Big Men of the House: 55 Book Story Bundle Box Set

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Big Men of the House: 55 Book Story Bundle Box Set Page 6

by Wendy Pound

  It was going to be a perfect Friday night.

  I sat at my desk and opened my laptop, wanting a break from the intense romance story. I checked my Facebook, looking for any photos that had already popped up from Megan's party. I noticed I had a new message and clicked the envelope icon.

  Liam: Hi Sophia, you don't know me but I'm friends with Megan and I think you're hot.

  My heart skipped a beat. What was this?

  I relaxed when I realized it had to be a joke. Megan probably made someone do it at her party to get me to come. It wasn't going to work. I quickly wrote back:

  Sophia: Very funny Megan, but I'm still not coming to your party.

  I was about to leave the computer when I got a reply back instantly.

  Liam: Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. Megan told me about you a few weeks ago and I finally got the courage to message you after staring at your facebook page for days.

  Maybe this wasn't Megan?

  I clicked on his profile and saw that he lived two hours away, which meant that he probably wasn't at Megan's party. Liam was the same age as me, young, white, and sexy as hell. I looked through his photos, admiring his dark hair and cute smile. Why was this guy messaging me?

  Sophia: How do you know Megan?

  Liam: We met at a party a couple years ago and we hang out every once in awhile. I figured she had mentioned me at some point.

  Megan probably did mention Liam but I usually tuned her out when she droned on and on about boys.

  Sophia: Well you know Megan, she kinda lives in her own little universe.

  Liam: LOL

  Liam and I talked all night about all sorts of different subjects. I told him how I loved to read and found out that he loves science-fiction books. We talked about movies, video games, and our schools. It felt so natural, like we had known each other for a long time. I went to sleep that night dreaming about what it would be like to be with him.

  I awoke to a knock at the door.

  “Sophia, what are you still doing asleep?” my stepdad called.

  I looked over at my clock and realized it was Noon. “Sorry! I'm getting up now.” I sat up in bed and looked over at my laptop and smiled. I couldn't wait to see if Liam sent me a message.

  I flipped open the computer and went on Facebook. No new messages.

  My heart sank but then I realized that he probably slept in too.

  I wrote him a quick little message:

  Sophia: It was fun talking to you last night. Hope you slept well!

  I closed the laptop and got dressed for the day. My romance novel was staring at me from the corner of the room. I was so close to finishing it but I had other things on my mind.

  “How'd you sleep?” my mom asked as I walked downstairs.

  “Very nicely,” I said, yawning.

  “I left some pancakes for you,” Liam said.

  “Thanks!” I slapped a couple pancakes on a plate and drizzled syrup all over them. I sat down at the table and zoned out,fantasizing about Liam. What do I do next? Should we meet?

  Meeting sounded scary but thrilling. What if he was a murderer or something? Or what if he was exactly who he said he was? There was an easy way to find out. Call Megan.

  I finished up my brunch and went to my room to call her on my cellphone.

  After a few rings, her voice mail popped up: “This is Megan, leave a message if you want but I probably won't check it.”

  Her voice mail was pretty spot on. Megan never took the effort to check her inbox. I settled for a text message saying that I met a guy named Liam and he said he knew you. I waited for a reply and got none. I figured she had partied way too hard and was probably passed out with a guy in her bed.

  I went back to the computer and say a reply from Liam.

  Liam: I slept very good. I had a lot of fun too last night.

  Before I knew it, I found myself sending this message:

  Sophia: Do you wanna meet?

  My hands were sweating as I waited for his response. Minutes went by that felt like an eternity. I paced back and forth and even screamed into a pillow. I felt so stupid for sending him that. We had only talked for one night and I already wanted to meet him.

  Liam: Yeah let's meet!

  I let out a big sigh of relief. Then the adrenaline started pumping through me again. I was going to meet Liam.

  Sophia: That's great! When do you want to meet?

  Liam: How about tonight?

  I was giddy as I typed back to him.

  Sophia: Tonight works for me. Where should we go? I don't think my parents would be cool with a strange boy coming over.

  Liam: Same with my parents. How about somewhere in between? I know a nice hotel we can hang out at and chat.

  A hotel? Isn't that getting a little presumptuous? Oh who the fuck cares!

  Sophia: Sounds perfect!

  Liam gave me directions and the room number he'd be in. I couldn't believe I was going to do this.

  I spent the day rummaging through my closet, looking for an outfit that would impress Liam. I tried calling Megan again to see if she had anything I could borrow but she never answered. My brain had conveniently forgotten that earlier I was trying to figure out if Liam was telling the truth or not.

  As the clock struck closer to the meeting, I began to get incredibly nervous. I walked around the house aimlessly, hoping that time would pass.

