Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 4

by Needa Warrant

  She was really angry now. Sure, he was this big, badass biker, but, at this very moment, Jo was more angry than afraid.

  When her temper got this way, there was no stopping her.

  She spat out, "Not in your wildest dreams, you fuckin' moron! Don't mistake me for one of your club sluts! I'm not one of them. Go find someone else to play with."

  Nailz just grinned and held the towel higher, making her jump for it again.

  "Well, you could've fooled me. I saw you out there on the dock, lying in the sun with your tits pointed up and legs spread. What are you two doing in those skimpy things, near a bunch of bikers that would love to snatch you two up. Don't you know what can happen at these parties? Are you looking to get fucked? If you are, I’d be more than happy to do ya. Women never complain and I'll get ya off real good."

  Jo sneered at him. "What's wrong with you? Are you deaf? I told you – I'm not one of your club sluts! Maybe it’s hard for your tiny brain to comprehend, but listen very carefully. I AM NOT LOOKING TO GET FUCKED!"

  She stopped for a moment to take a breath. This biker was unbelievable! She glared at Nailz and said sarcastically, "I have better plans for my life than being your fuck toy for the night!"

  Nailz just grinned. "Don't knock it until you try it. So, lil' hippie chick, what are those big plans?"

  "Not that it’s any of your business, but I plan on going to college. Become a nurse or maybe even a doctor. Now quit being a jackass and gimme' my towel. NOW !"

  She tried yet again to jump for it. The fucking bastard was still holding that towel high above her head and wasn't letting go.

  "So planning on being a doctor, huh? Do you want to play a little game of doctor with me, Jo?" He asked, an hint of mischief in his voice.

  "How the hell do you know my name?" she snapped, exasperated.

  "Well, I couldn't help but hear while you were slugging slammers down and yammering away, you lil' brat. Noise travels on the water, ya know."

  Jo glared at Nailz and he started to laugh. He patted her wet head and she felt a spark. What the hell?

  "Who knew the lil' Chickie could get so mouthy? You are kinda cute when you get riled up. And by the way, my bro has his hands all over your best friend over there." Nailz snickered and nodded in the direction where V and Kima were.

  Jo turned, stunned. Kima was sitting on V's lap, his hands under her beach towel.

  "Oh my God, Kima! Knock it off before Hunter sees you!" she yelled out.

  "Doubt they can hear you and looks like V ain't stopping. So, you wanna play doctor now? I'll give you back your towel."

  Jo tried to take deep calming breaths to hold back her temper as he smiled wickedly at her when an idea hit her! Could she pull it off? He was being an asshole and she more than wanted to put him in his place! She doubted many woman got over on Nailz but she could.

  She looked up at him and smiled impishly. Her cute dimples came out in her cheeks. "Sure, Nailz. I'll be glad too. Actually, it’s a good idea, now that you mention it, and you are kinda hot and sexy. Yeah, I'll be happy to play doctor with you," she purred.

  Nailz wasn't expecting this turnabout and change of tone coming from her. He looked at her skeptically. Did he hear right? He knew he had a reputation of getting women easily. In fact, they threw themselves at him. Perhaps she was falling for his devilish charm. They all did… eventually.

  Nailz thought Jo was luscious to look at and she seemed into having a bit of play time. Alright, he was in. He wouldn't pass up an opportunity to have some fun with this cute lil' hippie chick.

  Jo was thinking, her mind racing. "Hmm... let's see. Why don't we use my towel to examine you on?"

  Smiling, Nailz went and laid the towel down closer to the beach. The sound of the waves filled the air.

  It was pretty dark out now and the only ones around were V and Kima who were having their own party. They were secluded behind some rocks so there was little worry that their 'doctor' game would be interrupted.

  "Now, let's start with you stripping down. Take off all yours clothes," Jo demanded. "I want to see all of you. Every delectable inch."

  Grinning in anticipation, Nailz took off his colors and yanked his t-shirt over his head. He gave his long, black hair a shake. Then he slowly dropped his jeans, kicking them away. He stood before her naked and glorious, looking quite proud of his hot sexy body.

