Dare to Forgive [The Dare Series 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dare to Forgive [The Dare Series 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh, don’t worry, Hank, I’ll keep Adel company while Michelle gets you to open your wallet for a great cause.”

  He looked at Adel and she smiled and nodded her head, indicating she was okay with this. However, as Hank followed Michelle, with her arm looped through his, he couldn’t help but look over his shoulder at Adel and Credence. Credence placed his hand at her lower back and guided her toward the champagne table.

  * * * *

  In all of about five minutes Adel saw right through Credence and his façade. She had dealt with men like him for years and being around Bentley. As Credence dropped flirtatious comments and hinted for information on whether she was dating Hank, she played it off as them being friends first and that she didn’t think it was a good idea about getting involved with her boss. After all, part of this date was doing recon on the Morrisons and where they stood in the bidding war for the job.

  “I think that’s very wise of you. I must tell you that I don’t know Hank or his brothers well, but only what I’ve heard through the gossip,” he told her seriously.

  “Well, don’t believe everything you hear. They are very smart, resourceful, and professional men. Their business comes before everything and they’re committed to any projects they take on. In fact, they get most of their jobs from word of mouth.”

  He smiled softly.

  “Is that so? No advertising, or greasing any palms?” he said.

  She scrunched her eyebrows together and gave him an angry expression. “Mr. Crowe, I don’t know what kind of business Morrison’s company is that you work for, but I can tell you that Ferguson construction is on the up and up. No greasing any palms or funny games and promises. That’s what I like about working for them. They are a major part of Chance, and help support the community they live in with providing jobs to those in need and have been known to make up positions in the company to help someone who is down and out. I don’t believe men like that run any shady scams or dirty business.”

  She looked away from him and toward Hank, who was still talking with Michelle and a few other people. She felt Credence’s hand on her waist then his breath against her ear as he whispered, “The Ferguson men are very lucky men to have you. So loyal and supportive. Perhaps you could fill me in more?”

  “How so?” she asked cautiously.

  “Well, my bosses, JT and JR, are very interested in in accepting whatever bid Ferguson construction submits on the job we’re in charge of, but they are a bit smaller than one of the other construction companies that recently inquired about the job.”

  “Who would that be?” she asked, hoping to get a little upper hand.

  “Oh, I’m not at liberty to say right now, but how involved have you been in the preparing of their proposal if I may ask?”

  “Very involved. I have a lot of insight into jobs of this standard and size. Hank, Will, and Leo have wonderful ideas and a way of working a construction site that is safe and productive.”

  She went on to tell him about an incident she witnessed where someone didn’t take the safety measures required by Ferguson construction and how workers were hurt. She explained about Hank firing the workers who were cutting corners and not taking the rules seriously.

  He seemed impressed and as they talked about the job she gave some feedback and just enough information on ideas to plant a seed that Ferguson construction was more than capable of handling this job for Morrison.

  She glanced toward Hank’s direction and saw two other young women talking to him. He was chatting back and forth with them and the women were touching his arm or hugging it. It appeared as if they were vying for his attention. She was shocked at the feeling of jealousy she felt.

  “Adel, I would like you to meet my bosses, JT and JR Morrison. This is Adel McKinley. She’s the personal assistant for Hank and his brothers.

  She smiled as she shook their hands hello. They were strikingly handsome men. Tall, dark, and eyes the deepest blue she had ever seen.

  “Such a pleasure to meet you, Adel. Are Hank, Will, and Leo here, too?” JT asked, looking around. She took a peek over her shoulder and saw Hank still speaking with the women and appearing quite enthralled in the conversation.

  “He’s right over there near your mom. I just met her a short time ago. This is quite the fundraising event.”

  “Yes it is,” JR said to her then Credence stopped the waiter walking around with champagne. He offered her some and she accepted the glass from him as Credence passed them around.

  “Have you worked for the Ferguson brothers long?” JT asked her as his eyes zeroed in on her breasts then her lips and eyes.

  “A little over a year.” She felt a little uncomfortable standing here with three men she didn’t know and each so good-looking and charismatic, but her date was not coming back so quickly so she might as well find out who these men were.

  The longer they talked the more she realized that they were very nice men and very professional. They took pride in the family business so she pointed out how Ferguson construction was a family business and how she was friends with Harold and he got her the job with the company.

  “How is it working for those three? I hear that Hank went through a handful of personal assistants,” Credence said and she wondered if he were trying to steer her clear of getting into a personal relationship with Hank. He seemed to have a bit of an attitude when it came to Hank. Maybe he was just jealous.

  “She must be amazing because she’s lasted the longest,” JR added before she could respond.

  “He’s a hard one to work with from what I’ve heard. Not very personable,” Credence added, and JT and JR mumbled a reply that seemed unsure.

  “From what I’ve learned over the year working for Hank is that he takes the business and his family’s well-being as priority and his responsibility. That being said, there’s a lot of pressure when you’re the one taking the hits, the negatives and positives as the fall guy. You gentleman probably understand that and feel that way sometimes, too, considering this was your father’s company. It’s something to be proud of, and I think Hank has accomplished that. With the help of Leo and Will of course, but that’s just my observation as a personal assistant,” she said then took a sip of champagne.

