Refuse to Lose (A Coach's Love Book 1)

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Refuse to Lose (A Coach's Love Book 1) Page 7

by Alison Mello

  "I'm glad you like it because I'm quite fond of it myself." I lick my lips and press another kiss to hers. "I'm going to get going, but I'll call you."

  "Thank you for an amazing night."

  "Stick around and I'll show you many more."

  "I look forward to it." I kiss her one more time and then head home with a hell of a smile on my face.

  I pull up to the ballpark, and Misty pulls in right behind me with her entire family. Briggs climbs out of the car and gives me a hug. "How are you?" he asks.

  "I'm well, thank you. I hear you're going to help with coaching."

  Misty comes around the car with her two smaller children. "He loves baseball." Misty smiles up at her husband. Briggs slips his arm around her shoulder. "It will be hard for him to be at every practice until he can hire some much-needed help for the store, but he’ll be at all the games. Trystan says that's way more important." She averts her gaze and smiles. "Speaking of Trystan," Misty says as I feel an arm slip around my shoulder. I jump, not expecting it.

  "You scared me."

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Here's the clipboard I promised you." He smiles down at me.

  "Thanks." I note Landon arrived with him. "What's up with him?" I nod over to Landon who's walking onto the field.

  Trystan looks over his shoulder at the boy. "His mother apparently isn't around much. He told me last week he walked to the field, so I took him home. I told him that I would pick him up for practice. He's a very shy kid. All he said when he got into the car was thanks and was quiet the rest of the way."

  "Poor kid." Misty pouts.

  "I agree. My mom was a single mom which led me to doing a lot of walking to and from this same field. I wish my coach cared enough to offer me a ride." Trystan shakes his head. "I loved the sport so much I didn't care how I got here as long as I could play." My jaw drops. I had no idea he had a rough upbringing. He's such a good guy. He kisses the top of my head. "If you'll excuse us, we have to start practice." Trystan and Briggs walk away, leaving me shocked.

  "I take it you didn't know?" I shake my head. "I don't know a ton about Trystan other than the reputation that he’s developed over the years. From what I've heard through the rumor mill, he was a really quiet kid growing up. He kept to himself and worked hard as a ballplayer." She shrugs. "Maybe that's why."

  We walk over to the bleachers while her two youngest go off to play. We climb the rows to find Lori and Stacey sitting there. "Hey, ladies," I call out as we take a seat.

  "Are we all set for this weekend?" Lori asks with excitement.

  "Yup, got the signup sheets right here. This top sheet is for the store, and we’re going to do the car wash after opening day. But I have the signup for that right here as well." I hand Lori the clipboard with the slips of paper, and they both sign up to volunteer. When they're done, they pass it on to the next parent in the bleachers. I'm hoping by the time it gets back to me everyone will have signed up and we won't have to fight with anyone. While we wait, we sit around discussing what we will need for the car wash, since this sign up is simply for volunteering time and bringing the baked goods. We will need buckets, soap, sponges, hoses and tables for the bake sale. Not to mention poster boards for signage. While we're making our list, two more ladies come walking over with the clipboard in hand. "Hi, I'm Karen, Jason’s mom and this is Arien, Noah’s mom." The two girls hold out their hands to me.

  "How are you, ladies?"

  "Good," Karen says, taking a seat on the step in front of us.

  Arien sits next to her. "We want to see what we can do to help you with the fundraisers."

  "The more the merrier," Misty sings out excitedly.

  We discuss our list of needs for the car wash and bake sale. I fill everyone in that the containers are all set to go for the fundraiser this weekend and that all we need is for bodies to show up. Arien hands me the clipboard, and everyone has signed up for a spot except for Ethan and Landon. Landon I understand because his mom wasn't here last week and Trystan picked him up, but I don't know what Ethan's parents have for an excuse. His mother is actually here this week. She looks miserable, but she's here. I look to Misty, who seems to know everything about everyone. "What's her deal?"

  Misty looks over my shoulder and lowers her voice. "You mean Laney Mackey, Attorney-At-Law?"

