The Time Between Us

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The Time Between Us Page 4

by ChaShiree M

  I am leaking down my thigh as I am waiting on him. With the amount of time he is taking, I have it in right mind to start working on myself. Before I can act, he wraps his hand around my throat and says, “Stick that ass out baby. I’m coming in.”

  With those words, he uses his legs to kick mine further apart and without preamble he plunges into my pussy. I need to raise up on my toes to accommodate him and the pleasure pain is intense from the angle of penetration.

  “Jace, too deep. Uhm…. please…..oh God. Been too long…. I can’t hold off…….”

  He moves in and out, almost in a punishing pace and I can feel the liquid running down my legs. The feel of my own arousal has me going crazy and I start impaling myself on him. It hurts in a good way and I need more. He hits the rough spot inside of me and I can see fireworks blasting off in my head. Shit. Even after our one night, I didn’t know it could be like this.

  “Jace. I’m so sorry. I love you so much. I love you.” His hand gets tighter around my throat as he continues his rhythm and I take it, because as much as it hurts, it also feels fucking good.

  “Fuck Penny. Who the fuck has pussy this good. Fucking golden pussy. My pussy. Stick that ass out baby. Smack. You going to run from me again? Huh baby?” Oh God.

  The smack on my ass makes my need to cum ten times worse. Oh God. I want to come so bad, but I don’t want this to be over.

  “No. I swear. No more running. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Right there Jace. Shit babe. You feel good filling me inside.” I squeeze my pussy muscles making it tighter for him and I can feel the twitch of his dick inside me.


  “You going to keep anymore secrets from me? Do you know you belong to me Penny? And have since the first moment I laid eyes on you last year. You have kept my pussy from me long enough. We are done with this shit. Do you understand?” That last smack and his forceful words put me over the edge.

  “Yesssssssssss. Jaaaaaaacccee. Yes. Yes. Yes. Ahhhhhhhh.”

  As I go over with no clitoral stimulation, he comes right behind me.

  “Fuck Penny. Arrggggggggghhhhhh! I love you too baby.” I feel his wet heat spilling inside me and combined with his declaration of love, a second smaller orgasm ignites inside me.

  Finally, we slide to the floor sated and happy. I fall into his body and drift off. At some point, he picks me up and puts me in the bed. Rolling over, I realize i am laying on his bare chest.

  Sitting up a bit, I lean over and kiss the man I love more than anything in the world and smile. I know we just crossed the valley and I am so fucking happy. When I move my mouth further over his chest, that is when I see it. A tattoo I know he didn’t have a few days ago and not only is it a surprise and beautiful; but it is my name, surrounded by a heart and flowers. Tears start building in my eyes and I give a silent prayer to fate for leading me to him. Someone who will love and support me unconditionally. And be a great dad to our baby.

  Speaking of babies, this is the first night they have yet to wake up. Well, thank God for small blessings. With that thought, I lay on my man’s chest and go back to sleep, while laying across his heart and listening to it beat. Just for me.

  After fucking Penny, because that is what it was, I picked her sleeping form up off of the floor and put her in bed. I did a three am feeding and diaper change before joining her in bed. When I pull her to my chest, I finally feel everything in my life is right again. I am going to be a father and I have done the impossible of tying her to me for life.

  I was dreading giving these babies back to their parents, but this feels like fate. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and she is all fucking mine. The last thing I remember is the scent of her coconut shampoo filling my nostrils. Her being near me helps to calm me enough to let me truly sleep.

  When I wake next, I feel her hot little mouth on my cock. Considering I have nothing to compare it to all I can say is, it feels amazing. Knowing she has never done this before, makes me even harder. Her enthusiasm and confidence are sexy as fuck.

  My hands move to tangle in her hair as she takes me deep into her throat. She works me, until she chokes a little and it is the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. All I can think about is getting back in her tight cunt. When she moans around me, I try to pull her off, but she only takes more of me in.

