Lucifer's Children

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Lucifer's Children Page 3

by Brett Williams

  Amy knew some of the girls and introduced her new big sister to them.

  Eventually, the meandering path led them to the campus proper, where more girls, many of them close to Amanda’s age, played Frisbee or croquet in the grass. One girl was sitting against an oak tree, reading a book.

  “That’s where I go to school,” Amy said, pointing at the second stone building they passed.

  “Which building will I attend?”

  “I don’t know. Those down there I think.” She pointed to the furthest buildings at the bottom of a gentle slope.

  “All of them?”

  “Duh. Math, science, English …”

  “That’s right. Like a college campus your dad said.”

  “He’s your dad too, you know.”

  “Sorry. I forgot.” This would take some getting used to, although Amanda doubted the Henning family would ever truly become family to her. The Clark family had come close, but never completely. And she had lived with them for as long as she could remember. “What about these other buildings? Gym and library?”

  “Yep. And where Dad works.”

  The Administration Building. It made sense. Didn’t look like an administration building but the tiny parking lot beside it ruined its castle effect. It needed a moat.

  “Hey, there’s Tara and her sister,” Amy said, letting loose of Amanda’s hand and dashing across the lawn. She headed toward a group of girls her age sitting on a bench, each toting the equivalent of shopping bags. Other girls could be seen leaving a nearby building carrying the same bags. Clothing bags. Presumably the gymnasium and their new uniforms. Some of the younger girls were escorted by their mothers but most appeared to be brought by older sisters. Amanda didn’t see any boys, except for the one talking to the girls on the bench. He appeared to be chatting them up which was a little odd considering how young they were, but then again, the boy wasn’t much older than they were. Amy introduced Amanda to Tara and her other friends. One of the girls was busy trying to convince someone to play Frisbee with her but they all seemed more interested in the boy.

  “I’ll play Frisbee with you,” Amanda said. “But only for a few minutes. We need to pick up our uniforms. Amy, just a few minutes. Okay?”

  “Sure. Okay.”

  Amanda jogged down the slope, away from the girl, to allow enough distance between them.

  “Ready?” the girl said.


  She flicked the disc hard, twisting her body in the process. The Frisbee flew fast and wide before angling sideways in the breeze. It landed vertically and started to roll like a wheel when it touched down. Amanda chased it through the grass and around the corner of what she believed to be the library. It fell flat behind the building, near bushes. Amanda retrieved the Frisbee but froze when she heard strange sounds.

  Looking up, she saw a teenage boy about her own age standing between the bushes. Nylon shorts bunched around his ankles, his head was tilted back with eyes closed. A girl knelt before him, head bobbing, making slurping noises. At first Amanda thought the girl overweight but then recognized her pregnant belly. A garment bag lay beside her in the grass.

  “Oh my.” Amanda couldn’t believe her eyes.

  The guy, hearing her, looked at Amanda and smiled.

  “Sorry,” Amanda said before dashing away.

  She returned the Frisbee to the girl and found Amy. “We should get our uniforms. You can talk to your friends afterward.”

  “I want to talk to them now.”

  “It shouldn’t take long.”

  Tara pried her eyes off the boy chatting with them long enough to say, “Go. It only took us ten minutes to get our uniforms.”

  “We’ll be right here,” someone else agreed.

  Amy frowned. “Oh, okay.”

  Amanda took Amy by the hand and led her quickly to the gymnasium. The sight of the pregnant girl, who appeared to be about her own age, performing oral sex on the boy had seared an image in her mind. It kept flashing, a pornographic negative, and caused a chill to travel down her back. Goodness, she thought, can’t a person take a stroll without witnessing such filth?

  Amanda knew males and females did such things. But on school property? Behind the library? People should be able to go outside without randomly bumping into such sights. As if!

  They went into the gymnasium to find manned folding tables with signs indicating which line to choose based on alphabet.

  “Over here,” Amy said. “H—for Henning.”

