Alien's Runaway Mate (SciFi Paranormal Alien Romance) (Vistran Love Book 2)

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Alien's Runaway Mate (SciFi Paranormal Alien Romance) (Vistran Love Book 2) Page 2

by April Osirus

  Even when Vistra were still warring with other planets, they never took back the conquered as slaves. Some were taken back as mates and yes, Brax had to concede that sometimes those mates weren’t taken back willing. But Vistrans strongly believed in a free man. They let the conquered nations live and work as they did before, just under the name and signage of Planet Vistra and its king.

  The driver shrugged nervously. “I just make the deliveries here…sir,” he added as he took sight of Brax’s enormous biceps and huge hands that made the tablet look like a napkin.

  Brax was about to say something else to the driver when he caught sight of one of the slaves. Smaller than the rest and slight as a willow, he stood off to the side. Brax could see the small man looking furtively around beneath his lowered cap. Without any doubt, he knew the man was looking for an escape route.

  Brax looked at the order file. A dozen slaves. Brax counted the men.


  It takes a lot to become the head overseer of Vistra’s largest port and Brax had worked hard and seen a lot before reaching this point. He knew with resounding certainty that the small man was the thirteenth stowaway.

  “Fine,” Brax said, unable to tear his eyes away from the small man. “I’ll sign.”

  The driver sighed with relief as he watched the giant Vistran scribble his signature onto the tablet. Once armed with his signature, the driver quickly scurried away.

  The foreman walked over and nudged a shoulder in the direction of the slaves. “What do we do about them?” he asked. Clearly such small humans would take ages to unload the ship, if they could do it at all.

  Brax watched as the small man started to edge towards the back of the group.

  “Round ‘em up and just feed ‘em,” Brax said, disgusted that this Swigton Corporations would ship slaves along with cargo as if they were interchangeable. “We’ll figure out what to do with them later.”

  The foreman nodded and called out to some of the waiting Vistrans to start unloading. He then called out to the dozen (plus one) slaves and led them towards the inner loading building. Looking at some of the terrified faces, the foreman took pity on them and explained, “Lunch is available inside. Eat your fill.” The awe on the small human faces made the foreman grimace in pity for these poor men.

  Brax watched the group walk off. After a cursory glance at his own workers to make sure they were having no problems with the cargo, Brax zeroed back in on the smallest man. He watched as the man slowed his steps down till he was behind the group by a few paces. The man looked to his left and right then after a moment of apparent decision, he bolted to his right, disappearing between two towering piles of waiting shipment to be loaded.

  Brax grunted in satisfaction. He knew that small man was looking for escape the moment he landed on Vistran soil. He couldn’t blame him. Slavery was never a worthy life for any man. Brax knew exactly where the man was heading. Rounding around another load of packages, Brax quickly headed towards the man.


  Sarah panted as she finally found a small cave of boxes she could take a moment in. Undernourished and not used to such vigorous exercise, she was completely winded.

  As she stepped into the shadows, she leaned over her knees, feeling waves of nausea crash against her. Now where? her mind demanded of her. But Sarah had no answer. She had underestimated just how huge Vistra and Vistrans would be.

  Her jaw had nearly dropped when she had taken sight of the giant men. They looked like moving mountains! With how large they were, the planet was scaled to their size. All the boxes and cargo were large, the dock enormous, and the buildings gigantic. This was great for hiding but it made it difficult for Sarah to scope out the area and map out where she was exactly and where she might need to go.

  Feeling more herself, Sarah slowly stood up and walked over to the edge of one large box. Hiding herself behind it, she peeked her head out and scanned the area. It looked quite empty. Could she stay here until another ship outward bound became available?

  Her stomach growled. Sarah wondered if she had acted to brashly by skipping the offered lunch. “No,” she muttered, shaking her head. If she had taken the lunch, who knew where those giant Vistrans would’ve led them afterwards. It was better to escape while she was still one of many anonymous slaves.