  Jo looked at his tall impressive form, his cock jutting out proudly. It was long, thick and perfectly formed. My God! She thought. That thing is huge!

  His chest was muscled and his biceps bulged. There was an array of different tattoos covering him. From what she could see they were mostly skulls and demons. He had beautifully defined abs. A perfect cut 'V' shape led from his hipbones downward. A goody trail of dark hair trickled from his belly button down to his cock. She started to blush and felt a heated warmth inside her.

  He was magnificent and she knew she was playing with fire.

  Looking at Nailz, she breathlessly panted, "Very nice. Now, lie down and turn over. I want to see your nice firm ass and give you a thorough exam."

  She was getting excited little currents of desire coursing through her body from looking at his. He may be a jerk but he was a good looking jerk.

  Nailz looked at her skeptically, quirking his eyebrow, but obeyed like a good patient.

  "Now get comfortable and close your eyes," she instructed.

  She knelt beside him and reached down, digging her hand into the wet sand. Jo grabbed a handful and made a small pack of it while Nailz had his face in his huge, crossed arms.

  This asshole was getting it now, she thought.

  Nailz felt the light touch of her wet hand glide smoothly and slowly over his ass. He felt his cock twitch. Damn! He liked this idea of playing doctor.

  All of a sudden he got a shock! The little bitch had shoved sand straight up the crack of his ass! Then that evil lil' hippie chick took off running.

  He got up but his ass felt like sandpaper! It was wet, clumpy and scratched. He stood there naked, glaring holes into her back.

  Laughing hysterically, Jo ran like hell. When she was safely out of range, she yelled back, "How was that, Nailz? Think you want to play doctor with me again? Have fun getting the sand outta' your ass crack, moron!"

  As Jo was running she could hear Elena and Hunter in the distance. They were calling their names to come back to the Lodge.

  She ran as if the devil was on her tail, making her way toward Kima and V.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I walked back towards V and he wrapped the towel around me.

  "Babe, take a little walk with me."

  As we got near the rocks, he sat and pulled me down on his lap. His hand underneath the towel pushed my top down and then his fingers were inside my bottoms. I felt his cock under me, hard as a rock, and he moved his hand to my clit and gave it a stroke, I whimpered softly.

  His arm was wrapped around my back, his hand other hand cupping my breast. His thumb circled my nipple and he gave it a squeeze. I was starting to get very wet.

  Then his lips were on mine. "This is how you kiss, Babe," he rasped, his voice husky.

  He went back to my mouth and our lips met again. His tongue met mine and they did a mad dance, swirling and tangling. I was in heaven. This was a real kiss, not like ones from the boys I'd kissed before.

  I was wiggling now on V's lap. Damn, even through his jeans I could feel his cock, big and hard against my ass. He was pinching my nipples, going from one to the other, harder than they’d ever been touched and I could feel them swelling, getting bigger.

  "You like this, huh? Want me to stop?"

  "No," I moaned.

  He hummed in appreciation before murmuring, "Greedy baby girl. You want more? I wanna taste your pussy. You're so hot and wet and I'm so hard for you."

  He was definitely no boy; V was all man who knew how to light my body on fire.

  "Mm... Yes!" I sighed.

  Things were heating up an
d I went for his tongue, sucking on the tip, then exploring his mouth some more. He broke the kiss. Lowering his head, he took my nipple in his mouth with a long hard suck, his tongue flicking over it back and forth. His fingers were circling and teasing my clit. Then he slipped one inside my pussy and I felt myself tighten up, clenching it. I was burning for him.

  V growled "Damn, you're nice and tight on my finger, babe. Feels real good, huh?"

  I was just moaning now. I wanted more and more. This was just what I’d been thinking about all day and I was going to get all my dirty wishes.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw movement, someone coming toward us. Jo ran up to us, breathing heavily. We quickly moved and shuffled under the towel. I fixed my bathing suit as fast as I could.

  "Hey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news," she panted, out of breath. "Elena and Hunter are looking for us and yelling our names. Kima, let’s go!"

  "Motherfucker!" V groaned. "Shit!"

