Uncovering Stone

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Uncovering Stone Page 3

by T. Saint John

  I pull up to Maddox’s apartment building, but I’m afraid to get out of my car. I know Jackson had to have been following and watching me closely to know intimate details about me. What if he followed me here? I look around trying to find anything or anyone suspicious. One of the disadvantages to being short is that you can’t see shit. Knowing I’m a dumbass for just sitting here, I swing open the car door and make a mad dash into Maddox’s building. When I get to his front door, I start banging on it. God, what if he’s not here? What would I do? Where could I go? I can feel my terror starting to rise and I look over my shoulder to make sure no one has come up behind me. It takes no time for Maddox to open the door. He must have seen me through the peephole because the next thing I know, I’m being yanked inside.


  Today is the first Bears football game of the season and I’m supposed to be watching it with Maddox at his place. I haven’t hung out with him much lately since I’ve been busy working on Kerrigan’s case and banging different women whenever I don’t wind up staying late at work. But no matter how many women I stick my cock in, how many times I fuck them, what position I take them in, or which hole I cum in, I can’t get over Alani. Something has to give, but I’m not going to play childish games and I refuse to beg her for anything. I’ve decided to give her what she’s asked for and leave her alone—I plan to ignore her from here on out.

  I knock on the door, and Maddox flings it open and rushes away inside. He looks back over his shoulder at me and asks, “Did you see anything suspicious outside?”

  “No. Why?” I ask, instantly alert. I take a quick glance out into the hallway before I shut the door and follow Maddox. I find him opening the bathroom door and a woman comes rushing out into his arms. It’s Alani. And she’s in tears.

  Maddox rubs his hands up and down her back, trying to soothe her. I’ve told him before not to touch her. I’ve never wanted to hit Maddox up until this very moment. The only things restraining me from the strong urge to pummel my own brother are her tears and the fear in her eyes. My girl is scared. Why? And why did she run to Maddox?

  “What’s going on?” I demand.

  “I don’t know. She just got here before you did,” answers Maddox, leading us to the living room. “She said she’s in trouble.”

  Alani has to take a couple of deep breaths before she is able to tell us what’s going on. As I’m listening to her, I’m becoming more and more aware that Maddox still has his fucking hands on her. I’m trying hard not to focus on that, but it has me on the edge. I breathe and concentrate on Alani instead. I hate seeing her like this. I’ve never seen her so vulnerable, and I’m compelled to take her from Maddox. I mentally sigh—so much for ignoring her. I walk over and wrap my arms around her, silently lending her my strength. Almost instantly, I feel a lot of the tension in her body release. I wonder if she realizes that she was only to able calm herself once she was in my arms.

  She mentions that her current troubles are related to the incident she was involved in with Kerrigan and Missy in high school. As Kerrigan’s attorney, Kerrigan had to tell me about the night she was nearly raped at a party. Alani and Missy were at the same party, and Missy wound up getting raped. When Alani names Jackson Morgan, the governor’s son, and the two other men as their attackers, I silently add three more people to my list of people who need to die. Out loud, I ask her, “Why do you think he wants to kill you?”

  “I got this today. It was slipped under my door,” she answers, pulling out a piece of paper. “He was at my home. What am I going to do? He knows where I live!” She starts to tremble again, so I take the note from her and pull her in tighter.

  “Alani, I promise you, I’ll kill him before he gets near you again.” It’s a fact—if anyone comes after her, I will end them.

  I read the note, and it drives me over the edge. I’m usually good at masking my emotions, and that’s what makes me so good at my job. But that’s not the case when it involves Alani. I take out my aggression on Maddox’s TV remote and whip it against the wall. THESE BASTARDS ARE DEAD.

  Maddox glares at me and then glances at the shattered remote before snatching the note from me. I feel a little guilty for destroying his shit, but I’ll just buy him a new one—maybe even get him a new TV. Maddox reads the note, then tells Alani that he’ll look into it. He offers to let her crash at his place since it’s not safe for her to go home. Did I just hear my brother right? There’s NO fucking way she’s staying here with him. Over his dead body, because I will kill him.

  “Fuck that. She is coming home with me,” I snap at Maddox before I have time to think things through. Why did I just say that? The only woman I’d ever lived with was my mom and that didn’t turn out so well. Plus, I love living alone and having my space. But then again, I’ve wanted Alani since the day I laid eyes on her.

  “No, I’m not, Evan. I’ll stay here,” Lani responds.

  “I live on the top floor of the most secure apartment building in Chicago,” I point out. I’m not backing down from this—she’s coming home with me. I do realize this means no more walking around naked...well, maybe.

  “Lani, he’s right,” Maddox agrees.

  When Alani still refuses to stay at my place, I aggressively press her for an explanation. She replies that she’s afraid of me, and of course, I need to know why. Her eyes meet mine before she replies, “The way you talk to me. The way you look at me. You’ve kissed me when I didn’t ask for it.”

