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Diamonds Are Forever

Page 7

by India Lee

  “Who the hell is she, for real?” Zoe laughed. “I must be out of the loop not recognizing her.”

  “Me too,” Gemma agreed. “But I’m glad my hat is getting so much press.” But as soon as the words left her mouth, she saw what all the buzz was about.

  He had somehow hidden from public view for the past six months, and the rumor mill was buzzing about what it might mean. Stepping out behind the girl in the white dress was Tyler, looking pretty dazzling himself in his stark black on black tuxedo. He placed his hands on the girl’s waist, walking her up the carpet as reporters began yelling questions at them behind the press line.

  “Oh, okay,” Zoe sighed. “I thought she was the somebody.” She blinked, watching the scene for a second. “I didn’t think he’d show, for some reason,” she said. “He hasn’t done the event in years.”

  “I know.” Gemma watched as Tyler led the girl down the red carpet, stopping occasionally for a photo. Physically, he was still the same, built Tyler that she had known from when he was filming Carbine. But there was a different air about him now – a different look in his honey brown eyes. Gemma tried to distinguish it as she studied him from afar but distracting her was a small flash of light. She blinked. It hadn’t come from a camera – it had come bouncing off the hand of the mystery girl on Tyler’s arm. Gemma squinted, looking for what exactly had caused the little glimmer. Oh my God.

  “Aw, shee-it. Looks like someone has an announcement to make,” Zoe said, obviously spotting the same thing Gemma had.

  A big, sparkling, diamond engagement ring.


  She should have known with her recent luck that her most famous ex-boyfriend would be debuting his fiancée on the same day, at the same event as she was debuting her first big pieces. That was just how the world worked. It was hardly a shock.

  The shock was the fact that somehow, Tyler wasn’t what bothered Gemma most.

  Touching her tightly wound up-do, Gemma looked across the floor, spotting Damian and Azura by the bar, looking more comfortable together than she could get comfortable with. They had yet to move from their spot, talking with their faces close, occasionally laughing in unison. Damian looked incredible in the outfit that Armand and his team helped her prepare, that Gemma had designed alone. It was a cream-colored suit, worn fitted around Damian’s impressive frame. The look was light and airy, brought together by a classic white button-down and a matte, charcoal silk scarf tucked into the collar. The suit jacket was double-breasted, fastening on the right side with a fine brass zipper instead of the usual button.

  Azura wore something uncharacteristic, which meant it covered her cleavage and ended below her knee. Her dress of choice was made of a light silk and was the same charcoal color as Damian’s scarf. And though it covered all her skin, it clung to her like she had just taken part in a wet t-shirt contest. Damian’s fingers danced along her ribs, tickling Azura and making her giggle in a way that made nearby heads turn.

  “Here,” Zoe said, shoving a glass into Gemma’s hand. “You look like you need this.” Gemma looked down to see a dry martini. She lifted it to her lips, taking a sip.

  “I actually wish Corey were here,” she mumbled. “I need a buffer or something.”

  “You don’t mean that.” Zoe sipped from her own martini as she watched Damian and Azura with her. “Though I’m more surprised about those two actually being together than I am about Tyler pulling a dick move like debuting his fiancée on your night. And not even having the courtesy to tell you that he was engaged before telling the rest of the world.”

  “It’s not like he knew how important this night was to me,” Gemma said. “And he isn’t under any sort of obligation to me, whatsoever. We haven’t spoken in ages. It probably would have been more awkward if he thought it was appropriate to call me out of nowhere and let me know that he’s getting married.”

  “Fine. As long as he doesn’t show up at Fashion Week with their secret baby or something,” Zoe said, pointing back at Damian and Azura. “And do we know for sure that that those two are actually together?”

  “I mean, look at them,” Gemma said. She watched as Azura held a small hand to Damian’s cheek, looking him in the eye.

  “How do we know that they’re not just two friends who happen to be flirtmonsters?”

  “Damian’s never really been…” Gemma stopped herself. She had wanted to say he wasn’t a “flirtmonster.” He was kind of just unintentionally flirtatious by nature, in his quiet, gentlemanly way, but far from the person she was observing now. But it had been awhile since they hung out regularly, and in the capacity that they once had. It was very possible that he had changed since.

