Scion's Destiny

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Scion's Destiny Page 6

by Traci Douglass

  She was close…so, so close.

  Kagan left her before she reached release, however, pulling back to kiss his way up her body, her legs sliding from his shoulders as he rose above her once more, breathing hard. She panted along with him, needing to orgasm so badly she ached. Mira met his dark gaze, shivering with the intensity of his matching hunger.

  “Condom?” he asked.


  He fished one out of the drawer and put it on, then positioned himself between her thighs, the tip of his cock poised at her wet entrance. She ground against him, moaning and begging. Still, he waited, his tight expression speaking of raw need and fraying control.

  Then, slowly, he pushed inside her, filling her, stretching her. He stopped hilt deep, allowing her body to adjust to his. He grasped her hips and she opened her eyes, intent on watching him as he took her. He eased out to his tip before thrusting inside her again, nice and steady. Her clit rubbed against his body with each movement, bringing her closer to fulfillment.

  Soon, he thrusts grew quicker, stronger, and it became harder for Mira to focus on him and not close her eyes. She gripped his shoulders tight, her nails digging into his skin once more as the rhythm between them built. His sigil glowed anew and the tingle of power within her increased to nearly unbearable levels. Mira didn’t care, didn’t care about anything but the feel of Kagan moving within her and her climax looming just out of reach.

  Orgasm struck in a blinding flash, sending wave after wave of scorching heat through her entire trembling body. Kagan didn’t stop, driving harder and longer into her, stoking the fires until she was moaning and clutching at him, pleading for more.

  The bed beneath them quivered and his moans filled the air. Faster and faster he took her, until she was at the brink of ecstasy again. Mira’s slick walls convulsed around him a second time, drawing him deeper into her warm depths. Kagan slammed home one last time, his cock throbbing as he came hard.

  They collapsed together in a tangle of limbs.

  Afterward, she stroked his hair as he sprawled atop her, his head resting in the valley between her breasts, his bronzed skin sheened with sweat. His breath gradually slowed, and he tilted his head to look up at her, his vivid aqua eyes sleepy and sated.

  He gave her a wicked smile and rolled off the bed to pad to the bathroom, cleaning himself up before returning to pull the covers over them and spoon her against him, her back to his front. They fell asleep in each other’s arms, lost in the hazy warmth of contentment.


  Kagan stretched. Early morning light filtered in through the gauzy curtains, the white sheets covering him from the waist down. He couldn’t stop grinning. It had been centuries since he’d felt so relaxed, if ever. Mira still slept beside him, curled on her side, her breathing soft and slow. He stroked a few rogue curls from her face. They had both enjoyed themselves last night.

  He could spend an eternity watching her sleep, enjoying the smile playing on her lips while she dreamed. She’d mentioned having awful nightmares, but her serene expression now told him she was thinking of things much more pleasant, perhaps their lovemaking. He’d certainly relieved those exquisite moments over again in his mind numerous times over the past few hours. He traced his fingertips down her cheek. She was beautiful when she slept, beautiful when she was awake, beautiful when she screamed his name during her climax.

  My beautiful angel.

  She fascinated him, and not just because of the ancient Seal she hosted. He’d never been with a woman like her before—strong, smart, independent. Her Seal’s powers had been apparent last night in the bedroom, as she’d taken the lead with him, driving him wild with need and the odd compulsion to submit. Scions submitted to no one, as a general rule, but Kagan would’ve blissfully knelt at her feet and served her for eons. At all other times, however, Mira managed to keep the inclinations to conquer and enslave locked tightly away. He’d seen her treat others with nothing but kindness, compassion, and tolerance. Well, except for her cheating ex.

  That man deserved no goodwill.

  He rubbed his eyes and rolled over onto his back to stare at the ceiling. He realized now why Argus had looked familiar. It was the flat, lifeless, gray eyes. He’d not seen a Nephilim in centuries, but the resulting battle the last time the abominations had surface had not been pretty. In fact, the repercussions had shaken the foundations of Heaven and resulted in Lucifer’s banishment. What he couldn’t understand was why the half-breeds were back now.

