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Shifter Page 24

by Jennifer Reynolds

  “We are so much better than the shifter you are shacking up with and a hell of a lot better than you,” the female continues.

  “Could we watch the content and language, please? There’s a child present,” I snap.

  “Don’t matter. She won’t live long enough to ask what shacking up means or repeat any bad words I let slip,” the male says and takes a few steps toward us.

  “Why would you kill her? It’s me you want.” I’m terrified but unsure of what to do. I scan the surrounding woods for a patrolling shifter, but see no one, hear no one…of course. I had been too adamant about being alone. Dimitri would have commanded our guards to follow at a distance. They’ll be here any minute. I hope.

  “True, but she’s a witness,” he says.

  “How so? She’s a child,” I say.

  “She’s old enough to understand what’s going on here. Old enough to tell what we look like and what we say.”

  “Look, I’ll go quietly. No fuss. No fighting. You just let her go.”

  “Sorry, but we can’t.”

  Fear engulfs me. I have to get her out of here. Get her to safety. I just don’t know how. I hold her to me and picture Dimitri. The cabin. I let my body feel how much I want her there with them. Safe.

  “What are you doing?” the female asks.

  I snap my eyes open. What am I doing? Something is happening. When I think hard about Dimitri and the cabin, a feeling as if I am there washes over me. My body feels as if it is trying to do that strange teleportation trick that the shifters do. I step back from the two weres, grip Katie tighter to me, and clear my mind, picturing only Dimitri and the cabin. When I hold the images firm in my mind, I think about how bad I want Katie to be there instead of here.

  “Hey, stop that,” the male demands and lunges for me.

  In the blink of an eye my arms are empty, and I am being tackled by the male were. The air in my lungs leaps out of me as I hit the hard earth beneath me. I throw a punch, but it is a feeble one. I am too disoriented from the strange magic I used to send Katie home. Magic I shouldn’t have been able to use. Damn it, why hadn’t I sent myself back home with her. I was so worried about Katie, about getting her to safety that the magic had only taken her.

  I try doing it again, to send myself, but he punches me in the face and injects me with something. I am unconscious in seconds.

  Chapter 30


  “Carrie did you see that?” I call from the living room. Carrie isn’t in the room so, of course, she hadn’t seen it, but when you think you have seen something you know you couldn’t have, you always want to see if others saw it as well.

  “See what?” she asks, coming into the room, carrying a groggy Maddox.

  “Right there,” I say, pointing toward the entryway to the kitchen. “I think I saw Abby and Katie. It was a flash. But for a second I could have sworn they were about to pop into the living room from out of nowhere.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t...” The sudden appearance of Katie crying Abby’s name cuts her off.

  “Oh my God, Katie,” Carrie shouts, rushing to her daughter. “How did you get here?”

  Through giant heaves, she says, “Aunt Abby.”

  “What? How?” Carrie stammers.

  “You mean Abby brought you here the same way Mr. Daniel and my brother brought you from Abby’s house to this cabin?” I ask, rushing to her.

  “Yes,” she sobs.

  “How did she do that?” Carrie asks me.

  “I’m not sure,” I answer, though I’m sure I do know how she did it.

  “Why did she bring you back here that way? And where is she?” Carrie asks her daughter who is slowly calming down.

  “There were two people at the river. They scared Aunt Abby.”

  “How did they scare your aunt?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. They said bad words and Aunt Abby scolded them, then they said they had to kill me because I saw them, and Aunt Abby got scared, and then I was here.”

  I vanish in a flash. I feel bad for leaving them alone in the house not knowing what is going on, but I need to get to Abby. When I appear by the river, no one is there. I start running up and down the bank calling her name, using my supernatural sense to track her, and summoning my family.

  “What’s wrong?” Devan asks, appearing by the river with my father, older brother Darius, and two other pack members.

  “Abby’s been taken,” I say, looking wildly around for any trace of them.

  “What?” my father demands.