  “Why don’t we just go ask them?”

  “Because then he’ll know I’m interested… and I kind of don’t want him to know if he doesn’t feel the same way about me. His friendship means a lot to me and I just don’t want to… I don’t know, compromise it with complicated feelings that might not even be mutual.”

  “I’m pretty sure he could be married to some other chick now and still feel that certain way about you,” Zoe smirked. “So why don’t we spare the poor, hypothetical woman the pain?” She only giggled at Gemma’s disapproving glare, taking her hand and dragging her through the ornately dressed crowd, forcing her to practically run in her heels to keep up with the pace.

  Gemma could feel the beaded trim dance around her legs as she flew past everyone. People seemed to know to part for the two girls coming through, and it probably helped that there were multi-colored silks and tinkling beaded trim trailing behind them. Oh God, Gemma thought as they neared the bar. She had hoped for a casual appearance, sidling up to them quietly and maybe asking the question nonchalantly. But she didn’t even have the time to suggest it. They had already been spotted.

  “Hey!” Damian said, hopping off his barstool to scoop Gemma up into his arms. She could feel herself being enveloped in his embrace, knocking him back into his seat by the force that Zoe had used to throw her into him.

  “Hi,” she breathed, lifting her face from his torso to look up at him. She took a second to recover from the contact with pure muscle, finally finding her voice. “How do you like your suit?”

  “It’s perfect,” he replied, looking back at her with pride. “But I expected that.”

  “I want your dress, girl,” Azura groaned, nodding at the beaded trip around Gemma’s legs. “You look like a seductive jellyfish. Next thing I go to, you’re doing my wardrobe.”

  “Of course,” Gemma laughed, feeling strangely at ease standing between the alleged couple. Zoe lifted her eyebrows, as if beckoning Gemma to ask the question.

  “Did she do yours too?” Azura nodded at Zoe.

  “Of course,” Zoe said, swishing her backside to show off the silks. Her face glowed, so pleased with another opportunity to show off her dress that she had forgotten why they had come barreling in to begin with. Gemma had almost forgotten herself, happy to know that she made so many others happy with her designs.

  “You’re something,” Azura said, twirling a finger in a circle to point at Damian, Zoe, and Gemma. “And I feel left out now because I’m the only one here not wearing The Court.” On those words, the group suddenly noticed another couple making their way towards them. Gemma turned, knowing full well who it was going to be.

  Approaching was none other than Tyler with his fiancée on his arm, floating through the crowd like they were already walking down the aisle. Closer up, Gemma could see how nervous his fiancée was, her bright blue eyes fixed on Gemma as they neared. She couldn’t place the girl’s face, wondering if she was perhaps a newer addition to The D Network.

  “May we join?” Tyler asked, smiling a knowing smile as he looked quickly from Damian, Azura, and Zoe, then finally to Gemma.

  “Of course,” Damian replied, stepping aside to make room. He looped an arm around Azura, bringing her in closer to allow the new additions to their circle. Damian looked back up at Tyler. “How have you b
een? I haven’t seen you since Azura’s little get together.” Gemma’s eyes widened. She turned her head slowly towards Zoe, who looked just as desperate to hide her shock.

  “And there are more of those to come!” Azura hooted, throwing a hand in the air. “Celebrating yet another album!”

  “Congratulations,” Tyler smiled. “But some of us can’t come out with a new album every eight months. We don’t have quite as much material as you do.” Gemma tried to steady her breath. She felt like she was in some sort of alternate universe, only to realize that she had probably been so removed from her old world that she might as well have been somewhere in space. Tyler put a hand on his fiancée’s hip, bringing her forward towards Damian and Azura. “You two remember Sophie, right?”

  “Of course,” Azura purred, leaning in to give Sophie a hug. “Good to see you guys still together.” She took Sophie’s left hand, marveling at the ring. “And taking the next step.”


  “Yeah,” Tyler said, lowering his eyes. Gemma kept breathing steadily to keep calm, looking in his direction. Tyler looked up, staring Gemma straight in the eye with a shy smile. “And Sophie, this is Gemma Hunter, but you didn’t need me to tell you that.” Gemma put her hand forward, shaking it.

