Kye's Heart rp-5

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Kye's Heart rp-5 Page 9

by Marisa Chenery

  He pistoned his hips, taking her harder and faster. Their breathy gasps and moans rose in volume until they were louder than the sound of the running water. Michaela pushed back, matching each of his strokes, her pussy squeezing tighter around his plunging cock.

  All too soon, Kye felt the point of no return rushing up to meet him. He skimmed a hand from her hip to her front and between her legs. Finding her clit, he stroked it in time with his thrusts. “Come for me, Michaela. I can’t hold back much longer.”

  She moaned. “I’m there. Oh god, don’t stop.”

  He felt her inner walls rhythmically clutch his shaft, milking him to his own orgasm. He pushed inside her one final time and held her tightly to him as his cock pulsed deep inside her pussy, his release tearing through him.

  After the last tremor took him, Kye pulled out of Michaela, turned her and wrapped her in his embrace. “I think it’s time to test out the bed.”

  She nipped his chin and smiled. “You won’t find me arguing, though I do have to say your shower passed with flying colors.”

  Kye turned off the water and carried Michaela out through the glass door. He dried them both and took his mate to bed. He then proceeded to show her exactly what he could do with the extra room on the mattress.

  * * *

  Michaela awoke to the sensation of her stomach growling. She wasn’t sure what time it was, but she just knew it had been hours since she’d last had anything to eat. And with the amount of calories Kye and she had burned in his bed, there wasn’t any wonder she felt starved. At the rate they were going, she’d never have to worry about getting fat.

  A quiet snore in her ear told her Kye still slept. She smiled. She’d probably worn him out, not that it was entirely her fault. The man kept an erection for so long he just seemed to keep going and going. He’d definitely ruined her for other men. But to be honest, she didn’t want another. She hadn’t told Kye yet, but she’d already made up her mind about moving in with him. He’d won her over to that idea. She’d move in with him tomorrow, if he wanted. The only drawback would be her commute to work, but she was sure she’d get used to it. After all, she’d come home every day to a mansion and the man she loved.

  Michaela lifted Kye’s arm where it was draped over her waist and rolled toward him. He let out a loud snort, but didn’t awaken. She kissed him. “Kye, wake up.” He mumbled something she couldn’t understand, still mostly asleep. “Come on, sleepy head. I’m hungry. Are you going to let me starve?”

  His brown eyes blinked open. “What time is it?” he asked groggily.

  “I have no idea, but I know we’ve been in your room for hours.”

  He gave her a crooked smile. “True. So what’s the final verdict? Was I able to have you side in my favor?”

  She couldn’t help but grin at the playful look on Kye’s face. “Hmm, let me think.” She brushed her lips against his. “I don’t know if you did enough convincing or not.”

  Kye rolled her to her back, landing on top of her. “Woman, we’ll never leave this room if you want me to give you more reasons as to why you should say yes.”

  Michaela giggled. “Did you just call me woman?”

  “Yes, because you’re mine. So, woman, are you going to put me out of my misery? Or do I have to kill myself pleasuring you for hours on end, since you’re so demanding.”

  “As if you would find that a hardship. And I’m not demanding. If I recall correctly, it was you who kept things going, if you know what I mean?”

  “Well, are you going to answer my question or not?”

  With a dramatic sigh, she said, “If you insist. I have reached a decision.” She paused for effect. “I think my dresser is going to clash horribly with yours, unless you want to buy me a new one.”

  Kye dropped his head and took her lips in a long, hot kiss that had her wanting him all over again. He finally pulled away and locked gazes with her. “I’ll buy you one and anything else you want. I’ll make sure you never regret moving in with me.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with the back of his hair. “How could I when I’ll be with the man who somehow won my heart in a matter of days?”

  “And I promise to keep you safe.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Just so you know—you won mine the first time I saw you. I love you, Michaela. Don’t ever doubt it.”

  “I love you too, Kye. And I won’t.”

