Unscrupulous Desires: Sisters Torn Apart (Dangerous Family Secrets Book 1)

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Unscrupulous Desires: Sisters Torn Apart (Dangerous Family Secrets Book 1) Page 5

by Mack Collins

  The uniformed man quickly moved over to where I had been standing before the judge. He seemed impartial to it all, like he had been doing this for years. His movements were somewhat robotic and as we stepped out of the room I asked him to make a second call. He nodded his hand giving me a positive response to my request.

  I called Robert again, for the second time. Maybe he hadn’t gotten my first message. Yet again, the call went straight to his voicemail. I tried to briefly explain everything that had happened in my message and ended by begging him to come bail me out as soon as he gets home.

  “Two messages would definitely not be ignored by him Linda,” I thought to myself as the officer led me back to my cold, lonely cell. My day went by quickly and soon it was night time. I had not gotten any new cellmates and so I was still very much by alone. Every footstep I heard piqued my curiosity and I would think that it was Robert coming to rescue me from my hell in a cell. But he never came. For the first time in a long time I found myself praying.

  “Lord. Jesus. Christ.” I whispered. I had bent my head and closed my eyes hoping that I was addressing God in the right way.

  “If you get me out of this mess, I’m gonna be the best bitch out there. Just please, please get me out of this mess. I’m gonna come clean about everything and face whatever consequences,” I continued with my eyes still shut.

  My prayer was interrupted by another set of footsteps that were followed by voices. I walked to the front of the cell and peeked through the metal bars, the way I normally did to see who was coming. The voices drew nearer and nearer to my cell. I was now able to recognize one of the faces. It was Robert. As he spoke his voice was filled with concern. He was inquiring about MY whereabouts. The two people came to an abrupt stop directly in front of my cell. I must have been really at the brink of losing it, because as I looked at the person one more time I realized that it was Aunt Gretchen, and not Robert. How could I have mistaken Aunt Gretchen for Robert? The older woman’s petite frame was the complete opposite of Robert’s lean stature.

  She was well dressed in a navy blue pants suit that I had seen her wear only two times prior to now, once at a family funeral and the other time at Molly’s wedding. It was now clear to me that Robert was not going to come to help me out. I was completely crushed, I had loved this man so much and he did not even care to call me. The fact that I was having illusions of him let me know that I had lost my grip on reality. This cell was doing me no good.

  “Are you okay baby?” Gretchen asked in a motherly tone of voice. She had been somewhat of a mother to Molly and me since our parents had died in the car crash.

  “How’d you get here?” I asked. She lived all the way in Houston, Texas and so it was quite a shock to see her here in Miami.

  “Don’t worry about me right now. I need to get you out of here baby.” She paced back and forth in front of the cell for a minute. The officer accompanying her must have sensed the little craziness in her.

  “Are you okay ma’am?” he asked looking at her pensively.

  “Oh, I’m just fine baby,” Gretchen replied.

  In that moment I managed to crack a little smile. Aunt Gretchen always referred to every one as her baby, no matter who she was speaking to. Maybe it was a southern thing, but it was a little funny hearing her refer to the mature, uptight looking police officer as her baby.

  She shifted her attention back to me and stretched her slender wrinkled arm between the spaces of the cell bars. Another person would have been told to refrain from doing that, but the earnest look on her experienced face made it impossible for the officer to speak out against what she was doing. Her hand made contact with the side of my face that had been less than an inch away from the iron bars. She cupped by face in her wrinkled arm and brought her gaze to meet mine. Staring me directly in the eye, she assured me that she would get me out of there.

  Then she left with the officer promising me that she would see me soon. I walked over to the bed and sat down with my head in my hand. I knew that I should have been happy that someone had come to bail me out, but I just could not shake off the negative feeling that seemingly consumed my thoughts. I was filled with sadness and hurt from not hearing from Robert.

