One Night Bride

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One Night Bride Page 14

by Brooks, Sarah J.

  I unwrapped from the towel, neatly folded it back onto the towel rack, and walked naked into the bedroom to find the bag of clothes Xavier bought. He gave me one look and stopped his packing.

  “What?” I asked, feeling insecure.

  “Nothing, you’re beautiful.” He smiled.

  It was a small moment, but it felt right like Xavier was my home. I shook away the thought and rummaged for something tasteful and cozy to wear. I found a nice pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I had noted the racy lingerie and laughed as I put on a satin thong and a low-cut bra. Xavier smiled too, watching me.

  While he made work calls and contacted a friend, I surfed the internet in the hotel’s business center, looking for a place I could afford with cash that would be something Xavier could stomach. I knew that Xavier would probably not allow me to pay for the hotel myself, but I wanted to keep him as far out of this as I could, so I was going to insist that he let me pay. I owed him that much for all that he’d done for me.

  I found a quaint little bed and breakfast that looked small and tasteful in the heart of the city. I then checked the bus schedule and found the two-day bus to Costa Rica left at noon the next day. I was pretty sure I couldn’t convince Xavier to join me on the bus, and frankly, I was dreading another bus ride, but there was no way I was getting on a plane. My father would definitely be able to have someone track me down if I did, and I couldn’t risk it.

  When I returned to the hotel room, Xavier was packed and ready. He’d tucked my bag of new clothes in his suitcase and was sitting by the bed waiting for me. “So where to?” he asked standing up to greet me.

  “Casa de la Rosa,” I flared my arm, in the spirit of fun and adventure.

  As soon as the taxi pulled up to the hotel, my heart sank. Casa de la Roaches was probably a more suitable name for the place.

  “It looked nice on the internet,” I apologized.

  “I’m sure it’s better inside.” Xavier didn’t sound too convinced but paid the taxi driver and gathered up our things.

  The woman at the check-in counter was nice. She had very limited English, but her demeanor was friendly and welcoming. I could tell by the look on Xavier’s face he wasn’t thrilled, but bless him for going along with my crazy paranoia. We carried our things to our room and opened the door with a real metal key. He looked at it with playful disdain.

  “This is novel,” he remarked, holding up the key.

  “Please let it be clean, please it’s clean,” I said as a mantra, praying we didn’t find anything worse than bad decor inside.

  He opened the door to a tiny room in bright colors. The floor was made of thick paver tiles and the furniture was mismatched and rudimentary. The bed was hardly big enough for the two of us. I laughed, having no other appropriate response.

  “Big Little Mr. Dean will barely have enough room,” I teased, jumping on the bed. “But it’s clean-ish.”

  Xavier set our luggage down. “Big Little Mr. Dean will not be happy, but he’ll have to get over it. It’s only one night.” He leered seductively, “We’ll make do, somehow. At least it’s cozy, no place for little Mrs. Dean to escape. BLMD will like that.”

  I noticed one side of the bed was pushed against the wall and immediately understood what he meant. I felt a flood of need wash over me thinking of myself pinned against that wall, impaled on Xavier’s cock. I did my best to ignore the sensations, or we’d be going at each other again. Something about him made me ravenous.

  “Little Mrs. Dean had better be careful and treat Little Mr. Dean nicely, so he’ll do the same.” Xavier looked at me with a smoldering glare, “BLMD isn’t always very nice I’m afraid.” His face broke into a devilish grin.

  “I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me pay for the room. I could afford much better than this and still stay incognito. There’s no way your father would know how much cash I was getting out of an ATM, that’s highly illegal.” He seemed pretty upset.

  “You can get cash later, just before we leave. I’m sure, if he suspects you’re with me, he’s tracking your debit card use. He’s done it before, and he’s always watching my money; that’s why I took it all out in Vegas. The ATM had a limit, but it was high enough to be my whole savings. If you take your money out now, there’s a chance he could have someone follow you, but if you take it out at a bank when we leave tomorrow, we’ll be gone before anyone notices.” I hoped he understood my logic.