  "We can't have Hunter and Elena finding us this way," I was panicking.

  I pushed him away and tightly pulled the towel around myself.

  "Will you be here for the weekend?" V asked.

  "I gotta go, but I swear I’ll be back tomorrow." I promised.

  I leaned down and gave him a long hot kiss before I was up and running with Jo. We took off towards the Lodge.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V was trying to calm himself down and looked over at Nailz who was swearing and muttering to himself. Why was Nailz naked? Hell, had he gotten laid? It wouldn't surprise him if he had. He watched as his brother headed toward the water, cursing up a blue streak.

  "Hey, Bro? What the fuck are you doing in the water?" V yelled.

  "That evil, lil', red headed chick was playing doctor with me and shoved sand up my ass. I'm trying to get it the fuck out! Feels like I fuckin' got sandpaper stuck up it!"

  V couldn't help himself; he laughed his ass off.

  Nailz was pissed and shooting him dirty looks. "V, are they going to be around this weekend? I've got some payback to do."

  "Yeah, Kima promised she would be and hopefully her nutty friend will be around too. Let’s head back to the Lodge."

  Veiko was still laughing.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 6 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Elena and Hunter had Jo and I up at the Lodge. Hunter looked sternly at us.

  "You two crazy? Those bikers are too old for you girls! All they want is to use you for a few nights and toss you to the rest of the club. I thought you had more brains then that. You gonna fall for bullshit promises and a short ride, Kima?"

  I decided to answer for Jo and myself.

  "Hunter, they stole our towels and they didn’t make any promises. I’m to blame here. I do like Veiko, and he gave me a ride, but Jo, she shoved sand up Nailz’ ass."

  Hunter let out a loud bellow of laughter. After he calmed himself down he looked at us both sternly. "Just so you both understand, Bound for Hell is not like my club. Those men are looking for a good time down here and I will not let my girls be used like whores. So think about that before you go further with them. You know my club and we don’t treat women like that. If you flaunt yourself around, they will take it like you want to fuck 'em. I'm looking at you, Kima. Think I didn’t hear about you skinny dipping? Not much gets by me, girl. If you want to be with a biker and especially one from Bound for Hell, you better make sure you’re not gonna be a club whore. That would break our hearts. Elena and I both love you two."

  I knew what Hunter was saying and I saw the worried look in his eyes. I hugged him tightly.

  "I know, Hunter. Jo and I will stay out of their way. Anyway, we need to get some sleep. Don’t I have a horse to ride for you tomorrow, Elena?"

  I looked at her and I could see her lips twitching. Elena was enjoying every moment of this conversation.

  "Kima, he is one of the new stallions and I do need him ridden. I have a buyer coming out to see him on Monday. However, I haven’t been on him and I’m not sure how green he is. So you better lunge him and trust your judgment before riding him. You really want to do this?"

  I loved taking on Elena’s green broke horses and I was good at judging them. I should be, since I’d been riding since I was old enough to get on a pony. Elena knew damn well nothing would stop me from trying out a horse too.

  "Kima, I haven’t had this horse long. All I know about him is that he has a great bloodline and I got a good deal on him. Maybe too good of a deal. Honestly, I’m a bit worried about him but I can’t ride him since I have this party going on. I really do need to know what you think of him. Anyway, I have your beds made up. Maybe you ought to get upstairs before Nailz comes looking to get even with Jo."

  We laughed as we went up the stairs. Jo paused in the hallway. "I think they planned to get us inside before the party gets going."

  I grinned back, "No shit. But we can smoke this joint Elena handed me and sit on the deck outside of the bedroom."

  Jo laughed, "Well, I don't usually smoke, but tonight I'll make an exception. It isn’t every night you get one over on a man the size of Nailz!"

  We sat and listened to the sounds of the band playing in the background and smoked. It was relaxing, knowing we were safe in the Lodge. Wistfully I watched for Veiko and a few times I saw him look up at me. I didn’t wave or anything, although I wanted to.

  When we went to bed the party was still going on in full force. It would be nonstop until late Sunday afternoon.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  When I woke the next morning, I could smell coffee and Elena cooking breakfast. I stretched before going over to the closet. I was here so often I always kept extra riding clothes and boots.