  “She and Katie went for a walk. Katie says two people met them here on the bank. One said something about killing Katie, and now Abby is gone.”

  “How did Katie get away?” my father asks while my brothers split up, shift, and begin searching the area.

  “Abby sent her home via magic.”

  “Are you sure?” my father asks.

  “Oh yeah. One minute Carrie and I are alone in the house with the boys, the next minute Katie is there crying.”

  “Why didn’t Abby come through with her?” Devan asks, shifting back and shaking his head to indicate that he didn’t get a line on any of them.

  “I’m not sure. I don’t think she knew what she was doing. If I know Abby, she was only worried about the kid, so the magic only took the kid.”

  “Who do you think took her?” Darius speaks up for the first time.

  “Had to be the wolves. Mave wouldn’t come here on her own,” my father answers.

  “How do we find her?” he asks.

  “We get Sam to scry for her. Devan, you go warn Sam we’re on our way. Darius, you go talk to the girl, see if you can get a mental image of the weres. Carl, Jackson, round up the pack.” When the others are gone, Dad comes to me and says, “The two of you are mated, huh?”

  “I... I think so. I’m not sure how that is possible. She’s human. We don’t mate with humans, do we?”

  “It’s not unheard of. It hasn’t happened to my knowledge in hundreds of years, but it explains how she can use your magic. If you’re mated, you should be able to sense her. Can you?”

  I shrug my shoulders and close my eyes, sending out all of the metaphysical feelers I can, looking for her. “No, I can’t feel her.”

  “Mave must be blocking her from you or your bond hasn’t completely sealed.”

  “It’s not that, I don’t think. Abby has been pushing me away these last few days. She thinks she is going to lose me when this is all over because she isn’t part of our world. I think she is the one blocking herself.”

  “She is part of this world now, if she can do what you said she did. You’re mated. She just has to open her heart to you completely.”

  “I don’t think she knows how to trust anyone well enough to open herself up like that.”

  “She does, just give her time. And she’ll have to if she wants to get through this.”

  “What’s our next move?”

  “You keep trying to reach Abby, and we’ll go to Sam.”

  Chapter 31


  I wake, I’m not sure when, tied to a bed. I’m in a small house that seems to have one large room divided by curtains, furniture, and half-walls. Looks like I’m in a cabin or small cottage, perhaps. The section I’m in looks like a bedroom. A large dresser with a high mirror blocks most of my view of the rest of the house. I can hear voices coming from somewhere. The voices are too low for me to understand.

  I try to move my arms and legs, and the ropes they’ve used to tie me burns my skin, and I cry out a little.

  “She’s awake,” a voice to my right says loudly.

  I jerk my head in that voice’s direction to see a tall, medium-build woman sitting in a chair reading a paperback. My body instantly recognizes her as a were and as one of the ones who had attacked me by the river. She smiles a toothy predator’s grin at me but doesn’t get up or address me in any way.

  Footsteps follow her words, forcing me to look to the open a
rea beside the dresser where I see two people walking my way. I recognize them both. Mave, Dimitri’s psycho stalker, and the male wolf who met me at my mailbox not long ago. Both stop in the entrance and look at me. I instinctively jerk again, which only succeeds in waking up those limbs of mine that had fallen asleep, not a good feeling.

  Mave’s glare bores through me so hard I can almost feel tangible pain from it. I can’t bring myself to look at the wolf. My skin crawls from the thought of his eyes on me. Even if a part of me feels compelled to look at him, I refuse to drop my eyes from Mave. She may be stronger than me with her magic backing every move she makes, but I still refuse to cower to her. If she is going to kill me, then I’m going to die fighting.

  After a long moment, she laughs. “So brave for a mere human,” she says, stepping into the room. I guess she doesn’t sense the change in me. Good. Maybe my fear is overriding that. I’m not sure exactly what is going on with me, but I know deep inside that I’m no longer a mere mortal. Even if I had been able to explain my rapid healing and keen senses, there is no way I can explain away Katie’s disappearance. The wolves must not have told Mave about that.

