Uncovering Stone

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Uncovering Stone Page 17

by T. Saint John

  I instructed Kerrigan to wait for me at a gas station because I didn’t want her going in alone in case it was a trap. Kerrigan was also involved in that high school incident, and it crossed my mind that Jackson may want her too. Maddox would never forgive me if I let anything happen to his wife, and I’m not about to put my brother through the same hell I’ve been through these long months. Once I arrive at the gas station, I spot her car and pull up next to it. I wait until she gets into my car, and we take the short drive to the address she gave me. I can feel strength and energy building inside me as I get closer and closer to finally getting Alani back. She’s coming home with me and I’m never letting her go.

  As we pull up to an old, dilapidated house, Kerrigan is on the phone with the lady who is helping Cade, announcing our arrival. Kerrigan informed me earlier that the woman was waiting with a 12-gauge shotgun to protect Cade and herself in case anyone got there before we came for Cade, so we didn’t want to take the chance of catching an armed woman by surprise. When we get to the front door, we’re met by a little old lady, holding a shotgun that is almost as big as she is. I watch Kerrigan rush over to Cade, dropping to her knees and hugging him.

  “Cade, where’s Lani?” Kerrigan asks.

  “She helped me get out when the couple who had us went outside. They’re on their front porch a lot. Lani found a way out through the attic. I had to jump. She tied two sheets together so I could get down, but I still had to jump. I was so scared. She told me which way to keep running,” Cade explains.

  She’s alive! I think a part of me was still doubting it even as Kerrigan and I were walking into this house, but to hear Cade confirm it...I’m overwhelmed by the multitude of emotions that hit me. I’m overcome with relief that she’ll soon be back with me. I just have to find her first.

  “Is she hurt?” I ask, concerned about the state she’s in.

  “No, but her baby is very sick. She’s scared for Harper,” Cade replies.

  Her baby? What baby? Alani had a baby?? God! Could it be mine? Wouldn’t she have told me if I’d gotten her pregnant? No, it can’t be mine...she was still taking her birth control when we were together. I bust out the front door and scream out my pain. I’m going to kill that fucking bastard! Jackson must have raped her and gotten her pregnant when she couldn’t take her pills. I’m going to rip him apart with my bare hands for touching my girl! Shit! Alani...she said she never wanted children and now she’s given birth to that bastard’s baby. I can’t imagine the mind fuck that has to be for her. What if she has changed her mind and wants to keep her baby? Could I really raise it as my own, knowing it’ll be a daily reminder of what its father did to Alani? I have to stop thinking about all this before I drive myself insane to a point where I can’t function. We can work all of this out once she’s back with me. I’ll support her in whatever she decides to do. All I know is that Alani is mine, and I’m going to do whatever I can to keep her in my life. Focusing on just getting her back, I calm myself and head back inside.

  “When did she have the baby?” I ask Cade when get back inside. He looks nervously at me, and I feel guilty for having added to his already traumatic experience.

  “A week ago. Lani said she can’t nurse the baby and that Harper is starving. She keeps trying, though,” Cade answers. “What about my mom? Did she have her baby?”

  “Yes, she did. You have a little sister, Juley,” Kerrigan replies. Kerrigan updates Cade on his family, but I tune them out, getting lost in my own thoughts. I’m pissed at myself for not finding Alani sooner. Even if I couldn’t get to her in time to prevent her from getting pregnant, I should have found her before she had her baby. Maybe then, the baby could have had the proper medical attention and wouldn’t be starving now. I may have failed Alani these past eight months, but I swear, I’ll do anything to protect her and the baby she’s probably grown attached to. But first, I need more information from Cade.

  “Why didn’t you try to escape sooner?” I ask Cade, interrupting his conversation with Kerrigan.

  “We were locked in the basement until the night Lani had Harper. It was dark down there, so they moved us to the attic. Lani was in a lot of pain. I tried to help her. I did, I tried. I promise,” he solemnly tells me. The image of this now 11-year-old boy, manning up and trying to help Alani when I couldn’t be there for her, makes me feel a gratitude I never knew possible. I kneel down in front of him, speaking man to man.

  “I know you did, son. I know. And Lani knows, too,” I say, using the nickname Cade was more familiar with.

  “People are coming to buy Harper tomorrow, so Lani said it’s now or never. I was afraid to jump, but Lani told me I could do it.” I release Cade, staring at him in disbelief. It doesn’t make any sense. Why would Jackson kidnap one son and sell the other? I stand up as realization hits. Jackson isn’t selling his son—he’s selling mine! Rage consumes me at the thought of someone coming to take anyone else from me. I may not have wanted a child, but now that I know I have one, there’s no fucking way I’m letting anyone buy or sell him! Determined to protect Alani and my son, I start to plan out how to get them back safely while Kerrigan makes contact with Brayden. Once Brayden and Maddox are on their way to help out, I try to get as much information from the kind lady who took Cade in.

  “Ma’am, do you know from which direction the boy came or how he got here?” I ask, joining her on the couch.

