My Husband's Lesbian Boss: Book 1: After Party

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My Husband's Lesbian Boss: Book 1: After Party Page 2

by Amanda Clover

  “Oh, Audrey,” Valerie murmured and stepped closer. She caressed my cheek. I could not bear to look up at her.

  “We never talked about it, but it turned me on so much. I wanted to say something to her. But I never did.” I sighed and finally managed to meet Valerie’s gaze. “I locked it up like so much of what I wanted out of life and gave it away for my husband.”

  “And he never knew about it?” Valerie whispered the question to me.

  “No,” I said.

  “He never knew to be grateful for your faithfulness,” she said.

  “Todd is not a bad guy,” I said. “I want to be clear about that. He is not some villain of my life’s story. There was just that moment that… you know. It was something I keep coming back to in my head.”

  “A turning point,” said Valerie. “And you turned away from it instead of into it.”

  “Yeah, right,” I said. “If I had embraced it, I don’t know, maybe my whole life would be different.”

  “Maybe your whole life would be better,” suggested Valerie softly.

  I let out a long sigh.

  “Maybe,” I admitted and drained the last of my whiskey. I coughed once as the strong alcohol burned its way down to my tummy. Even after coughing, it sat inside me like a hot coal. The heat spread to the rest of my body. I set the glass aside.

  “Have you ever thought about having children?” Valerie asked.

  I pursed my lips and nervously smoothed my skirt. I gave Valerie a reluctant nod.

  “Is it a painful subject? I’m sorry,” she said and gave my hip a squeeze. “I should not have brought it up.”

  “It’s alright,” I said. “Yes. Two years ago we started trying and… Todd cannot have children. I mean physically. We might look for a donor or something. Maybe adoption. I…”

  Another squeeze from Valerie drew me out of my drunken welling of emotion about my husband’s inability to conceive. She smiled sympathetically and pulled me into a hug. Her arms comforted me, it was a friendly hug, but I could not ignore the soft warmth of her breasts pressed against me, straining at her blouse. Beneath her well-fitted but conservative attire was a gorgeous body and I allowed myself a moment to savor the closeness.

  The smell of her hair against my cheek was sweet and exciting. I put my arms around her and held her as tightly as she was holding me.

  Valerie pulled back from the hug and looked into my eyes. She stroked away the lock of hair that had fallen into my face and caressed my cheek. She softly asked, “May I be honest?”

  “Of course,” I said.

  She cut her dark gaze away from me and fluttered her long lashes. Her voice was a breathy whisper thick with emotion, “I would very much like to kiss you right now, Audrey.”

  “Oh,” was the only answer I could offer. I wanted to blurt yes. To scream it at her. My heart beat so hard that it hurt.

  “Your story was so hot. And it seems to me that you are unfulfilled in so many ways. I think…” She bit her lower lip for a moment. “I think a kiss might help.”

  I wet my lips with the tip of my tongue. A smile played at her crimson lips. I nodded slightly and trembled with desire as she pressed closer once more.

  Valerie Pryce softly kissed me. A hundred of her employees might have been watching from the lounge and I would not have noticed. For those seconds all of my reality was the soft warmth of her lips against mine, the way those lips parted after a moment, and the delicate way her tongue teased me. I yielded to her and to my desire and her tongue pressed into my mouth. I moaned against her and she broke the kiss.

  “Was that nice?” She asked.

  I answered her with a kiss of my own. I embraced her slender neck with my arms and thrust my tongue into her mouth as she moaned with pleasure. Her body was against mine, hotter than before, and her thigh pressed between mine. She pushed me backwards and I half-sat and half-fell onto the couch in her office. She climbed over me, her body guiding me onto my back and leaned against the arm of her couch as she kissed me hungrily.

  We kissed and embraced with unrestrained desire. Her tongue slipped and curled against mine and we thrust back and forth between our open, moaning mouths. Her knees pressed down into the couch and the warm weight of her thigh pushed up my skirt and touched the soft mound of my cunt through my panties. I cried out with pleasure and broke our kiss. My head dropped back on the arm of the couch and my silky, golden hair spilled loose. Her scent was all around me. Her mouth was so hot and eager.