  “Motherfucking hell”. I growl before I cum down her throat. I never thought throat muscles were sexy, but as she swallows every, last drop I’ve given her; I cannot help but stare. When she pulls off my cock with a pop, she licks her lips and I am instantly hard again. My cock seeks the heat of her pussy, which I can feel on my thigh. I am ready to pound into her until we forget our names.

  Suddenly, there is a baby crying. Damn it. Looking over at the clock, I see it is only six am.

  “Stay in bed, Jace. I’ll get her.” Penny says, as she pulls my jersey back over head.

  I cannot and instead head to the shower. I told Sterling and Ham I would be back at work today. It has been months and all my projects were taken over by the both. Max’s have been too. The family has really pulled together in this crisis and I am so proud.

  My shower is too quick, and I get dressed in my usual work gear of Wranglers, steel-toed boots, and a Crawford Construction t-shirt. Today’s is bright orange. When I go out to the living room, Penny is swaying with Selena in arms to an Ed Sheeran song. Selena is asleep again, but I don’t think it matters much to Penny.

  At this moment, I can see our future as plain as day. She will do this with all of our babies and I will dance with her in the kitchen every night. It is something I have seen my parents do, while my mom is doing the dishes. I always thought it was weird the swaying together, but now I realize how romantic it is and I cannot wait to start traditions like this with her. There is nothing I won’t do for her and our family.

  “Penny?” I whisper. Her eyes pop open and she sees me standing by the breakfast bar. Setting Selena down in the nearest pack-n-play, she comes over to me and jumps into my arms. Her legs wrap around my waist and she, kisses me slowly. The minty mouthwash she must have swished is overpowering, but I kiss her like it’s the last time.

  “You going to work now, handsome?”

  “Yes, beautiful. You got this menagerie by yourself?”

  “Yep. We have plans today. While they are at their daily bonding session with Max and Rosy, I am getting pampered with a mani-pedi along with Kennedy and Ava.” She says with a smile.

  I chuckle. Should have known. Those girls are always at the salon.

  “You enjoy yourself. You deserve it. I’ll see you when I get home. Probably around five thirty.”

  “I will. I’ll see you then.” She says, as she slides slowly down my front.

  “Okay. I love you, Penny.” It never gets old saying it. I can see by the expression on her face and the slight sigh she gives off that she loves hearing it.

  “I love you too, Jace.” She kisses me again and I head towards the door.

  “Wait!” She whispers yells and I stop and turn. “I made you lunch. It’s nothing fancy, just some leftovers.” She goes to the fridge and pulls something out. She practically sprints towards me and hands me a brown paper bag, and a mug full of coffee. She then plays with the hem of the too short shirt she has on, flashing me that pussy.

  “I feel silly. You are a grown-ass man. You can get your own lunch, but….”

  “Oh, Penny. Don’t feel silly. I like that you thought of me like this. I love it. Thank you.” I pull her to me and kiss the ever-loving shit out of her. I swat her ass and growl into her ear, “Put some fucking pants on, before I lose my mind and tell my brothers to fuck off.”

  “Ok, Jace.” She says giggling. “The sooner you leave, the sooner you’ll be back here to me.”

  With that I head out for the day.

  I am surprised at how jacked up the office is, but I suppose I shouldn’t be. Rosy is the one who keeps our office running like a well-oiled machine. We were okay before her, but sh
e spoiled us. There is no coffee in the little kitchen and I need more. Two months of buildup and all our desks looks like a war zone.

  The replacement for Rosy, who should be on maternity leave right now, never showed. My idiot brothers didn’t bother calling the temp agency. The first thing I do is call them and the soonest they can get someone out is after lunch. I decide to work on getting the reception desk cleaned.

  There are two months’ worth of dead flowers from deliveries for Rosy. Why didn’t they throw them out? Assholes. I toss those out but keep the cards in case she wants to send a thank-you. There are other various foods, cards, stuffed animals for the kids, and gift cards out the ass. I box it all up and put them in the car to take to their house.

