Captured by the Billionaire (The Complete Series)

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Captured by the Billionaire (The Complete Series) Page 9

by Sykes, Julia

  Jake seemed completely oblivious to the glacial stare that the bitch was shooting her way, proceeding with introductions. “Mallory, this is John DuPree and his sister, Celeste.”

  Mallory’s eyes widened slightly. Was this the same Celeste who had been Jennifer’s friend, who had told Jake of his love’s betrayal? It wasn’t exactly a common name; it had to be the same woman.

  Finally releasing Mallory from her disdainful stare, Celeste beamed at Jake, all sugar sweet and innocent.

  Conniving bitch.

  “Jake, I hate to pull you away,” John said, “but I don’t want to bore the ladies with business talk.” He shot a questioning look at Mallory and Susan. “Do you mind if I steal him for a moment?” He asked politely.

  Mrs. Cleary waved him away. “Of course not, dear.”

  Jake gave Mallory an apologetic look as he followed John out of the ballroom for a private conversation.

  Susan turned back to Mallory. “Jake speaks very highly of you,” she said.

  Mallory felt her cheeks go pink even as she saw Celeste shoot her a strangely smug look out of the corner of her eye. “Thank you,” she murmured, her eyes dropping in embarrassment.

  Susan leaned into Mallory confidentially. “I’m glad he has someone like you around, dear. This benefit was an absolutely wonderful idea.”

  “Oh,” Mallory began, not wanting to take credit for Jake throwing an expensive party. “This was all Jake’s idea.”

  Susan patted her arm. “But he did it because of you, honey. I think you’ll be a good influence on him.”

  Then she withdrew from her suddenly, her eyes focusing on something beyond Mallory. She gave a little wave. “Oh,” she said, “there are the Madisons. I should go greet them.” She focused on Mallory again. “I hope to see a lot more of you, dear.” And then she was off, clearly quite the social butterfly. Mallory decided that she liked her vivaciousness, even though she had just left her alone with Celeste.

  She looked back at the woman and was surprised to find her smiling sweetly.

  “Would you mind if we talk?” She asked. “Just us girls?”

  Mallory eyed her suspiciously, but she knew it would be rude to decline. And she didn’t want to embarrass Jake by insulting one of his guests. “Sure,” she said, allowing Celeste to guide her to a quiet corner.

  As soon as they were isolated from the rest of the party, the bitch was back, an evil smile playing around her full red lips.

  “I have something that you might be very interested in,” she said imperiously.

  Mallory eyed her warily, not sure what her game was. “Oh?” She asked simply.

  Celeste was outright grinning now. “I have in my possession a rather, ah, compromising little video of you and Jake.”

  All of the wind was knocked out of Mallory. “What?” She asked faintly.

  “It would be very embarrassing for him if it were to come out. Imagine the scandal. What would his mother say?” Celeste continued, tutting. “And what would your little prep school say when they find out what innocent Miss Williams gets up to in her spare time?” Her smile was predatory, knowing that she had Mallory cornered. “I don’t think that people would trust their children with a sexual deviant.”

  Mallory was feeling sick. How had Celeste possibly gotten a tape like that? Maybe she was lying… But no, “sexual deviant,” she had said. She must know. But Celeste couldn’t be doing this just out of spite, could she? What was her endgame?

  “What do you want, Celeste?” Mallory asked, her voice hollow.

  Celeste’s smile turned saccharine. “For you to break up with Jake Cleary, of course.”

  The End… For Now


  Book 5 of Captured by the Billionaire

  Julia Sykes

  © 2012

  Chapter 1

  Mallory tried to swallow down the panic that was rising in her throat. How could Celeste possibly have a tape of Jake a Mallory together? Had someone been spying on them in Venice? Celeste was still grinning at her, a sharp edge to her sweet smile.

  “Of course I know about Jake’s tendencies,” she gloated. “I do have first-hand experience.”

  Jake slept with this bitch? Mallory was outraged. And hurt.