  My brows shoot up. "As in Judge Mackey's kid? I haven’t had the pleasure,” I reply with laughter.

  She smiles. "The one and only." We all lean in close. "She is one of the biggest bitches in town. She's snobby, well off, and thinks the world owes her something."

  Arien adds, "I'm willing to bet her father made her come."

  "What are you all whispering about?" Another woman takes a seat.

  "Ssshh, Haddie." Misty grabs her arm and pulls her down on the bench. "You're late to the party." Misty busts her chops.

  "Sorry, I had to work." She giggles. "Now what's up?"

  We fill her in on our conversation about the snobby attorney who is too good to volunteer. Of course, it doesn't help that she's been on and off the phone the entire practice, but when the clipboard was handed to her she passed it off to the next person without even looking at it. We all watch as she puts her phone back into her purse. She must sense us watching her because she looks over at us. That's when Misty grabs the clipboard and approaches her.

  "Laney," she says with a nod, taking a seat beside her. "We need some support for the fundraiser, and I noticed you didn't sign up." She tries to hand the clipboard to her, but she doesn't take it. In fact, she pushes it back in Misty’s face.

  Misty stares at her waiting for a response, and finally Laney snaps back at her. "I'm far too busy for things like begging for money outside a store or washing cars. You know damn well that my job is demanding. There's simply no way for me to participate in such events. Now, I've already talked to the coach and have offered a very generous donation in place of my time, so just move along and stop bothering me." I can see Misty is taken aback by her remark. She stands up and stomps back over to our section on the bleachers.

  "That woman. One of these days she's going to end up in a situation that she can't buy her way out of, and I'm going to laugh. It's no wonder her child is such a brat." She huffs, taking her seat. "She told the coach she would make a donation to the team because she has no time for this. Can you believe her?" Misty is so angry.

  "Don't stress it. We don't need her." Karen shoos her with her hand.

  "Yeah, we're good," Lori agrees. "We got the mom squad."

  I burst into laughter. "The what?"

  Lori giggles. "My son called us that after our meeting. He said we formed a mom squad."

  We all burst into a fit of laughter.

  We were having so much fun we hadn't noticed that practice was coming to an end. "Can I have your attention, everyone?" Coach is standing at the bottom of the bleachers as the kids bag their gear up. "As you're all aware, we have our first fundraiser this weekend at the grocery store here in town. I have the boys’ uniform jerseys and ball caps here, and they need to be wearing them when they get to the store. They’re allowing us to set up from eleven a.m. to four p.m., and then the weekend following opening day is the car wash. Jerseys will not be required at the carwash, but I am expecting full participation from each team member. You should’ve all had the opportunity to sign up on the sheet that Stella passed around this evening. If you have concerns, please let me know. Otherwise, see me before you leave for a jersey."

  Laney stands from the bleachers. "I've already discussed this with you. We need to get going." She steps down.

  "Yes. I understand you can’t help as a volunteer parent. However, your child is still expected to help out his team." Her eyes look like they're about to pop out of her head. "This is a team-building exercise. The point is to get them working as a team instead of competing against each other, and your son is one of the children who needs this the most."

  "How dare you?" She has a look of disgust plastered across her f

  "Just telling it like it is." Trystan fights a grin, but fails. He hands her Ethan's jersey and hat, but she's still livid. She grabs her son’s hand and storms off angrily, mumbling something as she does. We sound like a bunch of teenagers giggling as we watch her huff and puff, but we don't care. She got what she deserves, thinking she's all entitled and whatnot.

  "Okay, well, please be sure that everyone is signed up for the two fundraisers. I'll be scheduling the shed build soon and will let you all know when it is. Thanks for being here with the kids. Y'all have a great night." He watches as everyone walks down the bleachers to get their children's jerseys.

  I can't help but laugh when I approach him. "That was great. She gave Misty an attitude when she approached her with the clipboard. She had passed it off without even looking at it." He shakes his head and puts his arm around my shoulder. Briggs does the same to Misty.

  DJ comes over a minute later and his eyes go wide. "Mom, you're dating my coach?" He looks completely shocked.