  Sarah scanned the edge of the docks nearest to her when she heard someone clear their throat behind her.

  Her entire spine froze and the hairs on her neck stood completely on edge. The voice was so deep and low, the sound had sounded more like a growl rather than a cough.

  Gulping, Sarah immediately lunged forward, ready to run for her life. But instead she was jerked backwards, a large fist gripping the back of her shirt.

  She was thrown back against a stack of boxes. Immediately a large Vistran body stood in front of her, caging her in by placing his large, muscular arms on either side of her.

  “Now, little stowaway, where do you think you are going?” the Vistran asked, his voice impossibly low.

  Sarah could hardly bring herself to look up. She could only stare at the broad chest that stood before her. Without looking up, she knew her chin barely brushed the Vistran’s shoulder. She couldn’t answer. If she answered, she’d be given away for sure. And who knew what these brutes might do to her?

  The Vistran waited patiently for her to reply.

  “Shy, are we?” he asked. Sarah lowered her head even further. “And secretive too, I see,” the Vistran commented. With a sudden grab, he pulled off her cap. “Let’s make some eye contact at least then.”

  Sarah gasped as her long dark honey colored hair came tumbling down around her.

  The Vistran jerked back, as if scalded. “You’re a female!” he said in an accusatory tone.

  Sarah bit her lip, ready to cry. She had been so close. She had come so far already. Would this Vistran now ship her back to Europa and into Garrig’s abusive clutches? Or worse, maybe he would keep her as his own plaything?

  Sarah tried to sidle away, trying in another futile attempt to get away. Her stomach knotted itself in hunger and fear.

  The Vistran threw an arm across her path, blocking her. With a large hand, he lifted her chin. Although Sarah resisted to raise her face, the Vistran lifted her face with gentle yet relentless pressure.

  Finally, unable to fight it, Sarah looked up. Her breath hitched as she looked upon the Vistran.

  How could such a vicious brute be so incredibly gorgeous? With a strong jaw and dark blue eyes that looked like stormy clouds, the Vistran looked like an Adonis.

  A large thumb gently brushed against her cheek, wiping clean some of the dirt, revealing the mottled bruise that ringed her eye.

  “You’re hurt,” he said quietly, his chiseled face frowning in concern.

  That was all Sarah saw before she let her hunger, her fear, and her exhaustion take her. Blackness closed in around her as she slumped into the strong Vistran’s arms.


  Brax gently wiped the warm cloth against the last remaining smudge on the girl’s face. He wringed out the cloth and dipped it again in the bowl of warm water. Ensconced in Brax’s private office, the two of them were closed off from the noise of the docks.

  Who the hell would beat a slip of a girl like this? Brax felt his blood boil as he looked at the bruise around the girl’s eye and the fading bruises around her temple and cheek. From the way her face hallowed around her cheekbones, he could tell she also had not been fed well in a long time.

  No wonder this girl was trying to escape. He would try his damn best to escape whatever hell she had just come from. Right after he broke the arms of whoever had inflicted such abuse, that is.

  Brax remembered how his heart had stopped when he had snatched off her cap. Her hair had tumbled down in a wave of light browns and golds. But it was when she had looked up that he had felt stunned. Her large eyes, brown and warm like Vistran soil, had looked up at him with such fear and loneliness that he had wanted to wrap h
er up in his arms and never let her go.

  A small moan pulled him from his thoughts.

  The girl was slowly coming to. Brax removed the washcloth and sat back, not wanting to alarm her with his presence or his size.

  Long lashes fluttered open, taking Brax’s breath away as they revealed her warm eyes. A crease appeared between her brow as she tried to remember where she was exactly.

  Then suddenly the girl shot up. “You!” she cried out. Sweat beaded across her forehead from fear and hunger.

  Brax slowly raised a hand in front of him in a calm, passive manner. Moving with deliberate slowness, he reached behind him to pull out a covered tray. Removing the domed cover, he revealed a fragrant stew accompanied by a hunk of bread.