  “I’m curious. After all of this time you’ve spent running from me, why didn’t you let Dimitri pull you to safety like he did the brat?” Mave asks after a long moment of looking me up and down, judging me.

  I don’t say anything. They had told her. She just believed it had been Dimitri and not me. Good.

  “This bravado act won’t get you very far. I can make you answer the simplest questions if I want.” As if to prove this, she lightly touches my left leg, and mutters something under her breath. The skin beneath her fingers begins to burn, or at least feels as if it is burning.

  I can’t stop my body from jerking, trying to get away from her touch, but I can keep myself from screaming. The woman in the corner puts her paperback down and positions herself on the edge of her chair, a look of extreme giddiness spreading across her face. I expect her to jump up cackling wildly at my pain.

  Mave pulls away from me, takes a few steps toward my head, and leans down over me. The burning in my leg slowly ebbs but doesn’t go away. She has actually burned me. I can feel the burn blistering, and the pain is intense. “You’ll scream if I want you to scream,” she whispers in my ear. I believe her.

  “Now, I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve brought you here,” she says loud enough for everyone in the room to hear when she stands back up.

  Her words are more of statement than a question or a demand, but I can tell that my lack of response and reaction is pissing her off. She thinks I’m weak and a human that she can easily manipulate.

  “You stole something from me and have been lying to me about it for months.” She pauses and looks at me expecting a rebuttal. I ignore her, by turning my face away from her and pretending to examine the curtains on the window to the left of me. Her face reddens. “Don’t get me wrong, I know why you did it. If I had been in the same situation, I’d have done the same thing. Dimitri tends to bring out such actions in a woman. I pity you though. You actually believed you were doing the right thing. You actually believe he loves you. I hate to bust your little bubble, but Dimitri doesn’t love anyone but himself. Trust me, I know.”

  “How?” I ask before I can stop myself.

  “How what?”

  “How do you know he loves no one but himself? You don’t even know him. You two met in a bar. He was drunk. You put out. He left you before you woke the next morning. You couldn’t have possibly gotten to know each other in such a short period of time.”

  She grabs my ankle. The fire shoots up my entire leg, and this time I do cry out. Only once though. I snap my mouth shut so fast my teeth rattle. A few tears slide down the side of my face.

  “How would you know? You weren’t there.”

  “He told me. He told me he was drunk, and you were easy. And he didn’t think about you again until you showed up on his doorstep a month later in full on crazy mode,” I say through gritted teeth.

  “We connected. I felt it,” she spits out and grabs my other leg. With both feet pinned to the bed and invisible flames rushing across my body, I scream. The woman in the chair cackles. The male wolf looks satisfied and impatient. My body convulses. I can smell my flesh burning, but I don’t beg her to stop.

  When she pulls away, I say, breathing quickly, “Any connection you think you had is all in your head. He felt nothing for you. No love. If he felt anything for you, it was lust.”

  “Maybe, but if he didn’t or couldn’t love me, he sure as hell doesn’t love you,” she shoots back.

  If Mave thought that jab was hurtful, she was sadly mistaken. I’m well aware of the truth behind it, but I’m not going to let her know this. “I may not be beautiful or skinny like you, but I’m much more appealing than you will ever be.”

  “How so?”

  “I’m not crazy. Men fuck crazy a few times until the crazy gets to be too much. They marry women like me. They fall in love with women like me. He may not love me, but he sure as hell does not and will not ever love you.”

  Her eyes blaze. And I mean that literally. “Take her,” she spits to the wolf.

  I freeze as she moves to step out of the room and the two wolves step toward me.

  “What are they going to do to me?” I ask Mave, trying to stall.