  “I like your hat,” Gemma said. The group laughed, relieved to end the potential awkwardness that would come with introducing a fiancée to an ex-girlfriend. Gemma studied Sophie’s face. She suddenly looked more relaxed, probably the most relieved of everyone in the group.

  “I’m a little out of my element,” Sophie said, her voice like wind chimes. “This is all still new to me, so I’m sorry if I’m... however I am.” She suddenly laughed – a big laugh that prompted a smile on Tyler’s face. With one hand still in Gemma’s, Sophie covered her mouth with her other, shaking her head at herself.

  “You’re doing fine,” Gemma smiled, giving her an encouraging squeeze. It was hard not to be charmed by her. She looked back up at Tyler, giving him as sincere of a smile as possible. “And how did you two meet?”

  “Oh,” Tyler blinked, looking surprised that Gemma asked. He looked down at Sophie. The two exchanged a smile. “It’s kind of a long story, but in short, I broke her collarbone.”

  “What?” Gemma and Zoe said in unison. Tyler laughed as Sophie touched her cheeks in embarrassment.

  “He loves telling it that way,” she said with a little eye roll. “He didn’t break my collarbone. Directly. I just happened to break my collarbone at his concert.”

  “Oh,” Zoe replied. “Oh.” She seemed to suddenly remember. “At that one in Connecticut that was a mess, right? I actually remember hearing about that.” Sophie nodded.

  “The thing is,” she started, looking up at Tyler. “We would have met anyway.”

  Tyler feigned forgetfulness. “Would we have?”

  “Well, I wasn’t one of the fans at the hospital that you visited. You came to my restaurant and I served you. You just noticed me because I was a server in a sling.”

  “I would have noticed you anyway,” Tyler said quietly, with a little smile. It was as if he had forgotten there was anyone else in the room. Gemma looked up at Zoe who pretended to retch.

  “So freakin’ romantic,” Azura said. Her face was expressionless. There was little way to tell if she was being sarcastic or not. Tyler blinked, seeming to stir from his world of just Sophie.

  “Anyway, we should keep making our rounds,” he said, scratching his head of un-styled hair, reluctantly waving back to a team that Gemma assumed included his publicist and manager. He nodded at them, giving Gemma and the group a quick salute goodbye before disappearing into the crowds again with Sophie.

  And that was it.

  Gemma blinked, awestruck to say the least. “Well,” she exhaled, looking over at Zoe, who was not quite so composed.

  “What the fuck!” she exclaimed, punching Damian hard in the shoulder. “Since when were the two of you best fucking friends?”

  “We’re not,” Damian laughed, rubbing his shoulder. “But we aren’t what you remember us to be either. You know, people change.”

  “Girl, I’ll give you the rundown. Tyler and I are on the same label,” Azura explained. “And we were all bound to bump into each other at things, ya know? Also, Damian’s too much of a gentleman to hold grudges, right baby?”

  “We haven’t seen him in awhile though,” Damian said. “I guess he’s been in hiding just to keep the engagement a secret. Which I understand.” He looked at Gemma with intent, as if to search her face for signs of distress. “Did you know he was engaged?”

  “No,” Gemma shook her head. “We don’t even talk anymore.”

  “At all?” Azura asked.

  “No, not at all. Last time we talked was just a couple weeks after we broke up.”

  “Oh, that reminds me, is Corey here?” Azura asked. “I haven’t seen him yet.”

  “No,” Gemma replied. “I actually came with Zoe.”

  “He isn’t here?” Damian said, raising an eyebrow.

  “No. Because, well, I… we…” Gemma shook her head. She hadn’t meant to sound so cryptic, especially when Damian hadn’t even asked for an explanation as to why Corey wasn’t around. It was just that she could barely process everything she had just witnessed.

  “Oh my God, you guys broke up didn’t you?” Azura said in a strangely exaggerated tone, her eyes wide as they traveled between Gemma and Damian, repeatedly. “So fuckin’ sorry!”

  “We did, yeah,” Gemma laughed. “But I’m fine, don’t worry.”