  Being called Amanda Henning would take some getting used to. She planned to stick with Amanda Clark when she turned eighteen. Either way, she knew which line to choose. “No, my line is over there.” She hadn’t been part of the family when the uniforms were ordered so she needed to choose the new enrollees line. She might even be asked to select classes, she didn’t know. Maybe Mr. Henning would take care of that, since he worked in the administration office.

  Amanda’s line, while shorter, moved more slowly. Before long, though, Amanda had her none-too-flattering uniforms, five in total.

  “Told you they sucked,” Amy said, catching up to Amanda.

  “Amy. You shouldn’t say such things.”

  She shrugged. “But they do.”

  “Maybe it will look better once I try it on.”

  “And maybe monkeys will fly out my butt.”

  Amanda smiled. “I believe I heard some of them fly out earlier.”

  “Probably smelled them too, huh?”

  Amanda crinkled her nose. “Want to talk to your friends again?”

  Amy glanced in the direction of the bench. “Darn. They left.”

  Sure enough, they had. Amanda was about to suggest they go looking for them when a strange voice spoke from behind her.

  “Hey, there. You new around here?”

  Amanda turned to find the boy, the one she had seen behind the library, leaning against the gymnasium wall.


  “Yes, she is.”

  “Amy. Don’t talk to him.”

  “That’s not very nice,” Amy said.

  “Come on, Amy,” Amanda said, walking away.

  “Hold on.” The boy jogged to catch up with them. He started walking beside Amanda. “I knew I hadn’t seen you around here before.”

  “Look,” Amanda said. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

  “He’s not bothering me,” Amy said.

  “Okay, sorry,” Amanda said. “Perhaps I was rude. But I’m not interested. Not in the least.”

  “Who’s not interested in conversation?” the guy said. “Civilization would collapse without it.”

  “In that case, why don’t you talk to that girl you were with, now that she isn’t preoccupied?”

  “You mean now that she doesn’t have my dick in her mouth?”

  Amanda shot him a look. “What’s your problem? Amy doesn’t need to hear such things.”

  “I know what a dick is,” Amy said. “Everyone does.”

  “All I’m saying is, show some respect.”

  “Look,” the guy said. “This is starting out all wrong. I’m Matt, by the way. What’s your name?”

  “I’m not telling you. In fact, I’m done speaking with you.”

  “Her name is Amanda. She’s my new big sister.”

  “Thanks alot, Amy.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Amanda.”

  “Sheesh. Are you for real? I saw you and your girlfriend, or whoever that was, in the bushes.”

  “She’s not my girlfriend.”

  “She’s pregnant, isn’t she?”

  “Baby isn’t mine. Not that I’m aware of, anyway. Mostly she swallowed my swimmers, if you know what I mean.”

  “Gross. Yes, I know.”

  “I know, too.”

  “Amy. Pretend you didn’t hear what he said.”

  “So, ladies, where are we headed?”

  “We are headed to the library to see if it’s open.”

  “It’s closed,
” Matt said.


  “I shit you not.”


  “But I know a place much more fun than the library.”

  “I’m sure you do,” Amanda said. “In fact, you should go there.”

  “Guess I will. Besides,” Matt said, “there are plenty other girls around.”

  “So I noticed. I’d have expected to see more boys around.”


  “Monarch Prep is an all-girl school,” Amy said.

  “More like an all-slut school,” Matt said.

  “No wonder you’re here,” Amanda said.

  “See ya around.” Matt veered away from them, headed toward a group of girls, his mussed brown hair blowing in the breeze.

  “Bye,” Amy said, waving.

  “Don’t talk to him,” Amanda said.

  “Why not?”

  “He’s trouble.”

  “Seems okay to me.”

  “Trust me.”

  “So now what?”

  The chill returned to her spine. “We go home and try on these hideous uniforms.”


  “Lay back the hoods of darkness. Show yourselves to Lucifer, our most unholy god …”

  “Lucifer demands an endless hoard of followers and sacrifices. We must heed His demands …”

  “Hail Lucifer!”

