Big Men of the House: 55 Book Story Bundle Box Set

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Big Men of the House: 55 Book Story Bundle Box Set Page 30

by Wendy Pound

  “Fuck! You are so fucking hot! I've never came that much in my life,” the doctor said, all out of breath.

  “Yeah that was so amazing. I just want you back inside me.”

  “Oh I so wish I could but I really need to check on my other patients.” We both cleaned ourselves up and got dressed. “Don't tell your mother about this,” he said sternly.

  “Of course.” I winked at him.

  Once we were ready to go, the doctor spoke to me in his official doctor voice, “Okay Camilla, I'm going to write you a prescription and then I'm going to need to see you here tomorrow,” he said with a wink. He handed me the prescription and left the room.

  I looked down at the piece of paper and in crappy handwriting it said, “Make sure to bring handcuffs tomorrow.” I had the biggest damn smile as I walked out of the office.


  A few weeks later, one of those cheap pregnancy tests showed a positive result. I wasn't sure if it was correct and I knew the perfect person to go to.

  “I think I might be with child.”

  Dr. Trevor look flabbergasted. “What?”

  “I took one of those pregnancy tests and it showed a plus sign.” I handed him the stick that I peed on. He looked at it closely and the blood drained from his face.

  “Is it mine?” he asked.

  “You're the only one I've ever been with,” I replied.

  Dr. Trevor embraced me in his arms. “I love you Camilla. Let's have a child together.”

  A great big smile stretched across my face. I felt so safe.

  His Untouched Princess

  Being home from college during Christmas break was always the best time of year. Finals were over and I got to leave behind all the stress at school. Visiting home again made me feel relaxed. Made me feel safe. I got to see my mom again and hang out with old friends.

  But this year was different.

  When I arrived at the airport, there was a strange mysterious man standing next to my mom.

  “Hi Kayla, how is my daughter doing?” My mom embraced me and we held each other for an eternity.

  “I'm doing good. Please Mom, let go, you're choking me.” She let me out of her grasp and I could finally breathe.

  My mom looked at me and then glanced at the man. “Kayla, this is David.”

  “I've heard so much about you,” he said, shaking my hand. David was tall, strong, and so hot.

  My mom took both of my hands and looked me straight in the eyes. “Kayla, David and I got married. He's your stepdad now.”

  My jaw dropped to the floor. “When did this happen?” I yelled, my voice getting higher and higher.

  My mom tried to calm me down. “I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I wanted to wait until I could do it in person.”

  “Why didn't you invite me to the wedding?”

  “We actually didn't even have one. It was a kind of spur-of-the-moment situation.”

  “And you didn't even think to have me meet him before marrying him?”

  “I'm so sorry, Kayla. We couldn't wait any longer.”

  “Fine, let's just get home.”

  I strained as I picked up my heavy suitcase.

  “Let me get that for you,” David said, grabbing the suitcase from me like it weighed nothing.

  I wanted to argue more but my head was spinning with all sorts of emotions. I needed to think about things before I went crazy.


  The drive home was full of silence. I stared outside the window at the passing trees and glanced at my parents ever so often. They held hands the entire car ride. My mom obviously loved him.

  My real father left us a long time ago and he was now just a forgotten memory. I flashback to all the holidays where my mom was sad and tried to put on a brave face for me. It didn't hit me until just now. My mom deserved some real happiness.

  As we pulled into the driveway, I finally opened my mouth. “I'm sorry I overreacted guys. It was just a big surprise. I know you've been lonely, Mom, for many years. I think it's finally time that you get someone that you always deserved.”

  “Thank you, honey, that means a lot to me.”

  The house I grew up in had changed a lot since I had been there last. David has redone the landscaping outside the front of the house. Big orange trees shaded the yard. I walked inside to find the entire kitchen remodeled. A sign hung from the archway that said, “David's Kitchen”

  A fear jumped in my throat. My room must've been changed too. I ran upstairs, leaving my suitcase behind me. I opened my bedroom door expecting to find a workout room but instead, everything was exactly how I left it.

  “We didn't touch a thing,” my mom said from behind me.

  I walked in and waves of nostalgia hit me. I had my first kiss in this room. My notebook filled with pictures of pop stars sat on my nightstand. All my shitty folded posters of teenage heartthrobs were still up.

  “There's one more thing I need to tell you,” my mom said, sitting down on my bed. She patted the spot next to her for me to sit.

  “What's up? Did you marry another man too?”

  “No,” she replied, laughing. “It's about Christmas. We're going to David's parents' house.”

  “Why? What's wrong with doing Christmas here?” I asked.

