As Texas Goes...: How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda

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by Gail Collins

  100 In Columbus, Ohio: “Is the Cost of Private Tutoring Worth the Money?” Education News, November 11, 2011.

  100 In Colorado: Dinger, “Evaluation of NCLB.”

  101 “I can afford to”: “School Vouchers,” PBS Online Hour, November 27, 1998, available at:


  102 In 1998 Leininger provided: “Rick Perry Watch: Private School Vouchers,” Texas Freedom Network, available at:


  102 beneficiary of Leininger’s generosity: R. G. Ratcliff, “With Taxpayers’ Help, Perry’s a Long Way from the Cotton Farm,” (Houston Chronicle, online edition), July 26, 2009; “Rick Perry Watch: Private School Vouchers,” Texas Freedom Network.

  102 In 1999, Perry blamed: “Bush Makes State Senate Visit as Voucher Bill Hits the Floor,” Associated Press, as published in LubbockOnline, May 21, 1999.

  103 “If you got to meet”: April Castro, “Thousands Rally in Support of Vouchers,” Associated Press, February 8, 2007.

  104 “I tried to get”: Gail Collins, “Education On Ice,” New York Times, May 18, 2001.

  104 A reporter visiting : Stuart Eskenazi, “Learning Curves,” Houston Press, July 22, 1999.

  104 A school in Dallas: Ibid.

  104 In 2001, a Houston: Harvey Rice, “Three Plead Guilty to Fraud through Charter Schools,” Houston Chronicle, April 19, 2005; Stella Chavez, “School Operators Rarely Face Criminal Charges in Fraud Cases,” Dallas Morning News, April 5, 2008.

  105 Over in Florida: Kathleen McGrory and Scott Hiaasen, “How Some States Rein in Charter School Abuses,” Miami Herald, December 10, 2011.

  105 By 2010 there were 5,000: “Charter Schools,” Education Week, May 25, 2011.

  106 By the No Child Left Behind: “Private Education Management Organizations Continue to Grow—but Results Are Mixed,” National Education Policy Center, January 6, 2012.

  106 Bennett resigned: “Bennett Under Fire for Remarks on Blacks, Crime,” CNN, September 30, 2005, available at:

  106 By 2011, there were an estimated: Jenny Anderson, “Students of Online Schools Are Lagging,” New York Times, January 6, 2012.

  107 In Tennessee, K12: Gail Collins, “Virtually Educated,” New York Times, December 2, 2011.

  107 All in all, K12: Stephanie Saul, “Profits and Questions at Online Charter Schools,” New York Times, December 13, 2011.

  107 In Pennsylvania: Ibid.

  107 The prospects for: Ibid.

  107 A study by the: Anderson, “Students of Online Schools are Lagging.”

  7: The Textbook Wars

  Interviews: David Anderson, Keith Erekson, Julie McGee, Dan Quinn.

  108 In 2009, the nation watched: Mariah Blake, “Revisionaires: How a Group of Texas Conservatives Is Rewriting Your Kids’ Textbooks,” Washington Monthly, January/February 2010.

  108 In 2010, the subject was: Russell Shorto, “How Christian Were the Founders?” New York Times Magazine, February 11, 2010.

  109 They brought their supporters: Blake, “Revisionaires.”

  109 Products of the Texas: Ibid.

  110 Imagine the feelings: Eugenie C. Scott, “Texas Textbook Adoptions: Whither (Wither?) Evolution?” National Center for Science Education, Winter 1996.

  111 Its most famous campaign: Karen Olsson, “Mr. Right,” Texas Monthly, November 2002; Kathy Walt, “Religious Right Roaring into Race,” Houston Chronicle, March 9, 1996.

  111 Another organization Leininger has supported: Debbie Nathan, “Leininger Contributes to Conservative Causes with Money and Prayer, Wallet and Spirit,” Austin Chronicle 18, issue 22, available at:

  111 The chorus of objections: Patricia Kilday Hart, “Right Makes Right,” Texas Monthly, May 2002.

  112 Don McLeroy: Blake, “Revisionaires.”

  112 “this document that”: “Talk of the Nation,” NPR, March 16, 2010, available at:

  112 In 2010, the board: Blake, “Revisionaires.”

  113 “only majorities can expand”: Ibid.

  113 “The way I evaluate”: Ibid.

  113 If the students were going: Brian Thevenot and Niran Babalola, “The Revision Thing,” Texas Tribune, March 10, 2010.

  113 “As a State Board”: “The Texas State Board of Education: A Case of Abuse of Power,” ACLU Texas, May 13, 2010, available at:

  113 In 2010, the board tossed: Traci Shurley, “Name Confusion Gets Kids’ Author Banned from Texas Curriculum,” Fort Worth Star Telegram, January 25, 2010.