  I close my eyes, forgetting that I hadn't told him who my date was. "I am, buddy, and we can talk about it in the car on the way home."

  "I'm sorry." I can see Trystan feels bad. "I totally forgot you hadn't told him it was me."

  "It's my fault. I told him I would introduce you two when I was ready. I wasn't thinking about how this would all play out." DJ storms off to the car.

  "Do you mind if I go talk to him?" I shake my head.

  "DJ, wait up." I run after him. This is partially my fault, and I need to man up and help her fix this. He leans against his mother's car with his arms crossed over his chest. "Please don't be mad."

  "I'm not. I'm not sure what to think." He shakes his head. "I'm just starting to make friends and now, if you make me pitcher, they’re going to think it's because you're dating my mom." He exhales a deep breath.

  "I won't let that happen. Why don't I take you and your mom for a pizza, and we can all chat together." I look over to see a concerned look on Stella's face. "Your mom is worried about you. She never wanted to hurt or upset you. She did what she thought was right. Not to mention that I'm pretty sure this is the first time she's dated, so this is all new to her. She's not sure how to handle this situation." I can see he's starting to soften a little.

  He rolls his eyes, and a small smile starts to play at his lips. I lean on the car, nudging him with my elbow. "Come your mom over. Let her know all is good."

  He looks up at me. "Please be good to her.” His eyes are full of sincerity. I can’t believe how amazing this kid is to worry about her. “She may not realize it, but I know how hard she struggled after my dad died."

  "Are you kidding? You scare me, kid. I wouldn't dare mess with her, but how about you? How are you doing?"

  He throws his head back in laughter. "I have my days, but you’re right—we should let her know all is good.” And just like that, he moves on.

  “Come on, Mom, Trystan is taking us for pizza." Relief flashes across Stella's face. She says bye to her friends and joins us at her car.

  She ruffles her hand through DJ's sweaty hair. "Pizza sounds pretty good to me, buddy."

  "I'll have to follow you guys. We can't all fit in my car." I point to my Corvette. I’ll have to start taking the truck more. I’d like to be able to do stuff with all three of us, and this car isn't a good option for that. DJ’s eyes pop out of his head. “Wow, I didn’t know the Corvette was your car.”

  I chuckle, “It is and someday I’ll take you for a ride in it, but for now let’s get going. You have school tomorrow.”

  When we get to the pizza shop, DJ jumps out of his mom's car and runs over to mine getting a closer look. “I can’t believe you have a Vette.”

  I nod. "If it’s alright with your mom, I'll take you home in it after we eat." He looks over at Stella who is approaching us in the parking lot.

  "Is that cool, Mom? Can Trystan give me a ride home in his car?"

  She laughs, "That's fine, but make sure you buckle up."

  DJ rolls his eyes. "Of course, Mom."

  She grabs him and puts him in a headlock and begins to give him a noogie. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She pretends to be mad while getting her point across.

  "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He laughs at her attempt to be rough with him.

  "Good, now let's go get some pizza." She throws her arm around his shoulder, and the three of us walk into the pizza shop.

  We agree to split a large pepperoni pizza. I place the order while DJ runs to the cooler to grab us some drinks. When he gets back, the gentleman rings us up and I pay for the food. He tells us to pick a booth and that he'll bring our pizza and some plates as soon as it's ready. We pick a booth in the corner of the small pizza place. It's quiet in here, but I'm not surprised. It’s late on a Tuesday night. He probably already had his dinner rush, and I know more people come here for takeout than to actually sit and eat. There are only six tables in the restaurant.

  "So, DJ, tell me what else you like to do besides play baseball."

  He smiles. "I like to play Xbox."

  I can't help but laugh. Of course he likes to play Xbox, he's eleven. "Do you play any other sports?"

  "I wanted to play football, but Mom wouldn't let me. She's finally agreed this year that I can play because Mason plays, but we have to play in the next town over because our town doesn't have a team."

  "That's cool. Who is your favorite team?"