  “I’ve brought you some food,” Brax said slowly. He placed the tray by her side. But the girl couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Finally he said, “Eat.” When she seemed to paralyzed to move, he sighed. He took the spoon and scooped up some stew. Holding the spoon aloft, he raised an eyebrow at her. She seemed too stunned by his actions to make a move. His lips twitching, Brax pushed the spoon into her slightly open mouth in one sure move.

  The move seemed to snap the girl out of her shocked trance. Brax tried not to laugh as he watched her try to sputter something at him while chewing. Clearly hunger was too strong. She sighed in relief as she swallowed the hearty stew.

  “Who-Who are you?” she finally said as she swallowed her mouthful.

  Brax quickly shoved in another spoonful of stew. The girl made a sound of protest before chewing. She tried to reach for the spoon but Brax waved her hand away. She had had her chance and now he was now enjoying himself too much to hand over the spoon.

  “My name is Brax ek Pykon. I’m the Head Overseer of the docks you landed on,” he said, pushing in another spoonful into her mouth. He watched as she began to eat more enthusiastically. This girl had clearly been starved. Brax tried to tamp down his anger at whoever had done this to her. “Who are you?”

  The girl chewed slowly. He could see her thinking over her answer and the possible consequences it may incur. He tried to keep his face as neutral as possible. He knew it would be impossible for him to not seem at least a little menacing since he was just so much larger than her but that was something he couldn’t control.

  “Sarah,” she finally said. Her voice held a little note of defeat as if she had decided she really was trapped. “My name is Sarah Peyton.”

  Brax nodded. He fed her another spoonful. She didn’t fight him this time, allowing him to gently feed her. Brax felt a small glow of warmth knowing she trusted him enough to feed her.

  “Ok, Sarah,” Brax said slowly, feeling as if he needed to talk slowly so as not to alarm this small creature. “I have called one of my maids to come here and take you back to my home.” Brax raised a hand to stop Sarah before she could protest. “I could guess your plans for today, little one. Hide out as long as you could and hop onto the first outward-bound ship you could find. Correct?”

  Sarah sat quietly but by her uncomfortable fidgeting, Brax knew he had guessed correctly.

  “Well, unfortunately all the ships coming today are from your sector—small human colonies very similar to the one you just left on Europa. Your luck there as a woman with nothing to your name except a very fragile body would not be safe.” Brax pushed in another spoonful of stew before she could argue. Sarah glared resentfully adorably over the spoon. Brax coughed to smother a laugh.

  “So please, allow my maid to escort you to my home. You can rest and wash there. Then I will help you find a suitable ship to take you to a place where you can carve out a safer life for yourself.”

  Sarah gave him a look of suspicious calculations. After a pause, she asked in an accusatory tone, “Where are the other men from my ship?” Her tone implied that she had fully expected them to have been eaten by the Vistran monsters.

  Brax tried not to sigh at her misunderstanding of his people. Yes, they were uncompromising warriors. But they weren’t animals.

  “At the moment, they are probably tucking into their third bowl of food that we are providing. Then they will sleep here until we can figure out how to arrange them safe passage to a colony of their choosing.”

  Sarah’s stiff spine deflated a little at hearing such a merciful answer. Whatever her next remarks were going to be were interrupted as a knock echoed off the door.

  “Enter,” Brax called out.

  A woman entered. “Ah, here she is,” Brax said, gesturing to the maid. “Now, Sarah, if you will, please allow her to guide you to my home where you will only be expected to rest and eat and wash. That’s it.” He emphasized the last two words. He wanted Sarah to know that she was completely safe, even from him.

  Sarah hesitated before nodding and letting the maid help her off his couch and out the door.

  It was only after the two had shut the door behind them that Brax let out a huge breath.

  He put his head in his hands. Dammit Brax, he cursed himself.

  His heart pounded hard, bruising his ribs. Dammit.

  No matter how his mind cursed, his heart knew what was true: he had found his mate.


