Do Not Respond

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Do Not Respond Page 13

by M R Field

  I roll back my shoulders to push away the rage that threatens to ripple against my back. I’ll tell the boys, and then I’ll not think of that bastard any more tonight. He can be on Monday’s agenda. I’ll have time to discuss how to proceed with getting the money by taking him to court. For now, my focus and my nerves were elsewhere.

  I run my finger along the collar of my shirt and tug it a little to the side. The bead of sweat lingering under my collar sends a little cool change to my neck, but it’s not enough. Nor is the air conditioning in my car. The dark wooden door labelled with a giant 2B is reason enough for this tension.

  Letty’s two-storey flat is nestled amongst a few other terrace houses, all built in the last couple of years to mimic the older ones in the suburb. She’s lived here for a few years, and I’ve never been inside. But I’ve driven past once or twice. For security purposes. For a guy who stubbornly decided he was hell-bent on not giving her the time of day, I gave her every frigging minute. What did I expect when I let unnecessary blame take over? My mum was right. My thoughts have been lighter since my trip home.

  I move my fingers from the suffocating collar to the steering wheel and grip it for a moment. I need to stop thinking about that kiss and calm the fuck down. Remember why you’re here. You can’t take her against the front door, for shit’s sake. As hot as that would be.

  Sighing, I move my head slightly before I reach down to the seat next to me and grab the single red rose. Tonight,isn’t a date, but I want her to know that things are changing between us. Memories of that kiss alone have me opening that door with gusto before I can stop myself. Calm your dick, dude. You’re not twelve.

  I’m about to take a step forward, but my phone rings from my pocket. I grab it, see Parker’s name, and answer it, slamming my car door shut.

  “Hey, Park. How’re things?”

  “Cole! Glad I caught you. I’m coming back late next week. Mum has already guilted me into going and seeing her. Are you going to be able to swing by?”

  “Yeah, sure, that sounds great. We need to sort out her birthday, too.” My brother groans down the phone, and I roll my eyes. “You’re helping, mate. If you think I’m doing it all, then think again. You’re back in the country, so no excuse.”

  “Just as long as she doesn’t try to set me up with one of her friend’s daughters. You know what she’s like.”

  “Funny, she doesn’t try that with me. You probably seem like more of a lost cause.”

  “Piss off,” he grumbles. “And she wonders why I travel away so much.”

  “Your mummy issues are screwing with your cheerful disposition,” I joke. “Anyway, gotta go. Awards night tonight. Just picking up Letty.”

  “Oh, nice.” His voice lowers. “Odette mentioned that you’re trying to be nicer. Calling her Letty is a start.”

  “Fuckin’ hell!” I grumble. “Does everyone talk about me?”

  “Sure we do. We have a live-feed blog, too. Just to upload all your best moments,” he teases. I hope.

  “I wouldn’t be surprised. Got to go before I’m late—”

  “Plus, Mum mentioned your chat the other day.”

  “Oh fuck,” I groan. “Why the hell are you guys talk—”

  “Cole,” Parker interrupts me. “On a serious note, you two have been dancing around each other for years.”

  “Park, I kno—”

  “No, you don’t. You think you do. But you’ve been hollow, man. Yeah, your work is going great, you’re a great brother, and all that jazz, but you aren’t you. Time to give it a proper chance. Don’t be a stubborn arse and fuck this up.”

  “Thanks, Park. Seems you’ve got the guilt serving down pat, just like Mum. I’m on my way to woo. If you let me get off the phone.” My fingers wrap tighter around the rose.

  “Odette and I have bets on, too. She thinks a grub is more romantic. So, get wooing.”

  You’re going to pay for that, little bro. “I’m going to mention to Mum that you’re interested in dating for that.” I hang up before he does make me late.

  As my steps take me closer, the pressure in my chest loosens. Being here, walking to her door has me calmer than I was before. I twirl the rose between my fingers and wonder if it’s too much. She deserves an entire florist for the shit I’ve pulled.

  I rap my knuckles against the door and wait. The overhead lights flick on and momentarily blind me, right when the front door opens. I raise the rose to give to her, but as I can’t see her, I feel disorientated. Before I can greet her, a very sharp voice interrupts my thoughts.