  Any other time, I would have probably been okay with him not calling me back, but this was a SERIOUS matter. I was locked up behind bars. Where the fuck was Robert? The concerned feeling that I had for him was replaced by a feeling of disappointment, sadness and anger. What could possibly be more important than me at this time?

  Was it Molly? I was almost startled by my own question. “No he’d promised me that things were pretty much over between them,” I tried to convince myself.

  About twenty minutes later I heard footsteps walking towards me. Then I heard some keys rattle. A dark tall handsome officer was now unlocking the door of my cell.

  In my thirty six years I had never been so happy to follow in the footsteps of a man. I was usually referred to as an “Alpha Female” by most of my colleagues. I dominated in the court room regardless of who the prosecuting lawyer was. And in the bedroom, my dominance was inevitable; the men would literally be at my beck and call.

  The officer led me out to the front area, where Aunt Gretchen was seated on a chair in the quaint lounge area. He pulled out a chair next to a desk and motioned me to have a seat. He then instructed me to stretch my hand out on the desk so he could release me of my handcuffs. I breathed a sigh of relief as the cuffs came off and fell to the table. I flexed my wrist from side to side happy to be free from all my restraints. Although I had been handcuffed in the past it had always been part of some kinky, wild foreplay that would usually end with me getting an orgasm. This time I was far from getting a sexual release, this time I had caught a case instead. I was now a lawyer, with a bad police record.

  I was handed several documents to sign and I was given a brown envelope containing my personal stuff that had been confiscated during my arrest. I quickly ripped the package open and searched frantically for my ten thousand dollar diamond studded necklace that I had been wearing on the day that I was arrested. So help me God, I would have gone buck wild if it had been missing. I emptied the contents of the package on to the desk with shaky fingers. Thankfully my expensive necklace fell out, looking just as it had been when I had put it on that morning.

  After all the papers were completed I got up and headed towards where Gretchen was seated, I could see the relieved look set in on her once tense face. We embraced each other gratefully. I thanked her endlessly for coming to my assistance. She was very humble about it and didn’t accept my offer to pay her back.

  “You and Molly are like my daughters, everything I have belongs to you guys. I’m old and don’t need much baby.” She assured me as we made our way to the small silver Kia she was driving.

  “Where you staying aunty?” I asked as she drove. It had just dawn on me that she did not have the spare keys to my apartment. Years ago I had trusted her with my spare key but after having to replace them every month because she would always lose them, I had decided to just give my spare key to Molly instead. She was closer to me anyway, just about two hours away from my apartment to be exact.

  Gretchen informed me that she had booked a room at a local motel.

  “Oh no. I’m not gonna have you staying at a motel. You’re family.”

  A warm smile touched her wrinkled face. “Thanks baby, this old woman can’t take much of these motels anymore these days,” she gave a little wink. She was referring to her excessive traveling during her younger years. Both Molly and me had heard the stories of her life, the various truck drivers that she had dated and joined along the cross country travels. Aunt Gretchen had been to almost every motel that there was.

  She drove to the motel, went to the room and packed her stuff, and then we headed to my apartment. The entire time I had one question on my mind. Where was Mr. Robert James? The more that I thought about it the greater my desire to see him became.

  When we fina
lly arrived at my apartment I got my aunt settled in. I too had a little re-adjusting to do; it had been two days since I had been in my apartment. We enjoyed chicken fried rice, from a small Chinese restaurant a few blocks away from my apartment. Although my night should have been going good, thoughts of Robert consumed me. I needed to see him, ASAP. Like Nancy Drew I was going to get to the bottom of this mystery. I dropped off Gretchen at the apartment and informed her that I had to go on an errand.

  The long drive seemed to be endless. I had left the city over an hour ago and I was now driving along a heavily forested area in the suburbs. Finally I got to the sign that read, “Welcome to Falcona”. I drove some more and soon pulled up in the drive way of the somewhat deserted house, that I knew all too well.