  “Hello, JT, JR. Thank you, Credence, for keeping Adel company while I was held up,” Hank said, joining them and keeping a hand at Adel’s lower back. The men smiled.

  “Are you kidding? The pleasure was all ours. Adel was just talking about the company and her position there. I’d say she’s a good one to hold on to,” JT said to him.

  Hank smiled and Adel wondered if he would be angry that she spoke about the company and him.

  “Yeah, don’t go making her angry and firing her. We’ve heard personal assistants don’t last long around you,” Credence teased.

  “Well if he were foolish enough to do so, which I’m certain he isn’t, Credence, then I’d hire her on the spot. It’s not easy finding hardworking employees who are loyal to their bosses and the business,” JR added and winked at Adel.

  She smiled and lowered her eyes.

  “On another business note, how is the estimate and bid coming along for the job in Langley? I hope you’ll make the deadline in time,” JR asked.

  “We’ve been diligently working on it. My brothers and I want to make sure that we have everything correct. Adel’s been a huge help,” Hank said and nudged her shoulder. It was supposed to be brotherly but it felt completely arousing to her.

  “Well, Adel, if you have any questions before the final submission you call me directly. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have or even meet up,” Credence said as he held her gaze. She knew as well as the other men in the circle what Credence was doing. Hitting on her and trying to get a rile out of Hank. She needed to make sure Hank knew Credence’s game. She hugged Hank’s arm and felt the tension in it.

  “I doubt that would be necessary, Credence. After all, as I was saying earlier, Hank and his brothers are very thorou
gh and cover all their bases, but I’ll keep your offer in mind.”

  Credence nodded his head. Hank’s body tightened even more.

  The men excused themselves and Hank took her hand and walked her toward the large banquet tables adorned with food and ice sculptures. There were different types of imported cheese and fruits as well as carved meats, fresh breads, and an array of desserts. Along the wall were coffee and latte stations, cordials, after-dinner drinks of all kinds and a wide variety of other desserts.

  “This is impressive,” she whispered to Hank. His fingers gripped her hand tighter. She looked up, locking gazes with his deep blue eyes as he licked his lower lip and stared at her deeply.

  “You’re way more appetizing then anything here. Anything I’ve ever come across.”

  She swallowed slowly.

  “That’s quite the line, Hank,” she replied, feeling on the defensive and completely knocked off balance by him. His words, those eyes, and that deep, intense stare of his did a number on her body. She went to move and he gripped her hips as he pressed up against her back.

  He whispered into her ear, “That wasn’t a line. It was the truth.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t use it earlier on the women swarming around you?” she asked, letting the fact that she felt jealous earlier out in the open.

  “Not a chance. Perhaps you were laying your own lines down on the Morrisons and Credence, considering all three of them couldn’t take their eyes off of you.” He gripped her hips tighter and her whole body was on fire.

  “Maybe we should eat something before we head out. Come on. I want to be alone with you,” he whispered then kissed her ear.

  She was shaking she was so aroused and excited about being alone with Hank. The chemistry was definitely there, and also the possessiveness.

  He guided her along the way, each of them taking a few things to eat. They found a spot to sit by a small table and enjoyed some of the food, but when he brushed a thumb along her lower lip, claiming she had something there right before he kissed it away, she knew they needed to go, or her legs might not hold her up. She felt needy.

  * * * *

  Hank tried to slow his pace as they exited the affair that was way too crowded. He just wanted to get Adel into the dark parking lot by his car. He wanted to kiss her, touch her, hold her in his arms and relish in the fact that she was going home with him and not some other man wanting her at this party. She was stunning, smart, and loyal.

  “Ah, hell, baby,” he said as they got to the Ranger Rover parked in the dark. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply. The feel of her delicate hands rubbing along his back as he devoured her moans excited him more. He gripped her thigh and brought it up high against his thigh.

  He released her lips, nibbling along her jaw and then her neck.

  “You’re so beautiful, Adel,” he told her, his cock hard beneath his dress pants, his breathing growing rapider by the second. He wanted her. He wanted to lift her dress, rip off her panties, and fuck her so hard, so deep he got lost in her perfection.

  He tore his mouth away from her as he battled against what was right and what needed to be done. He couldn’t treat her like all the other women he had met in his life. She was different. She was sweet, pure, perfect, and his brothers were right, Adel would complete them.

  He stepped back and gripped her arm.

  “Get in the car.” She slid onto the seat and she looked at him with those sweet, doe eyes and he nearly faltered. He couldn’t take her like this and without his brothers. What happened tonight just solidified the fact that she was going to be theirs. All of theirs.

  He got into the driver’s side.


  “No questions. Give me a minute. There’s too much in my head,” he said and she turned away. He felt like a dick but he was losing his mind. It was like he was worthless, a mean son of a bitch all this time, and she was too good for him. Wasn’t that crazy? He was the one that turned every woman away and claimed they weren’t good enough for him. They were nothing in comparison to Adel. She was perfect.

