Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1)

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Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1) Page 16

by A. T Brennan


  “Get naked.”

  “I gotta say. I’m liking this side of you.” I yanked off my clothes and tossed them aside.

  “So am I.” She grinned and stripped off her top, bra and pants. She wasn’t wearing underwear again. “Lay down. I want to try something.”

  We may have only spent one weekend in bed together, but I’d thought I’d figured out her style. She was a little submissive, kind of passive, but was getting better at telling me what she liked. I’d never imagined she could be so commanding, and I was loving it.

  I lay on the bed and watched as she climbed over me. She moved so she was straddling my stomach and then bent down to kiss me.

  Her lips were hard and firm and her tongue was hot and aggressive. Her hands ran through my hair and she moaned against my lips.

  “God damn, babe. Fuck.” I shook my head as she pulled away and moved to settle between my legs. “Fuck,” I repeated when she gripped my rock-hard shaft in her hand.

  She just licked her lips and bent her head down to my cock.

  Her tongue traced around the head, toying with my circumcision scar before running up and down my length. It was true she’d gotten more confident after a few tries, but she’d never been so aggressive, and I fucking loved it.

  “Fuck, baby.” I fisted my hand in her hair, not to force a rhythm on her but because I wanted to feel her head as it moved over me.

  After a moment of teasing she wrapped her lips around me and sucked me into her mouth, right to the back of her throat as her cheeks hollowed.

  She was using just enough suction that it bordered on too much and just enough, and it was exactly the way I liked it.

  “Fuck. Yeah, babe. Just like that.” I was almost panting as I fought not to arch my hips so I was pressing all the way down her throat. “Fuck you feel so good.”

  Just then I heard and felt her whimper around my cock, and as I looked down at her I almost blew my load right then.

  Her hand was between her legs, and with her ass in the air I could see her riding her fingers as she teased and toyed with her clit.

  “Fuck, are you...holy shit that’s hot.”

  She cried out around my cock and I used my hand to slow her down so I didn’t finish too soon.

  As I watched and listened to her getting off, climbing higher and higher towards her orgasm, I had to fight my own. I could almost feel my release creeping up my dick, moving inch by inch until it felt like I was about to burst, and that’s when Avery cried out, her ass bucking as she came.

  I felt that last bit of pressure deep in my groin and tried to keep my head when I realized she hadn’t pulled away.

  “Oh shit, now!”

  She didn’t move, even when I tugged on her hair, and in a burst of pure pleasure I shot my load right into the back of her throat.

  She didn’t pull away, even as I gave into my release. She just held me in her mouth as she gently stroked my cock, milking every drop of my orgasm out of me.

  “Avery?” I asked when she finally released me and sat up. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know. I wanted to.” She grinned and sat back on her heels. “I wanted to taste you, like you do for me.”

  “That was beyond hot. Watching you, feeling you. Wow.” I shook my head and held out my arms for her. “Wow.”

  “You liked it?”

  “I loved it.” I grinned and pulled her on top of me, holding her against my chest. “And I have to say, I really like that side of you.”

  “Me too. I was worried I’d chicken out, but it felt really good. I’m glad you liked it.”

  “You can do that any time you want, trust me on that one.”

  She laughed and rested her chin on my chest as she looked up at me. “Can I ask you something?”


  “Have you ever done anything...kinky?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like anything.”

  “Not really.” I’d promised her I’d tell her the truth about my past but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. “A few things, I guess.”

  “Like what?”

  “I’ve gotten a bit rough, with permission of course. Pinned girls down. One girl wanted me to choke her.”

  “Did you?”

  “Not exactly, but a little. Why?”

  “There’s something I want to try with you.”


  With a blush she slid off me and reached over the side of the bed to retrieve her fallen purse. She pulled out her phone and after pressing a few icons she handed it to me.

  “Wow.” I looked at the picture on the screen and then up at her. It was a split screen photo. One side had a woman tied to a headboard while a man went down on her, and the other had the same couple in the same position, only this time he was fucking her. “You want to try this?”

  She nodded, blushing. “Not right away. It’s something I’d like you to surprise me with.”

  “I have no problem with that. As long as it’s because you want it.”

  “It is.”

  “Then your wish is my command.”

  She laughed at my lame joke and I tossed her phone aside.

  After seeing that photo I was now picturing how Avery would look spread out on my bed with her arms tied to my headboard and I felt my dick getting hard again.

  Avery turned back to look at me and caught sight of my now raging boner.

  “That picture turn you on?” She grinned, looking up at me.

  “Picturing us doing it did.” I grinned and grabbed her hips. I had an idea. “Still feeling like you want to be in control?”

  “You bet your ass I do.”

  I helped her climb up so she was straddling me, and then held her steady as she reached down to grip the base of my cock. Locking her eyes on mine she slowly lowered herself down, exhaling as she did.

  When I was all the way inside her she paused and started to lean down.

  “Stay up like that and rock your hips,” I instructed, holding her where she was. “Like this.”

  I guided her hips so she was grinding down on me, and she gasped as her clit rubbed against my pubic bone.