  “Smart girl,” he conceded. “Well, let’s spend as little time in this room as we possibly can. I saw a nice restaurant as we drove up; I can at least take you out to a fancy dinner. I have plenty of cash for that.”

  I hated to turn him down again. “Yes, but maybe someone will recognize you …” my voice trailed off.

  “Okay, you name the place.” His smile was forced, but I appreciated the effort.

  “Let’s just go out and see what’s around; there were a lot of little places on the way over here.” I gave him an impish smile and grabbed his hand.

  “You have no idea how dangerous you are, Arcadia. Forget the trouble with your father and real criminals, you’re tempting me to eat street food and commune with the locals. I must admit, this will be a first.” His face crumbled a little with embarrassment.

  “I’m shocked,” I teased as I grabbed his hand and walked him out the door.

  As soon as we exited the motel, the hot summer air hit our faces. It felt thick and heavy, but there was a breeze and the vibrancy of the city invigorated our skin. In the distance, I heard a guitar playing. “Let’s go!” I exclaimed dragging Xavier with me, feeling lightness and happiness for the first time since all of this began.

  We weren’t drunk, but I was as carefree with him as we had been in Vegas. For the moment, nothing impeded my joyful feelings. We rounded the corner into a grotto, and there a guitarist played a lively tune; beside him was a violinist and a singer. A small gathering of people sat at tables in front of a makeshift shack where a woman was making food with her husband. The offerings they cooked up looked fresh and delicious.

  “This is the place,” I said bringing Xavier to a table tucked in the corner. His eyes were wide and a little fearful.

  “I’ll order us some food.” He was reluctant, but I was happy to see him play along. Xavier ordered many dishes that looked amazing and two cold beers.

  “Sorry, they didn’t have any wine,” he said apologetically as he set the many plates of food down on the small table and offered me one of the beers.

  “No worries, cold beer is perfect. How did you carry all of these?” I’d stepped away to the small public restroom after he went for the food. When I came back, he was balancing several plates.

  “Carefully,” his voice was exasperated, but not unhappy.

  The violinist had joined the guitarist, and their music was gentle and romantic.

  “Well, thank you. I would’ve helped, but my bladder hates me,” I said, helping him to arrange the plates.

  The singer finally joined the other two musicians. Her voice was soulful and sexy.

  “This is nice,” Xavier confessed, sitting next to me. “I’m pleasantly surprised.”

  “You need to get out and live a little more,” I teased, taking a fork and stabbing a piece of spiced meat and putting it in my mouth. It burst with flavor. “Wow, yum. You have to try this.”

  He took my fork and the half-eaten piece of meat and popped it in his mouth. It was sexy, him eating my food.

  “Oh, this is good. I like,” he continued talking while eating his bite, “to be lavished. I work hard for the finest things. My life is devoted to creating luxury and quality. However, I can see the merit in branching out a little.” His eyes regarded me kindly, with something resembling love. “When this is over though, I promise, I will treat you to the night of your life. You, my dear, deserve to feel what it’s like to have the finest.” His hand outstretched to mine and stroked my skin.

  His eyes danced in the low light of the setting sun, and I felt my heart
seize. Don’t fall in love; don’t fall in love, I cautioned myself, not heeding a word of my own warning. I stared back for a beat too long … as did he. We both went back to our food and focused our attention on the singer.

  “She’s quite good,” he segued.

  Beside us, an old couple got out of their chairs and helped each other to the small clearing before the performers. They were ancient, but beautiful dancing together. It hurt my heart even more. That’s what I wanted … exactly that. I flashed Xavier a cautious smile as another couple joined them. I took a deep breath to stabilize my heart.

  We ate a few more bites as I watched the couples gather. “It’s like an old romantic foreign movie. I didn’t expect things happened like this in real life. It must be nice to be so old and in love,” I said, instantly regretting it.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Crusty old man sex doesn’t sound so appealing,” he said.

  I hoped he was teasing. “Eww … well, now I can’t look at them,” I sighed. “And it was all so romantic; now all I can see is elephant skin and pickles.”