  Hoping he’d do more than kiss her after they’d just confessed their feelings for one another, Michaela groaned when Kye pulled out of her embrace and slipped off the bed. She ran her gaze over his body, lingering on his once again hard cock.

  “Forget it,” he said. “We’re going to get dressed and find something to eat downstairs. Then once you’re fed, we’re off to your apartment to pack your clothes.”

  She sat up. “You want to start moving me in today?”

  Kye walked over to the closet and disappeared for a few seconds. He came back out with a fresh pair of jeans. “Damn right I do. I can’t sleep without you now. I’d probably lose my mind if I did.” He pulled on his pants, but left it undone.

  He sounded so serious she had to laugh. “Well, I guess that’s a good thing, being wanted and needed that much.”

  “Good, because I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.” Kye leaned over and caressed her cheek. “Where you go, I go.” He then straightened and went to his dresser.

  Michaela watched him take out a gray t-shirt and tug it on. “Okay, but how are you going to manage that while I’m at work?” she asked with humor in her voice. “Are you going to follow me around the zoo all day?”

  Kye turned in her direction and Michaela felt her smile disappear by degrees at the serious expression he wore. “Quit,” he said simply.



  “You want me to leave the zoo and do what?” She’d just come to terms with moving in with Kye, and now, he dropped another bombshell on her.

  He crossed to the bed and sat on the mattress beside her. He cupped her face and stroked his thumb along her cheek. “And do nothing, if that’s what you want. I’m not exactly hard up for money, as you know. I want to look after you. Let me. Please.”

  “I don’t know if I like the idea of having to depend totally on you financially. Plus, there’s the fact that I love my job. I love working with the animals. I’d miss it, and I’d hate to quit, then later on down the road regret that decision.”

  “What if I were to come up with some kind of alternative? Something that would allow you to do what you’re doing now, but only here at the mansion?”

  She looked at Kye as if to say she didn’t think that would be possible. “What would that be? Unless you’re willing to open some kind of wild animal rescue or something.”

  He smiled. “We’ll figure something out, but I want you to seriously consider quitting.”

  “All right.”

  “Good.” He released her and stood. “Get dressed, then we’ll go see what I can whip up for us in the kitchen.”

  Michaela slipped off the bed and headed for the bathroom. If Kye didn’t stop throwing life-altering offers at her, she’d be a basket case in no time.

  Chapter Ten

  After they’d eaten, Kye had driven them back to her apartment. Surprisingly, it didn’t take too long for Michaela to pack the two large suitcases she owned with her clothes. What didn’t fit, she’d put in black garbage bags. The things hanging in her closet, Kye just took out in bundles and placed them on the backseat of his car. She’d also packed a few other necessities. The rest of her things could stay in her apartment for now until she figured out what she wanted to do with them. She’d have to give the landlord her one month’s notice as well.

  With her suitcases loaded into his trunk, they made the drive back to Marin County and the mansion. Kye parked closer to the front door and Michaela got out. She gathered some of her clothes from the backseat while he went around to the trunk and took out one of her suit

  They’d just made it through the door when a woman with blonde hair so light it was almost white, stepped into the foyer. She smiled as she came closer. “You must be Michaela.” Her gaze skipped over the things Michaela and Kye held. “And it looks as if you’re making a good start of moving in. I’m Saskia.”

  “Nice to finally meet you,” Michaela said. “And yes, but it’s just my clothes for now.”

  “It’s something.” Saskia’s gaze skipped over to Kye. “Just to give you the heads up, Miles is here, so behave yourself.”

  Kye groaned. “Saskia, are you sure this is really wise?”

  “Yes, I do. He’s my brother, Kye. If being with Jaden like this will help keep him on our side, I’m not going to deny him.”

  Michaela looked from Saskia to Kye. She had no idea what this “on our side” meant, but from the expressions on their faces, it had to be something pretty serious.

  “I know,” Kye said. “But we can’t let our guard down. For me, the bastard has to prove himself—that he’s no longer what he used to be—before I even think of welcoming him back.”