  “Find a rhythm you like and ride me. Use me to make yourself come.”

  It took her a moment to find a rhythm she liked, and when she did it was as though a fire was lit inside her. Her eyes closed, her head fell back and she cried out as she ground her pussy against me.

  I watched her, taking in everything about her and the moment that I could. She was so beautiful and confident, and when she lifted her hands and ran them through her hair I groaned.

  “Yeah, that’s it.” I held her hips a little tighter and helped her move the slightest bit faster. “Play with your nipples.”

  She looked down at me in surprise, then grinned as she trailed her hands down her neck and rubbed them over her breasts.

  “Oh fuck, Matt.” She moaned and began tweaking her nipples, staring down at me as she did. “That feels so good.”

  “Yeah? Fuck babe. You’re so fucking hot.”

  “Keep talking, please keep talking to me.”

  I could feel her walls contracting and knew she was getting close.

  “Play with your nipples, pretend those are my hands on you. Ride my cock like you own it. Fuck me until you come. I want you to fucking scream for me.”

  “Yes. Oh god yes!”

  “Come for me, Avery. Come for me.”


  Her pussy clamped down around my cock as she almost fell forward, screaming out to me as her orgasm tore through her body.

  As hot as it was to watch her, it was my turn to fuck her now.

  With a grunt of pure animalistic lust I pulled her against my body and rolled us over so I was on top, immediately thrusting in and out of her still contracting body.

  “Fuck. Yes, Matt.” She nodded as I grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head. “Yes!”

  I pounded into her, my thrusts hard enoug
h to lift her hips as she screamed in pleasure and lifted her legs so they were around my waist.

  “Oh fuck!”

  My orgasm came out of nowhere. One minute I’m fucking her like my life depended on it and then next second I’m spilling deep inside her body. It felt incredible and I lay over her, letting go of her wrists so I could wrap my arms around her body and hold her tight.

  “Wow. Matt.” She kissed my neck and sighed. “That was amazing.”

  “Yeah. It really was.” I kissed her shoulder and sighed deeply as I pulled out of her. “Wow.”

  “I don’t think I can move. My entire body is tingling and my legs are shaking.” She smiled as I rolled off her.

  I grinned and leaned down to kiss her before flopping onto my back beside her. “I get it. I’m a little fucked up too. What?” I asked when she grinned at me.

  “I’m just happy you got as much out of it as I did this time. It’s kinda fun to be the one doing the fucking.”

  “Well, put any hopes of strap on fun out of your head, cause that’s as far as you fucking me goes.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I’m sure we can find a balance that doesn’t require a fake penis.”

  “I think we’ll manage. A week ago, would you ever think you’d be having a conversation with anyone about strap ons and fucking?”

  “Honestly, I wouldn’t have believed it even an hour ago.” She giggled. “But it’s nice we can be so honest.”

  “You can always tell me what you want and what you’re thinking,” I said seriously. “This relationship is about both of us. So always be honest with me.”

  “I will. And you can too.” She smiled. “I want you to always be honest with me.”

  “I promise. Oh shit.”


  “Logan. He’ll be home soon and if he catches us in here—”

  “Yeah. I get it.” She sat up and looked away. “Just give me a second to get dressed and we can go out there and pretend we didn’t just fuck like horny teenagers.”

  Something was off with her voice. I knew it was a bit of a dick move to not cuddle a bit longer, but we couldn’t get caught. I’d just make it up to her the next time I saw her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Movie night was as fun as it was horrible.

  Sitting on the couch watching comedy movies was always a great time. Doing it on my side of the couch while my girlfriend cuddled and snuggled with my brother sucked.

  I was still picturing the look she’d given me when she’d kissed me, climbed on top of me. I could almost still feel her soft skin under my hands, and taste her lips. I missed her, as dumb as it was seeing how we’d just been together, because sex wasn’t all I wanted from her.

  I wanted the casual intimacy that went with a relationship. I wanted to be able to hold her as we watched movies, kiss her whenever I wanted and not have to hide the fact that I was in love with her from my best friend.

  I did my best not to pout and focused on the movies and on not drinking too much. At least we’d get a few minutes alone when I walked her home.

  “Now that was a successful movie night.” Logan grinned as I turned off the TV. “I actually made it through both movies.”

  “That’s true. It’s the first time you haven’t fallen asleep.” Avery grinned and stretched as she sat up.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you home,” Logan said as he stood and rolled out his neck. “I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. You’re comfy but just not the same as a dude.”

  Avery chuckled, shooting me a disappointed look as she stood up.

  Shit. How was I supposed to offer to walk her home when Logan had already done it? It looked like we weren’t going to get a chance to talk after all.

  “I’ll be back in a bit,” Logan said as he looked over his shoulder.

  “Kay.” I nodded.

  “Got everything?” he asked as he looked back at her.

  “Um, yeah. I just have to go to the bathroom.” Avery shot me a panicked look and mouthed the word ‘purse’ when Logan looked away from her.

  Shit. Her purse was still in my room.

  “Okay. I’ll grab a sweater and we’ll head out when you’re done.”