  It was so wrong and I knew it. Each sigh of pleasure, each flick of her tongue against mine, was another violation of my marriage. I groped for a reason to stop it, to push her away, and I told myself that whatever my attraction to Chelsea in the past, I was not a lesbian. I knew I was drunk and that had lowered my inhibitions.

  I found my lips parting to her, my tongue rising to meet hers. I spread my legs wider and gasped with pleasure as she ground her gartered thigh against my pussy. There was no denying it was intentional on her part and no denying that I craved more. I had wanted it to be touched by a woman more than I ever imagined and yet, even in that moment of release, I thought of Todd. I thought of my life with him. And all those years we had been together.

  “Mmmmm,” I turned my face away from her kiss. “No, Miss Pryce. Please. We have to stop.”

  She pulled back and eased her weight from my body. She rocked upright on her knees on the couch between my thighs. I looked at her apologetically, my body still aching with desire. She pursed her lips and nodded slightly.

  “Too far?” She asked. “We can take things slower if you’d like.”

  “No, I can’t do this,” I said, sitting up and holding my hands against the comforting softness of my pert breasts through my low-cut top. “This isn’t me, Valerie. I’m not… I’m drunk. I’m sorry. This isn’t your fault.”

  She sighed as I crawled out from underneath her and got to my feet. I felt woozy, but I felt like I had to go. I staggered drunkenly away from her and made it to the door before she said, “Audrey, wait.”

  I stopped. I could not look back at her for fear that my desire would overcome my weak defenses once again.

  “Let me call you and your husband a car tonight,” she said. “You have had too much to drink and I wouldn’t trust your husband behind the wheel either.”

  “Alright,” I said. “I have to go, Valerie.”

  “Of course,” she said. “The car will be waiting when you and your husband are ready to leave. Enjoy the rest of the party.”

  It was hard to enjoy the rest of the part. I went back downstairs and drained the first glass of champagne I could get my hands on. With each step, I felt my slick pussy rubbing inside my underwear, a reminder of how ready I was to give in to the lesbian fantasy of Valerie Pryce. I found Todd two-fisting flutes of champagne and puffing on a vape pen that smelled like a scented candle.

  “HeeeeEEeyyy, baby,” he said. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me against him. I tried to flinch away as he smacked a drunken smooch on my lips. “How’s it going? Are you staying out of trouble?”

  He squeezed my ass with both hands, which earned some chuckles from the people nearby. I smiled and gently pushed him away. “Maybe slow down a little bit on the champagne.”

  “Yeah? Aw, I buttered everybody up,” he said and drained another glass. “Let’s cut loose. They have karaoke. And dancing over there. I saw Tanya doing Dancing Queen.”

  I could not pry him loose from the booze and we ended up doing an embarrassing duet of Baby Got Back before Todd went wild on the dance floor. I finally had to literally pull him away with the help of Carol from HR. We got him into the elevator and down to the garage.

  There was a limousine waiting for us. The uniformed driver smiled and held the door open for us.

  “How did you know we were your passengers?” I asked the chauffeur as he helped me get Todd inside the limo.

  “Oh, I was told to look for a beautiful blonde in a dress and a guy who was really s
loshed.” He tipped his hat and said, “I thought you two fit the bill perfectly.”

  He winked at me, which actually pissed me off a little bit. Todd grabbed my hands and pulled me into the limo with him. The chauffeur closed the door behind us.

  “Oh, baby,” said Todd, trying to kiss me. “Remember senior prom? Oh, god, you were so smoking hot. In that… red dress.”

  “Blue,” I corrected.

  “And we made out the whole way there and then… made the driver wait… while you…”

  I had given him a blowjob. It was one of the sexiest blowjobs I’ve ever given him and partly because it was over so quickly. Thankfully, Todd was not in the mood to reprise that steamy prom night limo ride. He was fading fast. I sat beside him as he stretched out onto the seat and leaned his head on my lap. The limousine began to move.

