rented out boats. There were even a few rich fuckers keeping their boats here. There was a covered pavilion for parties and a spit for roasting pigs or sides of beef. It was a great place for MC parties, hidden away from the citizens. He really liked the main house, or Lodge, that Hunter and Elena lived in as well.

  Hunter's old lady, Elena, was a tall, dark, Lakota Indian. She had long black hair and golden eyes, like an eagle that saw everything. She was beautiful, in an exotic way, and Hunter was one lucky bro. She was a great cook too.

  Everyone loved to come to parties at Sea Woods Lodge and Hunter always had camping space if there weren’t empty cabins. Nobody ever left wasted. He knew later on there would be a local band coming to play. The pigs were roasting and the beer was flowing. Too bad Bound for Hell didn't have a chapter down here.

  That was another reason he had come down. Unlawful MC, the club Hunter was in, was a dying club and Nailz wanted to patch them into Bound for Hell MC. He knew Rabid, their new National President, would be pissed they left him out of the loop.

  V and Nailz were going behind his back, but Rabid was another stupid fucker. He liked underage girls, smoked angel dust, and did whatever drugs he could find. His addictions were another bad omen for the club.

  The only thing V was missing was his Jack Daniels whiskey, but he swore he was keeping a clear head today. He used to be fine with how the club was operating but, lately, brothers were fighting amongst themselves and money was missing. />
  Nailz and Thrash were also complaining about this shit; they wanted to save Bound for Hell before Rabid fucked it up worse than it already was. V hated the drugs and gun sales that got members prison time. They already made enough money from the dancers, massage parlors, tattoo shops, and throwing parties. They even had a type of "escort service" with the younger, better looking girls. If the brothers wanted to get high on their own money he didn't give a fuck. However, not paying dues and using club money for other purposes, not related to the club, was another matter.

  That fucker Rabid was screwing the club up badly, ever since the old President had been murdered. Everyone was sure Rabid had killed him, but nobody could prove a fucking thing. But, time would tell and many brothers were digging for answers. Many of them were angry and the club was suffering. If answers weren't found, and soon, there would be a lot of problems for the club itself.

  V wandered toward the back of the house and saw the barn. He wanted to see the horse that girl rode on. Instead, Veiko found himself looking at the fallen angel from the woods. He watched as her tube top slipped down and her breasts sprang free. They were larger out of their restraint and he could feel himself getting turned on. She didn't even see him. He moved his cock around in his jeans to get more comfortable. Unable to help himself, he let out a loud wolf whistle.

  She turned, looking at him with furious and annoyed eyes, deciding to ignore him. She went about taking care of the horse and stopped to wash up before heading inside. He was pissed; women didn't ignore him. What the fuck was her deal? He walked back over to talk to Nailz, keeping an eye on the house. Nailz was talking to some chick so V went back to the barn. Maybe the spitfire angel would come out to see him if he touched her horse, which was exactly what he wanted her to do.

  The horse trotted over to him and he stroked it's head. It was a pretty horse, all white and seemed very large for a girl, but what the fuck did he know about horses?


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