Scion's Destiny

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Scion's Destiny Page 2

by Traci Douglass

Scion patience wearing thin, he decided a direct approach was best, considering the conversation up to this point had gotten him nowhere. He stepped closer, only to have her back away again.

  “Stay away.” Her tone was firm, but her hands were shaking.

  “Leave her alone.” A burly man at the bar slid off his stool and headed behind the bar.

  Kagan waggled his fingers at the man then the gathering crowd. “Nothing to see.”

  The mortals’ expressions went blank and they drifted away slowly, back to their own lives, moving past him and the Seal’s host as though they weren’t there.

  “What the—” She stared at him, jaw slack. “Oh, God. You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?”

  “What? No.” He frowned. “Why would you say such a thing?”

  “It’s what you do, isn’t it?” Her tone held both accusation and bravery. “I’ve seen you in action. In my dreams. The bloodshed, the carnage.” She shivered. “The death and destruction.”

  “That was a very long time ago.” He sighed. The last battle he’d fought in had been nearly two-thousand years prior. Still, the wounds of war never left, and the perceptions of mortals toward his kind persisted even when their names had been forgotten. Spend a few centuries defending humanity through violence and force and everyone presumed if you were once a lethal killing machine, you were always one. He supposed it was better than being cast into Hell for eternity. “The Scion only watch now.”

  Her dubious expression said she didn’t believe him. “What am I seeing in my dreams then?”

  “The past? The future? Hard to say. Do you have these dreams every night?”

  “For as long as I can remember. I don’t know why you’re here, but it can’t be good. Go away. I haven’t done anything wrong.”

  Kagan sighed. His presence had nothing to do with guilt or innocence. She’d somehow summoned him when none of the other hosts could. He looked at her more closely then frowned, focusing on the bottles lining the shelves behind the bar. He stepped closer again and this time she didn’t back away. Just stared at him with wide eyes, her fear fading as the emotional pain inside her returned. She clenched her hands, the hurt inside her bubbling higher until it threatened to boil over. He met her gaze once more. “I have seen you before as well.”

  “Oh, no.” She raised a hand to her mouth, her expression surprised. “I think I know what brought you here. I prayed for vengeance against my cheating ex.”

  Now it was Kagan’s turn to be surprised. She’d managed to summon him from Heaven for vengeance on an adulterous mate? More surprising, he’d heard her, and felt compelled to answer and accept her mission. But that was impossible.

  Isn’t it?

  Kagan studied her beautiful face, the freckles sprinkled over her nose and cheeks.

  Granted, the other Scion roamed the realms between heaven and earth freely and watched over their respective Seal hosts as well, though they weren’t as observant of their vows as Kagan. He’d always stayed true to his moral compass., loathed the old sins and infidelity, in particular.

  “Did I really call you here?” she asked, her voice quiet.

  Kagan gave her a small smile. “Yes. You called, and I came. Not to hurt you but to ease your suffering. It’s my sworn duty to protect the host of the Seal.”

  She swallowed and looked as if she’d like to ask more. Kagan forestalled her questions, however, unable to resist smoothing his fingers down her cheek. Her skin felt as warm and soft as it looked, like velvet beneath his fingertips. He traced her delicate bone structure, then lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze.

  “This ex you speak of, I will make him suffer for what he’s done. Then your heart will heal, and you will love again.” A strange warmth coursed through his veins, starting at his sigil and moving outward to his extremities. The heat filled every corner of his body, finally settling in his chest, stirring feelings he’d long thought forgotten. “I will give you the revenge you seek.”

  The words sounded distant to his own ears and he doubted his sanity once more, but he was lost in her eyes, in the way she looked at him as if he hung the moon and stars and galaxies.

  “What is your name?” he whispered, trying to keep his thoughts on his mission.

  She licked her lips. He tracked the tiny movement, watching the soft pink tip of her tongue. Primal hunger swept through him and he took his hand away, shocked by the strength of his sudden desire.

  “Mira,” she said. “Mira Herald.”

