Learning to Trust: Sweet Temptation

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Learning to Trust: Sweet Temptation Page 11

by B. B. Roman

  Now the only thing between them was his jeans. When Lucie moved, taking her warmth with him, he realized what she was doing. With deft movements, she managed to unbutton and unzip him before sliding the denim down his hips. He tried not to hurry, although the desperate need to be inside of her, to hold her to him, was overwhelming.

  Once her body was again flush with his, Kane gripped her hips, grinding his erection between her warm, wet folds. “You’re wet,” he told her as he tilted his head while she placed scorching hot kisses against his neck. God, the woman was driving him insane.

  “Turn around,” he demanded and he felt her hesitation, knew she was questioning his motives. He needed to taste her, to inhale her sweet, musky scent and devour her.

  Lucie pushed up to her knees and then climbed over him, but she stopped as she knelt beside him.

  “Put your pussy on my mouth,” he instructed, wondering what her reaction was going to be. He wasn’t fond of the dark, wished like hell he’d left the light on so that he could see her, but this way he’d be able to feel her.

  When she straddled his chest, her bottom close to his face, he slid his arms beneath her legs and pulled her hips backward until her sweetness was perched above his mouth. Without hesitation, he pulled her down so that his mouth was buried in her pussy, his tongue sliding between the slick folds until he found her clit.

  “Awww, fuck!” Kane damn near came up off the mattress when Lucie took his cock into her mouth, sucking feverishly as she bathed his dick with heat. Trying to focus solely on her, he once again sought her clit with his tongue, circling slowly at first, then increasing the pressure and speed as she returned the favor with her mouth.

  The position they were in was too much, she was zapping his concentration with her wicked mouth and those subtle moans were sending jarring vibrations to his balls. He wasn’t ready to come. Not until he was inside of her. But, fuck it felt so damn good.

  Blocking out the intense sensations, Kane speared her pussy with his tongue, driving as deep as he could until Lucie was rocking her hips against his mouth, her moans increasing, and now her hand was stroking his cock in a rhythm that matched her soft, warm mouth.

  Fuck, he wasn’t going to last like this.

  In one gentle motion, he managed to flip them so that he was on top, where he could get a better handle on the situation. He needed the control or this woman was going to send him into hyperspace. He fully intended to get there, but not until she was going right along with him.

  Turning, he was once again on top of her, their heads at the foot of the bed, his body covering hers. The head of his cock pressed against her warm, wet opening, and he paused.

  As their lips touched, their tongues twined together in a deep, soul wrenching kiss, Kane slid inside of her, the walls of her sex closing around his dick, scalding him with her heat. It was the only place he ever wanted to be. Right here, with this woman, buried inside of her until there was no way to decipher that they were two.

  Instead, they were one in this moment. One for always.

  He began rocking his hips slowly, going deep, then pulling back. Going deeper with each shallow thrust of his hips until their pelvis’s touched. Continuing the motion over and over, Kane tried to keep it slow, to show Lucie just what she did to him. She made him soar, she made his heart pound, and more importantly, she made him feel things he never thought he’d feel.


  This woman completed him in ways he’d never expected.

  “Love me, Lucie,” he pleaded with her. Going slow was the only way he knew to show her just what it meant to him to have her like this. Savoring every movement, feeling every gentle plunge of his cock into her depths.

  “I’ll love you forever, Kane,” she whispered back, her fingers sliding into his hair, gripping it harder than he expected. “But, now I want all of you. No holding back.”

  Kane knew what she was saying. Lucie accepted him for who he was. All that he was. This gentle lovemaking was foreign to him, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want it. There’d be plenty of time for more, plenty of time to take her in all of the ways he had dreamed. But right now, this was perfection.

  “I’m not holding back, baby. Not this time.” And it was the truth.

  Kane began driving into her harder, but never separating their bodies. He closed his mouth over hers, penetrating her deeper with his hips and his tongue at the same time until they were panting, sweat beading on his forehead.

  “Oh, God, Lucie. You don’t know what you do to me, baby.”

  “Show me,” she murmured against his mouth. “Show me, Kane. Come for me.”

  Kane pulled back, slammed into her once, twice until he felt the walls of her sex clenching around his cock, her muscles tightening, her legs wrapped around his hips while her heels pressed into his ass. Leaning up on his forearms, he stared down at her, knowing they couldn’t see one another with their eyes, but that didn’t matter. Their hearts were all that mattered right then, and when she squeezed him tightly, Kane slammed into her one final time as she screamed his name, pulling his release from him in a rush as she came around his cock.

  He wasn’t sure whether he deserved a woman as perfect for him as Lucie and despite her flaws – and his – Kane knew they were meant for each other. It’d just taken a long time to get to this point. But now that they were here, there was no way he was letting her go.

  Not ever again.


  Lucie lay in the darkness, running her fingers through Kane’s silky dark hair as his head rested against her chest. He was heavy, but the weight of him had never felt quite so good. Knowing that he was right there with her, holding her made her heart sigh in relief. This was what she had always longed for.