  “What are you doing, Sophia?” my mom asked.

  “Oh nothing,” I said.

  “Well Liam is going to be out of the house tonight so it's just you and me for dinner.”

  “Actually Mom, I'm going to be eating at a friend's house tonight.”

  “I see,” she said, sounding disappointed. “Megan's house?”

  “Yeah. Sorry Mom, but I already made plans.”

  “It's okay, honey,” she said, kissing me on the forehead. “You have fun tonight.”

  “Thanks Mom,” I said, going back upstairs to my room. I worked on my make up, darkening my eyes and putting on classic red lipstick. I slipped into a tiny black dress that accentuated every big curve of my body.

  I sneaked out through the back door when my mother was in the bathroom. I didn't want her seeing what I was wearing. She would know in an instant that I had been lying to her.

  I drove to the hotel, my hands sweating on the steering wheel. I couldn't believe I was meeting this stranger after having only one conversation with him. But it felt right. It felt like this was how it was supposed to happen.

  After an hour of driving, I came across the hotel Liam gave me the directions to. For some reason, I was expecting some sleazy motel with blinking neon. Instead, it was like the Ritz Carlton. The tower reached took the clouds and the valet took my old beat up car.

  I walked into the hotel and was immediately greeted by two employees with smiles. They probably thought I was an escort or something. I hopped into the elevator and waited nervously to land on my floor. An old man in the elevator glanced over at my cleavage and made me feel uncomfortable. I faced away from him until he got off.

  When my floor finally arrived, I stepped out and stood still. I didn't know if I could go through with it. I looked at a framed mirror on the wall and studied my face. You can do this, I told myself.

  I walked down the hallway full of matching doors and found the right number. I knocked quietly, looking around to see if anyone saw me. The door opened immediately after and my jaw dropped to the floor.

  “Hi Sophia. I've been waiting for you for a long time.”

  “Liam! What the hell are you doing here. Did my mom send you?” I asked, shoving past him and looking around the room for Liam.

  “No she didn't send me,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  “Well where is Liam? You didn't send him home did you?” I stood with my hands on my hips, on the verge of crying.

  “I'm Liam,” my stepdad said,

  “What? No you're not. You don't look anything like him.”

  Liam took a step towards me. “I'm sorry for deceiving you but it was the only way.”

  I shook my head, not wanting to accept the reality.

  Liam took another step. “I've wanted you for so long and becoming Liam seemed like the best way to get close to you.”

  “But you're my stepdad!” I said out of disgust.

  “That doesn't matter,” he said, getting closer to me. “We're meant to be together.” He embraced me with his big arms and I struggled at first. He put his hand under my chin and tilted my head upwards.

  I saw the hunger in his eyes. The deep lust he had for me. I surrendered myself to his lips and we kissed passionately. An explosion of feelings I never knew existed flowed through me. My arms wrapped around Liam as our mouths met in ecstasy. His hands felt the curves of my dress and moved to my ass. He cupped my cheeks and lifted me up until I was eye level to him. He gently laid me down on the bed and crawled on top of me.

  “Oh, take me,” I moaned, his lips touching mine again. I tasted his tongue and it was perfect. I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him between my thighs. I could feel his hardness hidden beneath his pants, pulsing with desire.

  “I've wanted you for so long,” Liam said, unzipping his pants. My eyes widened as he pulled out his thick cock. It was the biggest I'd ever seen. My pussy was so dripping wet that it was soaking the sheets.

  Liam slapped the head of his penis against my clit. A shock of pain and pleasure made me cry out. He rubbed his manliness against my lips that drove me crazy.

  “Wait,” I said, putting my hand on his chest. “Shouldn't we use protection?”

  A devilish grin appeared across his face. “We won't need any for what I'm about to do to you.” Liam grabbed my thighs as he crammed his entire length into my tight little pussy.

  “Oh FUCK, you're so big!” I exclaimed.

  His cock slid easily in and out of my gushing wet pussy. Every thrust brought wave after wave of ecstasy. Liam picked up speed, fucking me harder and harder. The backboard of the bed slammed against the wall as the bed shook back and forth. Our screams of passion were so loud that the whole hotel could hear Liam take me.

  “Let me see those tits,” he said, pulling my black dress down to expose my breasts. He wrapped his lips around my nipples, sucking and biting down hard. His hands grabbed them like balloons, squeezing my tits until they almost burst.

  “Don't leave me,” I moaned. “Come with me!”

  “FUCK FUCK!” Liam screamed, his cock blasting inside me.

  “OH MY GOD. I'M COMING!!” I yelled. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my skin lit up in ecstasy. Gallons of Liam's cum pumped into me, sending my body into overdrive. I shook on the bed like a woman possessed by a demon, my nails digging into his back, bringing blood.

