The Meandering Mind - Creative Musings of 7th Graders

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The Meandering Mind - Creative Musings of 7th Graders Page 5

by Jason Trinklein

  Even after people in other countries heard about what happened to Russia, they did nothing about it. They did not even consider cleaning up their environments so that God would be pleased with them. This made God even angrier so that was when he decided that he, himself, would come down to earth to punish the people for destroying his creation. God is very powerful, so when he comes down their will be great forces coming down with him. This was where the strange breeze coming downward was coming from. The people of Earth had did not know that, so they were very confused. Every news station was doing reports on the breeze and what the possible causes of it could be. No one even thought that it might be God coming down to destroy them. The people of Earth were in for a big surprise.

  Chapter 2

  The breeze continued to come downward for a whole week. People came up with many possible ideas of what it could be. Some were things like God was fanning himself up in the sky and you could feel the breeze all the way down on earth. After a few days though people stopped speculating and realized that this breeze wasn’t just a normal thing that could happen. Many became afraid and started to believe the world was actually coming to an end. Others refused to believe that anything bad would happen to them, so they did nothing about it and went on polluting more and more.

  People that did try to repent and stop polluting thought that they would be saved. They did not know that God had already decided that it was too late to repent. They did things like Reconciliation, even if they were not Catholic or if they even believed in religion at all. They even set up cleanup projects to promote being green and recycling. Many people were losing hope fast though. They all knew, even if they did not talk about it, that it was too late to save them.

  God would be arriving on earth in two days. This will be a surprise for everyone left on earth. He had been planning what he was going to do the people for over a week. Many people on earth were afraid of this because they knew that the more time it took God to plan the end of the world, the worse it was going to be. Every grocery store on earth as empty because people stocked up on everything, because they knew any day now, they might not be able to leave their houses. Businesses were also shutting down so that people could spend the time they had left with their families.

  Chapter 3

  It was very dark and cloudy day on the day God came down. It was raining that morning and was now very humid. Everyone was huddled in their houses awaiting the destruction. They knew that this day would be their last and they were right.

  It had taken God a whole month to come up with a plan and come down to earth. Now he was finally coming. He was very upset with the people and would not feel sorry at all destroying earth. He had decided that he would send many storms and then see how long it took him to destroy earth.


  When the first storm came it started as just a bunch of clouds, that were very dark, lined up along the sky. Because they were so dark, the clouds starting pouring out with rain, thunder, and lightning. After that the clouds started to become tornadoes. The people on earth were losing their houses and at the same time having to shield themselves from lightning.

  Many people thought that the storms were going to keep getting worse and worse until causing everyone to drown. God had planned for everything to happen differently though, since the people on earth did not really know how powerful God was.

  When god actually came down to where the people could see him, the people would all be blinded and turned to dust. That was exactly what happened to everything on the surface of earth.


  Chapter 4

  God had destroyed everything and now he had an empty planet. He thought for a long time about what he was going to do with it. He thought of things like just getting rid of it. There was one idea though, that god liked the best. He wanted to create a whole new planet.

  God decided that the new planet would be like the old Earth except he would make the people smarter and more caring about the environment. He made the first people and called them Ethan and Ava. Ethan and Ava were made before God created them houses and animals so they were the ones that asked God for all of those things.

  God liked Ethan and Ava so he gave them the environment and told them that he would put them in charge of it and that they failed, they would be punished. Ethan and Ava listened to god, because god had told them what happened to his first creation before them, Adam and Eve.

  After creating people and the environment, god created animals. God created the same animals that were on earth before, because he knew it was not their fault that the humans destroyed the environment. Ethan and Ava were very happy on their new planet together.

  Chapter 5

  Ethan and Ava lived happy lives with each other on the new planet. It took God about a week to create everything else that he wanted for the new planet. He created houses, Ethan and Ava, trees and other plants, animals, and rivers and oceans. There was one last thing that God wanted to create though, and that was more people.

  God created many people and a day later the new planet had a population of 100 people. The people started forming a community with fire and police stations. God was very pleased on how well his new people were progressing in life. Since he was so happy he gave them one wish. The people were very happy when they heard this news.

  Many people had many different ideas on how they should spend their wishes. Most children said that they should ask for one thousand more wishes so that they would never run out. Many adults said that they should ask for a life of riches and wealth. Ethan and Ava though both seemed to have different ideas.

  Ethan and Ava remembered the stories that god had told them about earth and the people on it. Ethan and Ava had always hoped to be as great as the people on earth, except they did not want to pollute the environment like they did. Ethan and Ava always hoped to have god be as proud of them as he was with the earth people. They both knew that it could never happen though. That’s why they wanted to wish for their planet to be destroyed and for god to make a new earth identical to the first one.