  Filled with a combination of anxiety, anger and hurt, I ran to the front door. I banged on the front door so hard, it seemed like I was the police conducting a raid. There was a sudden flash and I looked up to the bedroom window. Someone had turned the lights on. “So the bastard’s home,” I thought to myself. Now I was filled with rage, I banged on the door even harder than before.

  ‘Who is it?” an irritated voice called out from behind the door. He must have been suddenly awoken from his sleep by my banging on his front door.

  “Open the FUCKING door Robert!” I ordered, as I banged my fist harder on the wooden door.

  There was a click and the brass door knob slowly turned clockwise. As the door slowly opened, I forced my way inside hastily.

  “Did you not get my message?” I shrieked.

  “I know, I know,” he said trying to calm me down.

  “So what happened?” I asked with an eager look on my face.

  “Well I couldn’t…”

  “WHAT!!” my eyes popped open and my face was red with anger. “I’m in a fucking cell and you’re here talking about you couldn’t are you…”

  He cut me off half way during my rant and retaliated, his voice just as loud as mine. He gripped firmly onto my jaw and we both locked gazes with each other.

  “Shut up. Shut the HELL UP!” his voice was firm and he placed much emphasis on almost every word. It was almost like I was a stubborn child that he was trying to get through to.

  “You don’t listen, that’s why you’re in this mess right now,” he continued.

  I looked at him, shocked at his sudden aggression. I had never seen this side of him; clearly he was a nervous wreck. He must have noticed my surprise and distasteful look for his new attitude. He took a minute and tried to calm down before speaking again. He took a few steps closer to me and cupped my face in his huge masculine hands. He had an intense look on his face as his deep green eyes pierced through my entire being.

  “Listen baby, I couldn’t come,” he said solemnly.

  “You’re a lawyer you know how that would look with the police on my ass” he continued.

  I was slowly catching up to what he was saying. The past few months had been very difficult for him. The police were carefully surveying his every move and my arrest must have kicked his paranoia into high gear. Although I hated to admit it he probably did the best thing. The last thing I wanted the police to find out was that I was having an affair with my sister’s husband.

  I dropped my head down; I could not look him in the eye when I asked my next question. “So would you have just let me stay in there?” Although I understood his side of the story, I also had to think about myself, Linda. The past forty hours of my life had been the most horrible experience ever. Had I stayed in the cell a minute longer I would have literally lost my mind.

  “OH Hell NO! That’s why I called Danny and got him to put Gretchen on the next flight here. I gave her the money to go bail you out.”

  I almost gasped in shock. It had just dawned on me that I had never called anyone but Robert, yet Gretchen had been the one who came to bail me out. A warm feeling swept through my body.

  “You sent her. You did that for me?” I asked sheepishly, moving closer to him. Our bodies were now touching and I could feel his hot breath on my flesh.

  I had been so upset that I hadn’t even realized he had come to the door wearing only his boxer shorts. I giggled a little at the Sponge Bob character on the front of his yellow boxer shorts. He still had that childishness in him and it was a bit attractive.

  He realized that I had been surveying his bottom. “What you know about Sponge Bob?” he said jokingly.

  My eyes soon left his bottom and I carefully examined every inch of his smooth tanned complexion. I found myself wanting to taste his flesh, wanting to feel his raw meat inside me.

  He leaned in and we locked lips, his tongue was hot and wild and he devoured me from the inside out.

  “Oh shit,” I muttered under my breath. I realized that I had not even taken a good shower yet. I broke away from his kiss and told him that I wanted to take a quick shower. He led me to their master bath upstairs. Although Molly had been in a hospital bed for six months now, her scent was still present in almost every inch of their house. Robert had pretty much left everything exactly the way it was when she had been there.

