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StealingFireCalibre Page 7

by Unknown

  "Fuck me faster, harder!"

  "Aye, my lady." Adalardo gave a strained laugh, shifted them both and she fell on her back. Adalardo started thrusting with deep quick penetrating strokes. Oh yes, this was just what she wanted. Penny went wild beneath him, her King, her everything. She raised her hips to meet each stroke, gasping and groaning loudly writhing and clinging to him, tugging down his head so she could kiss him with the passion she felt.

  "Penny, Penny, Penny," he gasped her name in reverence. "Come for me, my Penny." Every nerve ending screamed with overloaded pleasure as she was helpless to do anything but obey his command. Crying out, never had she come so hard in all her life.

  Adalardo gave a deep guttural groan as she felt the heat of his seed spilling deep into her body. She held him as he trembled and collapsed on top of her, his arms bracing the bulk of his weight so not to crush her. For the longest time they simply lay like that. Finally Adalardo raised his head and gave the softest kiss of gratitude.

  "Never have I felt like this with another. I knew you were meant to be mine." He shifted, slowly withdrawing from her body.

  "I know the feeling," she murmured, enjoying the fact that he had tugged her back into his arms. Her head rested upon his chest. His arms wrapped around her, cuddling her against him. "You are the most amazing man I have ever met. I love you, Adalardo, and I am more than happy to be yours, if you are happy to be mine."

  "Always, my sweet little Penny. We belong together and to each other. You are my heart, and I love you, my sweet. I always will."

  Chapter Eight

  The warm soft body next to his was a wonder, a comfort he never wanted to go without. Sunlight had just started to filter in through the window; he enjoyed watching his woman sleep, proud of the great steps she had taken in such a short time. Adalardo wondered at the human world where so many women were demeaned and devalued. In his view, taking women from Earth rescued them from a degrading society. After a manner they were saving each other. Giving them back their value and strength, human women were much like unpolished crystals; when handled properly and with the right care they gleamed and shone. His Penny was a bright jewel, and already she was beginning to shine.

  Adalardo thought back many moons to the words of Tuthal. 'What you need are women of new blood, from a new land.' There was much he didn't know about his mysterious Kell sorcerer. Adalardo felt it was time to bring the sorcerer cast out of the darkness and into the light. He detested secrets in his Kingdom; he wanted to rule his land with openness, honesty and light.

  His lady stirred and snuggled deeper into his warmth. Adalardo smiled at her tender subconscious action. He stroked her silken hair and the soft skin of her naked back. He felt her breathing alter and a yawn escape her lips as she began to awaken. Slowly her eyes fluttered open; she seemed to stare at his chest for a moment before shyly raising her eyes to meet his.

  "Good morning my lady." She licked her lips and Adalardo couldn't resist dipping his head to taste them, taking in her soft sigh.

  "Good morning my king," she answered with a contented smile. When he ended their kiss, he pulled back to gaze at her. There was a brief knock at the door before it was swung open and servants started to walk in, carrying the morning preparations and morn break meal. Penny gasped, clutching at the sheet, her face flushed.

  "Are you ashamed to be seen with me, Penny?" he asked, curious to her reaction.

  "No, I…um, am just not used to people walking in like that."

  "I would not allow anyone to see you unrobed, my little red," he chuckled. "Come." he pulled from her arms and climbed off the bed. The servants placed the breakfast on the table, giving a respectful bow before making a swift exit.

  "See they are gone, come." He watched as Penny hesitated, glancing around. Adalardo was amused that she wished to cover herself.

  "There is no one to see you but I, and I wish to see you as you are, while we enjoy our morn break meal."

  Her eyes widened. "I've never…" she started. He saw the change of thought and expression roll over her face, accepting his wish to keep her de-robed.

  "Hummm, I see I have created a dilemma for myself," Adalardo commented, as he could not hide the reaction of his body, watching her stride in all her naked glory towards him. "See how you affect me? Now I must decide what to dine on first, you or the food."

  Her body flushed almost crimson at his words. He laughed.

  "I best feed you first. I have no wish for you to fade away on me."

  Penny gave a rather un-lady like snort. "I hardly think there is any chance of that."

  He could see she was finding more confidence in being naked around him. As she walked, he watched her lovely round ass move, her soft skin temptingly beckoning to him. She sat down at the table where the food had been laid. "But I am hungry."

  Adalardo joined her. "The decision is made then my lady. Sate your body with food then I will sate your body with pleasure. Tis' a fine way to start the day," he declared, enjoying Penny's laughter.

  "Your majesty is a cad."

  He raised a quizzical eyebrow, reaching for the sweetened stag milk.


  "It's an old earth term for irresistibly charming man."

  "Then I am indeed a cad. But only your cad, my little red." His heart sang in his chest as her smile brightened the whole room. Indeed, he had found his perfect queen.