  He burst into laughter. “BLMD certainly will never succumb to such a fate,” he teased.

  “Lucky for the shriveled up old lady he’ll get to bed for the rest of his life.” My voice was flat but wistful. “Guaranteed Little Mrs. Dean is going to end up pruney.”

  I returned to my food, trying to block out the romance around us, my heart in my throat. Xavier must have sensed my melancholy because I felt his strong soft hand moving up and down my arm.

  “Do you want to dance?” His voice was soft and thick.

  “Not if you don’t want to.” I backed away, giving him space.

  “Arcadia …”

  I looked at him, my gaze distant and guarded.

  “I will never ask you something I don’t want. I don’t waste my time doing things I won’t enjoy, and I wouldn’t set myself up for misery. I’m much too selfish for that kind of altruism.” His face was soft but serious.

  I swallowed. “Yes, I’d like to dance.”

  With that, he took my hand and led me to the dance floor. Soon all eyes were on us. I let my head lilt to his shoulder and enjoyed his nearness, the music, and the atmosphere. At some point, the owners of the grotto restaurant had put out candles, and everything glittered. Xavier and I danced for hours, we drank beer and talked about our dreams and desires. He wanted to branch into women’s wear, and I wanted to be a part of a scientific research team. We spent very little time on the topic of children, but I told him I really wanted them. He didn’t balk at the idea. By the end of the night, I knew him better, and he knew and understood me more. We were still oil and water, but somehow, at least for the time we had together, we were the perfect mix.

  Chapter 19


  I had an incredible night with Arcadia; she was effervescent and beautiful. I never thought dancing in a decrepit little corner of a foreign country would be as thrilling as it was, but it wasn’t the mediocre musicians who were novel and interesting at best. Arcadia was the one who brightened up the space. Her beautiful smile, her sense of adventure, and the love blooming from her heart were what made the evening. All night she swiveled her hips with abandon, carefree and beautiful, twirling around dancing as if no one was watching. She may not have had any formal dance training, but her body knew how to move.

  I could better understand how people fell in love with Latin America. The pulsing music, vibrant colors, and spicy food brought out the best in Arcadia who seemed to be an expression of all of it; boundless joy and exuberance radiated off her like waves of magic.

  When I got back to the motel, I knew she was tired, and as much as I wanted to make love to her in our tiny crazy room, I also wanted her to sleep. I was doubtful that she slept well for her two days on the bus, and I knew how little we slept the night before that. She dropped her clothes and placed them neatly on the chair and only wore her lacy underwear to bed.

  “I still haven’t seen you in my boy shorts,” I whispered in her ear as I angled in closer.

  “Do you want me to change?” she asked with a sleepy grog.

  “I don’t ever want you to change,” I answered, not truly answering her question as I kissed her cheek.

  “Does LBD whatever, what to play?” She was so tired and groggy she mumbled most of the sentence.

  I planted a kiss on her soft, warm lips. I was content to sleep next to her to watch her get much-needed rest knowing she was safe in my arms. “No, Big Little Mr. Dean wants you to sleep well.” I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Good night, Xavier,” she barely said.

  “Good night my love,” I returned, but she was already fast asleep.

  We slept peacefully all night long. I loved the feel of her body next to mine, and while the place was a shack in the middle of a crazy, bustling city, I was glad she insisted we stay there. I did feel safer as if we were no one in particular, having an adventure. She was right; no one recognized me all night, and most likely they wouldn’t. This wasn’t my client base. That gave me a deep level of peace. It felt good going off the grid; it felt liberating and safe.

  We woke up at mid-morning, still fairly tired. I regretted not having a big beautiful bath to play in to invigorate us, but the tiny shower stall would have to do; it’d be quick, but would get the job done.

  “What time do we have to catch the bus?” I asked her, not letting her know there was no way I was getting on a bus for two days.

  “It leaves at two o’clock. What time is it?” She looked a little worried.

  “It’s only eleven; we have time.” I smiled, my morning wood jutting out proudly between us.