  Celeste looked at her appraisingly, disdainfully. “Although I have no idea what appeal you hold for him. How did you convince him to take you to Venice? For three nights, no less; he hasn’t been with any of the others for more than one night since my dear friend Jennifer got dumped.” Her face twisted into a frown, as though she had something sour in her mouth. “Maybe he likes the whole hired help thing, like the French maid fetish. That would certainly make sense, seeing as he loves making you serve him.” She shot Mallory a contemptuous look.

  Her cheeks flamed red. Maybe Celeste was lying about the tape. After all, she said she knew about Jake’s kinks. Maybe she was inventing it. Mallory had a nasty taste in her mouth just thinking about them together.

  “And how do I know that you’re telling the truth?” She asked challengingly, clinging to mad hope.

  Celeste’s eyes glinted. “‘I need you, Sir.’ ” She said in a mocking tone. “God, what a cold bitch you are, you gold-digging whore. How dare you manipulate him like that?”

  Mallory was appalled. And furious. She wanted to vindicate herself, to rail at Celeste that she wasn’t a gold-digger and that her feelings for Jake were real. But she knew that her arguments would be falling on deaf ears. Instead, she narrowed her eyes at the leering blonde. “If you think that intimidating me will get Jake to fall for you, you’re mistaken, bitch. I’m not going anywhere. When I tell him about this, you are going to be in deep shit.”

  Celeste’s smile never wavered. “But you’re not going to tell him. If you do, I’ll release the tape so fast you won’t even see your world crumbling down around you until it’s in ashes.” Her eyes flashed menacingly. “And believe me, I’ll know if you tell him.”

  Mallory felt as though Celeste had wrapped her well-manicured claws around her throat, squeezing, cutting off her air. How could she possibly know? But she knew the intimate details of her couplings with Jake. If she knew that, surely she would be privy to anything that Mallory said to him.

  Celeste leaned in as though to kiss her on the cheek. “Leave now,” she whispered, her voice a purr, “and save him and yourself. If you don’t, I will ruin you both.”

  And with that, she turned from Mallory, sauntering back into the crowd with a smirk on her face.

  Mallory stood there for a moment, frozen in horror. Pull it together, she ordered herself. Get out now. As much as she hated herself for doing it, she knew that she had to do what Celeste had ordered. Her dreams of being a teacher could be crushed for good if that tape came out. Not to mention the shame it would bring on Jake. Mallory thought of his mother, who had been so kind to her. In her mind, Susan’s easy smile turned to a furious scowl, hatred and contempt for Mallory etched into the lines of her face.

  Bile was rising in Mallory’s throat, but she forced her feet to move, her knees to bend. Scanning the ballroom, she saw that Jake was deep in conversation with an elegantly dressed couple in the far corner of the room. If she could just get out without him seeing her…

  She walked to the exit as though in a drunken haze, the edges of her vision blurring as she fought back tears. Her fingers were trembling in shock and rage.

  She paused in the corridor that would lead her out of the house and away from Jake. But she couldn’t just leave him without saying anything. Gathering up her resolve, she turned to the stairs that lead up to Jake’s office, treading up them as quickly as she could; she had to get this over with as soon as possible before Jake found her and confronted her. She knew that she couldn’t bear to see him without breaking down.

  When she entered his office, memories assailed her; memories that had once been pleasant but now they caused her nothing but pain. She couldn’t help pausing to run her fingers over the spines of the books that l
ined the walls, the ones that had been knocked to the floor when Jake had first thrown her up against them, pulling her in with his demanding kiss. Swiping angrily at the tears streaming down her face, she turned sharply towards the enormous desk in the corner.

  With shaking fingers, she undid the clasp of the gorgeous necklace that Jake had given her. There was no way that she could keep it given what she was about to do; keeping his gift would make it seem like she still cared.

  After carefully laying the necklace on the desk, she began ripping open drawers, searching frantically for pen and paper. When she had what she needed, she sank down in Jake’s chair in order to write her goodbye. As she did so, his masculine scent mingled with that of the leather, inundating her mind with memories of their time in his dungeon, when the same smells pervaded the room, blending with her own musky arousal.