  He shrugs. "I like a few teams. I like the Steelers and the Patriots, but when I lived in New York it was a sin to admit you liked the Pats so I would tell everyone that I liked the Steelers because I don’t like the Jets or the Giants." This kid is too funny. He's eleven and he acts like he's a grown man who's been watching sports for years. He continues telling me all the reasons he doesn't like the other teams. I have to admit, he knows a little about the sport and has some educated opinions. "How do you know so much about these teams?"

  "Google and YouTube," he says flatly.

  Our pizza arrives and we all dig in, eating in silence. I feel like DJ is deep in thought. He’s not saying anything, but I don’t want to push him. I decide I need to talk with Stella about the three of us doing something fun now that DJ knows we're dating, I'm just not sure what we should do yet.

  When we're done with the pizza, there are three slices left, so I go to the counter and ask for a small box. I pack them up and hand the box over to DJ "Here, take this. You can finish it another time."

  "Thanks, Coach."

  "You're welcome, now let's get you home. You have school tomorrow." I take Stella's hand, and the three of us walk out of the pizza parlor together. DJ runs to put the pizza box in the back of his mother's car before running to mine.

  Stella shakes her head. "I think he's excited."

  "I'm glad. I just wish we could all fit in it."

  She runs her hand up my arms. "Don't stress, go. Give the kid a ride."

  "Do you mind if we go the long way?"

  She smiles. "Not at all."

  I kiss her on the cheek and walk away, clicking the button to shut the alarm and unlock the car. DJ climbs in, grinning from ear to ear. "Are you ready?" I climb in and start her up.

  "This is so cool." He runs his hands along the dash like it's made of gold. I take off out of the parking lot with a little speed but nothing too crazy. I don't want to freak Stella out. DJ laughs with excitement as his hair blows all over the place. He grabs a band from his wrist and quickly throws it up.

  "You should wear your hair like that more often. It looks pretty cool."

  He shrugs it off. "I'm really not a fan of it up, but sometimes it’s a pain being in my face." He suddenly looks around. "Isn't my house that way?" He points in the opposite direction.

  I laugh, "Very good. Your mom said I could take you for a quick ride. I wanted a minute to talk to you before I bring you home." I lower the music a bit and slow down the car so we can talk. "I don't want things to be weird for
you, but I really like your mom." He bites his lip and looks out the window. "You know I'm not trying to replace your dad, right? No man can ever do that, but that doesn't mean someone can't be there to help take care of you guys." He nods but says nothing.

  "Will you help me with my pitching?"

  "Of course."

  He chuckles. "Mom tries to, but she's a really bad catcher." I burst into laughter.

  "How about I come over one night later this week, and we can throw the ball around in the backyard."

  "Cool. Thanks, Coach."

  "You got it." I pull up to his mom's house a few minutes later. He jumps out of the car, and we both head into the house. Stella yells for him to shower and get ready for school tomorrow. He agrees and runs off to do as she asked.

  "How did it go?"

  "He's fine. I learned that you're not much of a catcher though."

  She laughs, "No, I'm not."

  "I hope you don't mind, but he asked me for some help so I told him I'd come by one night to work with him a bit."

  She wraps her arms around my waist. "How could I ever mind you doing something nice for my child."

  I press my lips to hers, but our moment is broken. "So is this what I'm going to have to deal with?" We look over to see DJ standing in a pair of shorts with no shirt on. We both laugh. "Mom, I'm looking for my favorite black lounge pants."

  "They're in the dryer." He runs off to get them.

  "Where were we?" I press my lips to hers one more time. "Have a good night."

  "You too." She takes my hand and walks me to the door. "How about dinner and some ball Thursday night?"

  "Sounds like a plan to me. I'll see you after work." I walk out to my car feeling pretty damn good. I thought the night was going to end in a shit show when DJ saw me with my arm around Stella, but he seems to be coming around.

  I've never had such a long day at work, and it was no different from any other day. I just have something to look forward to today. I've been going home alone for so long now that I didn't mind being at work and staying late. There was nothing to rush home to. Now I'm thrilled to get out of here and my boys are busting my balls for it but, to be honest, I really don't give a fuck. The only thing I want to do is see my lady and throw a ball around with DJ.


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