Holiday Hook Up: (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 4)

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Holiday Hook Up: (Bachelors of Buttermilk Falls Book 4) Page 4

by Robyn Neeley

  If only she could transform into an alluring mystery blonde to keep Adam occupied so Rachel couldn’t make him hers for the next two weeks.

  Someone he wouldn’t consider only a friend.

  A woman he wouldn’t be able to resist.

  She spun around. “Hey, Brandon, can you watch my camera for a minute?” Not waiting for his answer, she dashed back upstairs.

  * * *

  Adam grabbed a longneck beer from Brandon and walked through the crowd. No more Abby’s Potion for him. He’d stick to his drink of choice.

  This night wasn’t going quite like he hoped. He’d gotten his flirt on with Zoe Mathews before Will Jenkins had cut in and asked her to dance.

  That was actually fine by him. Zoe was nice, but beyond her piquing his interest in how many different flavors of chocolate yogurt she’d be unveiling next summer, he wasn’t really feeling they had much in common, and he wasn’t about to feign interest just so he could have first dibs on her chocolate peanut butter marshmallow concoction.

  He’d probably end up alone tonight—no doubt karma for what he’d done to Pauline.

  Although judging by the way the mortician was currently grinding with Evan, the botanist, on the dance floor, Adam might be forgiven.

  Being alone for the holidays actually didn’t bother him. He’d gotten rather used to his dinner for one routine when he wasn’t hanging out with Caitlin and Josh or spending time on his porch with Bethany.

  Speaking of which.

  He glanced around for his neighbor, but there was no sight of her. Shouldn’t she be running around snapping pictures? Maybe she’d ditched her camera and was already hooking up with some schmuck. Well, good for her. Bethany was easy on the eyes, and he could name a half a dozen guys down at the fire department who would kill to spend the next two weeks with her.

  Although, if she did get into a Holiday Hook Up, they’d have to wrap it up by New Year’s Eve because he didn’t want to lose his partner for watching college football the next day. They’d been talking about squatting in front of his flat screen for weeks, and she’d promised to make her famous seven-layer dip while he supplied the alcohol. He couldn’t think of a better way to start the new year.

  “Hey, handsome devil.” Caitlin shimmied up to him wearing a short black mini dress with sky-high heels. She held her black and silver mask over her face. “Guess who?”

  “Well, look at you, you sexy vixen. Glad to see you’ve broken out the mini dress again.”

  She giggled and shrugged a bare shoulder. “So is Josh. I’ve worked hard to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Besides, when do I ever get the chance anymore to get dressed up and show some leg?”

  “You won’t get any objections from me, Caity Bug. Hey, where is your husband? I haven’t seen him all night.”

  “Abby needed a hand in the kitchen, but now he’s helping his brother-in-law.” She pointed to the bar where an Armani-clad Josh was serving drinks with Brandon. She winked before adding, “He’s going to get a pretty amazing tip later.”

  Adam smirked at his friend, touching one of the long black feathers on her mask. “You two love birds keep it clean until you get home.”

  “We’ll see about that. Have fun with your own Holiday Hook Up.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” He took a swig of his beer and looked around. If he didn’t focus, it probably wasn’t going to happen, and maybe that wasn’t a bad thing. He’d been so busy trying to be the town’s new love predictor that maybe what he needed was a break from love . . . or being in love . . . or trying to find love.

  Maybe, instead, he should consider asking Bethany if she’d be his hookup—of course on a completely platonic level. That would at least guarantee he’d have fun with the woman he was with for the next two weeks.

  Bethany would be the perfect woman to do this year’s hookup dates that had been blown up on poster boards and scattered throughout the party. In addition to ice-skating in town and the wild card date randomly picked for the couple, she’d make a cute elf as they passed out presents to families in need.

  Liking the idea of Bethany being his platonic Holiday Hook Up more and more, he searched the crowd to find her. Maybe she’s taking a break in the back. Maneuvering away from the crowd, he followed the narrow corridor, passing Zoe now in a serious lip-lock with Will.