  “May the breeder disrobe. Present yourself to Lucifer. Now …”

  “Whore, present yourself upon the altar…”

  “The Ceremony of Insemination calls for seed to be planted and spilled. Men, present yourselves to Lucifer.”

  “May the Ceremony of Insemination commence. Spare no orifice. A filthy whore such as this deserves no less. Rape her until she is full of seed. May Lucifer curse her with child!”

  “Hail Lucifer!”


  Amanda looked at herself in the full-length mirror behind the bathroom door. The uniform, while not very attractive, at least wasn’t plain and unflattering. In fact, if anything the outfit appeared, at least to Amanda, a little too … What was the word? Revealing. Teen girls at other schools hemmed their skirts, tweaked their blouses with safety pins, anything to add a little pizazz to their uniforms. If everyone’s outfit fit like hers did, they wouldn’t need to make adjustments. At least Monarch Prep was an all-girl school. Otherwise she might have to spend an exorbitant amount of time dealing with the advances of boys.

  But Amanda didn’t want to waste time worrying about what-ifs. The butterflies in her stomach reminded her that today was the first day at her new school. She hoped everyone didn’t hate her. Perhaps she would make a friend or two.

  She went downstairs to find the Henning family just sitting down to breakfast. Amanda joined them, unsure if she dare eat. Amy was pouring almond milk into a bowl of honey-sweetened whole wheat flakes. Amanda decided she should try, for appearance’ sake. She barely covered the bottom of her bowl with flakes before splashing a little milk over the top.

  “Are you excited?” Mr. Henning asked Amanda.

  “Yes. And a little nervous.”

  “You’ll be fine. You’ll love it.”

  “I will,” Amy said around a mouthful of cereal. “Until we get homework.”

  “Homework is what separates good schools from poor schools. How would you like to attend a school where you barely learn to read and write?”

  “I can read and write already, Dad. Can I switch schools?”

  “Most definitely not, you stinker.” He had eaten all his breakfast and was finishing a cup of coffee. “I should be leaving,” he said. “First day of school, you know.” He winked at Amanda.

  “Yes, honey,” Mrs. Henning said. “I’m sure today will be a busy day.”

  “One of the busiest.” He stood up and Mrs. Henning removed his empty bowl.

  “Take a piece of fruit for later,” she said.

  “Yes, dear,” he said, standing behind Amy. “You look nice in your new uniform. You too, Amanda.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Henning.”

  Kneading the little girl’s shoulders, he bent down to kiss her on the cheek. “You two behave at school today. Maybe I’ll see you there.”

  “Not if I see you first,” Amy said and then giggled. Mr. Henning’s hands went from her shoulders to her sides and started to tickle her.

  “That’s enough,” Mrs. Henning said. “You’ll make her spill her milk.”

  “Okay, okay.” He took a banana from the fruit bowl. “See everyone after school.”

  With his red power tie, navy suit jacket, and expertly trimmed dark hair, he looked ready to dictate school policy.

  “Bye Dad,” Amy said, waving.

  “Mrs. Henning,” Amanda said, “may I be excused?”

  “Are you finished eating? You’re thin as a bean.”

  “Sorry. It’s just this is the first day of school and all …”


  “I’ll take a banana to eat later, if that’s okay.”

  “Sure,” Mrs. Henning said. To her daughter, who was pouring more cereal into her bowl: “Amy. Hurry or you’ll be late.”

  “Yes, Mother.”

  Amanda, after brushing her teeth upstairs, went to her room for her backpack which was filled not only with pens, pencils, paper, and a big eraser, but also a book to read, just in case. Not that she would or could read on her first day of school. But if she found herself with time to spare, perhaps during lunch period, she wouldn’t get caught staring at walls. The banana went into a zippered side pocket.

  Amanda waited for Amy in the foyer, who came down the stairs dragging a pink backpack which featured cartoon cats on it. Amanda helped her to put it on, and then they headed outside.