  The way their bodies spoke to one another was unlike anything Lucie had ever known. But the way their hearts connected, was more than she felt she deserved. She was flawed, she knew that. She made mistakes in her past, and she was pretty sure she’d make more in her future. She wasn’t perfect. Neither was Kane. And as far as she was concerned, there had never been two people better suited for one another than the two of them. After all, look what happened when two flawed, imperfect people came together. They created perfection. And her name was Haley.

  “Marry me,” Kane breathed out roughly, lifting his head from her chest. The early morning sun was peeking in through the small window in her bedroom, and she could see his face clearly now. What she saw there, stole her breath.

  Lucie had no idea what to say. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. She knew what to say. Yes. It was the only answer if he actually was asking the question. She didn’t respond, her brain working feverishly to determine whether her ears had actually heard him correctly.

  “Lucie, marry me,” he repeated. “Marry me and let’s make more perfect babies together. I want to spend my life with you. I want to fall into bed with you each night and wake up with you each day.”

  She definitely couldn’t have imagined that. Lucie felt the smile that split her face, the ray of sunshine that penetrated her heart. “Yes,” she whispered, the word barely escaping. “Yes, Kane. Yes, I’ll marry you.” That time they came out more easily, and she knew in that moment that the smile was now permanent.

  “I love you, Lucie. Forever and always, I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Kane. Now and forever.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  “You wanted to see me?” Kane questioned Luke as he made his way through the office door.

  “Shut the door, please,” Luke replied, not bothering to look up from his computer.

  Kane closed the door behind him, then moved to the single chair sitting opposite Luke’s large desk.

  While his boss continued with what he was working on, Kane admired the changes to the office. Before Luke had met Sierra, his office had been just short of a supply closet, although some designer had attempted to give it a personable feel, but had only managed t
o make it worse. If that had even been possible.

  Now, the office seemed larger, partly due to the large window overlooking the entire main floor of the club that had been added at Sierra’s request. Definitely an improvement. But, then again, there’d been quite a few improvements to Luke since he’d begun sharing his life with Sierra and Cole.

  “I wanted to talk to you about your job,” Luke stated, looking rather grim and making Kane panic somewhat.

  His job? Hell, this couldn’t have been about his vacation could it? He hadn’t taken any time off for almost four years, until his recent trip to Hawaii. Surely, Luke wasn’t upset about that.

  “All right.” Kane wasn’t sure where this was leading, but he was getting more and more anxious the longer Luke stalled.

  “I think you’re time as the bar manager has run its course, don’t you?”

  What. The. Fuck.

  Kane stared back at Luke as confusion and more importantly fear, churned inside of him. “Do you have a problem with the way I manage the bar?”

  If Luke had a problem, he’d never once voiced his concerns.

  “Not specifically, no.”

  “What the hell is going on, Luke?”

  A mischievous grin tilted Luke’s mouth, successfully pissing Kane off. Thankfully, although Luke was his boss and Kane had a high respect for the man, they had developed a fairly close relationship over the years.

  “I know you haven’t heard everything about what’s been going on with the club, but I’m looking to make some changes. And I need someone that I trust to take over a few things for me.”

  That caught Kane’s attention. Hopefully, it meant he wasn’t getting canned.

  “And that means what for me?” And Lucie? Kane didn’t ask the second part, but he was just as much interested in any changes that might impact his future wife as he was himself.

  “I need someone to manage the membership of my other club,” Luke replied.

  “No offense, but I don’t know what that means. You’ve got another club?”

  “I do. It’s actually in this building.”

  Could the man be any vaguer? Kane couldn’t help but wonder as he waited patiently for Luke to enlighten him.

  “We’ve seen too many problems lately, which is why I temporarily shut the doors. Now I’ve got Trent breathing down my neck. He’s not interested in keeping the doors shut for long, and he wants to know what we’re going to do. This is the first of the changes I’m looking to implement.”

  “Who’s Trent?”

  “Trent Ramsey,” Luke answered easily. “He’s a silent partner, well, he was silent until recently.”

  “Trent Ramsey?” Kane asked, stupefied. “The Trent Ramsey?” Holy shit. Was it even possible?

  “That’d be the one.”

  “And you want me to manage the membership of the swinger’s club?”

  “Well, that and the fetish club.”

  “What fetish club?” Kane asked, still trying to keep up. He was having difficult thanks to Luke’s evasiveness.

  “The Club at Club Destiny.” Luke pulled out a folder from the top drawer of his desk and pushed it toward Kane. “We’ve managed to keep the club out of the media, which is the reason we have the main club. It’s safer that way. With the member’s that we draw, their anonymity is crucial to our success. However, after what we’ve recently gone through, I’ve decided to take a different approach to membership. That’s where you come in.”

  Kane read the information in the folder, what little bit that there was, before turning back to look at Luke. “Who will take over my position as bar manager?”

  Luke didn’t hesitate with his next answer. “Lucie.”