  Jo was sleeping, making a pretty picture with her hair spread all around her like a red flame. She was a late sleeper. I hoped she'd get up to see me ride today. Horses scared the hell out of her. No matter how many times she promised to ride with me, she always chickened out. I didn’t understand that at all.

  Horses to me were like motorcycles to bikers. I felt free on them and loved the wind in my hair. I loved feeling a horse underneath me and riding was one of the biggest pleasures in my life. I trusted animals more than people most of the time.

  I dressed and left Jo to her sweet dreams. When I got to the kitchen Elena was sitting with Hunter, V, Nailz, and a few other bikers I didn’t know. They were busy talking so I got some coffee and made a bacon and egg sandwich.

  I slipped out onto the deck to eat, I didn’t think anyone noticed me but Veiko was right behind me.

  "Hey pretty girl, why are you up so early?" V's smile showed a dimple.

  I took a sip of coffee to wash my food down.

  "Some of us aren’t here to party. I’m riding a horse for Elena today so she can sell him Monday. One of the new stallions up at the other barn."

  V looked clueless, so I took pity on him.

  "If she sells him, she’ll make a good profit. She’s cooking for this party and I am the only one to ride him and tell her his vices."

  V looked interested and I began to tell him about my love of riding. By the time I had yacked his ear off, I think he understood more than he wanted to.

  "Is it dangerous to ride a horse you’ve never been on? Shouldn’t a man be doing this?" He questioned me.

  I frowned at him. "It makes no difference, really. It can be dangerous so I’ll try to be careful. Isn’t it dangerous when you do wheelies?"

  "Not if you know what you are doing. Can I come watch you?" he asked, smiling.

  I was flattered. "Sure! Take the wide trail back to the large barn. I’ll be there for a while before I even ride him. I better get going."

  I took my plate and mug back to the kitchen.

  "Elena, I am going to head up to the barn. Is anybody up there yet?"

  She was cooking, her answer was rushed.

  "Stablehands should be and I want Hunter to be up there with you, Kima. Spend some time with this horse before you get on him. If you have any doubts abo
ut him, don’t ride him. When you’re going to ride send somebody down for Hunter, promise?"

  I leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  "Elena, I won’t get on him if he seems off. I hate being tossed. Send Jo up when she finally wakes up. She’ll be safer with me than around Nailz."

  I knew better than to interrupt Hunter talking, so I stood at the back door waiting to catch his eye. I nodded toward the back and he rolled his eyes.

  As I was walking up the trail, I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. Hunter really wasn’t a horse person. He rode and knew all about them but he didn’t really like the stallions. I knew Hunter would be up there before I rode; Elena would be pissed if I didn’t send for him.

  When I got to the barn, I asked the stable hands about the horse. He was named Cool Chrome, or CC, and they hadn’t had any issues with him for the few days he was there.

  I went over to him, stroking his velvet nose and gave him a few sugar cubes. He was quite the gentlemen and let me pick up his hooves. I was able to brush him and, so far, he seemed fine.

  I took CC out to the round pen and put the lunge line on him. He was doing fine so I lunged him for him for a good half hour. CC would walk, trot and canter. I took CC out of the round pen and I wiped the sweat off him. I asked one of the hands to saddle him up with a western saddle.

  I saw that Jo was walking fast toward me, Nailz was trailing a bit behind. She sped up, increasing her distance, probably so he couldn’t catch her. Jo reached me and I asked her to run down and get Hunter. I wanted to get this ride over with. She looked relieved and took off like a bolt of lightening.

  Nailz was chuckling softly to himself when he came up, he looked at CC in awe.

  "You really going to ride this huge beast?" he asked.

  I wondered to myself if these bikers were sissies or city boys. "Nailz, you ever been on a horse?"

  He looked at me like I was crazy. "Hell no! And I don’t plan to ever get on one, either. I ain’t crazy!"

  I had to laugh at him making that silly face. "I’m not crazy either and, of course I’m riding CC. Riding horses is something I love to do."


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