The Assassin's Weakness

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The Assassin's Weakness Page 6

by Jeanette Rico

  Cameron nods his head moving towards the bar. He waves a beer at me. I take it. He pops the top, and says. “So did you resolve your woman issues?” I take a swig of my beer running my tongue over my teeth. “I saw her last night. I was there until this morning.” His eyebrows go up in surprise. “Are you serious? You spent the night with her?” I don’t answer, but he doesn’t need an answer. Cameron has known me long enough to know when something has irrevocably changed in my life. He lays the beer over the table. “Do you love her?” My head snaps up in surprise. “Who said anything about love?” He clucks his tongue and laughs sardonically. “Oh man. You got it bad.” I clench my jaw. “Look Cameron. I really don’t want to talk about her right now. Let’s just say she’s important to me. That’s why I want to keep this life separate from her.” He nods his head in acquiesce. “I can respect that. Just don’t keep too many secrets. Trust me when I say it makes a situation worse.”

  I finish my beer placing it on the table. “The Confradia is sending me to Chicago this weekend. I might need you to keep an eye on her. They’re on summer break and she’s staying in the dorms by herself. I worry about leaving her alone in that building. I’m thinking about asking her to stay at my place while I’m gone.” Cameron sputters in shock. “Wow you really are serious about her. Okay. You’re going to have to introduce us then.” I stare off in the distance and answer. “Yeah, maybe tomorrow we can do lunch or something.” He pats my shoulder. “Keep in mind Gideon; things have a way of working themselves out.”

  I do a little research for my mark that afternoon. The Confradia sent me the file a few minutes ago. I’m looking through the file when my phone vibrates. It’s a text from Jade. I open the text and inside there is a picture of her. She looks beautiful with her long hair haloing her face and sweet smile. I save the picture into my private folder and go back to the text. She misses me. I reread the words several times, but I don’t respond. I don’t know what to say. The phone vibrates again. It’s the address for her dance tonight. I memorize the information and delete it. It’s never good to keep a lot of evidence. A picture is pushing it, but words can cause problems. Taking the picture of us last night was the most spontaneous thing I’ve ever done.

  That night I stop at her dance. I hide in the shadows as she dances. She is amazing. The crowd is mesmerized. After the dance is over I don’t reveal myself. Instead, I walk back out. My thoughts are whirling. I feel confused-almost humbled by her talent.

  I push thoughts of her out my mind as I head towards the first club. The club is like any other. People are dancing, laughing and drinking. I move towards the bar and order a drink. A woman across from me smiles flirtatiously. I ignore her, but she is persistent. She sets her drink next to mine. “Hello handsome, how about you buy me a drink?” I look at the woman. She is very beautiful. The kind of woman I would have taken to bed. But my thoughts are filled with Jade. I give her an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I’m waiting for someone, perhaps some other time.” She licks her lips pouting. “Oh that’s a shame. You are seriously hot.” I grin at her comment, bow my head and walk away. I’m there for at least an hour with no sight of Willem.

  Frustrated, I decide to cruise another club. I check my messages as I walk towards the alley’s exit. Big mistake. A shadow falls over me. After working for the Confradia for so long my senses are honed. I step aside as the form moves for an assault. The man is holding a knife. I pull his hand back by the wrist. The man lets out a painful yelp. He falls down as I kick at the side of his knee. The knife skids across the floor. He moves up to attack, but I punch him the face several times. I’m about to hit him again, when something metal is pressed against my neck. I let the man drop unconscious on the floor. I turn slowly towards the other man. It’s Willem.

  “Well, look who’s here, Gideon Kane aka Reaper, in the flesh.” I step back from the gun he’s holding against my neck. “Willem.” He sneers holding the gun square on my face. “You know I was surprised to see you at the club the other day. Have you been looking for me?” I clench my jaw keeping a stoic expression. “You know Willem you have a lot of balls showing back up in the States. You do know that the Confradia has you on their radar now. Don’t you?” He visibly gulps but maintains an air of indifference. I can almost admire him if he wasn’t such a sick twisted fuck.”