  “I never said we shouldn’t stay vigilant. I know exactly what Miles is capable of as much as the rest of you. I just want this to work, so in other words, no going out of your way to fuck things up. Got it?”

  “Yes, boss. I guess when Michaela and I finish unloading my car, then we’ll come down and join everyone else.”

  Saskia nodded. “When you’re ready, were sitting outside on the patio.” She then turned and walked toward the back of the house.

  “Are you going to tell me what that was all about?” Michaela asked as she and Kye walked up the stairs to his bedroom.

  “Ha…not right now.”

  Hearing the hesitancy in Kye’s voice, Michaela put the clothes she held on the bed and turned to face him. “Does it have something to do with your protecting Roxie and her family?”

  Kye closed the distance between them and put a hand over her mouth. “Shh. We don’t need Miles to overhear you talking about Roxie, all right?”

  She nodded, even though the chance of anyone hearing what she’d said was impossible. Kye and she were alone in his room and the others were outside. And even if someone were downstairs, they still wouldn’t have been able to hear her.

  He took his hand away. “There are some things I have to explain to you, but not while Miles is here.” Kye took a deep breath and let it out on a long sigh. “Once he’s gone, we’re going to have a little chat, you and I.”

  “Okay. And I promise I won’t say anything about…you know who.”

  Kye smiled. “Good. You’ll understand more once I tell you everything.”

  They finished taking the rest of her clothes up to Kye’s room. Until she picked out a new dresser—Kye insisted she get one—she’d be living out of her suitcases. The things that could be hung up were now in his walk-in closet along with his stuff. It was a start to making Michaela feel as if it were her room too.

  After Kye moved his car to the garage, they headed for the backyard patio. It was later in the day, but darkness hadn’t yet descended. There were five people sitting around the wrought-iron table, talking. Saskia was there, but the others, Michaela hadn’t met yet. Her gaze landed on the man who she recognized from the restaurant the night before. He had the same light blond hair and similar features as Saskia. Michaela assumed the man had to be Miles, Saskia’s brother.

  Once they reached the table, Kye introduced her to Eli, Saskia’s husband, then to Leif and Jaden, leaving Miles for last. Kye and she took the two remaining empty chairs, which had Michaela sitting next to Eli.

  After the introductions were over, Leif turned to Kye, and said, “I guess I should thank you for telling Miles about Jaden being pregnant.”

  She saw Kye cringe. “I wasn’t thinking, all right. I was a bit…distracted trying to handle something else at the time. I didn’t mean to ruin the surprise.”

  “From the looks of you and Michaela, I’d say you two worked through your distraction,” Miles said with a laugh. “I assume congr—” He stopped talking and reached down to rub his leg under the table and looked over at Jaden. “What did you kick me for?”

  Jaden glared at him, giving an almost infinitesimal nod in Michaela’s direction. “Dad, you don’t want to say something that will embarrass Kye’s girlfriend, do you?”

  Michaela’s gaze shot over to Miles. There was no way he could be Jaden’s father. He didn’t look much older than her. And the way Jaden had stressed the word “girlfriend,” Michaela thought it a bit strange.

  “Oh, sorry,” Miles quickly said in return. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

  Jaden nodded, then looked at Kye. “It’s okay about you telling my dad about me being pregnant. I wasn’t upset by it.” She glared at her husband. “Not like someone else.”

  Leif held up his hands in surrender. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. I only thought you might want to wait until you were a little bit further along. You’re only four weeks pregnant.”

  “So? I might not go around telling the whole world, but I had planned to tell my dad.”

  Leif ran a hand over his face. “I think I’m just going to shut my mouth now, since every time I open it, I seem to bury myself in deeper shit.”

  One minute they were all chuckling over what Leif had said, and the next, everyone, except for Michaela, instantly quieted. They appeared to sniff the air, and a low animalistic growl rumbled out of them, except for Jaden and her. Michaela couldn’t overlook the sound this time, as she’d managed to do every time Kye had done it.