  ~ * ~

  Penny learned that the Kell people were divided into casts and each cast was represented by a head. There was the warrior cast, royal cast, scholar cast, then there was the tradesmen cast who built the buildings made the weapons and armor. There were crystal gathers, and the servant cast who tended the needs of everyone, and the food cast, who saw that crops were grown and animals tended to. Penny was amazed to see that not one of the casts thought themselves above or below any of the others, but more to the point, they were all vital parts of a whole that helped the kingdom function. They were all proud, honest and hardworking men.

  She watched as Adalardo conducted the affairs of his Kingdom, talking to the cast heads about certain matters which had arisen within each circle. Adalardo listened to and offered ideas to help sort out each cast's problems or issue.

  Penny later rode with Adalardo on strange moose-horse like creatures that had curled horns coming from the top of their heads. Wherever the king went, he was always shadowed by two or more guarding warriors.

  The Crystal palace itself was set high on a mountainside completely overlooking a deep emerald ocean. Trees were shades of blue, pink and silver, mixing in the dark brown of the earth, and everywhere she looked crystals of so many different colors sparkled and shone. Penny could never have imagined a more beautiful and magical place.

  She saw more Kell men as they rode through the town. Adalardo explained it was a newly established village. Penny couldn't help but notice there were so many Kellmen and quite a few young teenaged boys. One youthful looking Kell male held a small girl in his arms. Penny guessed she couldn't have been more than three or four years old.

  "One of our few surviving Kell females," Adalardo explained quietly, as he helped her dismount from the stag. Penny approached the teen and child with a smile.

  The young man gave a polite bow to the King.

  "This is the Lady Penny and future queen of Kell," announced Adalardo in a loud voice to those who had gathered to see why the King had come.

  Nerves rattling, Penny kept herself calm and smiled. She glanced around at expectant faces.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you. What is your name?" she asked the tall Kell boy.

  "Carlum, lady. This is my sister, Krysta. He held out the chubby, dark haired and dark eyed little girl. Penny took her into her arms. Instantly the little girl cuddled into her. Penny held her tightly against her breast, rocking her in her arms.

  Desperately, she wanted a child of her own. But that was something she had yet to tell Adalardo about. She had been with Darrel for five years, and in that time she h
ad never been able to conceive. Although she had never seen a doctor, she was certain that she couldn't. She knew he would want children.

  "Our mother was murdered in the Drac raid," Carlum explained.

  "I am deeply sorry for your losses," she responded with heartfelt sadness.

  "Thank you," Carlum said, looking longingly at Penny. To have mothers, sisters and wives taken in such a way must have been devastating on the whole population.

  "Mummma," the little girl said clinging onto Penny.

  A few of the men gasped. Penny glanced up startled, wondering if she had done something wrong.

  A more elderly looking Kell man, with streaks of silver in his black hair, stepped forward. The older Kell male was almost as tall as Adalardo.

  "You have a healing touch, Lady Penny. Little Krysta has said not a word since her mother was taken."

  She felt Adalardo's hand on her shoulder; she glanced up to see the look of pure pride and adoration on his face.

  "It's going to be alright, Krysta," Penny told her softly then kissed the top of her hair. "You have a big brave brother to take care of you." She moved to hand the child back, but the little girl clung to her like super glue.

  "I tell you what, Krysta, you go back to your brother now, and I promise to visit you again very soon. Perhaps you could show me some games you like to play, or I can show you some games I like to play." The little girl looked up at her with her big dark eyes. "What do you say?"

  She nodded, "You come back?"

  "Yes, I will come back." Penny smiled. Krysta untangled her fingers from around her neck and kissed Penny's cheek, before reaching out for her brother, who took his sister back into his arms.

  "Your majesty, you have made a wise choice for a queen." The elderly Kell man spoke his approval.

  "Yes, I thank you, Eimar; she is a fine lady and will indeed make a fine queen. I beg your patience. Although never will we erase the memory of those we have lost, we are working to bring every man a new future," he told the assembled men. They gave a cheer at his words.

  He escorted Penny back to the large stag and lifted her up onto the saddle before mounting behind her.

  "I always know when something is troubling you, my sweet. You may as well tell me," he said as he turned the stag pushing it into a trot heading back up long path that led to the Palace.

  "I guess nothing gets past you." Penny smiled. She liked the fact he was so observant and attuned to her moods and thoughts.

  "The children, I know you are going to want one."

  "One, my dearest Penny, we are going to fill the Palace halls with them, many fine sons and daughters, Princes and Princess of the royal cast." There was complete confidence in his tone. "Do you not wish this also?"

  "Yes, yes I want nothing more than to give you children, but I've never been able to conceive with my past Earth-mate." Penny mused, how easily she was slipping into their way of talking.

  "If ever there was something wrong within your body, you need not fear, my sweet little red. You have been healed by the Kell healing crystals. They heal everything from the inside out, and every Kell male knows how potent their seed is." He said the last few words with a chuckle.

  Penny gasped. "We had unprotected sex after you healed me. That means I could already be pregnant?"