  Once I see the wood grain on the top of desk, I dust it with a nice smelling furniture polish Rosy kept on hand. At least the temp worker won’t think we are disgusting pigs. I run to the grocery store to stock up on coffee and creamer and get some pastries from the bakery before heading back. Ham and Sterling have yet to come in today. I know they are finishing up two houses on the west side of town. Before I know it, it is lunch time and the chime above the door sounds. In walks our salvation.

  Enid Jorgensen, the grandmother of the famous Jorgensen brothers. Apparently, she is the temp the agency sent over. She worked at City Hall for fifty years before retiring. I have no doubt we are in good hands and give her a quick rundown of clients and basic info. I tell her to forward anything she isn’t sure on to my cell.

  After that I head to my own office and close the door. While eating my lunch, I get a text message from Penny. It is the cutest picture of her toes. She had them painted hot pink. As the day goes on her pictures get more risqué. By four thirty, I am beyond ready to go home and slide inside her tight pussy, when she sends me the ultimate picture. The picture every man should be so lucky to get from their woman. A photo of her legs spread wide with fingers spreading her pussy open for me to see.

  I have been hard as a rock for hours and that is the last straw.

  Leaving Enid at the reception desk, I head out.

  When I open the door, there is more music playing and the babies are hanging out in the pack-n-plays.

  “Penny?” I call out. She comes out into the living room from the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel.

  “Jace. You’re early.” She says smiling. She comes to stand in front of me with her lips turned up for a kiss, which I give her.

  “What did you expect? Sending me that shot of your pussy. I almost died at my desk.” I say, rubbing my thumb across her lip.

  “Ava said a good girlfriend does things like that for her man.”

  “She said that?”

  “Well no, she actually said wife, but I improvised.”

  “I see.” I say, laughing.

  “So, dinner’s not ready yet.”

  “Dinner? Can I have dessert first?”

  “No,” she laughs. “I made a tater tot hot dish and some hamburger steaks.”

  “Oh. TT Hot dish? Sounds good. But I don’t expect you to make dinner for me either.”

  “I know. I love you. I’m your girl and I just wanted to.”

  This girl is everything.

  After dinner, Penny isn’t feeling well so I clean up and take care of the babies. When I crawl into bed with her, she cuddles into me and sighs in her sleep. I kiss her forehead and thank God that she came back to me.

  Ever since that night when we had crazy, beautiful, and delicious angry sex, things have been great. Jace and I have been ‘expressing’ our love and it has been the best. I don’t know why I ran from it for so long. It feels like home more than anywhere in my life ever has; and I now know what my sister was trying to explain to me about Hamm.

  Today is a very exciting day. Jace and I have a doctor’s appointment for our first scan. I could not be happier, being able to go through this with the love of my life. I am in the shower trying to get ready, because of mister too hard to resist (pun intended). He made me late by distracting me with his magical mouth and the dick I love. Now I must hurry and get ready.

  Luckily, he is getting the babies ready for his mom. Deb is on her way over to watch them, while we ‘run out’. It was awkward coming up with a lie for her to watch them. It had to be for both of us to leave, because we are not yet ready to tell everyone. The best we could do is ‘grocery shopping’. Lame I know. But.

  Walking downstairs, I hear Deb and Jace talking and though I know it is wrong to eavesdrop, I find myself doing that.

  “So. You and Penny seem to have come to some sort of understanding, huh? How long is she staying?”

  “Mom. Stop meddling.”

  “I am not meddling. You are my son and I hate to see you hurt. No matter how grown you are. You don’t think any of us noticed, how you have changed since the last time she was here, when Rosy fell ill. Well, we did. We all know she is your soul-mate. Your one. But, unless she decides she wants this life, there is nothing you can do.”

  The tears are free-falling now. Hearing his mom express her concern about my intentions, as far as he is concerned hurts, but I get it. I hurt him. And they all know it. The old me would run right now, but this man and this family…. all of them…are my future. I need to show them, I accept the gift I have been given.

  “I hear yah Mom. And I love you. But no need to worry. I am not letting her get away again.”