  She looked at it and smiled. “Big Little Mr. Dean is awake I see,” she said as she wiggled her body on my rigid cock.

  “He is,” I wiggled back as I lifted her leg over mine and slid my fingers along Arcadia’s pussy, which was already damp. “Little Mrs. Dean needs some encouragement,” I commented as I slid down her body and feasted on the folds of her delicate skin.

  I lapped her up with my tongue, tasting every part of her tender region. I then darted my tongue into her knowing it would send her over the edge, and it did. She called out my name, grabbed my hair, and I shifted back up to her, lifted her leg higher and slid my cock into her ever so slowly. Her moans of pleasure and pain made me ever more erect. I took my time entering her, feeling her pussy hug ever ridge and valley of my veined rod.

  I didn’t think it was possible for her to feel tighter, but she did; it was incredible. I waited until I was seated in her fully before I started to rock back and forth as she issued a few groans and mewls of ecstasy. She kissed my neck and slid her tongue down my chest to each of my nipples, sending bolts of heat to my cock as a call to move faster.

  I wouldn’t be hard fucking her this morning, this was going to be a soft and sensual burn, flaming the ever-growing heat between us. I moved out slowly as she bit her lip feeling every inch of me. Again in and out, gently as she met my dance with pulsing thrusts of her own. I wasn’t wearing a condom, so I had to be mindful of my own passions. I couldn’t let myself get carried away, but my movements involuntarily quickened as I rolled her closer laying, side by side, face to face, our legs tangled in one another I thrust, and she pulsed until we were twirled in knots.

  Her kissing stopped as she concentrated on the pleasure overwhelming her. “Oh, my God, Xavier,” she sang as her body convulsed and constricted around my cock, her face flush with delight, her ambrosia coating me as I felt my own release welling.

  I didn’t want to pull out of her, not then, and perhaps not ever. I loved being joined, a part of her, skin to skin, soul to soul. Despite my reluctance, I wasn’t ready to be a father, and Arcadia had enough complicating her life, so I slowly eased out of her as she sucked in air, coming down from her high. I ejaculated on her belly, letting my cum coat her stomach.

  Her fingers swirled in my spunk as if to massage it into her skin, her bright sm
ile delightful and sated with love. I kissed her hot forehead and rolled off the tiny bed.

  “We need a shower before we go,” I said. “Up and at um. The shower is small, but we’ll both fit.” I was commanding and dominating again, back to my comfort zone.

  “Can’t we just stay in bed a few minutes more?” she begged like a child.

  “If you want to smell like sex on the bus, by all means, stay in bed,” I said as I walked into the bathroom, expecting her to follow me.

  I stepped into the shower, which was barely big enough for me and was grateful for Arcadia’s slim size. She followed close behind me and wrangled her way in. As soon as the warm water hit our skin, we laughed.

  “Um, maybe we should take turns.” She giggled as her body hit my hardening cock as she turned to the soap dish, her ass on my cock as she grabbed for the shampoo.

  I was always able to go for at least two or more rounds, but I never recalled recovering as fast as I had with Arcadia. My cock was semi hard by the time her perfect ass knocked it. She started washing her hair, turning back around, arousing my cock more to hand me the shampoo.

  “Do you want me to wash your hair,” she asked, suds frothing all over her curly locks.

  I considered the offer and decided it was best to have her wash me, that way her gorgeous body would be in the perfect place to arouse my cock into action.

  “Please,” I said, bringing her in closer so she could feel my growing desire as I moved my body along hers.

  She understood my meaning immediately and started to wash my hair and grind on me at the same time. It didn’t take long before both of us were covered in suds and my cock was ready for her again. She washed the shampoo all over my body, knowing it was more viscous than soap, smart girl. She paid close attention to my cock which was wanting her again.

  I took the shampoo bottle out of her hands and put it back on the shelf.

  “Thank you, Arcadia. You’ve got my cock all nice and clean, now to return the favor,” I purred as I turned her back around so that wonderful ass was on me and lifted her leg. My hand generously lathered her pussy, and I slid myself into her heaven.


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