  “Alani, I won’t hurt you, ever,” I assure her, stroking her cheek gently with my thumb.

  “I can’t stay with you, Evan. I’m sorry,” she states harshly, knocking my hand away and turning away from me.

  “Oh yes, you are. If I have to kidnap you to make sure you’re safe, that’s what I’ll do,” I declare adamantly to her.

  She whips around and says, “See, that’s what I mean. You want to control me. You want me to submit and be some sort of toy for you. I’m not who or what you think I am.”

  I’m getting pissed that not only does she think so little of me, saying I’d just toy with her or hurt her in any way, but she’s refusing to let me protect her. I lash out at her and demand the real reason behind her refusal to stay with me.

  “Because my feelings for you scare me,” she says so softly I nearly missed it.

  I’m so stunned by her words that I jerk backwards. Hearing Lani say that gives me hope. I was right...she was feeling me. Still shocked by her revelation, I say, “What?! You’ve been nothing but a royal bitch to me.”

  “Because I wanted you to hate me, to leave me alone. Why couldn’t you just hate me?” she asks despairingly.

  I decide to lay it out for her and finally admit to myself that Alani owns me. I love her and I’d do anything to protect her, so I say, “Because apparently, the universe decided you were mine.”

  “Evan, if I stay with you, it’s not for the reasons you want,” she says sorrowfully.

  “I want to keep you safe,” I tell her, and it’s the truth. Right now, all I want is for her to be safe. I haven’t lived with anyone in my entire adult life, so I know this will make or break us. I’m not going to push a relationship with her right now because it’s not what she needs. Besides, I don’t need that distraction with what I’m planning to do.

  First thing tomorrow morning, I’m starting my research on the bastards who hurt her.

  Chapter 4


  I can’t believe I just agreed to move in with Evan. When he had his arms wrapped around me and my head was laid upon his chest, I could hear the beat of his heart. As I listened to the strong, steady rhythm, I felt myself start to calm and finally be able to breathe.

  When he said the universe decided we belonged together, it hit me—he’s right. But as much as I want to be with him, I have to fight it. I can’t allow myself to fall for Evan. My attraction to him is only rivaled by how much I fear him. Men like Evan want control, and I gave up control of my life ten years ago. Since I walke
d into that party, three monsters have controlled me.

  Evan and I just left Maddox’s apartment and are driving in his car when I notice that we aren’t heading towards my apartment.

  “Evan, where are we going?” I ask. “I need to stop by my apartment to pick up a few things.”

  “We can’t go to your apartment, it might not be safe. I’ll lend you an old T-shirt to sleep in tonight and tomorrow, we can go shopping for clothes,” he informs me.

  “I need a toothbrush, tampons and my birth control. I’m pretty sure you don’t have those at your place,” I retort. I watch as a grin appears on Evan’s face. It’s a change from the serious expression he’s had on his face since we both showed up at Maddox’s place, and I melt a little as I’m reminded of how sexy he is.

  He cocks his head to look at me, and with a smile, he asks, “Are you on your period?”

  And then he says something like that, which royally annoys the crap out of me. I refuse to answer him.

  “I need my stuff, Evan,” I stiffly reply, facing forward to avoid looking at him.

  “Well, then answer me.”

  Ugh! I know Evan, the stubborn jerk that he is, won’t let this go until I tell him. I cross my arms across my chest and let out a frustrated huff before I finally reply, “Yes. I am. Now let’s just go.”

  Thankfully, he makes a left without saying anything else. At first, I think he’s heading back in the direction of my apartment, but he pulls into the parking lot of a grocery store instead.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask.

  “I’m getting you your shit.”

  “But I can’t get my birth control here.”

  “Call your refill in and we can go pick it up.” He has an answer for everything—I already know I’m going to hate living with him. In an effort to show him that he can’t control me, I don’t get out of the car when he does.

  He must know that I’m not budging because he starts laughing before I hear him activate his car’s alarm system. Dickhead. As he walks off, I try to clear my head and make a game plan. A smart person would avoid the high school reunion, but I can’t. I’m so close to getting Jackson and I’m hoping I get to him before he gets me. Evan said he’d hire security for me and I reluctantly accepted it. I hated taking Evan up on his offer knowing that all I had to do was call my parents and ask for a security detail. I didn’t want to worry my parents; plus, they would probably want me to quit my job and go work for them.

  A few moments later, I hear the car alarm disarm and see Evan coming back with several bags in his hands. He probably picked up some groceries while he was in there. The man does love to be efficient.

  “Here you go,” Evan says abruptly as he opens the car door and sets down his purchases. I peek into the bags and stare at him.

  “Why did you buy like fifteen boxes of tampons???” I ask incredulously. He did—he bought every brand, absorbency level, scent, and activity type. Was he expecting me to bleed out and need to use a box a day?