  "I would not have come inside you if it was not my wish. I know I have gone against customary law, as you are not yet my protected or my queen. But I could not stop myself with you. Your softness, you're warmth and passion inflame my heart, body and soul. If we have created life, it will be an occasion of great celebration. Mayhap I shall have to make love to you over and over."

  Penny couldn't help but laugh at the teasing tone and smile in Adalardo's voice.

  "Gee, if that's how you choose to celebrate, I may have to think of many other things to celebrate as well." How light hearted she felt. To have a child with Adalardo would be truly wonderful.

  Chapter Nine

  Tamara wondered into the Kell gardens to find Jane sitting and singing to her rounded belly. Tamara smiled. Jane paused to glance up.

  "You know, I don't think my little niece or nephew is going to appreciate you singing Spice Girls' songs."

  Jane laughed at Tamara's comment. "Hey, each to their own, I see it didn't take Tuthal too long to get you back." Jane was staring at the bracelet encircling Tamara's wrist.

  "I forgave him, with a few conditions attached." There was a chill in the Kell air. Tamara gave a shiver and rubbed her arms.

  "Why am I not surprised? But are you truly okay?"

  "Yes, more than okay, I feel great for the first time in a long time."

  "Hummm, I know what you mean. This place, these people have that effect on a woman, and don't get too surprised when you find yourself sporting one of these too." Jane rubbed her tummy again. "Drystan says boy but I feel girl."

  Tamara laid her hand on Jane's stomach. Feeling wistful, Jane had always been a beautiful girl, but now Tamara could see the happiness and love in her life made her radiant.

  She turned her thoughts to children and her own body's cycle counting back the days since she had been with Tuthal. Not once had they used protection, nor had she really thought about it until now.

  "Well, speaking of one of these, I'm more than a few days late for my period."

  Jane's face brightened. "Really? You know I've got a heap of pregnancy tests back in my chambers. I brought them over during the last Earth-Kell trip. A few of the other women have been requesting them, as the Kells have no real for sure way to tell if a woman's pregnant other than a round tummy and several missed periods." Jane climbed to her feet.

  Nervousness mixed with excitement over the possibly Tamara could be pregnant. Jane seemed more excited than she did, though. Tamara laughed then linked her arm with her sister as they went back inside.

  ~ * ~

  A short time later Tamara sat in Jane and Drystan's chambers watching as two small pink stripes appeared on the strip. Yup, guess she was up the duff after all. They had created a child together. The thrill of finding out she was pregnant ran through her; she knew Tuthal would also be thrilled to discover he was going to be a father. She also wondered if Tuthal's powers would be passed on to the child. He was of what he called the sorcerer cast, as Drystan was of the warrior cast and so on and so forth. The males took on the cast titles. But as for the women, they were free of any title other than protected and mate.

  "Oh my god!" squealed Jane. Bubbling over with excitement, she hugged Tamara tightly. "When are you going to tell him?"

  "Soon, I guess." Tamara blinked, realizing she was still staring at the pregnancy test. Tamara felt her stomach flutter with both nerves and excitement, wondering how Tuthal was going to take the news that he was going to be a father.

  She sighed, thinking it was a good thing Tuthal had insisted she become his protected. Tamara liked the simple process of slapping a bracelet on; she lifted her wrist to look at the shiny gold band. She enjoyed the simplicity and uncomplicated way of life in Kell and was happy she would be raising her child in such a wonderful place.

  "You're not excited?" Jane asked.

  Tamara laughed. "Yes, but I think you have enough excitement for the both of us." The sisters laughed. There came a knock at the door.

  "Come on in," sing-songed Jane. The door swung open and Vanora's smiling face greeted them.

  "The ladies have assembled for afternoon tea. Will you be joining us?" Vanora asked hopefully.

  "Yes, we're on our way." Jane smiled rising to her feet. "Tamara, come meet some of the women who now live in Kell."

  A group of six women Tamara hadn't met before sat talking. They glanced up as Jane and Tamara walked in.

  "Jane!" they all greeted with wide happy smiles.

  "Ladies, let me introduce you to my sister, Tamara, and newly Protected of Tuthal."

  "Ohhh, I've heard of him, the sorcerer. If you ask me, all these Kell men are magical."

  Jane smiled. "Ta
mara, this is Sara," she introduced a large blond woman, "Elly, Lucy, Rachel, Breanna and Kristy."

  "Is it true? That the King has someone now?" Sara asked.

  "Well, kind of. Her name is Penny, but there are a few complications."

  "Huh, I knew it. She's married, right?"

  "Yes, but I hear her husband is a real bastard and used to hit her."

  "Oh, so did mine. I got away from the smarmy son-of-a-bitch," Lucy, a long curly dark-haired brunette said. "But I couldn't be happier with my Merlon."

  To Tamara's amusement the women gave a collective sigh. "Nor I with Anyon."

  "Jane found you all through that match making service?" Tamara asked, taking a seat.


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