Dream Dimension: Rise of the Dreamer

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Dream Dimension: Rise of the Dreamer Page 4


  Dennis was staring at SSA Gates, dumbfounded. He was visibly appalled at how much information the FBI had gathered on him. In a very subdued and quiet voice he asked, “Can you please tell me what’s this all about?”

  “For God’s sake, can you please tell me why a man like you with your whole future ahead of you would team up with foreign terrorists to wreak havoc, kill hundreds of innocent lives and betray this great country that has given so much to you?”

  Dennis was visibly horrified and flabbergasted. “Me, with terrorists? What are you talking about? I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not involved with terrorists. You’ve made a mistake, I’m sure there is a mix up somewhere.”

  Gates raised his voice. “Cut the pretence! Three hundred people are dead because of you! Three hundred families are in morning because you and your terrorist friends decided to play God with people’s lives. Don’t sit there pretending to me that you don’t know what I’m talking about. ”

  “I beg your pardon!” Dennis exclaimed. “You have no right to talk to me that way.”

  “That is unacceptable! I will talk to you whichever way I please until you tell me how you and your accomplices were able to do what you did.”

  “I told you for the last time I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Dennis was breathing heavily and he was beginning to feel short of breath. He fumbled his pockets for his inhaler and felt reassured when could feel it was in his pocket.

  The agent placed a picture of Dennis’s car on the table before him. “Is this your car?”

  Dennis noticed that his car was pictured in a place he wasn’t too familiar with, but he knew he had seen the background of where his car was pictured, but he couldn’t place his finger where, and besides, the picture was taken at night. “Yes”, Dennis answered with dwindling boldness as he picked up the picture to take a closer look.

  SSA Gates placed another picture in front of him. It was a picture of Dennis making a call inside a telephone booth. “Is this you Dr Riley?”

  Dennis leaned forward to pick the picture. He remembered the place instantly. He could see the time stamp of the picture. He never makes calls in phone booths, but on that occasion, it was an exception. His heart began to race and he looked visibly frightened. He began to make a mental connection between the phone call he made that night to the FAA and the air disaster over Primford. His heart sank. How was he going to explain how he knew there would be an air disaster days before it happened. So much for driving across town, he thought. He could see how this was beginning to look.

  Gates spoke pointing to the picture. “Answer the question Dr Riley, is this you making a phone call from a telephone booth in this picture?”

  Dennis answered the question looking defeated. “Yes.”

  “Do you remember what you were doing here?”


  “Dr Riley, do you remember what you were saying here on the phone?”

  Dennis looked at him with a lump in his throat.

  Gates said, “If you don’t remember, I can refresh your memory with a recording of the conversation you had with the FAA call centre operator.”

  Dennis placed his head in his palms and sighed heavily. Do I tell this guy about my dreams? He would never believe me, I don’t even believe it myself. He looked up at the now standing SSA Gates. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Then tell me, what should I think?” replied Gates. Then he brought out a miniature recorder from the inner pocket of his suit and played back the conversation that Dennis had with the FAA telephone operator.

  Dennis was silent.

  “How many of you are in this terrorist cell?”

  No answer from Dennis.

  “What was the reason for this attack?”

  No answer.

  “Where did you get the explosives from?”

  Dennis refused to talk.

  “Who provided funding for this attack?”

  Dennis looked away.

  “Answer the questions!!”

  “I didn’t do anything Dennis screamed!”

  “Then how come you knew the plane was going to crash unless you were privy to some information!” SSA Gates asked. “Were you feeling guilty, was that why you made that anonymous call? Were you having a change of heart? Was that why they tried to take you out of the picture this morning before you ratted them out? If you corporate with the FBI, you might not get the chair.”

  Dennis looked stunned when Marcus had implied a death sentence. Tears started brimming his eyes. He sobbed. “I had a dream alright, I saw the plane crash in a dream and that’s how I knew it was going to happen.”

  Marcus Gates burst into laughter. “Is that all you could come up with? A dream? You are really one lousy fella. You have no idea the kind of trouble you’re in do you?”

  “I’m telling you the truth and that’s all I can say.”

  Marcus was just about to open his mouth to say something when there was a loud buzz. They both looked up at the door as if they could see who was on the other side of the door. Marcus proceeded to the door.

  As soon as Gates reached the door, Dennis noticed that Marcus was discussing with someone at the door, and he could not make out who it was. Marcus eventually stepped out of the holding room in order to continue the conversation with the other man who was most likely another FBI agent.

  Dennis was extremely afraid, he didn’t know what to do and who to call. He could see his whole life crashing right before him. Everything he had worked for his entire life was all going down the drain and there was nothing he could about it. He sighed heavily as he looked at the pictures that were still placed on the table in front of him.

  “Let me have a go at him.” The two agents stood outside the holding room and briefly glanced at the monitor linked to the hidden CCTV camera showing Dennis looking flustered.

  Marcus protested to his superior. “I can get him to talk, just give me some more time sir.”