  He lowers his gun and smirks. “Is it the Confradia or Cameron? Where is he anyway?” I keep my tone steady. “Does it matter who it is? Considering that in the end you will be dead.” I pull my hands slowly towards the gun in my waist. “So why don’t you give yourself up now and save us the hassle?” Willem raises the gun outraged at my dispassionate calm. “Screw you Gideon. You and Cameron.” I push forward too angry to care. “You keep acting like the wounded party Willem. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO BETRAYED US. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. SO FUCKING MAN-UP AND ACCEPT THE CONSEQUENCES!” Willem inhales a ragged breath. “Consequences? You blindly follow the Confradia without a thought. I don’t blame you considering how young you were when you were initiated. Open your eyes Gideon. We are just the Confradia’s janitors. We clean up messes no one else wants to touch. We are the ones who suffer the consequences not them. We risk our lives, not them! I just figured it out and decided that it was time to take care of me!” I shake my head at his self-righteous tone. “That’s right Willem blame everyone but you. This is not about the Confradia, this about your greediness and self-importance.”

  He raises his gun and levels it towards my chest. “There’s no sense in talking anymore Gideon. Say good-bye.” Before he can pull the trigger I move back with lightning speed. The shot goes past my ear. I pull out my gun and point it at him. We are at a standoff. My breathing is erratic as I point the gun. He smirks, keeping aim. Before we can finish it, the club door opens. A few people come out. One is retching in a nearby garbage can. We quickly hide our weapons and stare each other down. Willem pulls back moving towards the club door. “This isn’t over Gideon. We’ll see each other again. By the way say hi to Cameron for me.” He bows his head and disappears in to the dark. I move to follow, but a few more people come out the door.

  I reach into my pocket and dial Cameron. “Gideon.” I forgo any pleasantries. “Willem and I have just had a conversation.” Cameron gasps in surprise. “What the fuck Gideon. I sent you in for recon, not talk to him. What happened?” I steer the car moving towards Jade’s school. “Apparently, he spotted me and decided to confront me. He was spouting off about the Confradia. We didn’t get a chance to talk more because he was trying to shoot me. Unfortunately, he got away. He did send his regards though.” Cameron lets out a few expletives. “This is not good. The bastard is playing some game with us. We need to regroup. I’ll see what I can find out. I’ll call you as soon as I find something.” I hang up quickly after that.

  The ride to Jade’s school doesn’t take very long. Just like I did the night before, I walk in the building and head straight to her room. I knock quietly and a few seconds later she’s standing in my arms.

  Chapter 15: Confessions


  Adrian dropped me off in my dorm earlier. Right now, I’m lying in my bed listening to the radio. I’m wearing my white night shirt again. I had shaved and showered when came home in hopes that I would see Gideon tonight. I look at my phone as it lies next to me quietly mocking me. Gideon never called or texted back. Resigned, I reach for my kindle. I guess it’s me and my book boyfriend tonight. Suddenly there’s a knock on my door. My heart beats an erratic drum. I look into the peephole and feel happiness run through me. It’s Gideon. I open my door and fall into his arms. “Gideon you came.” He kisses my head pulling me back in to the room.

  As soon as we’re in the room he pulls me back for a kiss. Wrapping my arms around him I get lost in the moment. Our tongues are entwine. My breasts are rubbing enticingly over his suit covered chest. I run my hands down to his shoulders sliding his jacket off. He helps me with the jacket and removes his tie. As he takes off his tie, I unbutton his shirt k
issing his neck and chest. His hands grip my butt tightly, pulling me closer to him. I move closer running my hands down his six-pack. His hands sift through my hair. He backs me up in to my bed straddling my waist. Then he pulls back laying a few sweet kisses over my face. I lift my hand caressing his face as if memorizing every curve and angle.