  Mira stirred beside him, drawing Kagan’s attention once more. He propped himself up on one elbow and leaned over to kiss her forehead. She murmured a quiet protest, wrinkling her nose and huddling down into the covers. Her smile stayed in place, though, brightening his day.

  With a sigh, Kagan left the bed and pulled the covers up to Mira’s shoulders, tucking her in. On her back, near her shoulder blades, he spotted her Seal’s mark—a reddish design that most mortals would consider a birthmark, but he knew the truth. The small abstract shape of a crown and bow stood out from her otherwise flawless skin. He couldn’t resist bending to press a kiss there as well. His own Scion sigil responded in kind, flaring hot in deference to the host he served.

  Speaking of serving…

  Either Divinity had yet to notice his absence or did not care. The later was most likely. She was omnipotent and knew where Her warriors were at all times. Perhaps She felt he deserved a break after his centuries on guard in front of the screen in his quarters, standing his moral ground while the other brethren roamed the Earth, doing as they pleased. Well, now Kagan was amongst them, doing as he’d never expected—falling in love with a mortal woman.

  And not just any woman. His Seal’s host.

  Deep in thought, he grabbed the red blanket again and wrapped it around his hips, then padded quietly from the bedroom, through the living room, to the kitchen. The sun didn’t reach this far and the room was dark. His shoulders and back were stiff from trying to squeeze onto that tiny couch last evening and he flexed his muscles to ease the tension. He unlocked the door to the roof and climbed the stairs, Mira’s continued concern over his virtue last night making him smile. He’d definitely disproven her theory that Scions were asexual last night.

  Kagan walked out onto the roof of the building to watch the sunrise over the city.

  More snow had fallen while they’d slept. The icy slush felt cool on his bare feet, but not unpleasant. He stood at the edge of the roof, allowing the glorious pinks and golds filling the sky to melt away his remaining tension. Today he would need to research on his own, to figure why this Nephilim Argus had gravitated to Mira. He couldn’t have known of the Seal she hosted. Only those certain heavenly residents had such knowledge. And if the half-breeds were staging a resurgence, the Scion would have detected it. They’d battled those treacherous bastards many times and had always driven them back underground.

  His Scion mark seared hotter and he frowned. Regardless of why the half-breed was here, Kagan would deal with Argus because he’d made a vow to Mira to do so. He would handle the matter as he saw fit and not consult her. Truthfully, he didn’t want to scare her off, and it would do her no benefit anyway. If it turned out Argus posed a more serious threat to Mira or the Seals, then he would deal with the problem definitively.

  This was his purpose, the reason he existed.

  He wondered if any of his Scion brethren had also encountered any Nephilim, but they were all out on missions of their own. Asking them would have to wait. Below, the street stirred with traffic. The quiet rumble of passing cars cut the silence, adding a background noise to the neighborhood that made the whole world seem peaceful, even if it was only an illusion.

  He’d bet most of his Scion brothers, however, had not fallen in love with their Seal’s host.

  He couldn’t suppress a rueful smile at his own folly. Mira was so worried about what people would make of him if they knew he was an immortal, but what would they make of her if they knew she housed t
he power to unleash an Apocalypse within her DNA?

  “There you are,” Mira said, walking out onto the roof to join him. Her voice was hushed, still rough from sleep and drenched in happiness. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cuddled up to his chest, wearing her wool coat, boots, and nothing but his dress shirt from the night before underneath. He’d never seen her look more adorable, or more desirable.

  Kagan enjoyed the feel of her hands running over his back, her touch light and soothing.

  “I wish we could spend the day in bed,” she whispered.

  He looked down at her. “You do?”

  “Yes.” Her tone held disappointment, though her smile remained sunny. “But I have a shift at The G Spot later and some errands to run before then.”

  “I shall go with you. We can find this Argus and be done with him once and for all.”