  She stiffened when a group of men suddenly arrived on the lawn a short distance away. They moved so fast Michaela had a hard time tracking them. It definitely wasn’t normal.

  All the men and Saskia shot to their feet as one man from the other group stepped forward and spoke. “Did you think you could just drop us like we were crap on your shoe, Miles, and think we would just walk away?”

  “Leave, Curtis, or this is not going to end well for you and the others,” Miles snapped back.

  Curtis laughed. “You think we’re afraid of you and a few Protectors? You promised us that once you had the foretold one in your possession things would be different in the packs. That we, the lone wolves, would have all the control. Just because it’s your daughter doesn’t mean we don’t want what you’d said we’d get if we joined you.”

  Miles snarled his lip and snapped his teeth. “The foretold one being my daughter does change everything. She has also opened my eyes to the path my life had taken—one that would’ve ended in my destruction.”

  Curtis slowly clapped his hands. “Ah, isn’t that sweet. But that doesn’t get me the status or money you promised us.”

  Michaela felt a scream lock in her throat as Curtis and the men behind him turned into wolves. At the scrape of chairs being violently pushed away, she looked at the others around her as they too, one by one, became wolves. She couldn’t pull her gaze away as Kye’s eyes glowed mutedly just before his body shimmered and blurred, taking on the form of a wolf with very light brown fur.

  The two groups of wolves launched themselves at each other. Michaela found herself unable to move, her mind having a hard time processing what she actually saw. A large hand wrapped around her arm and pulled her away from the table.

  “Get back,” Leif shouted. She turned to find him and Jaden close by. He let go of her and cupped his wife’s face in his hands. “Promise me you won’t shift.”

  Jaden shook her head. “It’s still early enough in the pregnancy that I can without hurting the baby.”

  “I don’t care, Jaden. I don’t want you in the fight. You’ve never had to face anything like this before. Just do as I ask. Please.”

  Jaden closed her eyes for a few seconds and nodded. “All right. Just be careful.”

  Michaela couldn’t hold back a startled yelp as Leif too became a wolf in a matter of seconds, then ran off to join the fray. “What…
what are you people?”

  “I’m sure this isn’t how Kye wanted you to find out, Michaela, but we’re all werewolves,” Jaden said.

  “You’re one too?”

  “Yes.” Jaden looked toward the battle that took place on the lawn. “God, they’re outnumbered. If anything happens to Leif or my dad, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  Seeing how upset Jaden was, it helped to bring Michaela out of some of the numbness that had descended over her. They were two women with no way to protect themselves as a group of wolves tore into each other with teeth and claws.

  She looked around for something that could be used as a weapon, or at least as a deterrent. They might be werewolves, but they were still just wolves with the same weakness as the wild variety from the looks of it, though they were slightly bigger. Relying on her training from the zoo, she knew she should never confront an aggressive animal empty-handed. It was too bad there wasn’t a tranquilizer gun nearby.

  Michaela spotted the metal straight-edged rake that leaned against the brick wall of the house. She ran over to it and snatched it up. It wasn’t much, but its points would hurt. She’d just turned around to go back to Jaden when the other woman screamed.

  “Dad! No!”

  Looking in the direction Jaden stared, Michaela saw a white wolf being pinned by a darker one who had his jaws around the back of his neck. Now that she’d convinced herself to think of them as just normal wolves, her fear evaporated. Having dealt with larger and potentially more dangerous animals at the zoo, she had no qualms about going in to help the white wolf she’d seen Miles shift into.

  Running up to the pair, she swung the rake at the darker wolf’s head, knocking him away from the white one. He turned and snapped at her, but she shoved her makeshift weapon in his face. “Don’t even try it. I’ve faced down a pissed off tiger before, and you’re nothing compared to that.”

  Michaela hovered over the white wolf as he slowly got up on his feet. His assailant looked as if he wanted to try and come at her again, but a loud howl preceded a form covered in light brown fur launching itself at him. The fight between them was vicious and over quickly with the second wolf being the victor. After that the battle wound down.


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