  113 The final product: “Texas Education Agency Proposed Revisions to 19 TAC Chapter 113, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Social Studies, Subchapter C, High School and 19 TAC Chapter 118, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits, Subchapter A, High School,” 4–43.

  115 When the discussions began: “What Does Dunbar Really Want to Teach?” TFN Insider, Texas Freedom Network, March 21, 2010.

  115 a terrorist sympathizer: “Education Official Stands by Her Obama Terror Claim,” Houston Chronicle, November 3, 2008.

  115 After McLeroy himself: Nathan Bernier, “State Board of Education Chair’s ‘Christian’ Remark Draws Fire,” KUT News, November 5, 2011.

  116 In 2011, the Thomas B. Fordham Institute: Sheldon Stern and Jeremy Stern, “The State of State U.S. History Standards 2011,” Thomas B. Fordham Institute, February 16, 2011, 142.

  116 “Maybe the most striking”: Shorto, “How Christian Were the Founders?”

  8: Speedy the Sperm and Friends

  Interviews: Bob Deuell, Fran Hagerty, Susan Tortolero, Michael Villarreal.

  118 “Is Jesus their”: David Wiley and Kelly Wilson, “Just Say Don’t Know: Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools,” Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, January 2009.

  119 Carrie Williams: Reeve Hamilton, “Texas Forgoes Federal Funds for Comprehensive Sex Ed,” Texas Tribune, October 4, 2010.

  119 a herculean effort: Wiley and Wilson, “Just Say Don’t Know.”

  122 Slightly over half: “Adolescent Sexual Behavior: Examining Data from Texas and the US,” Christine Markham et al., Journal of Applied Research on Children, October 18, 2011, 5.

  122 By the time they’re seniors: Ibid.

  122 third-highest rate: Ibid., 1.

  122 Sixty-three out of: Ibid.

  122 That compares to: “Adolescent Fertility Rate (Births per 1,000 Women Aged 15–19), 2000–2008,” WHO World Health Statistics, 2011.

  122 Back in 1992: S. K. Henshaw, “Teenage Abortion, Birth and Pregnancy Statistics by State, 1992,” Family Planning Perspectives, May–June 1997, 115–22.

  122 By 2008, when Texas’s: Susan Tortolero and Paula Cuccaro, “A Tale of Two States: What We Learn from California and Texas,” Journal of Applied Research on Children, October 18, 2011, 1.

  123 “I’m in politics”: “Prolife No Exceptions—Bryan Hughes and Bill Zedler,” YouTube, uploaded February 10, 2011.

  123 Governor Perry made an exception: Arlette Saenz, “After ‘Transformation’ Rick Perry Opposes Abortion in Cases of Rape and Incest,” ABC News, December 27, 2011.

  124 Texas has the second-highest: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, available at:, accessed December 20, 2010.

  124 $1 billion a year: Texas Health and Human Services Commission, “Impact on Texas If Medicaid Is Eliminated: A Joint Report Required by House Bill 497.” Eighty-First Texas Legislature Regular Session, 2009. December 2010, available at: http://ww


  124 800,000 increase: “Enrollment in Texas Public Schools, 2010–11,” Division of Research and Analysis, Texas Education Agency. October 11, 2011, ix.

  125 Since the Texas Freedom Network: Renee C. Lee, “Abstinence-Plus Emerging in More Texas Schools,” Houston Chronicle, December 27, 2011.

  125 “Abstinence works”: Evan Smith interview with Rick Perry, video posted October 29, 2011, http://www.texastribune


  9: Cooling to Global Warming

  Interviews: Sherwood Boehlert, James Marston, Martin Melosi, Tom Smith, Daniel Weiss.

  126 “In their eyes”:“Text of Gov. Rick Perry’s Remarks Regarding the EPA’s Takeover of Texas’ Air Permitting System,” Anahuac Progress, June 2, 2010.

  127 Marshall Kuykendall: Audrey Duff, “Cowboys & Critters,” Austin Chronicle, January 28, 1996.

  127 “Texans had spent”: Haley, Passionate Nation, 542.

  128 “First, . . . I will work”: Jimmy Carter, Letter to Dolph Briscoe, October 19, 1976.

  129 “a cocked gun”: “Texas Demos, Once Jubilant, Now Feel Betrayed by Carter,” New York Times News Service, printed in El Paso Herald-Post, October 20, 1977.

  129 “potential war profiteering”: “The Biggest Rip-Off,” Time, October 24, 1977.

