The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3)

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The Dragon's Heart (Lochguard Highland Dragons #3) Page 7

by Jessie Donovan

  Blast, why was he even thinking about love and the future yet? It was too soon.

  Ross barely resisted running a hand through his hair. Bloody hell, courting a woman was more difficult than he remembered.

  Stepping back, Ross allowed Lorna to dish out their breakfast. When she finished, he took the bowls to the dining table and Lorna followed with the coffee and cutlery. They were just about to sit down when there was a knock on the door.

  Lorna frowned. “My children rarely knock, so who stops by at eight in the morning that isn’t family?”

  She moved to answer the door, but Ross moved in front of her. “Let me. Your nightgown is too thin for strangers.”

  Amusement danced in her eyes. “I’d hardly call the people of Lochguard strangers.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  The knock increased in its intensity. Lorna motioned toward the door. “Then answer it before someone thinks I passed on during the night.”

  Shaking his head, Ross exited the dining room. When he opened the door, the tall bloke from the day before, who had walked with Lorna and Fergus, stood there. Ross hated having to look up to meet the dragonman’s eyes, especially since the bloke was more handsome than Ross liked. “Yes?”

  The dragonman looked around Ross. “Is Lorna up and about yet?”

  “Who wants to know?” Ross growled out.

  The man raised his brows and answered, “Ah. You must be the one she hesitated about yesterday.”

  The dragonman’s statement made Ross wonder if Lorna had wanted him as long as Ross had wanted her. “And who the bloody hell are you?”

  “Stuart MacKay of Clan Seahaven. Lorna and I are old friends. I just stopped by to see her before I leave later today. We have a lot to catch up on.”

  The mention of the too handsome man leaving made Ross stand a little taller. “Well, she’s eating her breakfast. You’ll have to come back later.”

  Stuart opened his mouth, but Lorna’s voice boomed out before he could say anything. “Ross Anderson, he’ll do no such thing.”

  Turning his head, Ross spotted Lorna. When she stopped next to him, she looked to Stuart and smiled. “Hello, Stu.”

  When Stuart smiled back, Ross clenched his fingers. The sooner he could get rid of Stuart, the sooner he could find out about the full extent of their past. Lorna had claimed they’d nearly been mated, and he wanted to know if she still had feelings for her old lover. Stuart’s presence was a blatant reminder of how much he still had to learn about Lorna MacKenzie.

  Lorna stepped aside, the motion causing her nightgown to show more of her figure than Ross liked. “Come in, Stu. I have enough porridge for you, too. I know it’s your favorite.”

  Of course, it bloody was.

  As Lorna guided Stuart to the kitchen, Ross took a deep breath and tried to get a grip on his jealousy. Lorna had chosen him, end of story.

  And yet, his brain understood that, but his heart was being bloody stubborn. Breakfast with Lorna’s “old friend” would test his patience.

  Be careful, Anderson, or you might push her away. Aye, Lorna didn’t like unnecessary drama. The trick would be in not becoming a third wheel to their conversation because there was no way he was leaving Lorna alone with the dragonman. Ross trusted Lorna, but given the flash of hunger and male appreciation in the dragonman’s eyes a minute ago, he trusted Stuart MacKay about as far as he could throw him.


  Lorna shouldn’t like Ross’s jealousy around Stuart, but both woman and beast rather enjoyed it.

  Her dragon huffed. I like knowing Ross would fight for us. Even if Stu challenged him to a battle, I think Ross would accept if it meant keeping us.

  Aye, I agree. Our human is more like a dragon-shifter than he knows. Maybe living on Lochguard has rubbed off on him.

  Why do you say that as if it were a bad thing?

  Stuart’s voice interrupted Lorna’s conversation with her beast. “I half expected for at least one of your children to be here. From what Fergus told me, your cottage is never empty.”

  Ross grunted. “It’s not empty.”

  Lorna bit back a smile. “Last night was a bit special, and Faye stayed with a friend. Besides, as Ross pointed out, he’s here with me.”

  Stuart looked to her human. “Aye, I see him.” Stuart met her gaze again. “Although, I’m a bit unclear about how he lives on Lochguard since he’s not a human sacrifice.”