  Sarah looked out the large arch windows of her room.

  Her room.

  How long had it been since she had had more than a small cot to herself? And now she had a lovely lavish room all to herself.

  All thanks to Brax.

  It had been two days since he had rescued her from the docks. After seeing him the past two days, she now truly know he had rescued her. Since coming into his house, he and his maids had only done everything to make her feel comfortable and safe.

  It had been intimidating to see maids so large. Even the Vistran women were towering giants. But the maids were nothing but kind and gentle with her. But their kindness was nothing when matched with Brax’s.

  He had made sure she had received a tailored set of Vistran clothing to replace her grubby shipping uniform. Vistran clothing was quite revealing and at first Sarah had been too shy to wear such clothes. Not only because of how revealing they were but because of how mottled her abused body was. Sarah had refused the maid’s repeated appeals to put her in a Vistran gown. But finally, she had relented when she realized they had already thrown out her shipping uniform.

  The first time Brax had seen her in her Vistran gown, his dark stormy eyes had lightened in pleasure, making Sarah blush. But his face soon darkened as he caught sight of her bruised arms.

  Before she could hide herself, his arm had shot out and pulled her forward. With gentle firmness, he had inspected her carefully. His large fingers brushed against the faded red burn on her neck. “What is this?” he asked in a whisper that promised pain to her abuser.

  Sarah swallowed. “Hot soup,” she whispered.

  She could see Brax’s eyes darken into blackness. His jaw tightened in anger. Sarah stared up in fear, worried he might take out his anger on her. But when his eyes caught her fear, his face gentled into an expression of pained concern. He brushed his hand against her cheek. “I will make sure you will never know such pain again.”

  Those words. They had lit a warmth within her that she had never felt before. His handsome face, so harsh with regret over her pain, seemed to hold her entire heart. Sarah looked down at his large, defined body and knew she would only find safety and warmth in his arms.


  Every day it was getting harder and harder for Brax to keep his distance from Sarah. He wanted to hold and keep her delicate body next to him forever. And yet, he did not want to force or overwhelm her. She had just left the totality of slavery. She deserved some freedom. Mating with a Vistran was no easy matter. Vistran men mated for life. Would she be ready to clip her wings so soon after she had gotten them?

  Brax, for one, was not willing to do that to her. No matter how much his body ached for her, no matter how much his heart reached for her, he would give her her freedom.

  He just hoped he
could survive sending her off.


  “Tomorrow there will be a ship arriving from the settlement of Rhyo. It is a good community that has fair laws and no slavery. I will give you a modest purse that should be enough to help you settle yourself there comfortably.” Brax paused, clearing his throat. “If you ever need more, you know you can always contact me. I will always be here.”

  Sarah stared at the shipping logs on the tablet Brax had presented her with. She didn’t know whose face showed more regret, hers or his. So a suitable ship had finally arrived. Brax had been true to his word.

  Sarah slowly nodded. “Alright,” she said quietly. “Tomorrow afternoon?” She could hardly believe she would be leaving. She had secretly hoped it would take weeks for a decent ship to arrive.

  Brax nodded. He didn’t raise his eyes to her. Staring at the screen, he confirmed, “Tomorrow afternoon.”

  Sarah imagined a world where she would have money, freedom, and a future. It felt wonderful. But there was something missing.



  The moonlight spilled into his room. Brax felt his heart ache as he thought about Sarah soon flying off. He knew it was the right thing to do and he was determined to honor his decision of giving her her freedom. And yet he couldn’t help but feel his heart protest at the idea of losing its mate.

  He turned away from the moonlight, unable to look at the orb without thinking about Sarah’s fair skin.

  He stopped in his tracks when he looked up and saw his own personal moonlight standing in his bedroom doorway.

  “Sarah,” he said, surprised. She stood in the doorway wearing a sheer nightgown that allowed him to see the outline of her body’s every curve. In the few days she had spent with him, she had slowly begun to fill out nicely, allowing her natural curves to return.


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