  Todd began to snore and drool on my skirt. My mind wandered back to Valerie, her dark eyes heavily-lidded with lust as she pushed me back on her couch. I moved my tongue in my mouth and I could almost feel her tongue there, pushing and slithering against mine. I squirmed on the limo seat as I remembered the way her hot thigh felt against my panty-covered mound.

  My phone vibrated with a text message. It was from Valerie.

  “I hope you’re comfortable,” she texted. A moment later she added, “We can forget about what happened.”

  My heart raced. I was still drunk and not thinking clearly as I typed, “I can’t forget that.”

  There was a long pause before she replied, “Can’t or won’t??”

  “CANT!” I replied. “It was very bad.”

  There was another long pause between messages. I wanted her to push me. I wanted her to remind me that she was the boss.

  “You want more,” she said. “Admit it.”

  I moaned softly as if she had whispered the words into my ear. I tried to reply to her, but I took my time and she continued with a string of texts. “You want to turn the limo around and come back upstairs. You want to see me tonight. You want to know what it feels like to be with a woman.”

  “I can’t.” It was all I could think to say. Some part of me wanted her to keep pushing me. Maybe I would have given in and gone back up to her office.

  Valerie didn’t push. She texted, “Goodnight, Audrey. We will see each other again soon.”

  We made it home and the chauffeur helped me get Todd into the house. I woke him up enough to get him upstairs and into bed. I undressed, pulled on my most comfortable nightgown, and curled beside Todd’s snoring bulk.


  The next morning, Todd had a severe hangover and was trying to sunbathe it away on our apartment building’s rooftop deck. I stayed in the apartment and tidied up a little. After some yoga and a shower I was thinking about going for a run. That turned my thoughts to Chelsea and from Chelsea right to Valerie. When I closed my eyes her lips were still on mine. I slipped my hand into my yoga pants and ran my fingers over the warm mound of my pussy through my cotton panties. I traced my finger along my covered groove and pressed hard enough that I felt the hard bud of my clit through my panties. I moved my finger up and down, rubbing and stroking myself as my mind focused on Valerie, on her parted lips sighing with pleasure, her breasts straining inside her tight blouse, and her thigh pressing rhythmically against my pussy.

  “Ohhhh,” I softly moaned. I wanted to plunge my fingers into my steamy pussy. I wanted to make myself cum to relieve all that pent up desire.

  Instead, I reached for my phone. I had no plan of what I was going to do or going to say. I unlocked it and the text window was still open from the night before. That last message from Valerie was still on the screen. “Goodnight, Audrey. We will see each other again soon.”

  I kept rubbing my slit as I typed awkwardly with the thumb of my left hand. Y-e-s. I hit send and felt a taboo thrill. I had opened my defenses up to Valerie once again. There was no champagne or whiskey to serve as an excuse; I was telling her “Yes” with a clear mind.

  The text changed to “read” after only a few seconds. The animated ellipses appeared a moment later, which made my tummy tighten with excitement.

  “Take cab to come get your car,” came the reply. “10:30 AM. Come up to my office while you are there. We can talk about it.”

  I took a deep breath. The offer was in the open. I knew what it meant and it excited me so much that I began to shiver. My thumb fumbled as I tried to type a message and I settled on something very short and simple.


  “I look forward to seeing you,” said Valerie.

  I felt out of breath. Everything seemed to suddenly come into surreal focus and I realized it must have been adrenaline. I got up and went to the bedroom and took a long, hot shower. I dressed simply. I did not want to raise my husband’s suspicions. I wore hip-hugging jeans that cradled my firm ass in denim and a flower-accented tank top with a white lace bra. The straps showed at the shoulders, but I thought that sold the feel that I was not trying too hard.

  Beneath my jeans I was wearing a pair of sheer white panties that showed off my little mound. I imagined Valerie sliding my panties off and admiring my freshly-waxed pussy. I wanted her to like it. I wanted to turn her on with my body. Realizing that was another revelation for me.

  I put on tennis shoes, pulled my blonde hair back in a casual ponytail, and did my makeup like I was going to the grocery store, not like I was going to meet with an older woman I wanted to fuck. I had looked at her bio on the company website. Valerie was forty-six. That put her closer to twenty years older than me. I second-guessed my attraction to a woman that much older than me.