  Kagan felt like he stood at the edge of a precipice. Helping her could be a terrible mistake. Part of him wanted to leave now, before it was too late, before he became too deeply involved. But the other part of him knew he couldn’t.

  She was the first Seal’s host.

  And he was sworn to her protector, no matter the cost.


  Mira stepped back as the hulking man drew a gun, afraid he’d changed his mind and was going to kill her after all. Then he went down on one knee before her and she didn’t know what to think. His head was lowered, and he held his weapon across his heart in a sign of allegiance.

  “I am yours to command,” he said, his deep voice so sexy she shivered.

  She watched him, confused.

  People were staring again, and she couldn’t help wondering what they saw. Certainly not the immortal warrior from her dreams, offering her his undying loyalty. To them, she supposed, he looked like a man kneeling on the floor, maybe searching for something he’d lost.

  Maybe she should have him look for her lost common sense while he was down there.

  Honestly, she had no business allowing this stranger anywhere close to her.

  If he truly had been summoned from her dreams, then she’d seen in vivid detail what he was capable of, the violence, the vicious destruction. And rational person would’ve kept a ten-foot radius between themselves and this ruthless killer. Then again, most rational people didn’t see imaginary warriors from their subconscious in reality either…

  “Right.” Mira pointed to his gun. “You best put that away before someone catches you with it. Guns aren’t allowed in The G-Spot.”

  He stood with grace, muscles shifting beneath the smooth material of his shirt and she did her best not to stare at his fine, toned form. Either he worked out a lot or these Scions were naturally endowed with the physique of a god. His broad chest tapered down to slim hips and long, powerful legs. And those jeans he wore. Lord help her, they were so tight they should be illegal in all fifty states.

  Her gaze roamed upward, over the golden skin of his forearms, lightly sprinkled with dark hair, exposed by the rolled back cuffs of his shirt. Finally, she looked into his handsome face again—chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, full lips, patrician nose. He looked like a Roman statue come to life. Scrumptious. Mira felt the sudden urge to investigate every delicious inch of him, immortal or not.

  A Scion.

  My Scion.

  She’d never thought her horrific nightmares would ever make her grateful, but now she was. They’d taught her about him. The Scion. Since she’d been old enough to read, she’d researched everything she could find on the mysterious immortals. There’d not been much. Legend said they’d been created to serve as divine guardians of humanity. How that translated into the epic, world-shattering battles she experienced in her nightmares, she wasn’t sure. Nor was she certain why her plea for vengeance against her ex had brought him here, but she intended to find out. He’d mentioned something about a seal. On a letter? A book? He couldn’t mean the marine mammals. Nah. Maybe she’d come across something in one of her beloved books to explain it all.

  He watched her still, strong and unwavering, his smile heart-stopping. Heat swarmed her cheeks and his pupils dilated, nearly obscuring his vivid aqua irises, his gaze flickering to her lips before returning to her eyes.

  The man was seriously beautiful.


  But divine as his origins might be, everything she knew about hi
m spoke of danger, right down to his weapon. Power emanated off of him in waves and she almost felt sorry for anyone stupid enough to cross him.


  Her ex-boyfriend, Argus, had been a real asshole. Sure, the guy had started off nice enough. Wined and dined her, made Mira believe he wanted a future with her—kids, house, the whole shebang. Then, once she was fully engaged in the relationship, his temper had turned nasty, and he wasn’t afraid to unleash on Mira when it suited him. He’d never hit her, though, until a few weeks ago. Then he’d come home, accusing her of all sorts of awful things and beaten her so badly she’d ended up in the ER. Nothing broken, thank goodness, just bruises and cuts. But she’d vowed then and there never to let another man hit her again. She’d waited until Argus had left town on a business trip then moved out of their apartment. God, why it had taken her so long to see Argus for the abusive prick he was?

  She looked back at the man on his knees before her, gaze narrowed. “What’s your name?”

  “Kagan.” He flashed her another charming smile that made her pulse trip.