  “Yeah, he described it to me. I think it’s Old Man Willis’s house. He died ten or so years ago, but he left the house to his useless piece of shit daughter. She lives there with her lazy husband—he’s a real asshole, that one. Heard her in the store a few weeks back, talking about selling their house. Told her I was interested in it for the land, but she said it’s already been bought. Said some cocks from Chicago have been making cash payments on it, and it’s almost paid off.”

  Son of a bitch! I know exactly who the cock from Chicago is that’s buying the house—Michael Cox. I’m going to enjoy killing that fucking piece of shit!


  Cade has been gone for over thirty minutes, but the couple is late in coming up to get me. I’ve pulled up the sheets and closed the window so that no one will notice anything out of place from the outside, but I’m terrified of what will happen when they come up and find Cade missing. I rush over to Harper to quickly try and feed her one more time. I sit in fear as I place her on my breast. I don’t know if I’ll be able to protect her, but I’m definitely not going down without a fight. It’s hard to imagine that this whole horrible ordeal will be over soon. With Cade gone, I don’t know if they’ll just kill me and sell Harper anyway.

  I begin to cry, thankful that Cade has gotten away, but the tears of joy turn to those of sadness as I watch my daughter struggle to eat. As I sit here, looking at her for the last few moments I may have left with her, I can’t believe how much she looks like Evan. She’s beautiful, just like her father. If Harper and I ever get out of here alive and are able to go back to living a normal life, I won’t expect anything from Evan. I just hope he doesn’t hate me for having the child he never wanted. I’m pulled from my thoughts as I hear the man yelling from the bottom of the stairs.

  “Time for your shower, get your ass down here!” This is good. Thank God for lazy people—they won’t realize Cade is gone...yet.

  I wrap Harper tightly in a blanket and tuck her into the corner. I take one last look at her and draw strength to get through whatever is about to happen. “I love you, Harper,” I whisper as I walk away. As I go down the stairs and walk through the door that has kept Cade and me locked in, I struggle to breathe. I want my baby with me.


  Brayden, Maddox, and I are standing behind the cover of some trees outside the farmhouse where Alani is being held. The months of hell, not having her safe with me, is about to be over. As much as the thought of it excites me, it also scares the shit out of me, having just learned that I’m now a father and that we’ll be bringing our child back home with us. I
keep waiting to feel that instant love people talk about when it comes to their kid, but it hasn’t happened yet. Seeing as how my parents never felt it for me and my brothers, I’m afraid that I’ll be just like them. God. Me, a father. It still seems surreal. A rush of emotions go through me, but I suppress them, knowing I have to concentrate on the task at hand. I resolve to sort through it later, when Alani and my son are safely at home with me.

  My eyes find their way to the people who’ve held Alani and Cade hostage for months. The two are just sitting casually on their porch, and the sight of them disgusts me. A cold numbness comes over me, and without a second thought, I aim my gun and shoot, hitting the woman square between the eyes. I take aim at the man, but I notice that he’s already slumped over in his seat. I turn to see Brayden with a huge smile on his face, holding the unregistered gun I lent him. I’ve played darts with the guy, and he’s notorious for his bad aim, so I’m impressed that he hit his mark.

  “You didn’t miss,” I remark, smacking Brayden on the back. It’s a proud moment.

  “Nope. Been practicing,” he boasts with a laugh.

  “Forever dart partners?” I inquire.

  “Oh my fucking God. You two just shot and killed people and you’re talking about darts?” Maddox cries out incredulously. I can’t help but laugh at the expression on his face. For the first time in months, I’m feeling good at the prospect of getting my girl back.

  “Alright, you two stay put. I’m going to get them,” I announce.

  “Wait. You stay put, I’ll go get them,” Maddox replies. He’s out of his fucking mind if he thinks I’m going to just stand out here and wait for him to rescue my girl and son.

  “Maddox, remember when Kerrigan was attacked and you didn’t want to leave? You wanted to be there for her?” I remind him of the time he went bat shit crazy on Noah and me for trying to get him to go home to get some rest. I can almost see the gears turning in his mind as he considers my words. I appreciate his concern for my safety, but the woman that I love is inside that house, waiting for me.

  “Go. Please, be careful. Brayden, walk to the east side of the house. I’ll take this side,” Maddox relents.

  I race to the house and bust through the door. Cade said he and Alani were moved into the attic a week ago, so I find the stairs and go up to the second floor. I make my way down the hall until I get to a door that has a bunch of deadbolt locks on it. This has to be it, but why is it wide open? Shit! What if those sick fucks found out Cade escaped and killed Alani? No, no, no! I was so close to rescuing her—she can’t be dead! My rage at the unfairness of it all makes me careless and I blindly fly up the stairs, no longer caring what happens to me. I freeze when I reach the top of the stairs. Christ...Alani. She’s alive! She’s standing with her back towards the bed with her arms out in front of her. I’m so relieved at the sight of her that I nearly break down and cry on the spot.