  As he sped down the roadway he felt her hand touch his leg. He tensed up.

  “Hank, what’s wrong? What did I do that you’re angry with me?”

  He didn’t respond right away.

  “I didn’t like you flirting with Credence or with the Morrisons.”

  “I wasn’t flirting with them. They asked me questions, and I responded.”

  “That’s not what it looked like,” he replied.

  He drove a little faster.

  “Besides, I could say the same about you. You left me with Credence. You remained over at the tables with those women. They were touching your arm and hugging you and you did nothing to keep them off. Credence, JT, and JR didn’t touch me,” she replied.

  “He had his hand on your lower back.”

  “She was hugging, hugging your arm. Big difference,” she replied and he gripped the steering wheel tighter.

  It wasn’t until he got to the main entrance of his house, the one he shared with Will and Leo, that he realized he was taking her home.

  She didn’t seem to notice until the car came to a complete stop. He usually parked in the garage, but instead he parked right outside of the front entrance to their home.

  “For the record, I didn’t like them doing that to me but I couldn’t exactly push them off. It could be misconstrued as being handsy.” He opened the car door then slammed it closed. Before he made it around the passenger side she was out of the car.

  “That is such a lame excuse. I’ve heard it all, Hank. I get what tonight was about. It was about schmoozing the Morrisons and winning over Credence, the project manager. Would it have helped seal the deal if I slept with him?” she asked.

  That was it. Hank lost it.

  He pulled her close, lifted her up against his chest, and kissed her. Their hands were all over one another. He pressed her against the Range Rover and thrust his cock against her mound. She moaned into his mouth and tugged on his hair, fighting for control of the kiss. He ran his hands up her dress, pulled on her panties, maneuvering them and his hands, thrusting his fingers up into her cunt.

  She cried out, tearing her mouth from his and giving him full access to her neck and her breasts. He nipped her mouth and she thrust back against him.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. His fingers continued to thrust up into her wet pussy and he wanted more. He wanted all of her orgasms.

  “Credence can never have what’s mine and my brothers. Never.”

  He kissed her deeply and she shook as she came in his arms.

  “What in God’s name is going on?” Lee asked as he and Leo came outside only wearing jeans.

  Adel tried catching her breath as he pulled her away from the Rover and headed toward them.

  “Adel is going to officially become all ours tonight. No other man can ever have her but the three of us,” Hank announced.

  He waited for her protest, for her to deny what was happening between them, but it never came. Instead she laid her head against his shoulder and softly kissed the skin on his neck as Hank carried her into the house and to the main bedroom.

  * * * *

  Adel was shaking. She thought about all the things that could go wrong here. They could be using her. Not one, not two, but three sexy, wealthy, gorgeous men who had their choice of any woman they wanted to seduce. That scared her.

  Two, she could lose her job, the only income she had, and be forced to leave Chance from embarrassment and head back home to sulk and be told that she never should have left Bentley.

  Three, she could get her heart completely broken because even though she fought so hard to not let these three men into her heart, especially Hank, she did anyway. She stuck up for him, she praised them, and she was going to have sex with them.

  Hank set her feet down on the thick, soft rug. She barely paid attention to her surroundings, but could tell that these men enjoyed the regular things in li
fe, not the extravagant or showy stuff.

  The room was done in earth tones with deep beige on the upper walls, a dark brown on the lower walls, with crown molding as a trail rail along the center separating the two colors. The bed was huge, with a thick beige comforter and a bunch of different shades of brown pillows plus a few unique ones with deer heads embroidered on them. It was masculine and sexy like the three of them.

  Hank caressed her arms and looked down into her eyes.

  “What happened?” Leo asked, moving closer and taking in the sight of her. She couldn’t help but hope that both Leo and Will liked the dress.

  “Things got a little out of hand.”

  “Out of hand?” Leo asked, then reached out and stroked his finger along her shoulder, pressing the hair lying their behind her shoulder.

  “Hank.” She began to protest him telling his brothers what happened but he interrupted her.

  “Credence wants our woman,” he said and reached around her waist with his arm, found the zipper to her dress, and began to unzip it.

  “I hope you set that fucker straight,” Leo said firmly as he ran the back of his knuckles down her other arm, giving her goose bumps and making her nipples harden.

  “She’s here with us, isn’t she?” Hank asked and she gripped her dress against her chest as the material gave out.

  She wore no bra. The dress didn’t allow for it.

  Leo kissed her shoulder on her left side.

  “You’re going to be our woman, Adel. That means no other men but us,” Leo told her as Hank held a firm expression.

  “Does that go for the three of you, too? No other women?” she asked, voice cracking.

  “Hell yeah, baby. There isn’t anyone else we want but you. That’s how it’s been for quite some time,” Leo told her next.

  Hank caressed her cheeks and cupped them.

  “Say you’ll stay with us tonight. Make this official. Become all ours.”

  He softly kissed her lips and she was overcome with desire. She let go of the material of her dress and let it fall to the floor.


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