Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 26

by Needa Warrant

  But Rabid had other plans. As I was mentally wandering off, he pulled my boots off. Next came my jeans, socks, shirt, bra, and panties. I was naked. I was laying on the bed wondering what the hell was coming next. I heard the water in the bathroom running. Rabid was smiling as he came for me. "I've filled the tub for you, Kima. I put a few drops of shampoo in it so you have bubbles. You need to get that dirty bar stench off of you.”

  Dear Lord! I was high as kite and the man wanted to drown me. "I'll drown,” I muttered.

  He grinned, "No, I'll be bathing you."

  Rabid easily carried me to the tub and put me into the water gently. He bathed every bit of me, using the ice bucket to wash my hair.

  "Without all that make up you look so young. I like it better, so no more make up. Only when I want you to wear it, eh? And your hair, it’s so long and beautiful. We'll never cut that,” he stated.

  I was happy to be bundled in a towel and sat on the bed as he combed my hair very gently. the pills were finally kicking in. He went to a drawer and found a ‘support your local Bound for Hell MC’ shirt for me. He slipped it over my head and I got my arms through the sleeves. I just wanted to sleep and he put me to bed as if I was a child. I even got a kiss on my forehead. Rabid watched me with a satisfied smile on his face until I finally closed my eyes.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid checked on Kima and she was fast asleep. He opened the door and let his trusted men inside. "Don't wake her. Tomorrow I plan to take her shopping and then I think a visit to the hospital is in order. Does V know about tonight? I hope he won't be a problem. It's clear Kima is done with him.”

  Bullet looked straight into Rabid's face. "Taking a man's old lady isn't right, Prez, and you know it. But taking Veiko's woman? That's just plain crazy. At some point he'll come for her. She's too young for you and she's not twisted - she's trouble. I don't care what you think or if this is the woman of your mother's dreams. Mark my words: Kima is trouble.”

  Rabid stared at the big man. This was the first time Bullet had dared speak up to him. He’d never spoken up or questioned Rabid before. "So, you think I care what V may or may not do? You think you know better than me, Bullet? That's dangerous.”

  Bullet stood his ground. "Rabid, I'm not speaking with disrespect. I'm telling you straight up like I see it. Kima is not meek and if you have any sense, you'd watch your back with her. Russian uncles with coal mines? You really wanna piss them off? We got a few chapters in Pennsylvania! You heard her - she comes from a family that has clout. When she's missing, you think they're going to just forget about her? I did some talking to the bro's about her. She's been raised as Thorn's sister and Hunter considers her his daughter. There's gonna' be trouble. Trust me.”

  Rabid stoked his goatee thoughtfully. "Bullet, you're right. So I have to make her family see that I'm the perfect man for their daughter. That's why I keep you around, to tell me straight up. Even when I feel like blowing a hole through you.” He grinned as he said that but Bullet knew Rabid was giving him a warning not to go further.

  Rabid looked over at the bed. "You could almost believe she was a virgin. When I was washing her everything was perfect,” Rabid murmured, smiling wickedly and continuing, "So young and I can teach her so much. You're wrong, Bullet. She looks so innocent but when I'm done with her, she gonna' be as twisted as I am. Every bro will want her but they can't have her. She's mine. From now on we'll forget the Russian part. Remind me to tell her that, too. Marco, I need you to sit here and watch her while I smoke some dust. Don't touch her and call me if she wakes up.”

  Marco looked disgustedly over at Kima. He didn't become a biker to babysit Rabid's toys.

  Marco and Bullet shared a look. Rabid was losing it again.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jersey was at the Emergency Entrance. He’d gotten Pop's message but he was trying to figure out what to say to V. How the hell do you tell your bro that Rabid has claimed his women?

  A decent man would have let it go, but Rabid was no decent man. Kima was drunk and she hadn’t even known Rabid was with the club.

  Fuck! What if Veiko wanted to leave or had a heart attack? He thought about Kima with that crazy bastard. They should’ve ended Rabid long ago but V had wanted to wait. Now look where it got him. Club rules be damned!

  They would have to figure out a way to get Kima out of Rabid's clutches. Kima had stood up and went willingly with Rabid for V's sake. He just hoped Veiko would understand that.