  “Well David thought it would be nice if his family could meet you and me.”

  “But I just got here and you're going to make me leave already.”

  “I know it sucks Kayla but I think we'll have fun,” my mom said.

  “Fine,” I resigned.

  “It's about a five-hour drive from here. I have to work all the way up to Christmas Eve so I'm going to fly there. I was thinking that you and David can drive there early.”

  “No way, Mom,” I stated.

  “Oh come on, I think it would be a good bonding experience for you two.” She had those puppy dog eyes that were hard to resist.

  “I barely know the guy and you want me to spend five hours in a car alone with him.”

  “I love him so much,” she replied. “Do me this one favor.”

  I put my hands up in the air. “All right all right. You win, Mom. I'll go on the road trip with David.”

  “Oh thank you thank you!” she screamed, hugging me tightly.

  “I better be getting some good presents,” I mumbled under my breath.


  That night I packed my bags which wasn't hard since I didn't even have time to unpack since I got home. I was really dreading the long car ride tomorrow. I was hoping to relax a little on my vacation but my mom went and screwed that up. I wasn't excited in the least to meet David's whole family. It was definitely going to be a little weird.

  I got into bed early because I was completely exhausted from the day. Finding out you have a new stepdad can be really taxing on your body.

  I lay in bed for what seemed like hours, tossing and turning. My mind was wide awake and I couldn't fall asleep. I got up and went downstairs to get a glass of warm milk. I'd never tried it before to go to sleep but I was getting desperate.

  I poured a glass and then microwaved it. The milk was scorching hot when I pulled it out and I burned my fingers on the mug. I waited for it to cool down a little before bringing it up with me.

  I heard some noises down the hallway coming from my parents' bedroom. I don't know what compelled me to go that way. I guess I was curious. I tip-toed my way across the carpet until I made it to their bedroom door which was slightly ajar.

  I peeked in to see my mom laying on the bed, hidden under the covers. David was on top of her, naked and sweaty. My mom's legs were wrapped around his back and I got a full view of his ass as he pumped in and out of my mom. They moaned quietly as I spied on them. The muscles in David's arms and back flexed with every thrust. I stared at his all-too-perfect ass.

  Then David glanced over at me. His eyes locked with mine and his expression didn't change. He continued fucking my mom.

  I quickly jolted away from the door, my heart raci
ng a mile a minute. Did he see me? I was sure he did. I slowly crept away and back down the hallway. The moaning reached it's apex and then I heard silence. I was both grossed out and turned on. It was the weirdest mix of emotions.

  I got back to my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed in the dark, thinking about what I just saw. I couldn't get the image of David's naked body out of my head. He was so strong and hot. I imagined what it would be like to touch his sweaty chest. To feel his hard cock inside me.

  I lay down under the covers and slipped my fingers underneath my light pink panties. My pussy was gushing with wetness. I found my clit and a rush of pleasure came over me. I pictured David coming into my room in the middle of the night completely naked. His manliness fully erect and ready to go.

  I grasped my breast over my night shirt as I touched my soaking wet pussy. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, the ecstasy growing. I imagined David grabbing the back of my head, his fingers pulling on my hair. I opened wide as he inserted his massive cock into my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his shaft and sucked on him hard. David thrust his meat deep down my throat. He held the sides of my head as he fucked my face.

  Back in my bed, the pleasure was almost unbearable. I squirmed underneath the covers as I swirled my clit around in circles. I was so close...

  I bit my bottom lip and let the ecstasy take control. My legs flexed and toes pointed forward. My orgasm rocked my body around, shaking the bed violently. I turned my head into the pillow and moaned as loud as I wanted.

  My eyes shot open as the orgasm passed. My chest heaved up and down from the lack of oxygen. It felt so fucking good that I couldn't stop now.

  I started rubbing my fleshy hood again. David pulled his cock out of my mouth and began stroking it. I lay patiently on my knees with my mouth open. David grunted before a steady stream of cum shot out and plastered my face. I caught some of his sweet seed in my mouth and it tasted like heaven.

  My second orgasm hit me like a freight train. I flipped over on my stomach and massaged my clit while screaming into the pillow. The pleasure was so intense that I almost passed out.

  When it faded, my muscles relaxed and I collapsed onto the bed. I only had one thought before passing out from exhaustion: David is way too fucking hot.


  The next morning I tried to forget about my sexy night under the covers. David was married to my mom so he was the definition of off-limits.

  “Are you ready to go, Kayla?” David called from downstairs.