  “Oh my God, Gemma, so you’re like totally single then, right?” Azura continued, almost in sing-song. Something about her tone was just… bizarre. Gemma frowned, unable to tell if she was mocking her.

  “Guess so,” she replied, exchanging a quick glance with Zoe, who looked just as puzzled.

  “I need to pee,” Azura suddenly announced. “Zoe, do you need to pee?”

  “What?” Zoe laughed. “What’s wrong with you, girl?”

  “I’m about to pee my pants is what’s wrong, and so are you!” Azura said, her eyes wide and fierce as she gestured for Zoe to follow. Seemingly too confused to resist, Zoe let Azura drag her away from the bar. Grimacing at the scene, Damian laughed, watching them over his shoulder as they staggered away.

  “What was that?” Gemma asked.

  “Azura likes company in the bathroom, apparently,” Damian shrugged, turning back to her. Gemma felt a quick flutter in her chest as his gaze fell on her. She swallowed, blushing at how devastatingly handsome he looked as he leaned casually against the bar, wearing her custom design for him. Ask him, she said to herself. Just ask him if they’re together.

  “So,” Gemma started. Her mind flipped between asking him the question and starting another conversation – any conversation. But she couldn’t think of a topic. Wow, this is pathetic, she thought, pursing her lips in disappointment. Luckily, Damian spoke up first.

  “So what happened with you and Corey?” he smiled, reaching forward to hold her waist and pull her closer. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

  Gemma exhaled. “We just didn’t work out,” she replied, realizing that it was actually the case. It was often code for something much more complicated, as demonstrated by how often she used the phrase after ending it with Tyler. But with Corey, they simply didn’t work out.

  “After a whole year though?”

  “We weren’t really together for a year,” Gemma said. “He just… can’t count or something.”

  “Aw,” Damian furrowed his brows. “Being so mean even after you dump him.”

  “How do you know I dumped him?”

  “Because I know.” He bit his lip, letting his hand sit low on her back. “You did, right?”

  “Yes,” Gemma conceded, laughing. “But it really, really might as well have been mutual.”

  “I don’t know about that,” Damian replied. “I think you’re just a heartbreaker.”

  “Damian,” Gemma f
rowned, feeling an unexpected weight in his words. “I know you’re joking but...” Damian nodded his apologies, shaking his head as if to leave the topic behind. He took her hands in his, pulling them up over his shoulders. She felt his fingers slide down her sides and around her waist again. She blushed as he pulled her in tight.

  Alright, she thought. Maybe I don’t need to ask after all. She let her eyes close as she rested her head against his chest. She could hear his heart humming. They swayed slowly to the music the way they had at prom.

  Gemma smiled at the bittersweet memory. He had told her during their last dance that he was going to UCLA, right at the moment that she realized she loved him. Though she had never stopped loving him, she had since realized that what they had was just young and silly, though still ultimately meaningful. She had gotten his friendship out of it, after all. Lucas and Tyler had followed with the complicated messes that came with them, and throughout it all, Damian had remained a good friend. She realized the way she loved Damian was vastly different from the way she had loved Lucas and Tyler, but she wasn’t sure just how. She suspected it was rooted in that deep friendship of theirs, something that she didn’t share in the same capacity with the other two boys. It was something she wasn’t sure was worth risking over the new feelings that had crept up on her. It would feel like too much of a jump, too much of a change.

  Gemma opened her eyes, spotting Tyler and Sophie in a distance. They were arm in arm, happily greeting the various guests that approached them with their congratulations. As if he could feel her eyes on him, Tyler glanced over in her direction right at that moment.

  With a little gasp, Gemma pushed herself away from Damian. She hadn’t even realized the force in which she did it until she looked up to see that she was suddenly a good two feet away from him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” Gemma said hastily. She looked back in Tyler’s direction. He looked jovial, happy to show off his fiancée, completely uninterrupted. Did he look over at all? Had he even seen us? A bitter laugh escaped her throat as she realized where her thoughts were coming from. It was habit to keep a distance from Damian in front of Tyler, but it didn’t matter anymore. Tyler was happily engaged and apparently, he and Damian were fine now. There were three years between their breakup and where they stood now – a lot had changed. But where was I when it all happened? Where do I stand among all this now?


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