  He got inside and went up the stairs to V's room, slipping in easily. V was just lying there, wide awake, as if he was waiting for him. He smiled when he saw his bro. "Jersey, sorry I'm no help to you now. Pops told me Rabid is in town. The doctors are saying I can get out of here in a few more days. The infection is gone, no more IV's either. Why the worried look?”

  Jersey grabbed Veiko's hand. "Bad news, bro, real bad news. The kinda bad news I don't even want to tell you. So I don't want you freaking out on me and bringing the nurses in here. You got me?”

  V sat up more.

  "Kima was at the Loft tonight, V. She got drunk and Rabid saw her. She hit him with a shot glass and now he's got her. She went willingly because he was sending his boys over here to get retribution. She didn't want you hurt.”

  Veiko Finn's world came crashing down again. "You're telling me nobody could stop Rabid from taking my old lady? What the fuck, brother? Kima is with that sick prick? She willingly went with him because he was going to send a bro over here to fight me while I'm in the fucking hospital? Where the fuck is Nailz?” V's heart was beating a mile a minute. A million thoughts were going through his head; Kima was with Rabid? His Kima at the hands of that crazy scumbag? Rabid was dead - he just didn't know it yet. He needed Thrash! And he hated his mother's guts for pushing Kima away. Jersey was right. This was really bad news.

  Jersey vowed to him, "V, I promised her we'd get her out as soon as we could. He's got so many chapters partying here that we couldn't stop it. If I could have bro, you know I would have. Kima saw you in bed with a blonde and thinks you're cheating on her. It didn't help your mother said that you had a fucking fiancee. Kima told Rabid she wasn't your old lady. It's really fucked up.”


  V, remembered the night Kima had tried to visit him. His sister was laying next to him, but she wouldn't have known that. Damn Kima! Why did she have to go to the Loft tonight? He'd asked her to stay out of Ocean Cove.

  He looked at Jersey. “Not your fault. Just get Nailz here as soon as you can and find my brother. Somebody has a way to reach him - tell him what happened and to get back here. We're takin' Rabid out. You make sure Kima stays safe. He better not hurt her or get her addicted to drugs. Fuck! I don't even know what is going on with her anymore!”

  "Damn, I'm fucking sorry to bring you this shit. I got here as soon as I could. We'll do whatever we can, V. You know that. We left Kima alone, I thought it was best at the time. We didn't know what to tell her with the way your mother was acting. Hell we didn't even get time alone to talk to you without her hovering over you, bro!”

  V glared back. "You warned me Jersey, so did Thrash and Nailz, to take him out, but I didn't think going rogue was right. We should have talked to Tramp. I blame myself. I felt bad for my mother, after losing Thrash she was crazy. I should have handled it but I really was that sick. I'll take care of my mother tomorrow! ”

  V didn't notice when Jersey slipped out. He was too busy thinking of ways to kill Rabid and get Kima back. She was in trouble, too, for not using her head. Her and her damn plans! This one sure as hell backfired on her.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 32 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  I woke up in Rapid's motel room. My head hurt from all the drinking I had done. I slowly thought about last night. How the hell did I end up in this mess? I wanted to pull the covers over my head and make all of this go away but that wasn't going to work this time. Rabid came in and told me to get dressed - he had plans for us today. After he left, I got myself dressed and w
aited to see what those plans would be.

  After we had breakfast it was shopping time. I found out Rabid did nothing alone. He traveled with a bunch of bikers, for security, he claimed. He was crazy and very paranoid. Who, besides me was after him, wanting to kill him? There were two vans traveling with us. One in front and the other behind us. Rabid made a few things clear to me. "My name’s Sean. Use that when we're in public, Kima. I want us to look like any normal, happy couple, out on a shopping spree. It would be best for you just to obey me, I like thing my way!”

  I smiled, "Sean. What a fitting name." Inside I was seething. Sean, Sean the leprechaun. I imagined a rabid Sean as a leprechaun shopping at the mall with me. What kind of hell was this? I had my bad drunken temper to blame! I never should have went into the Loft when I saw those bikes!