  “Hey, boss man, nice rose you have there for my lady friend. I heard you were being less of a douche. I’m going to put in a nomination for Australian of the Year if you keep it up.”

  I blink and raise my hand to block out the light and see Piper holding the door. I wouldn’t be surprised if the blog my brother was talking about were real. I’m feeling almost tempted to put down a bet myself for how tonight will go.

  “Hi Piper, nice to see you.” My voice wavers, and I try to cover the laugh that escapes before I continue. “If you have any information missing for it, I’ll be sure to help.”

  She grins, and her silhouette moves to the side to let me through.

  “Or better yet,” I say, as I step into the hallway, “ask my brother for updates, as he’s got bets on when my douchery will return.”

  “Fantastic, I look forward to discussing it with him.” She pulls the door closed, and I take a quick look around their flat, seeing an open living area with the dining area close by. A small but tidy kitchen is at the far end. A closed door in the other corner has me distracted, wondering if Letty is in there getting ready, before Piper’s voice breaks into my perusing.

  “Interesting,” she says. I look back at her to find her brow raised as she studies my charcoal suit with navy tie. “Did you message Letty today?”

  “No.” My lips push together as I scrutinise my suit. Is there something on it? My hand pushes my jacket against my chest as I look down to check for any marks or lint. Everything seems all right. “Is there something on it that I can’t—.”

  “You look fine.” Letty’s breathy voice cuts through my scrutiny as she descends the stairs. I freeze, taking her in. Her legs are bare to just under her knee in a deep blue dress that flares out and is fitted at her waist. The straps crisscross on her chest and wrap around her neck, and my fingers itch to trace them. Her hair is styled differently, with one side tucked down and pinned and with the curls on the other side flowing. She steps in front of me, and I look down and see tiny white polka dots printed across the fabric. Her dark lips smile up at me as she waves a finger between us. “We match.”

  I return her smile and raise the rose to give it to her. “For you.”

  Her slender fingers wrap around the rose, and I stare down at her beautiful face.

  “We do match, but you surpass me. You look spectacular.”

  Her cheeks darken, and my groin tightens from the memory of the last time I made her flush like that. I can barely hold myself back and bend down to kiss her cheek.

  Her breath hitches, and I smile against her skin as her whispered “thank you” makes me want to take her upstairs and make her flush in other places.

  “Have fun, kids.” Piper breaks our moment. “Thanks for giving my gal a lift. Saves me from doing it and missing out on The Bachelor re runs. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…. So, technically, your honour should be safe, Letty.” Piper winks at us and strolls past, grabbing the rose and putting a fair amount of swagger in each step as she reaches the sink. She grabs a little vase from the cupboard and places the rose in it.

  “I could tell you who he kicks out to save you the hassle,” Letty teases, and we both watch Piper’s shoulders tense. She turns to stroll to the couch as a small smile weaves on her lips. She’s like a wild Chihuahua.

  “You do that, and I’ll tell Cole how long it took you to get ready tonight.” She jokes, raising her hand to cup her mouth in
a mock whisper, “P.S. It was almost two hours. Two.”

  Letty gasps at me before grabbing her coat and bag from the chair near us. She indicates with her chin for me to follow her, and she walks briskly past the back of the couch, but not before she can grab a pillow and throw it at Piper. “He booted Adrienne!” She shrieks as she reaches the door and pulls it open for us. “Quick, she’ll embarrass me even more!”

  “Maybe I should stay then?” I tilt my thumb over my shoulder and watch her eyes narrow at me.

  “You do, and there will be no kiss at the end of the night!” Her face freezes as we both realise she didn’t mean for that to slip out. Nice to see where her head is at.

  I follow after all, the door slamming behind me as she rushes down the path and stops when I catch up with her. Her lips form an O as she blows out a nervous breath. Fuck it. One night thinking about it is long enough. My palm rubs along her cheek, I draw her closer, and I whisper, “What if I can’t wait until the end of the night?”

  “Okay.” Her voice lowers, and she stares at my goatee.