  Gideon closes his eyes resting his forehead over mine and whispers. “I saw you tonight. You’re an incredible dancer.” I pull back in surprise. “You saw me dance?” He nods his head placing a few kisses over my brow. “Yeah. I stopped by, but I had some business to attend to, so I left as soon as your dance was done.” Happiness blooms in my chest at his words. “I’m glad you came. Did you get my text?” He nods his head. “Yeah. I just didn’t have time to respond.” He places a few small kisses on my lips and stands up holding his hand out to me. “Come on.” He says waving his hand in encouragement.

  I reach out my hand to him. He pulls me up ushering me towards the door. I stop pulling his arm to me. “Where are we going Gideon? I’m not dressed to go outside.” I say gesturing to my plain white nightshirt. His eyes heat as they roam over my body. Pulling back he reaches for his suit jacket and hands it to me. “Put this and some shoes on. And pack a bag we’re going to my place. Now.” I look at him incredulously. “You’re very bossy you know that?” He shrugs his shoulders and smirks. Then he pulls shoes from the floor and hands them to me. “You have two minutes.” I huff at his comment, but do as he says.

  His place is amazing. We walk in hand in hand. The floors are dark oak. It has high ceilings with large windows. The kitchen appliances are all stainless steel. There’s a leather sectional couch and a big screen television dominating the room. I walk over to the window as he places my bag on the couch. The city looks so beautiful at this time of night. His hands wrap around my waist pulling me back into his chest. I tilt my head back pulling his arms tightly to me. We stand there for a few minutes. His hands move up, pulling the jacket from my shoulders. The jacket falls to the floor leaving me in my white night shirt. His hand moves up my thigh lifting the shirt up. I place my hand over his and turn into his arms.

  I gaze up to him as his eyes rest on my lips. I raise my hand up running my fingers over his lips and whisper nervously, “Gideon. I think I’m in love with you.” Gideon lets out a gasp, closing his eyes. After a moment then leans his forehead over mine and whispers back. “Jade…I don’t… I don’t know what love is.” A tear rolls down my face. He wipes his hand over my cheek and kisses over it.

  He pulls back with his jaw clenched. His eyes seem darker as he gazes upon me. “I’ve never had anyone love me. My upbringing was not the best. My mother was a prostitute and I never really met my father. I was pretty much on my own until Cameron found me…” Gideon stops for a moment. Taking my hand he leads me to the couch and sits with me on his lap. He entwines one of his hands with mine resting them on my lap. His head remains bowed as if it’s too difficult to look at me while he reveals his secrets. I rest my other hand over his hair, caressing the ends with my fingers.

  “I was twelve when I met Cameron.” He snorts at his own comment and chuckles. “Actually, I was twelve when I tried to rob Cameron.” I gasp in surprise. “What?” He looks at me through his lashes. “I was hungry and desperate. He was walking down a dark alley. Thankfully, instead of kicking my ass or turning me in to child services, he took me to his home. Of course I didn’t make it easy on him. I was wary of adults….” He chuckles again. “I even asked him if he was a child molester.” I smile at his comment.

  He gazes back to me this time becoming serious. “Over time I began to trust him. He made sure I had a home and an education. He’s the only father I’ve ever known.” His eyes stare off into the distance. Then return to me. “I don’t know what love is, but what I do know is that I’ve never felt the way I feel about you with anyone else.” My heart quickens in delight at his words. I reach my hand down and wrap it around his neck to pull him closer. I kiss his eyes and nose. “That’s all I want Gideon.” Our lips meet in a quiet exploration. I nip his bottom lip and say, “I know what it’s like to have uncaring parents. My mom only tolerates me when she needs something and my dad has been gone for years. She keeps marrying these scumbags that only want her money.”

  Gideon pulls back. “Did any of them ever hurt you?” I shake my head. “No. They were never around me enough to try. She’s the reason why I’m in St. Bart’s. I came home last summer because I didn’t get into any dancing schools. She was there with her new husband. He…he was always hanging around. My mom didn’t like that. So she packed me up and shipped me out. I didn’t want to come, but she told me if I didn’t she would make sure I didn’t make it in the ballet circuit.” I snort dejected. “To be honest with you, I think she’s the reason why I didn’t get into any of the dance schools. However, there’s nothing I can do to prove it. ” Gideon takes a deep breath a look of consternation on his face. Then he whispers my thoughts. “Your mother is a bitch.” I snort breaking into hysterical laughter. Then I rise up from his lap holding my hand out. “Show me your bedroom.” I say confidently.

