Kye's Heart rp-5

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Kye's Heart rp-5 Page 4

by Marisa Chenery

  Pushing off Kye, she stood. “Okay. I see. Look, you don’t have to feel obligated to stay. We don’t have to make this an uncomfortable situation, any more than it is already. If you don’t want to sleep with me, you just have to say so. You don’t have to make up some silly excuse about it being better if we waited.”

  Michaela felt like a fool. It had been too good to be true to have a guy who looked like Kye actually want to be with her. She didn’t think she was bad in the looks department, but she in no way compared to him. Hell, he could leave her apartment right now and get a woman to finish him off in a blink of an eye.

  As she avoided looking at him, she collected her clothes off the floor. Kye’s continued silence gave her the impression that her words had rung true. The excitement of what they had just done disappeared, making her feel hollow inside. She was about to head to the bathroom to change when a large hand wrapped around her ankle and stopped her before she could take more than a couple of steps. She looked down to see Kye was still on the floor and twisted in her direction.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “To the bathroom, to get dressed.”

  “Shit, I’ve upset you.”

  Michaela held her clothes in front of her like a shield. She gave her foot a kick, but Kye didn’t release her. “You think?” she asked sarcastically.

  His hand slipped off her ankle and he jumped to his feet so fast she hardly saw him move. Kye cupped her face in his hands and forced her to meet his gaze. “My not wanting to sleep with you right now is not some lame excuse of me changing my mind about how I feel. The problem is I want you too much. I’m not going to rush things, because I want more than a night of sex. Do you understand?”

  She stared into his brown eyes and saw longing in their depths—that, and something else. Not just hunger, though that was there as well, but something that made her want to believe what he said.

  Michaela swallowed. “What do you mean by more?” she asked in a small voice.

  “I mean you’re the woman I’ve waited all of my life for, and I don’t think I can ever let you go.”

  She pushed Kye’s hands off her face and took a step back. “Now I know you’re just shooting me a line of crap. We hardly know each other. You can’t possibly think I mean that much to you in such a short amount of time. We just met today.”

  Kye ran a hand over his face, his frustration easy to read in the stiff way he held his body. “This is not supposed to be happening like this. Damn it.”

  “What isn’t? You’re not getting your jollies from leading me on?”

  Michaela found herself trapped against Kye’s hard body, one of his arms wrapped around her waist like a steel band. A large hand sank into her hair, holding her prisoner as he plundered her mouth with his. This kiss wasn’t anything like the others they’d shared. It was more carnal and demanding, his desperation evident in every stroke of his tongue against hers. If Kye hadn’t held her up, she would’ve dropped to the floor at his feet, her legs no longer able to hold herself upright. He didn’t allow her a breath of air until he had her moaning with need once more and pressing as close to him as she could get.

  They were both breathing heavy. Michaela thought she saw that strange glow in his eyes again, but it disappeared before it could fully register.

  “Now,” he said huskily, “did that feel like a kiss a man would give you if he only wanted to lead you on?”

  “N-No,” she croaked.

  “Because it wasn’t. I’m going to do this right, which means we’ll wait until we know each other better. You have no idea how hard this is going to be for me. I’ve never wanted another woman like I want you, Michaela. Your looks, gorgeous body and scent just make me want you more.” He took a deep breath. “Go get dressed, then we’ll sit and watch the rest of the movie. Once it’s over, I’ll leave. I don’t want to. I’d rather stay the night just to have you sleep in my arms, but I can’t trust myself not to do more than that.”

  Feeling as if she’d just been swept off her feet, Michaela could only nod. Once Kye let her go, she stumbled to the bathroom and shut the door behind her. She held out her hand and found it shaking, not from fear, but from the strong emotions that surged through her. If she hadn’t hoped for this date to be more than one night with Kye before, she sure as hell did now. The man made her feel wanted, needed and protected all in one. None of the other guys she’d dated had managed that feat. In this day and age, some women wouldn’t be thrilled with Kye’s alpha male tactics, but she found them downright sexy. She also hadn’t felt as feminine as she did right now.