  The pleasure faded into a foggy dream. We lay on the bed next to each other, breathing heavily and staring up at the ceiling.

  “I wasn't expecting it to be that good,” I said.

  “Mmmmm,” Liam said, closing his eyes and reliving the memories.

  I glanced towards him. “Let me know when you're ready for more.”

  Liam grabbed my hand and put it on his massive boner. “Does this answer your question?”

  We made love two more times that night. My pussy was so filled with cum that it was flowing out of me like a river. Anymore sex that night and my body would have fallen apart.

  The thought of Liam's sticky seed inside me gave me so much joy knowing that I could be pregnant soon. My life was about to change forever.


  Megan called me the next day after I had sneaked back home without my parents noticing.

  “Hey Sophia, sorry I didn't get back to you. I guess I drank too much at the party and passed out. I've had a wicked hangover the whole day. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Of course,” I said.

  “I listened to your message, who is this Liam guy?”

  I smiled and put my hand on my stomach. “Oh, he's nobody.”


  Liam and I hadn't been together since that first night so he had no clue what was really going on. It was awkward being around my mom, knowing what we did. Liam and I never made eye contact because we knew we had done something so taboo. We both desperately wanted to be together again but it was too dangerous.

  Every night, I went over my conversation with “Liam”, reliving that experience of wonder and discovery. And every night, I touched myself, dreaming about how Liam fucked me so hard and came inside me.

  I missed my period a few weeks later. My hands shook with excitement at the pharmacy as I bought the pregnancy test. I opened the package and read the directions. I wanted to make sure that there would be no mistakes. I peed on the stick and waited. The suspense was killing me. Waiting for a plus or minus sign to appear was the longest few minutes of my life.

  When the symbol finally showed up, tears streamed my cheek.

  Liam had given me a gift that could never be returned. Now we could be together forever.

  Fertile Princess

  “Oh Blake, I don't think we should do it,” I said, lightly pushing him away.

  “C'mon Emma, we've been dating for a week now.” Blake leaned in to kiss me again. I'd never been this far with a guy before.

  I met Blake in school and I was instantly attracted to him. He was on the baseball and basketball team. He wasn't the smartest guy in school but that didn't matter much to me. I had a crush on him for the longest time and I was sure that he didn't even know I existed. That all changed when he spoke my name.

  I was walking down the hallway with some friends when I saw Blake walking towards me. He looked right at me with his blue eyes and gave me a boyish smile. I was so shy that I couldn't keep eye contact with him. Then I heard it.

  “Hey Emma.” His voice was so deep. I thought I imagined it.

  “Oh hi!” I replied, brushing the hair out of my eyes. I made a dead stop because I thought he was going to talk to me. Instead, he kept on walking like he owned the world. I looked stupid but I was ecstatic on the inside.

  A few days later, I was putting my chemistry book in my locker when Blake stopped by. “Hey Emma, you want to go out this Friday night?”

  I was speechless. I was so nervous that I couldn't get out any words. Finally after struggling for what seemed like hours, I choked out, “Yes!”

  Our first date was absolutely perfect. Blake took me to a move and he held my hand the whole time. He dropped me off at my house and kissed me on the lips. That was my first kiss and I melted instantly.

  The next day he asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't help but say yes. My life was finally turning around. Things were going my way. We hung out a few more times and then one day he invited me over to his house because his parents were going to be gone.

  I went over there not knowing what to expect. We had only kissed up until that point. We had a pretty hot make out session in his car the day before but nothing too crazy. Just a little tit and ass grabbing. That's why I was shocked when he wanted to go all the way.

  “I think we're moving a little fast, Blake.” I hated the way I sounded. It was like my mom was here. We were in his bedroom making out when Blake started to take off my pants.

  “Trust me, you're going to love it.” Blake acted like he had done it a million times. It wasn't exactly the turn on he was hoping for.

  “But I'm a virgin,” I said reluctantly. I'd never told anyone that before except my closest friends. I didn't even want to tell Blake until the time was right.

  “Well even more of a reason to do it tonight! You just need to get it over with,” he said plainly.

  Blake was half right. My virginity was something that I wasn't exactly proud of. On the other hand, I always imagined I would lose it to a guy I loved. I'd only known Blake a short while. I definitely didn't love him.

  Blake forced me into another kiss. His lips were so addictive. It was hard to say no. I felt my jeans unbutton and his h
and slipped down. I felt a jolt electricity flow through me. I'd never been touched down there by anyone else but me. His fingers fumbled around until he found my wetness. He played around with me but to be honest it didn't feel as good as when I did it myself.


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