  Entering the kitchen, Lorna took down another bowl for porridge. “His daughter was a sacrifice and is mated to Fraser. Finn did some negotiating, which allowed Ross to accompany his daughter. He had cancer and needed care.”

  From the corner of her eye, Lorna saw Ross stand tall. “It’s gone now, though. I’m healthy as a horse.”

  Stuart chuckled. “Too bad you’re not as healthy as a dragon-shifter.”

  Lorna sensed Ross’s temper creeping up on him, so she spoke before he could. “Just because humans and dragon-shifters are different doesn’t make humans any less special. You, of all people, should understand that Stu.” While Stu sobered up, Lorna explained to Ross, “Stuart had a human mate.”

  Ross’s posture relaxed at the use of “had” and he murmured, “I’m sorry for your loss.”

  Stuart waved a hand. “Deb will always be with me. But let’s not ruin a perfectly fine breakfast by talking about dead mates. We should focus on the future we have in front of us.”

  After handing Stuart his porridge, she moved to stand next to Ross. She’d allowed her human to stew long enough, so she leaned against his side. “Aye, I look forward to the future.”

  Ross looped an arm around her waist. For a second, sadness flashed in Stuart’s eyes, but it was gone before she could blink. The dragonman smiled again. “Well, my immediate future includes eating this porridge before it goes cold. Oh, and maybe embarrassing Lorna as well. I’m sure Ross would love to hear about Lorna in her youth. She was quite the firecracker.”

  Ross snorted. “And she still is.”

  Stuart exited into the dining room. Before Ross could follow, Lorna kissed Ross and whispered, “I can sit on your lap in the dining room if it eases your male pride. But just know I picked you, Ross. Stuart is just a friend, and probably a lonely one. Remember, he was exiled from Lochguard over a decade ago.”

  Squeezing her side, Ross answered, “Then let’s try to make him feel welcome again.”

  “That was a quick turnaround. I’m surprised I didn’t hurt my neck from the whiplash.”

  Ross shrugged one shoulder. “You made the claim, and that’s good enough for me. Considering Lochguard dragon-shifters take honor rather seriously, at least for those who know you and call you a friend, I expect Stuart to fall into that category. Am I right?”

  “Aye, you are.” She kissed his cheek. “And since he can hear everything we’re saying right now anyway, how about we join Stu in the dining room? Your porridge will be cold before long.”

  “You and the bloody porridge.”

  She tsked. “Complain as long as you like, but you’re eating it, even if you have to cut it with a knife because you let it sit too long.”

  Stuart’s voice drifted in from the dining room. “Aye, she’ll see through her threat, too, Ross. I once had to eat cold, congealed stew because I didn’t like the cooked carrots in it. Lorna all but had me chained to the table.”

  Lorna pushed Ross through the door as she answered, “I was raised to eat what was in front of me, whether I liked it or not. And so were you. So stop your moaning.”

  Her dragon spoke up again. Liar. You always found a way to hide your broccoli and later bury it in the garden.


  Ross pulled out a chair, and Lorna sat down as he slid it back. Once her human also sat down, Lorna picked up a spoon just as Stuart answered, “That’s not what your late brother told me.” Stuart looked to Ross. “Make her some broccoli and then give her the same speech.”

  Grinning, Ross nodded. “Aye, I just might. Maybe the
n she’ll stop serving me this blasted porridge.”

  Lorna glanced at them. “If I had known you two would form a coalition against me, I would never have let Stu inside.”

  Ignoring her comment, Ross leaned forward and looked to Stuart. “So, what else can you tell me? I have a feeling I’m going to need a few cards to play to keep Lorna on her toes.”

  Stuart answered, “Well, she does have this thing about dragonflies…”

  As Stuart and Ross became engrossed in the discussion of her fears and faults, Lorna couldn’t help but smile. She’d known Ross was a good male, but him taking to Stuart so soon raised her esteem of him. All her human had needed to know was she wanted him and only him. After that, the past was in the past.

  She wasn’t sure a dragon-shifter male would’ve been so accepting. More and more she was starting to see the benefits to claiming a human.