  I move my lips until they touch hers, rubbing my thumb softly on her cheek as I gently kiss her. She tastes like sweetness and sin. Her lips brush against mine as my body stiffens, struggling to not turn up the heat. We kiss for a few more moments before I pull back and watch her closed eyelids flutter until she is staring back at me. I smile and look at her, rubbing my finger under her lip to remove the smudged lipstick.

  Her hand reaches into her bag, and she retrieves her makeup to show me a small compact. “I can fix it in the car, no worries.”

  I don’t think any lipstick mishap is going to stop me from kissing you. As though she’s read my thoughts, she puckers her mouth before winking at me and then stepping towards my car, her coat still draped over her arm.

  As we draw closer to the Palladium and talk non-stop until I pull into the parking lot. Being next to her is as easy as breathing. I turn off the ignition, and we stare at each other for a moment.

  Letty reaches over and touches my leg, her eyes turning concerned. “Cole, I just wanted to say.…” Her tongue darts out to rub the edge of her mouth nervously, and she looks down for a moment before continuing, “Please don’t take this the wrong way, but since tonight is a work night, could we be ‘professional?’”

  I wait for her to finish, and she must take my silence for annoyance, as she rushes on. “I’m not saying I don’t want to explore what is going on between us, but since we haven’t talked about it yet, I’d prefer us to act like normal tonight.”

  My chest twinges, but I agree. “Yes, you’re right.” I rest my hand on hers. “Tonight is about the company. But.—” I pause, squeezing her hand a little, “—tomorrow night, if you’re free, can be about us.”

  “You’re asking me out on a date?” Her eyes brighten as her thumb rubs my fingers. Fuck, she’s cute.

  “Yep. It only took me a few years. I’m a slow learner.”

  Her face blanches, and I stumble forward to try to cover my idiocy. “Letty, tomorrow night we can talk all you like. Or, we can test out the durability of your lipstick. I think I’m up for either challenge.”

  Her lips curve, and I take the moment to lean in and kiss the edge of her mouth. Her face tilts toward mine, but I squeeze her hand and offer, “Tomorrow night, wear whatever you want. I want to get messy.” I wiggle my eyebrows, and she pats my arm.

  “Such a dork.” Tilting her head to the building, she says, “C’mon! Let’s see if we won an award. I want to rub it in the face of that bald wanker who stared at my boobs last year.” She grabs the handle of the car, but not before she quickly turns and grabs my face with both hands. “This is for good luck.” She lands a quick kiss on my lips and then rubs her fingers across them one more time. “We’re going to have a great night, Cole. Just wait and see.”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely.” I nod and step out of the car. Tonight is going to be a sensational one. I can just feel it.

  “Who’s the man?! Boss man!” Nige roars as we clink our glasses together, his eyes staring straight at me.

  “No, we all did it,” I argue, taking a sip and enjoying the guys’ carrying on.

  “Innovator of the Year kind of says, ‘you,’” Steve jokes as he admires the trophy and then points the pointy statue at me. “You.”

  “Nope.” I point my finger to each of the guys and Letty. “All of us. The Macaro project was a phenomenal effort. Thank you all.”

  He holds the trophy for me to accept and I take it graciously, pretending to bow. As always, I take a quiet moment to think of my dad, who I know would be proud of the company.

  I miss you, big fella. Hope you’re putting all the holes in one up there.

  I am grateful for the fantastic blokes who work for me, and my particularly amazing assistant. I lock gazes with Letty for a moment, and she stares at me in bewilderment. I smile at her, hopefully getting through to her about how much she means to the company and me. She blushes, shaking her head and takes a sip of her drink. My eyes can’t help but watch her mouth, and I grip my pint glass tighter. Her glass lowers and she rubs her lips together, breaking our eye contact and smiling down into her drink. Tease.

  “Cole.” Steve nudges my arm and I flinch, thinking he’s just seen our exchange. “That dickhead Dennis is over there.”

  He gestures with his beer over his shoulder, and my happy thoughts turn murderous as I see Dennis talking to the balding wanker Letty mentioned earlier, who we have a tender with. Dennis himself is looking very non-bankrupt in his crisp tailored suit. Yep, even his shiny shoes are pissing me off. The boys all turn toward him, and it’s a wonder he doesn’t feel our glaring eyes on him while he drinks his beer without any obvious guilt for ripping us off. Not a fucking seven-grand care in the world.