  129 “If you can’t get Bob”: Robert Sherrill, “A Texan vs. Big Oil,” New York Times, October 12, 1980.

  130 “Instead of unleashing”: Julie Connelly, “Energy: Oil for the Lamps of Reagan,” Time, December 22, 1980.

  130 took down the solar panels: Arthur Allen, “Prodigal Sun,” Mother Jones, March/April 2000.

  130 When H. W. ran: Byron W. Daynes and Glen Sussman, White House Politics and the Environment: Franklin D. Roosevelt to George W. Bush (College Station, TX: Texas A & M University Press, 2010), 157–58.

  130 The first President Bush said: Ibid., 155, 157.

  131 Its goal: “Bush Signs Major Revision of Anti-Pollution Law,” Associated Press, printed in New York Times, November 16, 1990.

  131 “The American way”: Jack Beatty, “A Forecast of the 2000 Election Predicts Squalls and Continued Global Warming, The Atlantic, April 14, 1999.

  131 “This guy is so”: Ann Devroy, “Upbeat Bush Steps Up Rhetoric,” Washington Post, October 30, 1992.

  132 “If homosexuality was”: Michael Crowley, “Barton Fink,” New Republic, May 22, 2006.

  132 “I do not want”: Brian Montopoli, “Rep. Joe Barton Apologizes to BP’s Tony Hayward for White House,” CBS News, June 17, 2010.

  132 A cement company paid: Alyssa Battistoni, “GOP Fights for Dirty Air,” Salon, October 14, 2011.

  132 “You’ve got to understand”: Dubose and Reid, The Hammer, 96.

  134 The 2000 Republican platform: Daynes and Sussman, White House Politics, 196.

  134 Texas ranked first: John Mintz, “George W. Bush: The Texas Record; Evidence Contradicts Claims of Cleaner Air,” Washington Post, October 15, 1999.

  134 appointments: Ibid.

  135 When the firm that had won: Ibid.

  135 “Pat, we like wind”: Thomas L. Friedman, “Whichever Way the Wind Blows,” New York Times, December 15, 2006.

  136 Bush decided to resolve: Thomas M. DeFrank, “Bush Bares Environment Plan but Foes Say He’s Turned Texas Toxic,” New York Daily News, June 2, 2000.

  136 Under a law: Jim Yardley, “Bush Approach to Pollution: Preference for Self-Policing,” New York Times, November 9, 1999.

  136 “We have our limits”: Mintz, “George W. Bush: The Texas Record.”

  136 Marquez was a former lobbyist: “Toxic Exposure: How Texas Chemical Council Members Pollute State Politics and the Environment,” Texans for Public Justice, 1999.

  136 He championed a Clear Skies: Daynes and Sussman, White House Politics, 195.

  137 The environment in general: Ibid.

  137 “Not since the rise”: Howard Fineman and Michael Isikoff, “Big Energy at the Table,” Newsweek, May 13, 2001.

  137 “Conservation may be”: Richard Benedetto, “Cheney’s Energy Plan Focuses on Production,” USA Today, May 1, 2001.

  137 Ken Lay, who: John Nichols, “Ken Lay—Guilty, George Bush—Guilty,” Nation, May 25, 2006.

  138 In 2003, the General Accounting Office: “Energy Task Force: Process Used to Develop the National Energy Policy,” United States General Accounting Office Report to Congressional Requesters, August 2003.

  138 spending seven times as much: Lindsay Renick Mayer, “Big Oil, Big Influence,” PBS, October 1, 2008, available at

  138 “We’ll have a strong”: “Bush Won’t Ask Americans to Conserve,” ABC News, May 8, 2001.

  138 “That’s a big no”: Ibid.

  138 “It is a darn”: Carl Hulse and Michael Janofsky, “Congress, After Years of Effort, Is Set to Pass Broad Energy Bill,” New York Times, July, 27, 2005.

  138 A report by the Congressional: David Kocieniewski, “As Oil Industry Fights a Tax, It Reaps Subsidies,” New York Times, July 3, 2010.

  139 “It’s the arrogance”: Dubose and Reid, The Hammer, 111.

  139 “It is quite pretentious”: Paul Ford, “Weekly Review,” Harper’s Magazine, August 4, 2009.

  139 humiliating for Whitman: Ron Suskind, The Price of Loyalty (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), 127.

  140 “When I made”: Tim Dickinson, “The Secret Campaign of President Bush’s Administration to Deny Global Warming,” Rolling Stone, June 20, 2007.

  140 when the EPA issued: Katharine Q. Seelye, “President Distances Himself from Global Warming Report,” New York Times, June 5, 2002.