  Michaela used the toilet, splashed some cool water on her heated cheeks and dressed. Kye had better have told her the truth about everything he’d said, because she wasn’t going to let him just walk out of her life without a fight.

  Chapter Four

  Kye sat on the couch next to Michaela, trying to appear as if nothing were wrong, but inside him, he fought to keep a tight rein over his mating urge. As he’d predicted, letting her give him a blowjob had made it worse, rather than giving him a bit of respite.

  He focused his gaze on the TV. It wasn’t doing much to distract him. Michaela’s scent filled his nose with each breath he took, and her sitting beside him with her back resting against his chest while he had his arm around her, the feel of her body kept his cock hard and aching. He didn’t think the damn thing would ever go down. The taste of her was still in his mouth.

  Making her come, hearing the sound of her pleasured cries echoing in his ears, had had both him and his wolf wanting to pounce and claim her as theirs. It had been the hardest thing he’d ever done to stop Michaela when she’d tried to tug his jeans the rest of the way off so they could finish what they had started. What he found in his would-be mate’s arms was beyond better than any other sexual encounter he’d had.

  Then he’d gone and almost messed up everything with his comment about her being the only one for him. Of course she’d at first thought he’d fed her a line of bullshit. Not being a werewolf, she hadn’t a clue his mating urge wouldn’t have kicked in if she hadn’t been the right woman for him. From his perspective, there was no question about it, she was his. And there was no question he’d soon fall head over heels for her, and that no other would ever take her place in his heart. Once again, if there were no chance of that, the mating urge would’ve stayed dormant inside him.

  At least, he’d been able to convince Michaela he had been dead serious. He’d poured all of the pounding need that rode him into the kiss, not holding anything back. Kye had risked the control over himself, but it had worked in the end. Now he had the job of getting her more comfortable with him before he revealed what he truly was. And since time would be ticking down to the point where he would no longer be able to keep from claiming her, he had to work quickly. The longer he ignored the mating urge the worse it would ride his ass until he would act on blind instinct alone. Michaela snuggled closer and Kye bit back a groan. The next few days weren’t going to be a cake walk.

  She turned her head and looked at him. “Are you comfortable with me sitting like this?”

  “Of course. Why would you think I wasn’t?”

  Michaela looked pointedly down at his crotch where there was no mistaking the large bulge there. “Well, for one thing, that hasn’t settled down the whole time we’ve sat here. I know you want to wait, but I don’t want you to feel tortured with me so close to you.”

  “Ignore it. I’ll be fine.” Even if he hadn’t had the mating urge riding his ass, his cock would’ve remained hard after their bout of heavy petting and oral sex. Being a male werewolf had its perks—one being able to keep an erection for hours at a time, even after coming more than once.

  “Really, because that looks as if could be painful after a while. Maybe I could help you with it the same way I did before.”

  He groaned, loudly. “Believe me that would just make it worse. And you suggesting it isn’t exactly making this any easier.”
/>   “Well, the offer remains open.”

  “Sure, torture me some more why don’t you,” he said with a chuckle.

  “So when will I see you again?”

  “Will tomorrow be good?”

  “I have to work, but after that I’m free.”

  “How about Nevaeh and I come and visit you there during the day, then around the same time as when I arrived tonight, I’ll take you out to eat.”

  Michaela smiled. “Sure. Does this mean you’re going to bring the baby to the zoo every day that I’m working?”

  “Why not? It’s a public place. Besides, I didn’t get to see all the animals yet.” Kye kissed her forehead, then decided to test the waters a bit. “Too bad the zoo doesn’t have any wolves. I have an affinity for them.”

  “I know what you mean. I wish they had some as well. Out of all the species I like the most, wolves come in at a close second to big cats.”