  “He’s the wolf alpha. You are my payment to him for helping me. They don’t have many women, especially since you killed one of them. They want new blood and your blood is pure,” Mave says, coming back into the room. “And once you are carrying his child, Dimitri won’t want you anymore. It’s a win-win situation.”

  “I thought you had to be bitten to become a were,” I say.

  “If you aren’t born one, you do. Male weres can impregnate human women, though. Not all the babies are weres but a large number are. With your pure blood, the chances are high that you will have predominately were babies.”

  I start laughing. They stare at me questioningly. They don’t know what is so funny.

  “What?” Mave demands.

  “I can’t have children,” I say through my laughter.

  The room instantly erupts in yells and curses. Mave looks pissed and a little scared. The two weres are arguing with and cursing Mave.

  “Quiet,” Mave shouts. Begrudgingly, both weres shut up and back away from her. Turning her gaze back to me, she asks, “What do you mean, you can’t have children?”

  “I mean just that. I can’t have kids.”

  “How do you know this? Are you lacking the equipment? Do you have some sort of medical problem that prevents it?”

  “No.” I contemplate lying, but decide better about it. I’m not a great liar, and I’m hoping if they try to remove it on their own, they botch the job and make me sterile. “I have an IUD.”

  “A what?”

  “It’s a little T shaped device in my uterus that prevents me from getting pregnant.”

  “But only while it is in. Once it is removed…”

  “It took me six months to fully heal and stop bleeding when the thing was put in. It will probably take that long or longer to heal from its removal.” I am fibbing slightly. The doctor has told me no such thing. For all I know, nothing will happen when the thing is removed, but she doesn’t have to know that.

  “Mave, we had an agreement,” the male growls.

  “Give me a minute,” she says to him. “Don’t touch her until I get back.”

  Fear sweeps through me at her determined look. I can’t imagine what she is thinking.

  The male glares at me as if I had gotten the implant to purposely piss him off. The female, on the other hand, looks a little relieved. I get the feeling that she wants to be his mate, to be the one to bare his children.

  I take the time to test my restraints again. The effort is fruitless, but I have to try. I think over all of the powers I know Dimitri has. The only things he has that will be helpful at this moment are his abilities to
shift and his superhuman strength. He tried to walk me through the mental and physical processes of shifting once, but I couldn’t understand it. Now, though, I try to imagine it. Try picturing my body shifting, altering, turning into something other than what it is. Nothing happens. Obvious I don’t have the superhuman strength, either.

  Next, I try teleporting my body back to the cabin. I know I have that power. I did it with Katie, but I can’t. I don’t know if it is fear holding me back or the lack of confidence that what I think is happening to me is actually happening.

  Mave returns rather quickly with a smug look on her face. She saunters over to the bed and tries to sit down beside me, but there isn’t that much room between me and the edge of the bed for her to sit comfortably. “I looked up your little problem on the internet, and guess what? I can fix it with no problem.”

  “What?” I shout, terrified all over again.

  “I can fix you. She’ll be ready for you in about an hour,” she says, looking over her shoulder at the wolf.

  “What are you going to do to me?” I ask. I wish I could keep the fear out of my voice.

  “I thought it was clear. I’m going to remove the obstacle in my way, or, well, his way. It’s quite simple really. It will be painful, no doubt, but you will heal quickly. Now relax.” She turns slightly, lifts my shirt, unbuttons my jeans, pushes them down low on my hips, and places her hands on my lower abdomen. Her hands are hot. I feel my skin burn at her touch. This makes me wonder if her skin is always that hot or if she is doing it to purposely hurt me. Probably the latter.

  At first, nothing happens, then the heat seeps into me, and a wave of nausea flows over me, then the pain comes. The lower half of my body jerks off the mattress, and I scream. And scream.

  Whatever she is doing doesn’t take her long to do, but the pain she causes makes it feel as if it takes hours. I pass out just as she is finishing. As I am fading from consciousness, I hear her tell the weres, “Give her time for my healing spell to work, then you can do what you need to do.”


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