  Bullet was the leader from what I could tell. Some of these bikers looked pretty nasty. A few of them nodded at me but I felt they were bothered by my presence. It was not going to be a pleasant day. None of them wore their colors, which made sense, but I almost wished they had. A cop might have helped me escape them.

  We were headed to a local mall. Once inside Rabid was moving from store to store deciding on shirts, sweaters, jeans, and even new underwear for me. I could barely keep up with the bastard!

  I noticed he liked sexy stuff but, oddly he also liked the old fashioned nightgowns that went to the floor. They were just like the ones my granny used to wear. I was being given a Rabid approved wardrobe. One I'd hate!

  What a freak!

  Sometimes he'd make me stay in the dressing room while a sales lady would hand me clothes and I’d model them for him. It didn't seem like he was worried about spending money. I noticed Rabid could be charming when he wanted to be. He was sure conning the sales clerks - they were loving him. I didn't ask for anything. I figured if I did he'd just decide it was wrong. Whenever I saw a pair of boots, I’d look longingly at them.

  Bullet noticed. "Sean, she needs boots. If you're buying all this shit, get the chick some shoes and boots.”

  Rabid got right on that so I did get some boots and shoes. Seemed he liked the fuck-me high heels. I had to model those for him too. All the while those bikers lurked outside the stores, wishing they were anywhere but in the mall. If I hadn't been so stressed I would’ve laughed because they looked so funny. Rabid was sitting there nodding or dismissing the high heels.

  "Sean, Can I get some sneakers, please? I'll need comfy shoes for when I'm home.” He nodded and I got a pair of sneakers.

  When we got to an upscale dress shop I was horrified when he pushed me inside. "Sean, I don't do dresses. I’ve never felt comfortable in them. Can I stick to skirts, please?” That was when he flipped his crazy switch again.

  "You're wearing a dress to meet my mother. I told you to obey me but it seems you’re going to learn the hard way, Kima.”

  He pinched the back of my neck all the while standing there talking pleasantly to the saleslady. When I say pinched, I mean hard and painful. He put his hand under my hair and, while it might have looked like a loving gesture, it was painful as hell. I smiled the whole time. That sales lady never noticed a thing. When it didn't let up, I snaked my hand around his waist and pinched his side, nice and hard. Startled, he stopped pinching me. I saw Bullet smirking. Rabid picked a few more dresses and he got some skirts he liked.

  "Time to look at rings," he announced.

  I was tired and my neck was hurting. No rings for me, I was done for today.

  "I hurt my neck a few times this year, Rabid. Now for some odd reason, my neck is aching. So badly I don't think it’s a wise idea because I might puke if we keep shopping.”

  We immediately stopped to have lunch and he rubbed my neck.

  "Kima, I wish you wouldn't make me hurt you and don't pinch me again. Or I'll make you feel pain like you've never dreamed of.”

  I looked right into Rabid's face. "Sean, I suggest you behave and never hurt me in public again. I am not a doll. I have my own mind and in time, you’ll learn that. I’m trying hard to please you because I have to.” He didn't like my reply and chose to ignore it but I caught him sizing me up.

  When we went to look at rings, I didn't care what he picked. The sales lady must’ve sensed something was off when I wasn't gushing over diamonds, but she was smart enough not to comment. I wandered around the store, praying it would be the end of shopping with Rabies. He did have excellent taste and got a traditional round diamond for me. I hated it because he picked it out and of course he loved it. I decided anything he gave me I would hate. He was like an excited kid at Christmas. I was tired, bored and angry.

  His boys were lugging shopping bags and I was sure they hated me. When he had to make a pit stop, I waited with all but the two who went into the bathroom with him. I spoke to them directly. "I’m so sorry for all of this. You guys must hate me.”

  Bullet laughed. "Nah, Kima. We're used to doing whatever he says. We don't blame you. So far you're holding up fine but he plans to take you to the hospital. I think you better prepare yourself for that.”

  The guys sort of smiled at me. The one named Marco spoke, "Ain't fair. I refuse to take her to see a brother who is hurt, laying in a bed, so Rabid can rub it in that he's taken his old lady. This is such bullshit!” He looked toward the bathroom nervously.