  “Alani!” I call out. She turns her head towards me, and I see the look of terror in her eyes. I’m so focused on her, I don’t notice right away that she’s not alone. Michael grabs her and turns her around in front of him, placing Alani between the two of us. I instantly train my gun at his head. This lowlife piece of garbage is in the way of my finally having Alani back. With my fury rising, I demandingly growl, “Let her go, fucker!”

  “S-s-stay back,” Michael warns nervously, shakily pointing a gun at me. The rage pouring out of me and the savage look on my face probably has him terrified.

  “I said, let her go,” I repeat with quiet menace. I start to assess the situation and calculate my options. Judging from the way he’s holding the gun precariously, he’s not used to handling firearms. Odds of him hitting me from a distance is low, but once I get close, he’s bound to get a lucky shot.

  “No, she’s coming with me,” he insists weakly.

  He’s afraid of me—I have to use that to my advantage. No doubt, he usually doesn’t have to deal with angry, powerful men—just passed out females. “I’m putting several bullets in you before I let you walk out of here with her. She’s not leaving with anyone but me,” I state adamantly, stepping closer to them.

  “I have a million dollar payday waiting for me, so I’m taking her and her brat,” he announces with conviction.

  The thought of him selling my family enrages me even more, but I keep myself in check. I can’t let my emotions get in the way—there’s too much at stake right now, and I can’t afford to make a mistake. “You have one last chance to let her go and get out in one piece; otherwise, I start shooting and you don’t make it out of here. Ever,” I threaten.

  I watch his eyes dart around the room, considering what he should do. Confident that he’s not going to kill Alani since she’s his ticket to getting paid, I slowly start to make my way towards him.

  “That’s far enough! Stop moving!” Michael shouts at me with panic in his voice. I stop where I am and stare him down.

  “What’s it going to be, asshole? Do I start shooting holes in your head?” I arrogantly question. He starts to laugh hysterically.

  “Nice try. I know you’re not going to shoot me! You won’t risk hitting–” he begins cockily.

  Before he can finish his sentence, I fire off a shot, expertly clipping his ear. His laughter dies immediately and in his shock, he releases Alani. As I charge at Michael, she shoves away from him. He sees my approach, and he recovers enough to take a shot at me. His bullet whizzes by my head and I continue to run at him full force. He fires off another round and I’m close enough for him to not miss.

  “EVAN!!!” Alani screams as I go down, hitting the floor like a ton of bricks. Motherfucker! My shoulder starts to burn like a son of a bitch. FUCK! I must have hit my head hard on the floor when I went down because my head fills with pain as I try to lift it. I feel like such a pussy, laying on the floor unable to move. Through the fuzziness in my head, I hear Alani scream and I turn my head to see her try to run towards me. Michael grabs her arm, stopping her from getting to me.

  “Let’s go, Lani! You’re coming with me,” Michael demands, tugging her towards the stairs.

  “Let go of me! I’m not going anywhere with you!” she shouts at him, struggling to break his hold.

  “Listen, you little bitch...I’m not leaving here without you! I can always stick a bullet in you to make you more cooperative. I’m sure Jackson will understand, as long as I bring you to him alive,” he angrily spits out.

  “Go ahead and shoot me, but I’m not leaving!” she yells. The fuck he’s sticking a bullet in my girl! I fight the dizziness and struggle to get to my feet.

  “Either you come with me or I put a bullet in your boyfriend’s head,” he threatens. Alani stops as she watches me teeter on one knee trying to stand. Michael takes the opportunity to grab her from behind, putting her in front of him once again.

  “You stay right there!” Michael warns pointing the gun at me.

  “No! Alani!” I cry out. Shit! I’m about to lose her again and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. Having lost my weapon, I’m powerless to save her. Even if I still had it, I wouldn’t trust my accuracy with my aching head. I look into Alani’s eyes, silently begging her for forgiveness as I kneel helplessly before her. She takes in the anguish on my face and makes a decision. In a move that would make Miss Congeniality’s Gracie Lou Freebush proud, she elbows Michael below his ribs to knock the wind out of him, then stomps on the top of his foot. Out of all the chick flicks we used to watch, I told her that movie actually had some useful information on it. Glad that she’d paid attention, I watch as Michael howls in pain while Alani easily disarms him. She quickly moves away from him and points the gun at him.

  “Get your hands above your head and stay there. You make one move and I put a bullet in your ass!” she tells him.

  “Don’t shoot!” he pleads.

  Nearly fainting from the blood loss, I fall the short distance to the floor.

  “Evan!” Alani cries out, rushing to my side. With Alan
i distracted, Michael takes off running, escaping down the stairs. Kneeling down next to me, she puts the gun aside and sits down. She rolls me on my back, placing my head on her lap. As I moan from the pain, she softly says, “Oh God, Evan....”

  “Christ, I feel like a fucking princess having you rescue me like that. It kinda feels like my balls have been ripped right off and it hurts a lot more than getting shot in the shoulder,” I tease her. After all these months of waiting and not knowing what had happened to her, I’m dumbstruck to have her finally back with me. I gently brush my thumb against her cheek and she presses her face into my hand. I whisper, “God, I missed you.”


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