  As I stepped into the shower I could see the half bottle of Molly’s body wash in the corner. I splattered some of the creamy soapy liquid onto the pink wash cloth next to it. It felt amazing, I felt like I was living my sister’s life. Here I was in her shower using her stuff, about to fuck her husband on her bed. Things could not get any better; in fact it felt a little surreal.

  “You need help with that?”

  My heart skipped a bit, and I turned behind to see Roberts’s naked body inches away from mine.

  “Oh my God, you nearly startled me,” I admitted, taking a few strides closing in on the gap that was between us.

  “I could not resist the urge to help you, since it seems like I don’t help you anymore,” he had a little smirk on his face.

  “Make love to me Robert,” I moaned breathlessly as I brought my lips to meet his.

  Our bodies were wet yet it felt incredibly hot. As we locked lips together in the shower the water falling on my skin mixed with his delicious tongue was literally driving me insane. My body ached for him, as he stroked the full length of my back with his huge masculine hands. I almost melted in his arms. I could feel the waves of pleasure running down my spine and crashing down between my legs. I was now fully aroused by his touches.

  He released my lips and with a swift movement he was pressing up against my body from behind. I held on to the shower door as he planted a series of soft kisses on my back.

  “Take me now Rob,” I begged, like a little child at a candy store.

  He did not hesitate, his kisses became more passionate as he sucked and licked almost every inch of my back. His hand had also made their way down to my moist heat and he was gently stroking my clitoris.

  “Oh God, I missed you,” I moaned as he increased the momentum of his caresses on my clit. I parted my legs further, hunching over and popping my booty out.

  In a writhe of pain I left out a sharp moan as I felt the sudden intrusion of his massiveness penetrating my insides. He gripped firmly onto the top of my hip and served me with a series of short hard thrusts. I wailed and gripped onto the shower door firmly. He seemed lost in the ecstasy of the moment because his thrusts were relentless. He hardly stopped to catch his breath. I could hear him panting and as he tightened his grip on my body. The feeling was euphoric and I begged and pleaded with him to fuck me harder. He fulfilled my every request. Over and over he pleasured me with his massive shaft until we both reach our earth shattering climax. His hot cum shot across the shower, leaving splatters across the glass shower door.

  After our moment of pleasure, we took turns soaping each other’s bodies, while still engaging in a little foreplay. We spent about an hour in the shower just exploring each other bodies.

  When we were done, I walked over to Molly’s closet, and slipped into one of her sexiest night gowns. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but
think that I could easily get use to living her life. I looked so damn good in her clothes; it was like this was all meant to be.

  Robert and I made love again that night, but this time we were in his bed. He gave me multiple orgasms and I did not want our time together to end. But I had to head back home because Gretchen was there.


  The days turned into weeks and the weeks turn into months and soon it was my day in court. My trial was scheduled for ten in the morning on a Tuesday. Robert and I had spent the entire night rehearsing my story. We made sure that both our stories corresponded and relayed the same message; which was, that I was innocent. My sister Molly was still very much in a coma and no one knew when or if she would wake up. The doctors had been trying everything in their power to keep her alive.

  As we got ready to leave my apartment, I took one final look at myself in the mirror located right next to the front door. I had decided to wear my navy blue skirt suit with just a light touch of make up on my face. My hair was pulled back neatly in to a pony tail while my reading glasses complimented the professional look I was trying to create. Robert was right behind me. As usual he wore one of his black Giorgio Armani suits and he had a slick black suit case in hand.

  “It’ll be fine,” he assured me as I contemplated the entire situation in the mirror.

  “What if they find something new on me?”

  So far I was aware of the evidence that they had; a few fingerprints on the door of Molly’s car and a house keeper claiming that the room I stayed in seemed unused. From what I knew the prosecution had no good, solid evidence against me.

  My thoughts were interrupted by Robert’s voice again. “I promise I won’t let anything thing happen to you, just relax it will be over soon,” with that he moved in closer to me and embraced me from the behind planting a soft kiss on the back of my neck.


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