  She only hoped it would last.

  Her dragon spoke up again. It will. After all, I approve of Ross.

  Aye, and that’s all that matters?

  I’m an excellent judge of character. I was right with Jamie, and I’ll be right with Ross.

  I hope so, dragon. I just worry about more attacks or something else happening to take him away from me.

  I won’t let that happen.

  While her beast merely saying that wasn’t enough to make it true, the certainty in her dragon’s tone did ease some of Lorna’s worries.

  Just as she took a bite of her breakfast, Ross met her eyes and winked. The small action made her belly flutter.

  Lorna pushed aside her doubts and fears. She always fought to protect what was hers, and that now included Ross Anderson, too.

  Chapter Nine

  A few days later, Ross ended the call with his daughter and tried not to grin. Finn had granted Ross’s request, which meant he could finally tell Lorna about his surprise.

  He found her downstairs at the front door, saying her farewells to Meg Boyd. Ross had erred on the side of caution and let the two women talk without him. The last thing he needed was to hear about the sexual escapades of Meg and her two dragonmen.

  The door clicked closed. Lorna turned her head to meet his gaze. “Came out of hiding, did you?”

  Closing the distance between them, he hugged Lorna to his side. “I wasn’t hiding. I’m sure you didn’t want my wisearse comments interrupting you two every few minutes.”

  “Oh, I doubt you would’ve interrupted us. The tales of Meg, Archie, and Cal are quite amusing. The two dragonmen are pressuring her to choose one of them. Worse than that, they both keep threatening to destroy the other’s farm unless Meg picked them.”

  Ross chuckled as they entered the living room. “I still say Finn should build a ten-foot wall separating their farms from the rest of the clan. That way the clan doesn’t have to worry about a rogue branch or rock flying toward them.”

  Lorna sat down on the couch. “Why would Finn do that? Watching that pair is amusing. I’ve been doing it for most of my life.”

  Sitting down next to Lorna, Ross took her hand. “Speaking of your life, I have a surprise for you.”

  She studied him. “I’m not sure if I should be excited or afraid of that.”

  “Oh, definitely excited.”

  “Stop dragging it out and just tell me already. I have a long list of things to do today.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  Lorna frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “You and I are going to Skye.”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “I found out that you’d never been there and thought we could spend some time alone.” Lorna opened her mouth to protest, but Ross cut her off. “It’s perfectly safe. Lochguard’s Protectors train there and the humans living on the island are friendly to our clan. From what I understand, they even have a sort of alliance that’s held with Lochguard for centuries.”

  “I know that, but what I was going to say before you cut me off is that I’m helping Kaylee with her cooking this week, as well as babysitting wee Jamie two days to give Fergus and Gina some time together.”

  Ross put up a hand. “No, you’re not. All of that is sorted. Kaylee is going to work with Meg Boyd for cooking, and Holly has agreed to watch wee Jamie in your stead. It’s high time you took a holiday, Lorna.” He leaned closer. “And not just any holiday, but one with me.”

  Under normal circumstances, Lorna would brush off Ross’s cockiness. However, the thought of seeing the beauty of Skye with her human at her side made her heart rate kick up. It would be a place for her to make new memories with Ross; she and Jamie had never made it to Skye.

  Her dragon chimed in. We should go. I’ve always wanted to fly there.

  The reminder of Lorna flying lessened her enthusiasm. It’s been so long. I don’t think I could make it that far.

  Of course we can. Besides, it gives me the chance to impress Ross.

  Looking to her human, Lorna smiled. She had to admit it would be fun to watch Ross’s face as she soared over the rocks and ridges of Skye.

  Ross raised his brows. “Should I even ask why you have a devilish glint in your eye?”

  “Devilish? No, it’s more like anticipation.”

  “What for?” he asked slowly. “I somehow doubt it’s to do with me naked in your bed since you’ve about worn me out over the last few days.”

  She lightly hit his side. “Hush, old man. You’ve enjoyed it as much as I.”

  “Then what plans do you have for me?”

  Lorna smiled. “You’ll just have to wait and see. When do we leave?”

  He searched her eyes. “That was quick. I expected it to take more convincing to get you to go.”