  Chuckling to himself at that sight, he turned the corner when a soft hand slipped into his and pulled him aside.

  And that hand was attached to a beautiful woman in a pretty cream dress. Her blonde hair flowed in waves below her shoulders and a pink mask covered her face.

  He tilted his head, trying to figure out who this woman was standing so close to him. He’d requested a blonde and here was one in the flesh.

  He looped her long blonde hair around one finger. “Are you a friend of Bethany’s? Have we met before?”

  Without a word, she planted a kiss on him. Her soft lips pressing into his while her hands slipped into his sports coat running up and down his back.

  No more questions. His lips responded, coaxing her mouth open, while his brain went fuzzy in euphoric intoxication. He pulled her in and continued to kiss her with everything he had.

  Whoever this mystery blonde was, she knew what she was doing and he could kiss her all night if she’d let him. But first, maybe he should get her name. His hands glided up and down her arms, loving the feel of the soft lace.

  “I’m Adam, and you are?” He reached down and touched the side of her mask.

  That action caused her to flinch, and she stepped out of his embrace just as the music stopped.

  “I’m sorry . . . It’s nice to kiss you. I mean be with you . . . meet you.” He bit his bottom lip to stop his pathetic babbling. Finally, he asked, “Do we know each other?”

  She parted her mouth, but a voice over a microphone drowned out whatever she had said.

  “Okay, everyone,” Betty, the popular, old waitress from the Star Lite and emcee for all singles events, boomed into the microphone.

  “How about we join the action?” Folding his hand over that of the mystery woman’s, Adam escorted her to the foot of the stairs and let go—not because he wanted to, but he wasn’t sure if she would want to be seen holding his hand.

  Betty stood on a small riser, microphone up to her mouth and completely in her element. The spunky waitress took her emcee role seriously. “I need everyone to stand by their Holiday Hook Up. We’ll be taking names of our couples and also your credit cards to benefit the renovations to the town’s senior assisted-living residence.

  “Do you have plans for the next two weeks?” Adam turned to his kissing partner, but she was gone. He looked from side to side.

  Where did she go?

  Spinning around, he flew through the dark hallway, but it was empty. He returned to the main room, zigzagging between the couples. When an arm touched his, he turned around and smiled. “I’m so glad you didn’t leave.”

  Rachel beamed up at him. “I’m glad you didn’t leave either.”

  “Um . . . yeah.” He looked over Rachel’s head onto the dance floor, not admitting he wasn’t talking about her. How did the woman who’d given him the best kiss of his life vanish into thin air?

  “Adam.” Rachel reached for his hand. “Who are you looking for?”

  “What?” He glanced down at Rachel’s fingers stroking his knuckles. What was she doing? “I mean, no one. Um . . . er . . . hi.” He pulled his hand away and shoved it into his pants pocket. “Are you having a good time, Rach?”

  “Yes, and it’s about to get even better.” Her head tilted to the side as she smiled up at him.

  Adam studied his ex. She had that look in her eye. The look she gave him back in the day when she was ready to get frisky. He remembered that look all too well, but never thought he’d see it again.

  Before he knew what was happening, she latched onto his arm and pulled him across the room, raising her free hand high, holding her shiny, red credit card. “Betty, I have my
Holiday Hook Up. Adam and I will be dating for the next two weeks.”

  * * *

  Bethany took a deep breath, pushing the ice-cold air deep into her lungs.

  What had just happened?

  Tangling her tongue with that of the man she was crushing on was not part of tonight’s plan.

  She gathered the dress and sat down on a red picnic bench, yanking the wig off and setting it in front of her. Who was she kidding? Of course that was her endgame when she’d slipped on the gown and donned the wig: To be a seductive blonde that Adam Reed didn’t recognize and couldn’t resist.

  And if they had continued going at it, that would have been fine. Once he told her his name and asked her hers, role-play was over. She had to get out of there. Luckily, Betty had announced that the Holiday Hook Up was about to begin.

  When Adam had let go of her hand and turned his attention to hear what the waitress was saying, she’d bolted down the corridor and out the back door.