  “That’s my boy. So, when is the wedding? How long do I have to plan it?” I cover my mouth to stop the gasp and the need to shout it is premature. But then, I almost choke on the words when Jace responds.

  “You will have less time than the others gave their women. I can promise you seven days from the countdown.”

  “When the hell is the countdown?” She asks.

  “Trust me mom. You’ll know.”

  Well hell. I want to know when the countdown is too. He hasn’t even asked me.

  Deciding I have snooped enough, I head towards Deb first. As usual, she gives me a big motherly hug and kiss. But this time, she pulls back from me, while holding my arms and studying me. I try to maintain eye contact and not squirm under the scrutiny, but it’s hard. This woman could have been a secret weapon for the federal government.

  “Penny. You look…well. Been tanning lately?” Oh shit. She cannot know. Right? I mean, I am not showing so…. oh hell.

  “Why thanks Deb. No. No tanning. I guess you could say, love looks good on me.” I say making my way to Jace who pulls me into his arms and kisses me like we are alone. When his tongue demands entry, though I know his mom is there, I open and melt into the man of my dreams. When he is finally done ravishing my mouth, we both pull apart panting and worked up. He lays his forehead on mine and whispers, “Ready?”

  I look him in the eye, so he knows I mean this in more than one way and say, “I’m ready for everything.” His eyes search mine for a bit longer before he nods his head, smiles, and kisses my forehead.

  “Ok Mom. We are heading out. We should back in a couple of hours. You need anything?”

  “No boy. I got this. Go.” We each kiss her on the cheek, kiss the little angels, and leave.

  We get to the doctor and check in. Before you know it, we are in the back and I am up on the table. While we are waiting for the doctor, I figure this would be the perfect time to gauge how he really feels about this.

  “Are you nervous, babe?” He looks at me as if I should know better.

  “Hell no. Not in the way you think. Ever since I met you, I have been thinking about you, having my kids, and us being a family. But, ever since Rosy was in that comma, I am more afraid of something happening to you, while bringing our child into the world. For the first time, I get exactly how Max has been feeling and why he said what he did.” He walks over to me with a loving serious look on his face. His forehead is creased, and I want nothing more than to kiss the worry off his face. But I can sense he has something to say.

  “I love you so much Penny. I love you so fuc
king much. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you. I finally have you where I want you and now the thought I could lose you is killing me.” My sweet, beautiful man.

  “Jace. I am sorry I made you wait so long. But I needed to be ready. I had to be OK with my destiny. But, I am here now. And I am not going anywhere. What happened to Rosy is not normal. I will be fine. I promise.” He looks at me like he wants to believe me, and I figure the only way to get his mind off of it is to distract him, but the door opens before I can.

  “Hello kids. I am doctor Jorgensen. Jace. Nice to see you again my boy. How is your sister in-law doing?” He asks.

  “She is doing better. Thanks for asking. How is Lanie and Brick doing. When is she due again?”

  “Any day now actually. We are circling the wagon now. Speaking of kid…let’s look at yours. You say you think your about eight weeks give or take?”

  “Yea. That sounds about right.”

  “Ok. You’re not far enough along to do a regular ultrasound, so I am going to insert this scope into your vagina, letting us see and hear your baby. Sound good?”

  I look at Jace and burst out laughing. The look on his face when the Doctor said he was going to insert something inside of me is priceless. Holding his hand and squeezing it to calm down, I tell the doc to go for it.

  A little uncomfortableness, a few keystrokes later, and Jace and I are looking at our little bundle on the screen. I didn’t realize tears are running down my face, until Jace wipes kisses them away and hugs me. Looking into his eyes, which is my favorite pastime as of late I say, “See what we did.”

  Suddenly, the room sounds like we are underwater and when the doc announces, that is our baby’s strong heartbeat I sigh in relief.

  A pamphlet, some prenatal vitamins, and a new appointment for later. We are out the door.

  “Ok little mama, what do you have planned today?” I like ‘little mama’. Hearing him say it makes me feel all warm and loved inside. Leaning into him, I tell him about the crazy day ahead.


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