  Ethan and Ava were the leaders on the new planet, so they were the ones that had to go ask the people if they agreed on making a new earth as their one wish. Ethan and Ava were scared at first because they knew that many people had ideas already in mind for the wish. Ethan and Ava thought this was the right thing to do though. They hoped that everyone else would agree with them.

  Ethan and Ava called an assembly the next day. They asked the people what they thought of their idea. Many people at first thought it was a terrible idea. Only few understood why Ethan and Ava wanted to do this. That reason was because they all knew they could never live up to god’s expectations. As time went on more and more people began to realize this.

  Once they got everyone to come to the decision of making this wish they approached god with their request. God was very surprised and kind of disappointed. He always thought that destroying earth was a bad idea after he did it. He accepted the wish still. He reminded them that in order to create earth he would have to destroy the new planet. God did not want to hurt the people so that is when he decided to create heaven. Heaven would be a place where the people from the new planet could live eternally.

  Chapter 7

  God put all the people from the new planet in heaven. They became the first angels. God then set the new planet on fire. The new planet became the sun. Then god made earth again. He put everyone back where they were before, except he started time over again. When he destroyed earth it was 3013. He started the people on earth back to the start so they hopefully wouldn’t make the mistake of ruining earth again.

  It has been 2011 years since god made earth again.
Most people don’t know that. That is why we don’t know the true cause of how earth began. Only the angels in heaven do. Scientists have come up with possibilities, but none are true. God made earth out of nothing. He has enough power to. He watches over us today, hoping that we keep earth clean. He did promise to Ethan and Ava though, that he would never destroy earth again.

  Carver Brauchle - Doomicus


  It was just another Tuesday. Same old, same old. The lower class of the

  city with it's dirt covered streets, old run down buildings, and all sosrt of

  gang violence that the police didn't even bother with. Above that was the

  middle class. Glass windows, a bed to sleep on, and many other minor

  luxuries were given to this class. I,Matt Romano, live in this class. With my

  friend and roommate Ricky, life was good. Higher up in the social class was

  the rich men of the city. They ran multi- million dollar cooperations. The men

  is so greedy, they would stab their own brother in the back for a chance to get

  more money. Now everybody in the city would get there lives changed for

  better or worse.


  3:45 A.M. A huge earthquake shook the ground. The vibrations could

  be heard from miles. The ground rumbled fiercely and bellowed. Then it all

  stopped, until an ear-piercing roar came out. That is when the quakes

  continued. Every 2 seconds a quake would rattle the city, waking up

  everybody in city. Soon a gigantic looming shadow was visible. The more it

  walked the more of it you could see. It's two muscular legs taller than two

  school buses, milk chocolate brown skin, jagged rotten butcher knife like

  teeth, and a long slimy blue tongue( I was later told it was 294 Ft. tall). It

  looked very mad, but even more frightening it looked hungry.


  Ricky, in shock and awe seemed to be put in a trance. “Lets get the heck

  out of here!”, I screamed. We both ran down the stairs and out the front door .

  We stopped to see the mass amount of military soldiers out here already.

  “What is going on” I say

  “ It was a top-secret project.”

  “ What was the project”

  “ The plan was to take DNA from a carnotarus and a blue-tongue skink and

  mix that in with twice the nuclear chemicals dropped on Japan. To make a

  anti-terrorism weapon, After making it, people thought of it maybe being to

  dangerous. We made sure that any aggressive gene was removed making it

  harmless, However the radiation must have mutated it further so it would

  become super aggressive. It escaped it's holding facility in Brazil. The local

  islanders called it Doomicus, After some weird deity they worshiped. This

  anti-terrorism tool has gone awry, and must be stopped at all cost.” The sound

  of constant gun fire and yelling increased as he said, “ We are afraid that

  because you now know to much information on the subject you must be put

  under arrest and held in a military facility until the monster is killed, So that

  when the monster is killed your story will be nothing but brainless garbage.”

  We where then cuffed and stuffed in a crude military van. Ricky and I could

  only watch in horror as Doomicus laid waste to the first few houses it had

  finally reached.


  The van was about to drive off when sounds of panic rang out. The

  vibrations of the ground got larger, with the van even getting a little air. The

  van then shot up in the air landing overturned. Both Ricky and I were lucky

  enough to get out alive but I was servilely wounded, our driver wasn't to

  lucky. Ricky put my arm over his shoulder and he slowly dragged me. Closer

  up ahead a small line of troopers carrying large assault rifles and bazookas

  were shooting at the towering beast with no avail. Two tanks came and shot

  at Doomicus, He shrugged it off like getting a flick on the forehead. The bad

  side of this is it got Dommicus's attention. Doomicus shot a huge gust of fire

  at the tanks at 2,500 degrees it turned the tanks into small metallic puddles.