  “A few days without my children barging in? Not to mention a chance to make memories with you and see somewhere new? Why wouldn’t I want to go?”

  He kissed her gently before murmuring, “You are full of surprises, love.”

  “You have no idea.”

  Chuckling, Ross answered, “I look forward to it. As for our departure, you have an hour. I’m already packed, so I’ll take a nap while you do yours.”

  “You’ll do no such thing. You can do those chores you’ve been putting off. I’m not about to leave the cottage in a tip.”

  “I still say the cottage is cleaner than I ever had back in Aberdeen.” Lorna raised her brows and Ross sighed. “Fine, I’ll get started. But just know my energy levels may not be at peak performance tonight.”

  Lorna lowered her voice as she laid her free hand on Ross’s thigh. “Oh, I think you’ll be fine. I have my own surprise for you.”

  “There’s my sexy lass. Hard to believe you were shy around me at first.”

  He pulled her close and took her lips in a kiss. As he explored her mouth, Lorna straddled his lap.

  She rocked against him, and Ross groaned. If not for the precious minutes of their holiday time ticking by, he would’ve taken her upstairs and made Lorna scream his name.

  As it were, Faye’s voice interrupted them. “I thought you two would be gone by now? The sooner you leave, the sooner you can get this weird snogging and shagging phase out of your systems.”

  Lorna turned her head. “Faye Cleopatra, watch your tone.”

  Faye sighed. “Yes, Mum. But aren’t you supposed to be on holiday?”

  Ross had an idea. “Aye, we are. But I have some chores that need doing, and you’re going to help me. The sooner they’re finished, the sooner we’ll be out of your hair.”

  Lorna whispered, “Lazy human.”

  But Faye either didn’t hear or pretended she didn’t. “Then let’s get started. Grant is supposed to come over and help me with my physical therapy and I’d rather you two be gone. Not that I don’t love you, but I’m fairly certain Grant doesn’t want to see my mum kissing Ross.”

  “And why not? He might learn something,” Ross answered.

  Lorna rolled her eyes and slipped off Ross’s lap. “Just finish the chores. With Faye’s help, I wou
ld hope for it to be spotless, but she’s as bad as you when it comes to cleaning.”

  Faye shrugged. “Hey, as long as there’s a path to walk on the floor and no mold growing anywhere, it’s clean to me.”

  Lorna frowned. “So much for your army training straightening that out.”

  For a split second, Ross swore he saw sadness flicker in Faye’s eyes, but it was gone in a heartbeat. He bet she missed being a full-time Protector; her wing injury last year still prevented her from reclaiming her former duties.

  Wanting to distract Faye, Ross stood up and motioned toward the kitchen. “Let’s start in there.” He lowered his voice, not caring that Lorna could hear him anyway. “There might still be a few biscuits left.”

  Lorna smiled. “They’re hiding in the cupboard above the sink.”

  Ross wanted to ask why she was giving in so easily, but he had a feeling Lorna had seen the same sadness in Faye’s eyes.

  He took two steps beyond Faye and said, “Then hurry up, Faye, my dear, or I’ll eat all of the biscuits before you can blink.”

  “I think not.”

  With a growl, Faye charged into the kitchen. Ross chuckled, blew Lorna a kiss, and followed Faye into the other room.


  An hour later, Lorna stood frowning at the edge of Lochguard’s rear landing and takeoff area. “Why are you coming with us, Iris? We’ll be safe enough. You should stay here.”

  Iris Mahajan was one of Lochguard’s Protectors and their best tracker.

  The golden-skinned female with long, black hair shrugged. “No matter how much you argue with me, Lorna MacKenzie, I’m not going to contradict Grant and Finn’s orders. Are you ready to go?”

  Lorna huffed, but Ross spoke up before she could. “Aye, we are. But could you give us a minute?”

  With a nod, Iris walked to the far side and started shucking her clothes.

  Ross averted his gaze to focus on Lorna. “The attack on Lochguard didn’t happen that long ago, love. It’s a miracle Finn is even letting us off the land. If he thinks we need an extra Protector besides the one on Skye, then I say we accept the help.”


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