  “Oh.” Her smile fell, and she looked away. “I suppose you need to get back to your regular duties, huh? If that’s the case, I can call him later and have him meet us at the bar to talk.”

  Kagan gave a brief nod. There was every possibility he would end up doing far more than talking when it came to her cheating ex, but he didn’t say that. Instead, he pulled Mira closer and they stared out across the rooflines toward the Wills Tower in the distance. He’d loved taking her there last night, far above the world. It had been truly magical and honestly, he hadn’t wanted to leave. He could’ve stayed up there all night, with Mira in his arms, but she’d been cold and the idea of kissing her had been far too tempting.

  “Come inside and I’ll find us some breakfast.” She took his hand and led him back toward the stairs.

  His gaze fell to the sway of her hips, the fact she wore his garment and nothing else beneath it. He bit back a groan, those thoughts threatening his control again. He was so distracted by her that he nearly walked straight into the doorframe. Luckily, he caught himself at the last minute, not missing the amusement in her hazel eyes. Things felt so comfortable, so right. So perfect.

  They made it back to her dining room without incident.

  Mira let him go and walked into the small kitchen to search the cupboards while he looked inside her refrigerator. There was milk and cheese, and some other things he couldn’t identify. Studying the mortal world from a distance did have its drawbacks. Most of the time, people didn’t mention what everyday things were called so he couldn’t hear their names. Other times, because he spent so much time in the heavenly realms, Divinity would brief him on the latest inventions and technology. The archangels gossiped too, when they had reason to visit the Scion quarters, which wasn’t often. There was little love lost between them and the Scion. The angels resented the Scion because they had freewill, and the Scion took offense to the archangels assuming they were the boss of all.

  It made for tension all around.

  His stomach growled. He’d forgotten how much energy was required for life on Earth. He didn’t need to eat when he was in Heaven. Time passed strangely in the celestial realms and he was truly immortal on that plane. On Earth, things were different. Certain parts of him changed or switched off, while other parts switched on. Hunger was one of them.

  Mira shrugged off her coat and tossed it over a chair, then bent to pull a pan from under the counter, revealing the curve of her bare bottom beneath the hem of his shirt.

  His cock twitched, and his body ached at the sight.

  Lust seemed to be another.

  She pulled a blue plastic container from the refrigerator and plugged in a black machine on the counter. He watched her, curious. She took the glass carafe and filled it with water then poured it into the top of the machine before scooping out grounds from the blue container and putting them inside a white paper filter. “What are you doing?”

  “Making coffee.” She pushed a button on the machine. “The breakfast of champions. Are you hungry?”

  “Starved.” He pulled her in and kissed her, sliding his hands over her hips. She placed her hands on his chest, moaning and stirring fire in his veins.

  Kagan picked Mira up and set her on the kitchen counter, putting them at even height. Then he kissed her again, his tongue tangling with hers and stealing her breathy moans. He groaned, need building inside him. His cock hardened, responding to her touch, her heat.

  The black machine beeped, and she pulled back, panting. The air filled with the rich aroma of fresh brewed coffee.

  “Do you want a shower?” She asked, her words hushed.

  “With you?”

  “If you want.”

  “Yes, I want very much.” He’d been alone for so long, he’d forgotten what it was like to have companionship. Meeting Mira had made him realize that. He’d watched her from the day of her birth, yet he’d had no real awareness of her as a woman. Still, looking back, she’d eased his loneliness even then, giving him a purpose and making him feel like he wasn’t alone. Despite their lack of physical contact, he’d known her, studied her, fallen in love with her.

  He just hadn’t realized it.

  Until now.

  He’d seen her smiling and laughing, all of those moments touching his heart without his awareness. He’d felt her pain too, when that bastard Argus had beat her, cheated on her and broken her heart, left her sad and hurt and deep in despair. Perhaps that was why he’d responded. Not to her call, but to her. He’d been required to assist Mira because he was a Scion and he’d sworn to protect the Seal she hosted. But he’d been compelled to comfort her because he loved her as a woman.