  Was it a kink? A mommy thing? I decided no, it was more about the power of her position than her mature age. Despite being a woman, Valerie in many ways represented the alpha male ideal I sometimes craved in my husband and always found lacking. She was driven, successful, and assertive. Even though I had never been with a woman before, I could imagine Valerie taking me in a way that Todd had never even attempted.

  I texted Todd that I was going to pick up the car. I bought myself a little extra time by saying I might go to the Whole Foods downtown and get something to make dinner. Todd suggested pork tacos. Planning his meal was all he cared about.

  “Sure, hon,” I texted back. I switched to the window of my conversation with Valerie. I texted her, “On my way.”

  “I will be waiting for you, my dear,” she replied.

  The driver I picked on the app was a handsome young black man named Cameron. He had a nice, late-model Audi and at stoplights he looked at me appraisingly in the rearview mirror. I smiled at him and enjoyed the attention. He was polite enough not to flirt beyond the eye-contact. I gave Cameron a decent tip when we arrived at the parking garage and he told me to, “Have fun, ma’am.”

  He was probably just being friendly, thinking I was going shopping downtown or something, but his comment caught me by surprise. For a moment, I felt as if he might somehow know why I had come to the office tower. My face went hot as I wondered if it was obvious to anyone who saw me.

  My heart was still pounding as I rode the elevator up to the top level. The light from the skylight gave the lounge on the second level of Maximal Marketing an open-air feel. The office was empty on a Saturday and most of the executive offices were closed up. The door to Valerie Pryce’s office stood ajar. I took a deep breath and started towards it, but stopped just outside and tried to regain my confidence. I wondered what I would say to her, how I would reopen our dialogue of the night before.

  I was still thinking about what to say to Valerie when the door to her office swung open. She stood in the doorway with a look of surprise on her face.

  “Audrey,” she said. “You are ten minutes early.”

  In that moment, the only thing that made sense to do was to kiss her. I pressed my lips to hers and grasped her biceps and let out all the pent-up sexual energy of not just the last 24 hours but the last few years. We went back into the office together and I nearly
pushed her backwards over the couch. She regained her footing and pressed back against me. Her lips parted and her tongue met mine in a heated dance.

  Valerie held me in her arms and the quiet office filled with our soft gasps of pleasure and the wet slithering sound of my tongue against hers. Valerie’s hands move from my hips around to my ass and she squeezed my bottom in my tight jeans. I sighed against her lips and dared to do the same to her. Valerie’s ass was more ample than my own, softer, and filled out her skirt with the luscious warmth of her round bottom. As our kissing grew ever more heated, her fingers worked the button of my jeans and unzipped them to expose my sheer panties.

  She did not look at the cute underwear I had worn for her. Valerie’s fingers went straight into my panties and stroked the hot furrow of my waxed pussy. She barely broke the kiss to ask, “Did you do that for me?”

  I answered her with another kiss. I jerked my hips and fucked my hot slit against the touch of her fingers. She didn’t thrust her fingers into me like Todd would have; she stroked up and down and rubbed along the hot seam of my cunt from my clit down to my perineum. All I could think, over and over, was, “It’s happening. It’s really happening.”

  Valerie knew exactly how to handle me. She dipped her tongue in and out of my mouth, teased me and sucked at my lower lip, eliciting moans from me as she began to stroke intently at my throbbing clit. I wanted to pleasure her in return, I fumbled with her skirt, but Valerie pushed my hands away. She wanted to make this about me and I was happy to allow her to do exactly that.

  I shucked my tank top off over my head and stole a moment from our kiss to admire my pert breasts cradled in white lace. She murmured appreciatively. I dropped the straps of my bra from my shoulders and reached back to unbuckle the bra. Her dark eyes sparkled as she watched me shrug off the lace cups and reveal my bikini-marked breasts with my tiny pink nipples and little areolas. My tits were not big, but they were perfect; as perky and round as my senior year of high school.


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