  “I don’t doubt your abilities agent, but time is of the essence, Dr Riley might be the weak link to this terrorist cell, and if there are any more potential attacks, he’ll know about it. Why do you think they’re trying to have him killed?”

  “Okay sir,” SSA Gates said reluctantly.

  “One more thing, turn off the monitors and microphone.”

  Gates was puzzled at the request and slightly tilted his head to the right. “Sir?” he questioned. “That isn’t procedure.”

  “Trust me and do as I say.”

  “Yes sir.”

  The senior agent stepped into the holding room where Dennis was kept.

  Dennis’s head was bowed down to the table when the senior agent walked in. Dennis looked up at him and figured out that he must have been the person that SSA Gates was speaking to.

  “I’m Assistant Director Bob Floyd. I trust you’re comfortable?” Bob sounded soft spoken and very smooth.

  Dennis didn’t respond.

  “I just want to have a discussion with you.”

  Dennis stood up. “I’ve already told the other agent, I’m not part of any terrorist cell, I didn’t cause that air disaster.”

  “I know, I believe you.”

  Dennis opened his mouth in shock. He couldn’t believe his ears. Finally he had gotten someone who believed him. “Then why am I here?”, he asked.

  “I said I believed you but I didn’t say the FBI did.”

  Dennis was confused. “What do you mean?”

  Bob sat down across Dennis and placed his two palms on the table and gave Dennis a sinister look. “Let’s cut to the chase, I know who you are.”

  “What do you mean?” Dennis became cautious.

  “I know that you’re one of them.”

  “I’m not a terrorist!”

  Bob chuckled deviously. “You don’t know how to play this game. I know who you are, I know you’re a dreamer.”

  Dennis looked cautiously around the room as if he could see the hidden CCTV camera in the roo
m. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he lied.

  “Don’t worry, nobody can hear us, I’ve had everything turned off.”

  Dennis relaxed a bit. “How do you know me, are you a dreamer too?”

  “Not exactly,” Bob smiled. “I’m affiliated with another group who is also aware of the spirit dimension.”

  “What group is that?”

  “It’s a secret society, with few but very powerful, wealthy and influential members. You can find us in every political arena around the world, we even have a few presidents among us.”

  Dennis was taken aback and impressed at the same time.

  Bob continued. “We have immense power which is not only political and financial, but physical and spiritual as well.”

  Dennis raised his eye brows.

  “We are in control of world events.”

  “But I’ve never heard of you before.”

  “I said we are a secret society. Nobody knows we exist, we are just a myth to those who can’t confirm our existence. We have the real power, we can make problems go away.” Bob leaned forward. “We can make your problems go away.”


  “It will be like it never happened. On behalf of the society, I’ve been asked to make an offer to you.”

  “Do you have a name?”

  “We call ourselves The Rulers.”

  “Rulers of what?” Dennis was being sarcastic.

  Bob smiled. “Rulers of this world of course.”

  “What’s the catch?”

  “Just join us. I would call it a life time membership. You’ll be given authority and power to rule over regions assigned to you. You’ll have lieutenants that will report to you and follow your every order. People will fear you and you’ll become a man of power and influence. You’ll have everything you ever wanted.”

  “That’s a very generous and tempting offer.” Dennis admitted.

  “It’s a onetime offer. Many a people have sought for this opportunity, but were rejected.”

  “What makes me special?” Dennis asked.

  “You have potential, you have certain gifts that would make you a valuable asset to this society.”

  Dennis wasn’t stupid, he caught on quickly. “Or gifts that could prove to be a hindrance to your aims and objectives.” He remembered the dream he had of Nero making an attempt on his life.

  “You catch on quickly Dr Riley, but it’s all up to you. I’m making it easy for you now, but a time will come when you’ll have to choose whose side you want to be on and that time is coming very soon.”

  “Is that a threat?”

  “No, it’s a certainty, there’s a war brewing, not the physical kind you know. Battles in the spirit dimension that will have catastrophic repercussions in this physical world. At that time, you’ll want to be on the winning side. There can be only one victor, so choose sides wisely.”

  “So you’re beefing up your ranks?”

  “You could say that,” Responded Bob. “So, what will it be?”

  Dennis didn’t feel right about Bob and his so called Rulers. In fact, he didn’t feel right about anything at the moment. He was more confused than ever now. These Rulers sound scary. “I need some time to think about it. I need to consider all options.”

  Bob stood up and placed his hands on the table to make a statement. “It’s now or never.”

  Dennis looked down at the table. “What happens if I say no?”

  “It would be rather unfortunate if you did. You would lose on so many levels you can’t even begin to imagine. Your life wouldn’t be safe anymore and I wouldn’t be able to call off the hunt for your life. There’s a price on your head from the spirit dimension and there’s a great reward for whoever can get you first.”

  Dennis was scared, but he tried not show it. He also never responded well to threats. He stood up, placed his hands on the table and looked straight at Bob in the eyes. “Then I’m going to have to take my chances.” Dennis was scared and that’s all he could say.