  Kye marked that as an invisible point for him. If Michaela already liked wolves, she should really like him in his wolf form. He was slightly bigger than his wild cousins, but other than that he was basically the same. The greatest hurdle he figured he’d have to get over would be getting her to accept the fact he could shape-shift into one.

  He glanced over at the TV and saw the end credits of the movie scrolling on the screen. A quick look showed it was only ten o’clock. It was still on the early side, but if Michaela had to start work in the morning, it would be better if he left to let her get some sleep. At least, one of them should. He knew he’d be lucky to get a few hours of solid shuteye. Until he claimed her, every time he slept, he’d have erotic dreams about her, ones that would leave him aching even more.

  He brushed his lips across hers. “I should go. You have to work in the morning and I have to be at Roxie’s around ten.”

  “Well, if you insist.” Michaela stood when he did. “I’ll keep my eye out for you and Nevaeh tomorrow.”

  She walked with him to the apartment entrance. Kye really didn’t want to leave, but he knew it was for the best. He’d already pushed his luck enough for one night. He pulled Michaela into his arms and kissed her, reveling in the feel of her against him. Once their embrace verged on the edge of blazing out of control, he released her and opened the door.

  “See you tomorrow, Michaela.”

  Without looking back, Kye walked out and shut it between him and the woman who would soon become his heart.

  * * *

  Kye arrived at the mansion in Marin County where he and his fellow Protectors and their mates lived together, and parked his car in the large detached garage for the night. Much to his surprise, it looked as if the rest of his “family” were at home already, which wasn’t typical. It was too early for no one to be guarding Roxie. Beowulf, who owned a nightclub called Wulf’s Den, wouldn’t be home yet. He usually stayed a couple of hours at the club, but returned to the house before he and Roxie felt separation anxiety.

  Walking into the large foyer, Kye closed the mansion door behind him and headed to the living room where he heard voices coming from. He stepped inside and saw Saskia and her mate, Eli, talking with Leif and his mate, Jaden. They fell silent after they saw him.

  “Hey, what’s up?” he asked. “I couldn’t help noticing everyone is home. Shouldn’t someone be with Roxie?”

  Saskia shook her head. “Beowulf didn’t go to the club tonight, so Roxie sent Roan, Ansley, Jager and Daylen home a couple of hours ago.”

  “Oh. Is anything else happening? All of you looked pretty serious about something when I came in.”

  Leif was the one who answered. “We’re discussing Miles.”

  “Has he found out something he shouldn’t?”

  “No, nothing like that.” Leif looked over at Jaden before he turned back to Kye, and said, “He, ah, wants to share some of the duties of guarding the foretold one, since Jaden is his daughter.”

  “Shit,” Kye said. “After all he’s done in the past, and the not so distant one at that, Miles can’t expect us to just accept him back with open arms. He walked away from being a Protector.” Even though he balked at the idea, his sister-in-arms had the ultimate say on the matter, since she was the leader of the Protectors, after all.

  Saskia sighed. “Leif and the others feel the same way as you do, but Jaden and I are leaning toward allowing him to take on some of it in a small capacity. If we don’t, it could backfire on us. All we need is for him to become suspicious and he might do some digging where we don’t want him to.”

  “Okay, say you do let Miles watch over Jaden, where exactly would he be doing it? So far, she’s only been with him in public places. Are you going to want him here in the mansion?”

  “Since Jaden has come into his life, Miles hasn’t done anything to harm her,” Saskia said. “It’s been months. I know you don’t want to hear it, but I think knowing he has a daughter has changed him.”

  Leif snorted loudly. “You know how I feel about that bullshit. Once an asshole, always an asshole.” He then grunted when his mate dug her elbow into his stomach.

  “That asshole also happens to be my father. Your father-in-law. I don’t see him as the evil lone wolf as you do.”

  “Of course you don’t. You only want to see the good in him, because of what he is to you.”

  The way Jaden scowled at Leif, it didn’t take much deducing to figure out Leif had just waved a red flag in front of his mate’s face.