  The name suited him. Bold. No nonsense. Infinitely masculine. But no matter how good he looked and how much he tempted her to forget her pain and let him shoulder her burden, she didn’t know him, not really. And she certainly didn’t trust him. Plus, it would be wrong to take advantage of a stranger, wouldn’t it? Then again, he’d offered his assistance in getting rid of her bastard ex once and for all and that really was an offer she couldn’t refuse. She’d spent enough sleepless nights on her sofa, mace in hand, in case Argus found her and tried to break down the door.


  Whatever dark power this gorgeous man had, he could damned well let it rip in Argus’s direction.

  “Kagan,” she said, repeating his name.

  “Yes?” His glance lingered on her body in all the places a mortal man’s would, but from what she’d read, the Scion were asexual, all their time and energy devoted to their sworn divine duty.

  This guy, however, looked anything but asexual.

  In fact, he looked like every wicked sin come to life.

  “Nice to meet you.” Mira extended her hand for a proper greeting.

  He took it and a jolt ran through her from their point of contact. They shook, his grasp firm, but he didn’t let her go afterward. Instead, he held on, his thumb tracing tiny circles on her skin.

  “Uh, what’s this seal thing you mentioned?” she asked, desperate to keep her mind on track. Blood rushed in her ears as his long, tapered fingers brushed her palm and made her shudder. “I’m not sure what that has to do with this.”

  “It has everything to do with this.” He quirked a dark brow and tilted his head.

  Mira sighed. If all the Scion were this gorgeous, they never needed to fight again. They could just stand there and bewitch everyone with their beauty. In fact, several women in the bar had already taken notice and hovered closer to the bar because of him.

  It wasn’t every day you saw six and a half feet of pure male gorgeousness.

  Even in Chicago.

  “I’m sorry.” Mira shook off her fanciful thoughts and forced herself to focus on the matter at hand. “I don’t understand. I thought you said I called you here because I was upset about Argus. All I want it to get rid of my ex. I don’t know anything about any sealed documents.”

  “The Seal is not a document. It’s a part of your DNA.” He placed his palm flat against her chest, over her heart, and she jumped. Mira blushed from head to toe at the brush of his wrist against her breasts. “It was the Seal within you that called to me, not your words.”

  “Sorry, I don’t follow.” Mira forced a nervous smile and stepped away from his touch before she lost all control and tackled him to the floor of the bar. “What about revenge? Are you good with that?”

  “I am excellent with that.” He straightened to his full impressive height, looking more noble and handsome, if that were possible. “I am Kagan. Slayer of a thousand enemies. Eternal Scion warrior. I—”

  “Wait.” She held up a hand to cut him off. “Slayer of a thousand enemies? Okay. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I mean, your heavenly boss probably wouldn’t approve of you wreaking havoc here on Earth just to get rid of Argus, and I don’t want him dead. Just in pain, maybe traction for a few days. That’s it.” She exhaled slow, shoulders slumped. “You know what. This is a mistake. I shouldn’t have called you. I’ll find another way to take care of him. Sorry. Didn’t mean to bother you.”

  “You are not a bother.” He frowned. “I am yours to command. You choose the type of revenge you prefer, and I will exact it.”

  “What about your divine duty?” The last thing she needed was to piss off God. Considering she hadn’t done much with her life up to this point, Mira was pretty sure she was already a disappointment. Hell, most days she was lucky not to get lost in her in her own neighborhood or stay on her diet. If she had any superpower at all, it was reading. That was it.

  And there was no way she had this seal thing in her DNA.

  Mira hazarded another glance up at Kagan. Her whole weird instant attraction for this man had to be because she was on the rebound, lonely, hurting. Nothing more.

  “I’m here to serve you,” Kagan said again, a serious edge to his tone. “Bid me do as you will.”