  “Be down in a minute!” I fixed up my makeup and grabbed my suitcase, when a flash of deja vu hit me. It was only twenty-four hours ago when I got here with my suitcase and I was already leaving.

  I walked downstairs to find David packing up the SUV. My mom was standing in the doorway holding a cup of coffee.

  “I'm sorry I can't go with you guys,” she said sadly.

  “It's okay Mom, we'll make sure not to have any fun without you.” I gave her a big hug and handed my bag to David.

  “I'll meet up with you two in a few days,” she said. David kissed her passionately and I wished it was me who he was kissing.

  “Bye, Mom.” I waved out the window of the car. And like that, David and I were off.

  “You ready for this?” he asked.

  “As ready as I'll ever be,” I replied. Rain started to trickle onto the windshield as the car pulled out of the driveway.

  The car ride was exactly how I pictured it. Small talk about school and the weather quickly devolved into silence. We barely knew each other and had nothing to say. I sat in the passenger seat and tried to fall asleep. If I could sleep the entire trip then I wouldn't have to endure the awkwardness.

  Right as I was about to fall asleep, David opened his mouth. “I saw you last night.”

  Adrenaline coursed through my veins. My heart was thudding in my head. What was I supposed to say to that?

  My face was flush with embarrassment “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spy on you guys. I just needed to ask my mom something.”

  “It's all right. I'm sure you got more than an eyeful of me,” he said. My face couldn't get any redder. I just wanted him to change the subject. I looked around the seat for an abort button that would shoot me out of the roof of the car.

  “Have you ever been with a boy before?” he asked.

  That subject wasn't much better but at least it wasn't talking about my parents having sex. “I've only been with one guy before.”

  “And how was he?”

  I felt gross talking about this stuff. “I guess he was okay. Nothing special.”

  “Well that sucks, you're first time should always be special,” David said.

  “Yeah I know.”

  The rain started to pick up. It only took a matter of minutes as it went from a sprinkle to a downpour.

  “This weather is getting pretty bad out here,” David said. The windshield wipers moved at a fast pace but there was barely any visibility. The roads were becoming flooded and things weren't looking good.

  “There's a motel coming up,” he said. “We might have to stop there until the storm passes.”

  David pulled into the parking lot of the Seaside Motel. Their vacancy sign flashed in neon red. The place looked like the Bates Motel but worse. There were only a few rooms and the place looked run down. The funny thing was we were miles and miles away from any water.

  “Stay in the car and I'll go get us a room.” David put his jacket over his head as he ran out of the car and into the storm.

  I sat in the car listening to the rain hit the roof. Another car pulled into the parking lot and they probably had the same idea as us. It was better to be safe than sorry. We weren't in a hurry to get to David's family so a night in a motel wasn't a big deal.

  But it was a big deal.

  I was going to share a room with David.

  I saw him run to the car and opened my door. David yelled over the noise of the rain, “I got us a room. Come on.” He shielded me with his jacket as we raced to the room. Rain was pelting me in the face from all angles. David quickly took out the electronic key card and swiped it. The door clicked open and we rushed in.

  The room was a tiny tin box. The front door almost hit the bed. The TV was the size of a laptop. The bathroom was even worse. The sink and the toilet were almost on top of each other. The shower was so tight that I wasn't sure I could fit inside.

  Even with David shielding me, I was still sopping wet. “Damn, I forgot the clothes,” he said, ready to go back out there.

  “Don't go out there yet. There's some robes in the closet. Wait until the rain dies down a little bit.” They weren't from the Ritz Carlton but they would do until we dried off. I went into the bathroom and changed first. My clothes were soaked as I hung them up on the shower curtain.

  I came out to find David already changed into his robe. It was a little short on him and showed off his strong legs. I couldn't help but giggle.

  “Yeah very funny,” he said with a straight face. “You're the one who suggested robes.”

  “I think it looks fine,” I said, trying to stop myself from laughing. “So what should we do?”

  David picked up the TV remote and turned it on. “Let's see what the news says about the storm.”

  The TV turned on to static. David changed the channels but nothing came in.

  “I guess we'll have to make do without the weatherman,” I said sitting on the bed.

  “I guess so.” David lay next to me and the electricity between us was palpable.

  We lay there staring up at the ceiling, listening to each other breathe. I wanted to make the first move but I couldn't. I knew it was forbidden. No matter how much I desired him, we couldn't be together.

  David turned my head and kissed me squarely on the lips. My eyes shot open from being ambushed. Pleasure quickly overwhelmed me and I surrendered to his lust. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. We kissed passionately as the rain fell hard outside. David ran his fi
ngers through my hair as he moved from my lips to my neck.


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