  “Oh, you’ve done it now, Leif,” Eli said with a laugh. “You’d better do some ass kissing right quick.”

  As if he just noticed the furious look on Jaden’s face, Leif gave her a sheepish smile. “Now, babe, you know I really didn’t mean anything by that. It’s just that it will be kind of hard for you to be unbiased when it comes to your father.”

  Jaden’s eyes seemed to shoot daggers at Leif. “What do you want me to do? Change the blood that runs in my veins? Well, I can’t, any more than you can. And I’m sorry for wanting to see the good in my dad, a man who wasn’t part of my life when I was growing up. I know perfectly well what he’s done, and what he did to you, but I still love him. I just hope your biased opinions don’t make you think any less of our baby.”

  “Baby?” Leif echoed, looking for all the world as if his brain had suddenly stopped functioning.

  Jaden pushed off the couch to stand and glared down at her mate. “Yes, Leif, a baby. I’d thought to tell you later while we were alone. Surprise, you’re going to be a father.”

  With that said, she turned and stomped out of the room. Leif still looked completely stunned before he shot to his feet and went after Jaden. Saskia, Eli and Kye stared at each other. Kye had a feeling he wore the same surprised expression the other two did.

  “Did Jaden just say she was pregnant?” Eli asked.

  “Yes,” Saskia said. Then a large smile spread across her face. “I’m going to be a great aunt.”

  “Ah, hell. That means I’ll be a great uncle,” her mate said. “I’m still having a hard time getting my head around the fact I have a niece who is only six years younger than I am.”

  Saskia leaned in and gave Eli a quick kiss on the lips. “Hon, in another few hundred years, that won’t mean anything. Believe me.” She then laughed. “Being pregnant would also explain why Jaden was so quick to fly off the handle. Hormones can be a bitch. And I just love the fact Leif has gone from chasing anything in a skirt to finding his mate, and now, he’s a soon-to-be father.”

  Kye thought over what his sister-in-arms said and couldn’t hold back his laughter as well. Eli soon joined in. It looked as if fate were getting back at Leif for fighting the mating urge tooth and nail after he’d first met Jaden. The poor bugger was still adjusting to being a claimed male.

  Once his laughter died, Kye said, “I guess I’m going to call it a night. I’ll be up in my room watching TV if you need me.”

  “Not so fast,” Saskia said.

  Kye had turned to leave, but changed direction at his sister-in-
arms’ words. He had a feeling he knew what she was going to say to him. “What?”

  “Dirk and Roxie told all of us the good news about you finding your mate. How are you managing?”

  “I have a grip on it. Are you thinking of pulling me off rotation?” The mating urge being such a distraction, Saskia had told the others they wouldn’t be any use as Protectors until they had claimed their mates and had been told to take some downtime.

  “No, I’m not. It would be different if Roxie hadn’t assigned you as Nevaeh’s personal Protector, though. You might not be totally on your game, but changing diapers and doing bottle feedings shouldn’t be too hard for you.”

  He snorted. “True. Actually, I really do have to thank you for putting me on babysitting duty. If Roxie hadn’t had the silly idea of me taking Nevaeh to the zoo today, I never would’ve met Michaela.”

  “So I guess that means you’re no longer pissed with me for agreeing with Roxie.”

  Kye chuckled. “No, I’m not.” He backed away. “I’m going up to my room. I have another big day planned for tomorrow.”

  Spinning on his heel, he left Saskia and Eli alone. He shook his head as he thought about Jaden being pregnant. The dynamics of his “family” were going to change once again when the baby arrived.

  Chapter Five

  Michaela prepared buckets of fish in a workroom for the penguins near their exhibit. It was late morning and she expected Kye would more than likely arrive soon. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Ever since he’d left her the night before, she’d done almost nothing but think about him. She couldn’t seem to get him out of her head. And every time the remembrance of what it’d been like to be held in his arms, having him touch her in the most intimate of places played in her head, it made her body heat with desire. It also made her long to have more of Kye.


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