  He rises up taking my hand and leads me to a large bedroom. The bedroom is as striking as the rest of the house. There’s a king size bed with a large wooden headboard. The windows are large leading to a balcony. I notice two large dressers and a door that must lead to the wardrobe or bathroom.

  I slip off my shoes and cat crawl over the bed. I glance over my shoulder in invitation. He licks his lips keeping his eyes focused on my body. I know that the shirt I’m wearing is riding up showing him the curves of my ass and the juncture between my thighs. He moves closer unbuttoning his shirt and removing his shoes. He unbuttons his pants but does not remove them when he kneels over the bed. Before I can turn around, he places his hands over my hips and pulls me back to his thighs. I bite my lip in arousal and startle when Gideon spanks my bare ass. I turn back in surprise. His chest is rising and falling in an erratic tempo.

  I run my eyes over his in wonder. He looks like a golden god with his beautiful muscled chest gleaming in the moonlight. “Keep your eyes straight baby and don’t move.” He orders firmly. Aroused beyond belief, I look forward and stay still. I’m startled from my arousal by the sound of paper ripping. He puts on a condom and impales me roughly with his cock. I moan in ecstasy when he begins to ride me hard. My hands tighten over the covers and my hair falls down cascading over my face. The bed begins to shake with our movements. His butt clenches in and out as he pounds me. Moisture gathers down my thighs from my wetness.

  “Gideon!” I scream out in pleasure. His hand wraps around my hair as he leans down pulling my shirt up to my neck and kisses my back. I can feel drops of his sweat sliding down my back. He slaps my ass again making me cry out. Then he lifts me up to his chest still moving in and out at a brutal pace. His hand tilts my chin towards him for a kiss. He bites my lip, then moves his hand down to my breasts squeezing and pinching my nipples. His hand moves further down tracing over my belly button to my pussy. He twirls his fingers over my clit. Pleasure begins to rise through me. “Gideon!” I scream out as my orgasm crests. My womb clenches tightly over his shaft. He groans loudly and shudders out his own climax.

  I shudder roughly falling boneless over the bed. Gideon does not let me rest though. He wraps me in his arms and lifts me up. I am so exhausted that all I can do is rest my head on his shoulders as he carries me bridal style to the bathroom. He sits me on the counter kissing me in the nose then turns back to the tub. The bathroom is beautifully appointed with marble counters, two sinks, a massive claw footed tub and a large shower with several shower heads. He turns on the faucets filling the tub up with water. He checks the temperature as steam rises over the water. Then turns back to me pulling my shirt completely off. He lifts me back up again and lays me in the water. It’s perfect. He reaches for a sponge and pours some soap over it. Then he kneels over me with his pants still open and runs a sponge over my shoulders.

; I sit there mesmerized by his ministrations. He pushes the sponge back in to the water and squeezes the excess before he runs it down my breasts, stomach and pussy. I gasp feeling sore. He makes shushing noises kissing my head and cleaning me gently. I pull his head towards me kissing him softly and whisper again. “I love you Gideon.” This time he doesn’t flinch. Instead he rises, removes his pants and slides into the tub with me. I take the sponge and turn towards him running it over his chest and neck. We kiss and touch until the water cools. Then he rises up with me in his arms and lays us on the bed to sleep.

  Chapter 16: Feelings


  I know I should be asleep, but all I can do is lie here and look at the beautiful woman before me. She’s looks so innocent lying on her side with her head on her folded hands. The covers are around her waist, her dark brown hair falling carelessly over her shoulders. A nipple peaks through her hair making my mouth water. I rise up on one arm and run my hands caressingly over her hair and shoulder. I don’t know what to do. She says she loves me, but what do I know of love. However, I couldn’t resist the kernel of happiness that kindled when she said the words.


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