  She ran her hands up and down her arms, trying to warm herself. Going back into the inn wasn’t an option, but she couldn’t go home because her car keys were in her coat now hanging on the rack in the foyer. There’s no way she’d go unnoticed if she attempted to retrieve it, and with her luck, she’d run into Adam.

  “Hey, Bethany, everything okay?”

  Bethany looked over her shoulder to see Josh Stevens a few feet away, holding a full garbage bag. He moved past her and dropped it into a huge industrial trash container.

  “Hi, Josh.” She snatched the blonde wig and threw it underneath the table. “Everything’s fine. I just needed some fresh air. It was getting a little hot in there, um . . . er . . . with everyone gathered in the ballroom.”

  “Glad I’m all done with that. Not that I ever participated in the event when I was single.”

  “What? They didn’t have the Holiday Hook Up in New York City?” she asked, unable to resist teasing him. She’d always had a casual friendship with Josh. They’d even dated a couple of times while they were both in college, but it never went anywhere.

  Josh had moved to Manhattan years ago, becoming a cosmetics chemist and bigwig at Kiss and Makeup, a global cosmetic company. He finally returned home to Buttermilk Falls shortly after marrying Caitlin.

  “Hey, did Caitlin ever attend this event?” He put his hand up. “Don’t answer that. I don’t even want to know.”

  Bethany brought her finger and thumb to her lips and pretended to zip them. Of course, Caitlin Reynolds participated in the Holiday Hook Up back in her single days. The event was probably created for her. Bethany mused how different her friend was now that she was married to Josh and had triplets. “My lips are sealed.”

  He chuckled and shoved his hands in his pants pocket. “You’re a good friend, Bethany Wilson.”

  “That’s me. Friend to the end,” she said with a tiny bit of sarcasm that Josh didn’t pick up on. Being friends with Adam had gotten her a seat out in the cold, too chicken to reveal her identity or feelings. She stood to go back inside because, afraid or not, it was freezing. “Hey, is there a back stairwell to the second fl—”

  “Where did you get that?” Josh pointed at her.

  “Get what?” Bethany crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Who gave you that dress?”

  “No one. I found it. Oh, my gosh. Is it Caitlin’s?” She’d seen Caitlin in her wedding dress and was pretty certain this wasn’t it. Bethany was also much shorter than Josh’s wife and would have been tripping over the fabric.

  “No. It’s Mary’s.” He eyed her from head to toe, walking up to her. “At least it looks a lot like the one she wore.”


  “Mary Reed,” he whispered, reaching out and touching her sleeve.

  “As in dead Mary?” She stepped back. “Adam’s distant cousin?”

  “Yeah. I only saw her wear it once, right before she crossed over, but I told her she looked beautiful. Where did you find it?”

  “Upstairs in a hope chest.” Bethany put her hand to her mouth, her fingers trembling. “Oh, my God. Is this the dress she was wearing when she drowned?”

  The way the story was told to her by Adam, Mary had been devastated to learn that her true love, a film actor, had been murdered on his way to meet her at his movie premiere in Buttermilk Falls all those years ago. On a spring evening in 1937, she’d stood in line at the Majestic Theater for hours, waiting for him to join her, but he never came. When she learned of his untimely death, she took her own life, hoping to be reunited with her one true love.

  “Hey.” Josh gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze, “Don’t be spooked. It’s not a big deal. Mary probably would have been tickled to see it going to good use tonight. Did you score a Holiday Hook Up?”

  She blinked before saying, “No, I didn’t. Guess this dress didn’t bring me luck. Maybe someone else can try again next year.” She took a step toward the inn but turned around. “Can I ask you something, Josh?”


  “You’ve never been afraid to go after anything you want. How do you do it?”

  He studied her for a second. “Want to know my secret?”


  “I’m always scared.” He pointed to the house. “That beautiful brunette inside scared me from the minute she told me she was pregnant.”

  Bethany smiled at his reference to Caitlin. “Yes, I heard that was a bit of a surprise. How did you get from that moment to here—happily married and raising your kids?”