  Kane stared blankly at his boss. “You want Lucie to manage the bar?”

  “You don’t think she can handle it?”

  “Not at all.” That didn’t come out right. “I mean, yes, I think she can handle it. She’ll probably do a better job than I can. Everyone loves her, and she’s one of the hardest working people I know.”

  “I figure now that she has you in her life, where you should’ve been all along,” Luke offered, “she’ll have a little more time to devote to the club. You’ll have the flexibility to make your own hours, work more at home if you’d like which should allow Haley to see the two of you more often. What do you think?”

  Kane wanted to jump up and down and say yes, but he knew he had to talk to Lucie first. He’d made the mistake of talking to Luke for her once before, and he wasn’t willing to do it again.

  “I think you should talk to her first. Then she and I can discuss our options.” Kane answered. “And if she doesn’t want to?”

  “Will you base your decision on what she wants?” Luke questioned.

  “Not necessarily, no. If she doesn’t want to manage the bar, that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in this opportunity. Just as long as it doesn’t affect her job.”

  “Lucie and I have a strange relationship, I realize that.” Luke stated calmly. “I respect her, although I sometimes question her reasoning.”

  “I’m sure she’d say the same about you.” Kane laughed. Luke wasn’t known for his rational thinking most of the time.

  “I’m sure she would.” Luke answered with a laugh of his own. “If you don’t mind, ask her to come see me when you get back downstairs. And, I’d appreciate you getting back to me quickly on this. Trent is looking to move forward soon. He’s a little concerned about the Walker’s resort. He’s not willing to be outdone, so I think it’s safe to assume there are more changes in the works.”

  Kane nodded his head in agreement, and then left Luke’s office. As soon as he saw Lucie by the bar, he told her that Luke wanted to speak with her. She looked a little concerned, but she stood up straight and made her way upstairs.

  Kane wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but he knew one thing for sure. This time, the two of them would work together to determine what was best for their future.

  He wouldn’t want it any other way.


  Lucie was still reeling from her conversation with Luke by the time her shift was over the following morning. As she waited for Kane to finish with his inventory, she replayed the conversation over and over in her mind and still came up with the same conclusion. This was an amazing opportunity, and she had wanted to jump at the offer as soon as Luke told her, but she knew she had to talk to Kane first. She’d learned the hard way exactly what it meant to make decisions without thinking them all the way through.

  “You ready?”

  Lucie took Kane’s hand when he offered it, following him out to the garage. They’d started going in to work together after she’d agreed to move in with him. Kane had convinced her that it was inevitable and since she had so many concerns about the neighborhood she had been living in as it was, she couldn’t come up with a good excuse to say no. She was pretty sure Erika was much more comfortable going back to Kane’s house with Haley as well.

  “So, what did you think about Luke’s offer?” Kane asked as they pulled out of the garage.

  She smiled over at him, barely able to contain her excitement. Luke hadn’t gone into explicit detail about what Kane would be doing, but he’d alluded to the fact that it would be a step in the right direction for him. The way Luke had expressed his trust in Kane had made Lucie beam with pride. He deserved this chance. She just wasn’t sure she deserved anything more than what she had at the moment.

  Not that she had told Luke as much.

  “I think it’s a great opportunity for you,” she admitted, turning to face out the window once more.

  “What about you?” he asked, and Lucie knew he was aware of the offer Luke had given her.

  “Do you think I can do it?” She wasn’t going to ask whether she deserved it because she knew Kane wouldn’t tell her no.

  She had her own doubts, but since she was only interested in doing what was best for Haley, she wasn’t going to make decisions based on her own sel
f-doubt. She was moving forward, and the mistakes of her past were just that. She knew she had to overcome them eventually and dwelling on them didn’t help the situation.

  “I think you’ll be fantastic,” Kane said with a smile. “Everyone loves you. You already know everything there is to know about managing the bar as it is.”

  True. Lucie had been around long enough to know the ins and outs of Kane’s job. She’d even backed him up once or twice over the years. She just hadn’t thought this was ever even a possibility.

  “What did you tell Luke?” Lucie asked, realizing he might’ve already taken the job.

  “I told him he needed to talk to you, and that we’d decide what was best for the three of us at that point.”

  Lucie’s heart swelled to near bursting. It was hard to even imagine that her life would’ve gotten to this point. After so many speed bumps along the way, it was still hard to believe that she had somehow made it to this point. To have Kane’s love was one of the greatest gifts she had ever known. And now that they were working together to raise their daughter, everything just seemed to be as it should be.

  Although she’d love to be able to go back and change the way she handled things, she knew that no matter how they got to this point, it was where they were supposed to be. It felt right.

  And that’s exactly what she told Kane.

  The smile he beamed at her made her heart leap with joy. They’d finally done it.

  They’d finally managed to secure their happily ever after.


  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  The wedding went off without a hitch, but Kane wouldn’t have expected anything less. After Lucie’s insistence that they only have a few friends and family, and of course, their precious Haley, there hadn’t been much room for error.


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