  Doomicus roared over his apparent victory. The remaining troops had

  retreated as the monster destroyed more and more of the city. Me and my

  friend were now surrounded by the surviving men, who by the look on there

  face were traumatized. I thought to myself can this thing ever be stopped?


  We got to some military base where the remaining troops were nearly

  kissing the ground. We along with the captain of this mission went to this

  special briefing room. Two scientists and a gruff stern man stood there.

  “Listen, we know that if we don't kill this monster and soon we'll be in hot

  water” said the man.

  “We have deducted that the monster should be killed if we can pour some

  MHPI on it”.

  “What is MHPI”

  “A chemical that will kill all forms of radiation and nuclear chemicals in the

  area”. “ The problem is it only comes from a source of high radiation which

  right now is the beast”. Then a large shutting sound was heard. “ I can help

  you capture the beast or my name isn't Casper Young, the greatest animal

  hunter in the world”. The British hunter walked over to us, he was very angry

  . “ All my life I was dedicated to killing the biggest game in the area, and

  right now that beauty sure is big”. He put a large leather sack on the briefing

  table and opened it. It contained loads of of bullets, tranquilizer, and different

  types of hand pistols. “ My plan to kill Doomicus is simple.” he then

  proceeded to pull out 7 needles and mixed the fluid into one solution. “ This

  here dart is 7 times more powerful than that of rhino tranquilizer. It should

  knock it out or at least weaken it to your attacks. The only problem that I see

  is that the dart can be fired at only 75yds or closer. I'm going to need cover

  fire if I’m to pull this of. So, suit up your strongest and heavily armed men

  and we will get him”.


  In what was once a industrial town had become the nesting grounds for

  doomicus. The buildings that were still standing were battered and bruised.

  Casper, Ricky, and me were driving to this freak of natures home. Stetting

  foot on the ground was enough to see that damage could take years to repair.

  The once solid well paved roads of the rich folk were turned into muddy and

  disgusting soil. Casper tilted his hat and mumbled under his breath, then the

  suden chilling whoosh of a dozen fighter jets flew past us hurdling right at

  Doomicus. It flailed it's arms rapidly like trying to shoo of a bee. Casper

  jumped in some military jeep followed by Ricky and I. We to drove directly

  to the beast. Casper fired despite the fact he and the target were moved and a

  wind current was blowing against them. The dart flew right into Doomicus's

  skin, it let out a whining like whimper then fell and lay unconscious. They

  proceeded to get 36 helicopters to lift up Doomicus and transport him to the

  secret base outside the city for study. They kept Doomicus breathing a gas

  that would keep in this paralyzed state of sleep. After some blood work two

  scientists ran screaming, “It's going to blow”. Apparently the drug that kills

  radiation increased Doomicus's hea
rt rate that if exceeds to high a rate the

  radiation causes a reaction that cause a small nuclear blast. Everybody was in

  such a hurry someone accidentally shut down the gas vents keeping

  Doomicus down. It rose, furiously it shot it's fire breath out. Burning and

  fearing a explosion every jet, tank, jeep, car, and man swiftly fled the

  dangerous creature. All except Casper, Ricky and I, we stayed trapped by the

  burning debris. Casper shot his gun, “ Duck or you'll die”. As he predicted

  Doomicus sung it's tail throwing the debris out of the way. “ I'll stay must

  remain true to my promise”. He went back in, inside the rising flames spread

  all over. He stood on a balcony edge and was finally eye to eye with

  Doomicus. It cocked it's head back and hot flames started to form. Casper

  Raised his gun and aimed. “ open wide love”. He shot, the bullet made the

  heart rate get to high. A very bright white light appeared, most people knew

  what had just happened. Then right there even the toughest man felt a sharp

  pain inside them.


  Ricky and I were told not to speak of this tragical event. Casper's death

  was remembered as he got his own little memorial grave with a tombstone

  saying “ here lies Casper Young, the worlds greatest hunter. He died for our

  country, Rest In Peace. Ricky intrigued by the DNA slicing of two animals

  lead him to get a degree in genetics, and is currently finding ways to end

  cancer. For me I moved to California and opened a nice Italian sub shop in

  L.A. One story I recently heard is that one of the scientists was really a

  terrorist in disguise, and the scientist who took the blood work with


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