  He wanted to make her happy.

  Mira lightly brushed her fingers over his cheek and Kagan tensed. She’d given him so much. Because of her, he felt again. Because of her, he cared. Because of her, his future seemed bright and his heart soared.

  “What?” She searched his eyes.

  He owed her more than he could ever repay.

  Kagan caught her hand and kissed her palm. He loved her, but could she ever love him in return? He wished again one of his fellow Scion warriors were in town, so he could ask them and ease his doubts.

  Fear tightened his chest before he shook it away. Scions did not feel fear. Kagan had never felt fear in his immortal life, not even when he’d faced Lucifer himself and all his evil temptations. He would not start now. He would not fear what he felt for Mira, nor would he fear whether or not she would feel the same for him in return.

  He would make her fall in love with him.

  “Nothing.” He kissed her palm, then her wrist, working his way up to her elbow. “What about that shower?”

  “What about my coffee?”

  Kagan grinned, moving between her thighs once more, allowing his erection to brush against the heat of her through the blanket around his waist. “I believe your coffee can wait, yes?”

  “Yes.” She giggled, locking her legs around his hips and pulled a condom from the pocket of his shirt. “I think it can.”

  He skimmed his hands up her thighs, slipping them under the hem of the shirt, raising it. He ached at the sight of her slick folds and clutched her backside, bringing her right to the edge of the counter. She dragged her fingertips down his chest, over his stomach, to his Scion mark. She stopped there, hesitating before undoing the blanket as his waist and letting it fall to the floor. He smiled, slowly unbuttoning her shirt until she was exposed. He cupped her breasts, his thumbs grazing her taut nipples, making her moan. She sighed, and he stroked her thighs before delving his fingers between her legs.

  Mira leaned back on her hands, giving him free reign. Kagan lowered his head to her breasts, sucking her right nipple into his mouth as he slid first one finger, then two, inside her hot, wet channel. His cock ached to be inside her. He swirled his tongue around her taut peak, loving the way she tasted, the smell of her arousal, her soft sounds of pleasure. His thumb grazed her sensitive nub as he added a third finger inside her, making her gasp.

  He kissed upward from her breasts to her neck, ripping open the tiny foil packet and putting on the cond
om before easing his cock inside her, stretching her until he was fully within in her.

  “Kagan.” She clung to him. Her passionate kiss dominated and thrilled him. He held her hips, steadying her as he slowly thrust, long strokes that would have him on the brink before long, but her moans were worth it.

  Mira whispered his name again between kisses, the hungry sound driving him onward. He struggled to keep control, to slow his pace, gathering her into his arms as the intensity of their bodies fusing became stronger. The connection between them grew more vibrant, glowing along with his Scion mark and her Seal’s mark. He sensed her feelings, experienced her pleasure, both crashing over him and threatening to carry him away.

  This felt different from the previous night, nearly overwhelming him with the strength of emotions. He held her close, seeking to tell Mira through his movements how much this meant to him, that he hoped it meant something to her too.

  She drew him closer until he could barely move, kissing him gently, and Kagan was lost.

  This had to be more than lust. She had to love him too.

  His thoughts seemed to break through whatever barriers Mira had constructed around her heart, filling him with her affection until he thought he might burst. Her confusion flooded him too. The strength of her feelings frightened her, Kagan hurried to reassure her, letting his guard down as well, allowing her inside his heart, allowing her to feel what he felt—all the lust, the hunger, the need, the want, the gratitude, the love.

  She whimpered, burying her face in his neck, holding him like she never wanted to let him go.

  Kagan thrust deeper inside her again, longer strokes. Mira’s breathy moans washed over his skin and cleansed his soul. Her body tensed and he clutched her backside, wanting to feel her climax before he tumbled over the edge too.

  At last, Mira threw back her head and cried out his name, her body clenching around him. Kagan managed a few more thrusts, drawing out her pleasure, until he hurtled over the precipice as well, his knees trembling, his breath uneven and his pulse thundering in his ears.


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