  Shaking herself, she forced pen to paper. Her usually neat handwriting was an untidy scrawl; she could hardly see what she was writing through her tears.


  I can’t do this anymore. We don’t belong to the same world. Please forgive me.

  She could think of nothing else to say, and she had to get going. Not knowing what formality to end with - “sincerely” was too cold, but “love” would never do – she simply signed her name and then bolted from the room before she could tear the note to pieces.

  She fled down the stairs and darted down the corridor leading out of the house. She was almost at the door when a strong hand on her upper arm stopped her short.

  “Mallory.” She heard his voice and couldn’t hold back a sob. There was no way she could handle this. Without looking his way, she tugged at her arm, trying to jerk it out of his grip. But he held her firmly, his fingers tightening to an almost bruising force.

  “Mallory?” His tone was colored with alarm. “What’s wrong?”

  “Let me go, Jake,” she gasped, desperate to escape.

  His voice turned hard, determined. “No. Look at me, Mallory.” His tone brooked no argument, and she found her eyes inexorably rising to meet his. His gaze was dark blue, flinty. Mallory sobbed as she realized what she was going to have to do: she was going to have to hurt him. He would never let her go otherwise.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, Mallory,” he commanded.

  “Nothing,” she answered automatically, stupidly, delaying the moment she would have to rip his heart out.

  His brows came together, his expression hard. “What have I told you about lying to me, sub?” He asked softly, dangerously.

  “I’m not your submissive,” she forced out. “I’m not yours.” She wanted her voice to sound harsh, cruel, but she just sounded desolate.

  He gripped her arm tighter, his expression growing angry now. “What’s happened to you, Mallory? Tell me the truth. Now.”

  “I can’t do this, Jake,” she heaved out, close to hyperventilating. “Don’t make me. Please, just let me go.” Her voice was soft at the last, pleading.

  “I’m not going to do that, Mallory. I’m not going to let you go.” His voice softened, turning gentle. “I need you, Mallory.”

  Bracing herself, she hurled out the words: “Well, I don’t need you!” She would have to become what Celeste had accused her of being if she had any hope of escaping him.

  Jake’s grip on her arm slackened, and he looked as though she had slapped him across the face again. But he did not release her. “I don’t believe that,” he said, his voice rough.

  “I’ve been using you, Jake!” She insisted. “I’m exactly what you said: a gold-digger and a s-slut.” But now she was crying harder than ever.

  Jake grasped her by her shoulders, shaking her. “Why are you saying this, Mallory?” He demanded. “Why? I know this isn’t you.”

  “I...” She hesitated, unable to bring herself to say the lie that she knew she would have to tell. “I don’t want to be your submissive. It makes me feel degraded; it’s disgusting.”

  Jake shook her again. “Why are you lying to me?” Frustration made his voice almost a growl.

  “Fine!” She exclaimed, hating him for making her do this to him. Why couldn’t he just let her go? Clinging to that anger, she stilled her heaving chest and said her next words as clearly and as coldly as she could manage. “I’m seeing someone else. I love him. I’ve only been with you because of your money.”

  Jake’s mouth parted, shock etched in every line of his face. He looked as though he had seen a ghost, as though Mallory were morphing into Jennifer and he was experiencing her betrayal all over again. His hands dropped from Mallory’s shoulders, hanging limply at his sides.

  She couldn’t bear seeing him like this; it cut her to the core to see what she had done to him. “Jake…” She said hesitantly, unable to stop herself from reaching out for him.

  He flinched away from her. “Get out,” he said softly. “Get out of my house. Now.”

  Seizing the opportunity to flee, Mallory immediately followed his command. She turned on her heel, sobbing as she ran out the door. She flung herself into her car and tore down his long driveway. When she reached the highway, she had to pull over, too blinded by her tears to drive.

  Chapter 2

  Mallory didn’t sleep that night. She cried for hours until her tears ran try. Jake’s anguished look flashed before her eyes over and over again. She closed her eyes as if she could block the image out, but then the whole scene would just play out behind her eyelids.