  As Avery went to the bathroom I waited for Logan to disappear into his room. The moment he was out of sight I jumped up and sprinted to my room. Her purse was on the bed and so was her phone, and I grabbed both before rushing back into the living room, stuffing her phone in her bag as I did.

  I’d just managed to sit down and shove her purse under the coffee table when Logan came out with a hoodie in his hands.

  He didn’t say anything as he waited for Avery to come out of the bathroom, and when she did I nodded to the coffee table. “Don’t forget your purse.”

  “Right. Thanks.” She gave me a tight smile and went to retrieve it. “Wouldn’t want to lose this.”

  “Back soon, Mattty.”

  “Bye, Matt.”


  As I watched them walk out the door I leaned back against the couch. Keeping this secret was only getting harder.

  * * * * *

  Half an hour later Logan came back to the apartment. Part of me thought it would be best to be in my room hiding, but another part of me needed to talk to him.

  “That was fun.” Logan went to the fridge and grabbed us two more beers.

  “Yeah.” I took the beer he offered to me and tried to think of a way to casually bring up Avery.

  “I’m kind of worried about Avery,” he said, starting the conversation for me.

  “Really, why?”

  “I’m happy she and her old roommate have gotten close, but Mel runs in a different crowd and I’m worried Avery will start doing the same.”

  “What, because Mel hooks up?

  “Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t judge any girl for doing exactly what we do, but Avery’s different. Have you fucked her?”

  “What?” I almost spilled my beer all over myself.

  “Mel. Did you know her before she and Avery started hanging out?”

  “No, I’d met her but we only talked.”

  “Avery’s so innocent and sweet. I know she feels like a freak for being a virgin and I’m worried she’ll start fucking anyone who gives her the time of day.”

  “Why would that be a bad thing? She’s nineteen, she can make her own decisions.”

  “I guess, but there are a lot of assholes out there and she’s going to get hurt.”

  “What if she meets someone? Someone who’s good to her?”

  “I hope she does, but it seems like all the guys here are like you.”

  “Like me?”

  “Come on.” He gave me a pointed look. “Do you even remember the eye colors of the last three girls you fucked? I knew you were a player, but to spend an entire weekend with different chicks, not even changing your clothes? That’s a new low, even for you.”

  “Really? You’re going to judge me when you’re just as much of a player?”

  “That’s not the point. All I’m saying is she’s a good girl and she needs a nice guy, but everyone around here is either a horndog wanting to fuck everything in a skirt. Or they’ll be looking at her as a conquest if it gets out she’s still a virgin.”

  “Why do you see her as some sort of baby bird? She’s an adult. If she want to hook up with every guy who smiles at her then that’s her choice.”

  “I just want to protect her. I haven’t had a friend like her in a long time, not since Carly...” He shook his head and sighed.

  “I know you’re still upset about Carly, and I’m sorry about the way that ended, but Avery is her own person. I think she’s a lot stronger than you give her credit for.”

  “And how would you know? You barely know her.”

  “Just a feeling.” I shrugged, trying to look casual.

  “Maybe she is. But I’m not about to lose another friend. Not again.” He shook his head and drank down about half o
f his beer.

  “What if she finds someone? What are you going to do if she does meet someone and you don’t approve of him?”

  “Then I’ll warn her to keep her legs closed until he proves to her she’s more than just a lay. The last thing she needs is a guy like you, or the twins, or every other straight guy around here playing your games just so you can do the old pump and dump.”

  “Really? That’s what you think of me, of Jay and Jax?”

  “Am I wrong? None of you has had a girlfriend outside of Jay, and we all know how that ended. Can you even name the last ten girls you fucked? I’m guessing it’s the same with the twins. I get it, I’m the same way. But Avery is better than that. She’s better than all of us.”

  I bit back my retort and chugged the rest of my beer.

  He was right. She was better than me, and there was no way I’d ever get Logan to see otherwise because it was the truth.


  “Are you almost ready for winter break?” Mel asked as we lounged on her bed.

  “I’m beyond ready. I swear finals are going to be the death of me.”

  “I hear ya. So, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Okay.” I looked at her. “What’s up?”

  “Alliyah is dropping out.”


  “Yeah. The reason she hasn’t been around is because she’s been seeing a prof.”


  “And she’s pregnant.”

  “Double wow.”

  “Yeah. So that’s a huge mess, but the long and the short of it is I’m out a roommate. Do you think you might want to give up your room and move in?”

  “You want me to live with you?”

  “Of course. We already know we can handle being roommates.” She grinned. “And it’ll be good for both of us.”

  “Yeah, for sure. I have to talk to my parents about it, but I can’t see it being an issue. I’m going to have to get a job though.”

  “I’m sure I can get you one at Celtic Corners. Just come with me tonight and we’ll talk to my boss.”

  “You think they’d hire me? I have no waitressing experience.”

  “A couple girls quit and I know one who’s graduating early. They don’t mind training.”

  “Sure, if you think I have a chance.”

  “Aiden is super cool. I’m sure he’ll hire you.”


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