  “I took a step.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and took one toward her to illustrate. “It’s all about taking it one step at a time. But there’s something else you have to do while you’re taking those steps.”


  “Don’t ever let the past hold you back from getting the life you want. It’s easier to do that when you take baby steps.”

  “Good advice,” she said. Where was that advice to take baby steps thirty minutes ago? What she’d done back there with Adam may have been more of a stampede. Maybe it was for the best that she was in disguise. “I should probably go in and change.”

  Saying a quick silent prayer that she wouldn’t be seen, she followed Josh back inside and was relieved to see that the guests had gathered in the main room to pay for their Holiday Hook Ups. While he headed to the bar, she beelined for the stairs. All of a sudden, a hand yanked her down.

  “Bethany, have you seen Josh?” Caitlin asked.

  “He’s at the bar.” She pointed in his direction and then glanced toward the crowd, unable to spot Adam. She hated the fact that he and Rachel were probably a pair by now, but she needed to change back into her own clothes STAT. “Excuse me.”

  “Wait. Are you okay?”

  Bethany turned to see concern in Caitlin’s face.

  “I’m . . .” Spooked that I’m wearing a dead woman’s wedding dress . . . utterly embarrassed that I threw myself at my lifelong crush mere minutes ago . . . beyond frustrated that at this very moment Rachel and Adam could be purchasing their Holiday Hook Up. Deciding that she really could use a friend to get her through this evening, she grabbed Caitlin’s hand. “I need to talk to you, now.”

  She raced up the stairs, ignoring the fact that Caitlin could wipe out any second in her sky-high stilettos.

  Stepping into the second-floor guestroom, Bethany finally let go of Caitlin’s hand and closed the door.

  “What a weird freakin’ night.” Caitlin walked over to the mirror and adjusted her mini-dress and then examined her bright red lipstick. “Do you know what possessed Adam to agree to Holiday Hook Up with Rachel? I really thought he was finally over her.”

  Bethany’s heart sank, only half-hearing the rest of what Caitlin had to say on that subject. Even the amazing kiss she’d shared with him earlier couldn’t stop the inevitable reunion.

  She’d deal with her disappointment in front of the TV in her red footie pajamas with a huge bag of greasy chips when she got home. Right now, she neede
d some answers about this dress. “Have you seen this gown before?” Bethany walked over and stood next to Caitlin in front of the full-length mirror.

  “No, and why didn’t you tell me you were going to dress up as a bride? Emma, Abby, and I could have pretended to be your bridesmaids.” She rolled her eyes. “Although, I guess Rachel would have had to be your maid of honor.”

  There was no love lost between Rachel and Caitlin, especially when Adam started spending all of his time last summer with her, causing Rachel to have an absolute conniption, but there was no time to get into that now. She stepped back from the mirror. “Your husband said Mary was wearing it the last time he saw her—before she crossed over.”

  “What?” Caitlin furrowed her eyebrows and reached out to touch the dress. “Now that I think about it, it does look like the one she had on. It’s hard to tell. It was dark in the theater that night except for the candles on the stage, and we were all up in the balcony, watching her wedding ceremony below. Josh recognized it?”

  Bethany nodded.

  “Then I bet it’s hers. He sat with her and watched a film before the ceremony.” She touched the lacy sleeve like Josh had done earlier. “Where did you find it?”

  “In there.” Bethany spun around and pointed to the hope chest behind them. “I came up to look at the masks. Curiosity got the better of me, so I opened it.” She paused, collecting her thoughts. She really didn’t want to confess to why she’d put the dress on in the first place. “It’s so pretty, and it looked like my size, so I tried it on.”

  “I wonder where it’s been all this time. I’ve never seen the hope chest before, either.”

  “Maybe it was on the third floor,” Bethany said. Along with God knows what else. She shivered at that thought.

  Caitlin shook her head. “The only thing up there was the blue shimmering mixing spoon. If Brandon had found a hope chest, I’m sure we would have heard about it.” She walked over and raised Bethany’s arm.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking for water damage.”


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