  “That fucker,” I seethe.

  “He needs that beer shoved up his arse,” Brad growls, staring at him.

  “Ignore him,” Nige interjects, and my thoughts of grabbing that prick by the collar disperse. “We’ll deal with it next week.”

  I shake my head and shift my eyes to the side, colliding with Letty’s gaze once more. My gut tightens. I told the guys all about the Dennis fiasco while she was in the bathroom at work on Friday. I didn’t want her to think it was an oversight on her behalf, as she handles all the banking, considering I’d sent her on a mad goose chase to be out of the office to avoid the prick. I thought it’d be best to tell her next week—once I had Dennis’ balls in a jar.

  I mouth, “Don’t worry, I’ll tell you later.”

  Except her mouth tightens, the universal female sign for, “Tell me now!” It doesn’t help with the boys randomly declaring ways in which Dennis should pay. I know that when she does find out, she’ll explode. I can’t have her going up to that prick. He is foul around her as it is.

  When we were kids she hated being left out, and she was a master of the silent treatment, when it was needed. I can see the tell-tale signs that she is going to hit me up with a huge wall until I tell her. Tonight she can have her little tantrum, and I’ll tell her tomorrow. Then I can kiss her boo-boos better.

  “I’m going to grab another round.” Brad raises his empty glass, but I don’t raise mine. I shake my head and put my empty glass on the bar top near us. If I weren’t driving, I’d have another, but I’ve reached my legal limit. Considering who is nearby, level-headed is where I need to be. While I try to catch Letty’s attention, she completely ignores me, lifts her drink, and finishes it quickly.

  Looks like my plans to woo will need to be in super-drive tomorrow night. Bring it.

  The night continues, with the team enjoying more drinks while I try not to put a boss/employee divide between us. It’s hard to be calm when your girl, pseudo girl, is actively ignoring you, but she’s not ignoring the bar.

  “So, have you thrown those pens out yet?” Brad teases as Letty punches him in the arm and laughs. I raise my eyebrow and chuckle.

  “Nope, not yet,” Looking directl
y at Letty, I add, “I’ve since discovered what excellent drumming they do against the desk.”

  Letty rolls her eyes, but a little smile threatens to break her composure.

  “I’m going to see what magic can happen with two of them.” The boys laugh as they continue ribbing into me.

  “Still surprised you’re alive after trying to water her bamboo. We even know not to touch that without a psych analysis,” Nige says.

  “Trust me, I’ve thought about having one done,” I joke.

  “Oh, come on! That’s ridiculous,” Letty whines, her voice slurring slightly. “I’m not that bad.” Her eyes still avoid me, but at least she’s interacting with me a little.

  “You can be bad anytime you want, Leticia.” Dennis’ voice infiltrates our group, and I turn to find him standing to the side of me, swaying slightly. His eyes trail up and down her body as his fish lips suck on the end of a beer bottle.

  “No thanks,” Letty answers. I watch her face tighten as she stares right back at him. Nige moves to stand between them, blocking Dennis from perving any further.

  “Hey! We were having a conversation,” Dennis protests, trying to step to the side, but Nige holds out his arm to stop him.

  “No we weren’t,” Letty snips.

  “Think you’d best be on your way,” Nige warns, looking down at the weasel.

  “Piss off, you poof.” He points the bottle at him, and Nige visibly flinches before his features tighten even more. Dennis’ voice breaks into a hiccup, and my jaw clenches. “I was just trying to make conversation with the pretty lady.”

  “No need to step in the way. I know which way you flow and my rod isn’t gonna row.”

  He chuckles at his own joke as Nige’s body shifts menacingly. Before he can react, my hand reaches out and clasps Dennis on the shoulder, turning him to me.

  “Mr. Bailey, I think you’ll find that your company is not wanted here tonight. Time to move on.”

  His eyes droop as he assesses me.

  “I don’t want to talk to you, Mr. Bailey,” Letty sneers, and I dart my eyes to her, trying to tell her that I’m handling it.


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