  “I’m very disappointed to hear that. You’re a fool just like your father and just as stubborn.”

  “What do you know about my father?!” Dennis yelled.

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” Bob said, flipped around and walked to the door. He opened it and SSA Gates was waiting at the door. Bob glanced once more at Dennis, smiled and walked out and closed the door after him.

  The assistant director spoke to SSA Gates. “Do everything you can to get the necessary evidence against him, he’s as guilty as hell. I’ll also send more resources to assist you in this case, even if it means taking men off existing cases.”

  SSA Gates nodded. “Thank you sir.”

  “Don’t mention it.” Bob replied and walked away.

  Marcus Gates enters the holding room and tells Dennis who was bowed down, “Looks like you’re going into detention at a federal facility tonight,” said Gates with delight.

  Chapter 6

  Dennis was detained at a federal maximum security prison pending investigations. A lawyer from the state had been assigned to him and had come to visit him the following morning. He had a bad night. He couldn’t sleep well and he expected Joshua to appear to him in a dream in the night, but nothing happened. He felt lonely and abandoned. He was beginning to feel he had probably made a mistake by not accepting the offer from The Rulers.

  He also remembered that he was supposed to have been in Chicago to meet the person that Joshua sent him to in order to receive some training as it were on how to defend himself in the dream dimension. But that didn’t seem possible anymore, he was in detention now. He also remembered his research job at the university and his career as an astrophysicist. He remembered his dreams and aspirations. They were all disappearing because he felt he was doing the right thing. His state appointed attorney didn’t seem to improve the situation.

  “Dennis, they have a strong case against you and they said their still gathering more and more evidence.”

  “What evidence? There is no evidence, everything is trumped up and fabricated.” said Dennis.

  “Who could be trying to frame you?” The attorney didn’t believe him.

  There was no way that Dennis was going to tell him some mumbo jumbo about The Rulers. If they were as secretive and as powerful Bob Floyd made them out to be, then most likely nobody had heard of them, and he didn’t know who to trust anymore. “I don’t know, probably the FBI.”

  “The FBI? Why would they want to do that you? That sounds so farfetched.”

  Dennis buried his head in his palms. He was certain that he and his attorney were being monitored at the prison, but he wasn’t sure they could hear what they were talking about. He remembered the trip he was supposed to make to Chicago. “Can I get bail?”

  “I’m afraid that will be next to impossible. You’re being charged with terrorism and the murder of three hundred people on American soil. This sort of case has serious political and emotional undertones. The judge and the Attorney General will certainly want to send a strong message to all terrorists, you’re a scapegoat now.”

  Dennis stood up in desperation, he was highly exasperated. “Oh, what am I going to do?”

  “I think you should come clean and make a deal.”

  Dennis was cross. “Have you been listening to me? I told you, I didn’t do it. I’m not a terrorist, I’m a scientist. You’re supposed to defend me, not accuse me. Can’t we get the FBI and police to investigate this?”

  “They’re convinced that you’re their man and their hell bent on making sure you get the electric chair. As far as their concerned, this investigation is closed. If you are willing to give up the rest of the members of the terrorist cell, a deal could be made with the Attorney General for leniency. You would just get life without parole.”

  Dennis wondered if his attorney was just being thick or was he determined to get him convicted. He began to wonder if he was working for The Rulers. “What? I’m not serving a life sentence for som
ething I didn’t do.”

  “But the evidence so far points to you,” explained the attorney.

  “I don’t care, all I know is that I didn’t do it. If the police aren’t willing to investigate, then get a private investigator.”

  “That is going to cost a lot of money, a private investigator and all. A good one is pretty expensive, especially for a terrorism case. Besides, I don’t think too many investigators might be interested, there’s a lot of emotion in the air.”

  “Do you know you haven’t told me one encouraging thing today?”

  “I’m not here to encourage you,” said the attorney, “I’m here to tell you the truth, I’m being paid to tell you the truth and advise you on the best course of action, which is in your best interest. You’re going to the federal court tomorrow to be indicted before a grand jury. You’ll need to be prepared.” He stood up making his way to leave. “And think about what I told you.”

  The following day, Dennis arrived the court house in cuffs and leg chains wearing his orange prison overalls. He was close to tears and he felt like a dam of tears was about burst from his eyes. He was appalled about how the way his whole life had turned around in the space of three days. He went from being a research scientist, to America’s most hated person in history. The front of the court house was jam packed, it was like a media circus. Members of the crowd in front of the court house threw missiles at him and a couple of them were able to hurt him. The pain was excruciating. The policemen meant to protect him feigned ignorance. Dennis was sure from the expressions on their faces that the uniforms they were in were the only thing preventing them from joining the crowd to throw missiles at him as well. The paper and TV journalists bombarded him with questions, but he refused to answer them and ignored them. His attorney had advised him not to make any statements.


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