  “Um…” Mira was speechless. No way could she have a personal immortal warrior at her beck and call. “We should, uh…”

  Except she had no idea what they should do. Skulk off and plan some horrible fate to befall Argus because he’d cheated on her then beat her up? Despite the fact the guy had hurt her, physically and emotionally, that really wasn’t Mira’s style. She was a firm believer in karma, and all of Argus’s shitty deeds would catch up with him eventually. She’d just planned on hurrying them along a bit. Truthfully, she’d never sworn revenge on anyone in her life. She’d always turned the other cheek, let her anger go and gotten on with things. But Argus had taken his anger a bit too far. This time she wanted him to pay, sooner rather than later.

  Technically, she wasn’t working tonight, just hanging around and helping out to avoid sitting home alone. It was still early, not quite eight yet, so she grabbed her coat from the peg again and shrugged it on. “Do you like chocolate?”

  “I have never had chocolate.” Kagan frowned. “But I’ve been told by several of my Scion brothers it tastes both bitter and sweet and has a stimulating effect on the body. I would like to try it.”

  “Good. Cupcakes it is then.” Mira said her goodbyes, then led him back outside, past the crowds still gathered near the door and down the sidewalk. She gathered her coat closer around her as the wind howled and the snow blew. He didn’t have a coat on at all and the frigid Chicago temperatures didn’t seem to bother him. Kagan walked beside her, looking around at everything like he was seeing the city for the first time.

  Considering his heavenly duties, maybe he was.

  “Aren’t you cold?” She glanced at a few people they passed to make her point.

  He shook his head. “Not at all. Your earthly weather has no effect on me. Does the way I look bothers you?”

  “No.” She frowned and shook her head. “That isn’t what I meant. I just…”

  “Just what?” They stopped at the corner. The glow of the streetlight glistened off Kagan’s short dark hair and her fingertips itched to see if it felt as soft as it looked. The light turned green and people jostled around them, but they stood still, staring at each other.

  “Nothing.” Mira pulse raced again, her throat dry. “You look fine the way you are.”

  The breeze gusted, catching her curls and sweeping them across her face. Kagan brushed the strands away, smoothing them behind her ear, his warm fingers lingering on her cheek before falling away. Lord, this man affected her more with one simple touch than Argus had done during their entire six-month relationship. She kept telling herself Kagan was off limits, but her body didn’t get the message. Molten craving spread thr
ough her veins like honey. She longed to have his hands on her, his lips against hers, to have him hold her close to his hard, warm chest.

  Which was insane. They’d only just met, regardless of her dreams, and she wasn’t the type to come on to men. Even Argus had pursued her for months before she’d finally agreed to go out with him, let alone anything else. But now, suddenly, she felt ready to throw herself at Kagan and pray he caught her.

  “He struck you,” Kagan whispered, his aqua gaze narrowed. “Beat you.”

  At the mention of that awful night, Mira blinked, her desire deflating at the memories of sitting in the cold ER, miserable and alone, resolving to never let herself be hurt like that again.

  She crossed the street, not waiting to see if he followed. The distance would do her good, give her a moment to breathe and think again. Since she’d set eyes on him outside The G Spot, her head and heart had been fuzzy with want and she had to give them both a reality check. If what Kagan said was true, then he was here to help her get revenge on Argus. That was all. She couldn’t throw herself at him, or make a move, or do anything else because that would only end in her getting her heart broken again or worse.

  “Have I done something wrong?” Kagan easily caught up to her with his longer strides.

  Mira didn’t answer at first, lost in thought as she stared up at the tall buildings lining the narrow street. They continued across another street, then around the corner to where her favorite bakery was located. “No. You caught me off guard, that’s all. I’m not sure how you knew about what happened with me and Argus. It’s almost like you…”

  “Felt it?”

  She stopped abruptly outside the café and looked back at him.

  He stood a few paces behind her, hands in his pockets as snow glittered in the air around him.

  Kagan looked every inch the divine immortal protector he claimed to be.

  She nodded, swallowing hard against the knot of premonition in her throat.

  Moving closer, Kagan gazed into her eyes, his voice sincere. “I can feel you, through the Seal. It is part of the reason I agreed to help you. You do not deserve such pain. No one does. You always seemed so happy each time I watched you. If I’d had any idea about him, I would have handled this Argus long ago.”


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