  140 when Bush held a press conference: Gail Collins, “The Fat Bush Theory,” New York Times, October 19, 2008.

  141 The Democratic minority: “The Most Anti-Environment House in the History of Commerce,” Committee on Energy and Commerce Democrats, December 15, 2011.

  142 Texan Ralph Hall: Coral Davenport, “Heads in the Sand,” National Journal, December 4, 2011.

  143 “destroying federalism”: Rick Perry, Fed Up (New York: Little, Brown, 2010), 88.

  143 Perry didn’t put any stock: W. Gardner Selby and Asher Price, “Perry’s Strong Views on Climate Change Can Be Muted at Home,” Austin American Statesman, October 21, 2007.

  143 “one contrived phony mess”: Perry, Fed Up, 92.

  143 Announcing the action: Asher Price, “Texas Sues to Stop EPA from Regulating Greenhouse Gases,” Austin American-Statesman, February 16, 2010.

  143 In response, climate scientists: “On Global Warming, the Science Is Solid,” Houston Chronicle, March 7, 2010.

  143 “I was just amazed”: “Interview: Larry Soward,” Texas Climate News, April 29, 2010.

  144 “I like to tell people”: Suzanne Goldenberg, “Rick Perry Officials Spark Revolt After Doctoring Environment Report,” Guardian, October 14, 2011.

  10: The Texas Miracle, Part II

  Interviews: Don Baylor, Michael Brandl, Sara Collins, Leslie Helmcamp, Christopher King, Rick Levy, Richard Pena, Bill Ratliff, Mark Strama, Alex Winslow, Mine Yücel.

  147 “For the last few weeks”: Rick Wartzman, “Texas, the Jobs Engine,” Los Angeles Times, July 3, 2011.

  147 “Since June 2009”: Glenn Beck, Fox News, June 14, 2011, available at:

  147 “Approximately 70 percent”: “Gov. Perry: Texas Workforce and Economic Development are Key to Prosperity,” press release, Office of Governor Rick Perry, January 15, 2009.

  148 “In fact, if you throw out”: “Recession Pounds Perry’s Jobs Fund,” Texans for Public Justice, January 27, 2010.

  148 “There is still”: The Perry quote was first reported by the Texas Tribune. You can hear the audio at

  148 “As the state of California”: “Texas Governor Woos Vernon Business
es,” Los Angeles Times, May 9, 2011.

  148 when a trade association paid: “Making Connection: State Officials and Their Special-Interest Travel Agents,” Texans for Public Justice, April 2007.

  149 Forbes: Joel Kotkin, “The Next Big Boom Towns in the U.S.,” Forbes, July 6, 2011.

  149 CNBC chose Texas: “America’s Top States for Business,” CNBC, July 13, 2010.

  149 Site Selection: Mark Arend, “Texas Soars,” Site Selection, March 2011.

  149 Chief Executive magazine: “Best/Worst States for Business,” Chief Executive, May 3, 2011.

  149 Andrew Puzder: Allison Wollam, “Will Carl’s Jr. Really Move to Texas,” Houston Business Journal, February 3, 2011.

  150 However, Logue told: George Skelton, “Gavin Newsom Treks to Texas to Talk Jobs,” Los Angeles Times, April 21, 2011.

  150 The gang was trotted: “Missing Context: When Political Worlds Collide,” (Houston Chronicle online edition), April 15, 2011.

  150 “As well as Texas”: Arend, “Texas Soars.”

  151 a Russian submarine invade Houston: McNeely and Henderson, Bob Bullock, 217.

  152 “When we were faced”: Hobby, How Things Really Work, 118.

  152 A study by the Institute: “Census Data Reveal Fundamental Tax Mismatch in Texas,” Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, September 2010.

  152 After the report came out: Robert Garrett, “Texas’ Low Income Residents Paying a High Share of the Taxes,” Dallas Morning News, November 19, 2009.

  153 The Council on State Taxation: “Total State and Local Business Taxes,” Council on State Taxation, FY 2010.

  153 Those pilgrims: Laylin Copelin, “Should Perry Get Credit for Texas Economy?” Austin American-Statesman, July 17, 2011.

  153 “a failed experiment”: “The Texas Lesson on Business Taxes,” Tax Foundation, August 17, 2011.

  153 The lawmakers refused: “Letter from Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn to Governor Rick Perry Regarding the Perry Tax Plan,” May 15, 2006.

  154 “the governor’s slush fund”: Paul Burka, “The Governor’s ‘Slush’ Funds,” Texas Monthly, May 13, 2009.


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