  “I need you, Mallory,” he had said. And she had thrown it in his face. It didn’t matter that everything she had said was a lie; she had still wounded him deeply. And she would never be able to forgive herself for that. Her blood boiled as she thought of Celeste. She would never forgive that bitch, either. Mallory wasn’t used to backing down when she was challenged, but Celeste was playing in a whole different league than she ever had.

  Did I do the right thing? She had asked herself so many times. But of course she had; there was no other way open to her. Maybe she could have let herself be ruined if it would have saved Jake, but she couldn’t bear the thought of bringing shame down on him, of destroying his entire world. He had worked so hard to earn respect in his company, had worked his way up from nothing at his father’s insistence. If that tape came out, he would lose everything.

  Dawn came, and still Mallory had not slept. Her eyes were puffy from crying, her throat raw from her sobs. The sun was halfway to its zenith when she was jerked from her brooding thoughts by a knock at her door.

  Must be Sally, coming to gush about the splendid ball, she thought morosely. She wasn’t sure if she could handle seeing her friend right now. Or anyone for that matter. But if she ignored Sally she would only badger Mallory with phone calls until she came to answer the door.

  Resignedly, Mallory rolled out of bed with a groan. “Coming!” She called, her voice raspy from crying. She wrapped her bathrobe around herself and went to open the door.

  When she did, she froze when she saw who was on the other side. Jake was standing there, looking lost. His eyes were as red-rimmed as her own, and his hair was a tousled mess. He extended his hand, and Mallory’s eyes widened when she saw what he was holding out to her: it was the beautiful diamond and sapphire necklace that he had gifted her the night before.

  “What?” She said breathlessly. “Jake…” Just saying his name aloud sent a pang through her heart. But she pressed on. “I can’t accept-”

  “You’re lying to me, Mallory,” he cut her off, his voice gruff. “I know you’re lying to me. What I want to know is: Why?”

  Because Celeste is a conniving bitch! She wanted to shout it out, to erase the hurt on Jake’s face. But she couldn’t; they would both be ruined if she did that. “I’m not ly-”

  “God damn it, Mallory!” He half-shouted, his fist tightening around the necklace. “Stop lying to me! I don’t know why you’re doing this, but I’m not leaving until you explain.” He was fuming, his nostrils flaring. Mallory wanted to cower in the wake of his rage.r />
  Gulping down the lump in her throat, Mallory forced herself to repeat the lie. “I’m with someone else, Jake. I was just using you for-”

  “If you were just using me, then why would you tell me? Why are you so upset about leaving me? It’s because you have feelings for me. I know you do.” His face turned anxious, pleading. “I know you do,” he murmured.

  “No, Jake,” she gasped out. “I don’t. I don’t!” Her voice was high and panicky. There was only so much longer she could keep up this charade without breaking. Jake seemed to sense that he was gaining ground, and he pressed on relentlessly.

  He held out the necklace, shaking it. “And what kind of gold-digger leaves one-hundred-thousand dollars in jewels behind?”

  “Jake, I…” Mallory was at a loss for words. What could she say to that?

  “Let me in, Mallory,” Jake growled. “Now.”

  Reflexively obeying his domineering command, Mallory stepped back. Jake shoved his way through the small opening that she had made, pushing her aside so that he could enter. When he had, he slammed the door behind him and locked it, trapping her.

  He advanced on her, his powerful aura seeming to intensify around him like a palpable thing. She backed away, raising her hands as though to defend herself. But he didn’t stop until her back was against the wall, his strong arms on either side of her, pinning her in. Just his proximity made her sex throb, despite her distress. God, how could she resist him?

  His dark blue eyes bored into hers, merciless. “Why did you lie to me, Mallory? If you do not answer truthfully things will go very badly for you,” he threatened.

  “I can’t tell you!” She cried, shaking her head vigorously. “I can’t.” Her voice broke on the last words. “Please, Jake…”

  “What do you mean, you can’t?” He seized on her words, and she knew that he would cling to them tenaciously, never allowing her an out. “What happened, Mallory? Who has done this to you?”


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