  Bullet nodded and replied, "I'll find something else for you to do, Marco. Just shut the fuck up. You want a scene here?”

  Rabid was back and we were finally done. We moved to a nicer hotel outside of Ocean Cove. I was amazed at the money he spent. Did he always act like this? Veiko and I lived well, but we lived within our means.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Once inside the motel I went into the bathroom. I heard Rabid speaking to Bullet and Marco.

  "Kima did very well today. For a bitch she has balls. She even pinched me! I think this will be better than I thought. Did you notice she didn't even flinch when I was hurting her? She'll do fine for what I need. Now we should get over to the hospital. I want this all shit straightened out with V. No hard feelings and he can easily find another old lady. He didn't seem in love with Kima whenever he mentioned her to me.”

  What the hell? V hadn't seemed in love with me? Or was Rabid playing mind games? I decided to play along. "Rabid, what do you want me to wear when we go over to show V my ring? I want you to pick out what you like best. I’d really like to get this over with and move on.”

  He sorted through some clothes and picked a red, low-cut sweater for me and jeans. Ha, I thought! V knows I hate the color red and never wore it. I brushed my hair and called out, "Should I wear makeup?”

  Rabid came to the bathroom and looked me over. "No. I like you without it but you can add some mascara and that shit that makes your lips shine.”

  “Fine." Stupid Rabid. He should have made me look older or slutty. V seeing me without makeup would upset him. He'd see the real me. The Kima he loved. Crazy Rabies wasn't as slick as he thought. Game on!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I really didn't want to see Veiko. Rabid was mad at the receptionist because she would only let the two of us go up. I saw Bullet head for the stairs and felt better.

  On the elevator Rabid was telling me what I should talk about. I paid no attention to him. I hate closed in spaces and felt faint, focusing on the round diamond on my left hand. I could do this for now, just to make sure V stayed safe; I had to.

  Finally, we got off and walked down the hall toward V's room, I heard yelling. I saw the blonde girl V had been holding rush out of the room crying. She saw us and turned the other way.

  Rabid sighed. "Veiko's sister. She's a pretty young girl. Now, be respectful to Mrs. Finn. She loves me and, in time, she may even like you.”

  Fuck Mrs. Finn. She could rot in hell! I was blaming her for everything happening to Veiko and me. That blonde was V's sister? Oh my God!

  When we got to the door of his room, I saw Veiko. My heart bottomed out. His hair was all messy, the way it
was when we woke up together. He looked pale but pissed off. A nurse was trying to talk to him and, as usual, V didn't want to hear anything. Mrs. Finn was crying too.

  As we entered the room she gave me a dirty look. "Sean, take that whore out of my sight.” Her voice had an accent to it.

  Rabid took it all in stride. "Mama Finn! I just came by to tell you I’m engaged so you don't need to worry about your son and Kima any longer.”

  V looked at me and I brushed a tear away. I could see steel in his eyes.

  "Mama! Get the fuck out of my life! We're done. You have no sons. Do I need to have security take you out here?”

  She was crying more now. "Veiko, you don't mean that. Everything is all her fault. Thor married her friend! And look at what he married!" The old bitch turned to me and hissed something in Finnish or Swedish.

  I gave her a condescending smile. "I’m engaged now, Mrs. Finn and I think Thrash chose a lovely bride. I'm sure you'll have beautiful grandchildren.” Score for me! She really hates me and I hate her.

  The nurse escorted Mrs. Finn out of the room, all the while she was glaring at me.

  Rabid pulled me toward the bed. Veiko looked tired and mad as hell. He looked at Rabid, "So, you took Kima? I was told that’s what you both wanted, so have fun with her. I did. She's a good fuck.”

  I smiled at him and gave him a wink. "Yeah I am. Rabid wanted to make an honest woman out of me when he heard the whole story. Something you never wanted to do. So - I’m out of your life, V.”

  Rabid was confused. "Veiko, in Virginia you made it sound as if this girl didn't matter to you. So when she hit me, I claimed her. She could have said no.”

  V laughed, sounding bitter. "Did she? Or was a bro coming over here to explain it to me with his fists, brother? Like I could fight for her in this shape.”


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