  “I’m not exactly an expert on menstrual cycles. I had no clue what you needed,” he states indignantly. “Now call in your birth control,” he gruffly adds. I realize I’m going to have to pick my battles with him, so I call my prescription refill in. I don’t bother to argue on this one because there’s something else that I want.

  “Okay, but Evan, I still need to go home,” I tell him.

  “Why? What else do you need?” he asks, sounding a little irritated. He’s so snippy. I wonder if his masculine pride took a major hit with his little trip down the feminine product aisle. Good, the douchebag deserves it for being so controlling! Imagining Evan Stone grabbing box after box of tampons off the shelves makes me smile.

  “A dress,” I answer.

  “I said we’d be shopping for clothes tomorrow,” he firmly reminds me.

  “I know, but this is an important dress that I picked out to wear for Saturday. It was expensive and I love it.”

  “What’s on Saturday?” he questions. His nosy ass certainly picked the right profession.

  “My high school reunion.”


  Her high school reunion? What the fuck? She wants to risk her safety just so she can catch up with her old high school friends???

  “You’re not going to your reunion,” I declare resolutely.

  “Yes, I am. And you’re not stopping me,” she responds adamantly.

  “Watch me.”

  “Evan, I have to go,” she insists.

  “No, you don’t. Besides, I’ve met Jase. That twig is incapable of protecting you if you got into trouble.”

  “Stop being rude,” she replies. “And no, he’s not going.”

  As happy as I am to hear that the pompous prick won’t be joining her, I’m pissed that she’s planning on going alone. “Well, then you’re crazier than I thought. You’re planning to attend the reunion by yourself? You can’t be serious. Although, in your defense, you’d probably do a better job of protecting yourself than Jase could if he escorted you. The most he’d be able to do is bore someone to death.” I may be wrong, but I thought I heard her snicker.

  “I’m going. End of story,” Alani asserts stubbornly.

  “Fine. Do I need to wear a tux?” I ask her pointedly. If she insists on going, it won’t be alone. She gives me a death glare, but I wait patiently for her answer. She has to know that she’d be safer with me by her side.

  “No, just a suit will be fine,” she concedes with a sigh.

  When we finally pull into the parking garage of my condo, I open the car door for Alani and escort her to the elevator. She seems nervous, being unusually quiet and avoiding any eye contact with me throughout the ride to the penthouse. I don’t know how or why, but this little girl manages to unnerve me as well when I open up my door and let her into my place.

  “Would you like a tour?” I ask, breaking the uneasy silence.

  “Sure,” she quietly replies. I first show her the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Then, I take her back to the spare bedrooms and reveal her three options to choose from. As I open all the doors, I hear her ask, “Why do you need so much space?”

  “I don’t. I just loved the building and all its amenities. There’s a twenty-four hour gym, indoor pool, and room service.”

  “Where’s the bathroom? I’ll take the bedroom closest to the bathroom.”

  “The bedroom at the end of the hall has an en-suite, so you can have your privacy.”

  “Ok, thanks. And Evan, thank you for doing this for me. I really appreciate it,” Alani says sincerely.

  “Not a problem, I like knowing you’re safe.” I want to say so much more, but she isn’t ready to hear it. And honestly, I don’t know if I’m ready to admit how hard I’ve fallen for her.

  “Can I get that T-shirt? I’d like to shower, then head to bed.”

  “Sure,” I respond before heading to my bedroom. I open a dresser drawer and pick out a plain white T-shirt for her. I want to see her wear it after her shower—the white fabric sticking to her wet skin, making it see-through and outlining her nipples and pussy. Jesus. I’m instantly hard—Alani is living in my home. For over two years, I’ve wanted to get close to her and now, it’s finally happening.

  When I get back to her room, I find her sitting on the bed, looking scared and uncertain. I walk over and stand in front of her, handing her the shirt.

  “Alani, you’re safe here. For the next few days, you are not to leave this place—not until we have a plan and security in place,” I dictate. It has the desired effect, there’s fire in her eyes.

  “Evan, I have to work,” she argues.

  “You’re not leaving this penthouse unless I’m with you,” I tell her adamantly.

  “You can’t be serious. You can’t keep me locked up in here,”

  “Oh, I’m serious. I have no intention of making you feel trapped, but we need a plan for your safety in place before you start working again,” I assert. I tried to keep the aggression out of
my voice, but I know I failed. She lets out a sigh and stands up with my white T-shirt in her hand.

  “Alright. Good night, Evan.” With that, she turns me towards the door and gives me a shove on the back.

  I head out and don’t turn back around. I’m already starting to find it difficult to walk away from her, so I simply say, “Night, Alani.”

  I let out a deep breath and exit the room.


  I wake up with the sun shining through the sliding glass doors leading out to a private patio—Evan’s place is amazing. From what I saw last night, his penthouse is nicely decorated, but impersonal. Every room has one solid color and the color scheme of the furniture within it match perfectly. There are no family photos or decorations to add personal detail. It’s so much like Evan—cold and uninviting.


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