  Dew covered the grass so they kept to the sidewalk. Amanda warned her sister about wet socks as they walked.

  “I hope I don’t get some dummy for a teacher this year,” Amy said. “That would suck.”

  “Amy. Don’t say such things. And I’m sure there are no dummies teaching here.”

  “You know what I mean. I want a cool teacher.”

  Don’t we all. “Even if you do happen to get a teacher you don’t like, which you won’t, plenty of your friends will be there.”

  “Hopefully Tara will be in my class.”

  “Well, your father is an administrator. And he knows how well you and Tara get along. I’d be surprised if she isn’t.”

  “Good point.”

  As Amy began telling Amanda about things she and Tara had done during summer break, things such as sleepovers and swim parties, Amanda lost herself in the ominous beauty of the bustling campus. The ivy-covered stone buildings, with their overlooking gargoyles, stood so tall, so cold. Just as vines covered entire walls, Amanda wondered what dreadful history these buildings might offer. Had they always housed students? There certainly were a lot of them. Many were making the trek across campus from the residential section. Others stood in small and not-so-small groups gossiping. In addition to the uniform Amanda and Amy wore, that some students had altered with a small split at one thigh, Amanda also noticed another type of uniform. A long, black one-piece dress that reached to the knee. The oddest thing about it, though, wasn’t the design, or lack thereof, but its function. Amanda didn’t think too much about it the first time she noticed one, but the second student wearing this type of uniform was obviously pregnant. Probably five or six months along, at least. Perhaps, Amanda supposed, the school administration forced them to wear the uniform as a stigma against teen pregnancy. What teen girl would want to wear such an unflattering thing? It made the standard uniform look glamorous by comparison. Then again, the standard uniform could never accommodate a pregnant belly.

  But the girls wearing the dresses didn’t appear to be shunned. Amanda, scanning the campus as she walked, noticed three more soon-to-be mothers. One stood about to burst in a small group of girls beside the library, passing around a cigarette. Amanda watch
ed the pregnant teen exhale a plume of smoke. Didn’t she know smoking was bad for her baby?

  As they approached the elementary school building Amanda said, “You remember where you’re supposed to go?”

  “Of course, silly. Mrs. Tucker’s class, just like last year.”

  “Right. Your mother said Mrs. Tucker is your homeroom teacher. You’ll get your assigned teacher there for this year.”

  “She’s your mother, too.”


  “Mom. She’s your mother, too.”

  “I know. It’s just … tough.”

  “You call her Mrs. Henning. It’s funny.”

  “You’re funny.”

  “You’re goofy.”

  “You’re a dork. I’ll meet you outside the Elementary Building after school, okay?”

  “Sure. Then we can go home and play.”

  “After we finish our chores and schoolwork.”

  Amy huffed. “You can be a real party-pooper sometimes, you know?”

  “I know. See you after school.”

  “Bye.” Amy waved before dashing off across the lawn. “Tara!”

  Without Amy walking beside her Amanda felt like the only person not buddied up with someone, or chatting in a group. She walked a little faster. Perhaps if she found her own homeroom she could escape the watchful eyes of her peers. She had already caught a few wayward glances falling upon her.

  It won’t be so bad, she told herself. But what did she know? She had never completely switched schools like this before and she really didn’t relish having to make new friends, friends who would undoubtedly go off to college or something after graduation.

  No, she shouldn’t be thinking such things. A school year could seem a lifetime, especially one where she needed to start over again. She hoped she met someone to talk to.

  But right now she needed to find Mrs. Templeton’s classroom in the General Education high school building, and she followed the sidewalk towards her destination, where a group of girls stood in front.

  “What are you looking at?” a snide voice said. The voice belonged to what Amanda could only call a slut. The girl stood a few inches taller than Amanda. Long, straight, platinum blonde hair reached nearly to her waist. She had left several buttons unfastened on her modified blouse and tanned cleavage spilled out.


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